Initia.js is a TypeScript-written JavaScript SDK tailored for the Initia blockchain, enhancing the development experience with user-friendly TypeScript definitions and integration with Initia's core data structures.
- Improved TypeScript Definitions: Offers comprehensive integration with Initia core data structures for an enhanced developer experience.
- Core Layer: Includes key management, BCS serialization, and support for initia.proto.
- Client Layer: Facilitates API request generation and REST provider interaction.
Before installation, check the latest version of npm:
npm install @initia/initia.js
The usage section of this document provides detailed explanations and code examples of the most commonly used classes of the Initia.js library, which can be utilized both in a Node.js environment and within a browser.
REST(previously LCD) class facilitates interaction with the Initia blockchain.
import { RESTClient } from '@initia/initia.js'
const rest = new RESTClient('', {
chainId: 'initiation-2',
gasPrices: '0.15uinit', // default gas prices
gasAdjustment: '1.75', // default gas adjustment for fee estimation
and **gasAdjustment
**are optional, but essential for the fee estimation
An abstract key interface that enables transaction signing and provides Bech32 address and public key derivation from a public key.
import { MnemonicKey } from '@initia/initia.js'
const key = new MnemonicKey({
mnemonic: 'bird upset ... evil cigar', // (optional) if null, generate a new Mnemonic key
account: 0, // (optional) BIP44 account number. default = 0
index: 0, // (optional) BIP44 index number. default = 0
coinType: 118, // (optional) BIP44 coinType. default = 118
BCS(Binary Canonical Serialization) is the binary encoding for Move resources and other non-module values published on-chain.
import { bcs } from '@initia/initia.js'
// serialize, serialize value to BCS and encode it to base64
const serializedU64 = bcs
.u64() // type
.serialize(1234) // value
// deserialize
const deserializedU64 = bcs
.u64() // type
.parse(Uint8Array.from(Buffer.from(serializedU64, 'base64')))
// vector
const serializedVector = bcs
.serialize([123, 456, 789])
// option
const serializedSome = bcs.option(bcs.u64()).serialize(123)
const serializedNone = bcs.option(bcs.u64()).serialize(null)
Support types for BCS
`u8`, `u16`, `u32`, `u64`, `u128`, `u256`, `bool`, `vector`, `address`, `string`, `option`, `fixed_point32`, `fixed_point64`, `decimal128`, `decimal256`
Msgs are objects whose end-goal is to trigger state-transitions. They are wrapped in transactions, which may contain one or more of them.
Send coins to others.
import { MsgSend } from '@initia/initia.js'
const msg = new MsgSend(
'init1kdwzpz3wzvpdj90gtga4fw5zm9tk4cyrgnjauu', // sender address
'init18sj3x80fdjc6gzfvwl7lf8sxcvuvqjpvcmp6np', // recipient address
'1000uinit', // send amount
Delegate governance coin to validators (staking).
import { MsgDelegate } from '@initia/initia.js'
const msg = new MsgDelegate(
'init1kdwzpz3wzvpdj90gtga4fw5zm9tk4cyrgnjauu', // delegator address
'init18sj3x80fdjc6gzfvwl7lf8sxcvuvqjpvcmp6np', // validator's operator address
'100000uinit', // delegate amount
Undelegate governance coin from validators (unstaking).
import { MsgUndelegate } from '@initia/initia.js'
const msg = new MsgUndelegate(
'init1kdwzpz3wzvpdj90gtga4fw5zm9tk4cyrgnjauu', // delegator address
'init18sj3x80fdjc6gzfvwl7lf8sxcvuvqjpvcmp6np', // validator's operator address
'100000uinit', // undelegate amount
Execute move contract function.
import { MsgExecute } from '@initia/initia.js'
const msg = new MsgExecute(
'init1kdwzpz3wzvpdj90gtga4fw5zm9tk4cyrgnjauu', // sender address
'0x1', // owner of the module
'dex', // name of the module
'swap_script', // function name
[], // type arguments
bcs.address().serialize('0x2').toBase64(), // arguments, BCS-encoded
bcs.address().serialize('0x3').toBase64(), // arguments, BCS-encoded
bcs.u64().serialize(10000).toBase64() // arguments, BCS-encoded
Create a wallet and sign transaction.
import { Wallet, RESTClient, MnemonicKey } from '@initia/initia.js'
const key = new MnemonicKey({
'moral wise tape glance grit gentle movie doll omit you pet soon enter year funny gauge digital supply cereal city ring egg repair coyote',
const rest = new RESTClient('', {
chainId: 'initiation-2',
gasPrices: '0.15uinit', // default gas prices
gasAdjustment: '1.75', // default gas adjustment for fee estimation
const wallet = new Wallet(rest, key)
const sendMsg = new MsgSend(
'init14l3c2vxrdvu6y0sqykppey930s4kufsvt97aeu', // sender address
'init18sj3x80fdjc6gzfvwl7lf8sxcvuvqjpvcmp6np', // recipient address
'1000uinit', // send amount
const signedTx = await wallet.createAndSignTx({
msgs: [sendMsg],
memo: 'sample memo',
When sending coins with MsgSend
, sender address should be the same as wallet address.
is the action that sends your transaction to the blockchain code.
const broadcastResult = await rest.tx.broadcast(signedTx)
Query the balance of the account.
const balances = await'init14l3c2vxrdvu6y0sqykppey930s4kufsvt97aeu')
Obtain the return values of a Move view function.
const res = await rest.move.viewFunction(
'0x1', // owner of the module
'dex', // name of the module
'get_swap_simulation', // function name
[], // type arguments
bcs.address().serialize('0x2').toBase64(), // arguments, BCS-encoded
bcs.address().serialize('0x3').toBase64(), // arguments, BCS-encoded
bcs.u64().serialize(10000).toBase64() // arguments, BCS-encoded