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Inmanta training

The goal of this training is multiple:

  1. Discover clab as a development tool, to manage a development lab
  2. Discover basics srlinux cli and linux's ip command
  3. Assert basic networking knowledge, such as ip and ospf
  4. Discover the inmanta orchestrator and use it to configure a network

Discovering clab


  1. Install Docker.
  2. Install Containerlab.

In the lab folder, you can find a topology file, defining the hosts and link we will deploy with containerlab. You can refer to the README in the lab folder to deploy and explore the lab. It is a nice exercise to configure the lab manually, the configs for the srlinux routers and the subscribers can be found in the lab folder as well.

The next steps assume that you have deployed the lab successfully.

Discovering the orchestrator

  1. Create a virtual environment and install inmanta in it

    $ python3 -m venv env
    $ source env/bin/activate
    (env) $ pip install setuptools inmanta
    (env) $ inmanta --version
    Inmanta Service Orchestrator (Open Source Edition): 2023.4
    Compiler version: 2024.0
        * core: 10.0.0
  2. Use inmanta-cli to create a project and an environment on the running orchestrator. Mind the importance of the --save option, it will create an .inmanta file in our current directory, saving the reference to the environment we just created, for all the later interaction with the orchestrator, the file will be automatically picked up, we won't need to specify the host, port or environment anymore.

    (env) $ inmanta-cli --host --port 8888 project create --name test
    (env) $ inmanta-cli --host --port 8888 environment create --project test --name test --save
  3. Open your browser at the following url to see the inmanta web console, you should see there the environment you just created: Orchestrator landing page

  4. Navigate the different pages by clicking around, nothing is happening there yet, we still have to tell the orchestrator what it should do.
