Prometheus Blackbox Exporter
helm repo add appuio
helm install prometheus-blackbox-exporter appuio/prometheus-blackbox-exporter
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Blackbox-Exporter chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
config |
Prometheus blackbox configuration | {} | |
configmap-reload container name | configmap-reload |
configmapReload.image.repository |
configmap-reload container image repository | jimmidyson/configmap-reload |
configmapReload.image.tag |
configmap-reload container image tag | v0.3.0 |
configmapReload.image.pullPolicy |
configmap-reload container image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
configmapReload.extraArgs |
Additional configmap-reload container arguments | {} |
configmapReload.extraConfigmapMounts |
Additional configmap-reload configMap mounts | [] |
configmapReload.resources |
configmap-reload pod resource requests & limits | {} |
extraArgs |
Optional flags for blackbox | [] |
image.repository |
container image repository | prom/blackbox-exporter |
image.tag |
container image tag | v0.16.0 |
image.pullPolicy |
container image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
ingress.annotations |
Ingress annotations | None |
ingress.enabled |
Enables Ingress | false |
ingress.hosts |
Ingress accepted hostnames | None |
ingress.tls |
Ingress TLS configuration | None |
nodeSelector |
node labels for pod assignment | {} |
podAnnotations |
annotations to add to each pod | {} |
resources |
pod resource requests & limits | {} |
restartPolicy |
container restart policy | Always |
service.type |
type of service to create | ClusterIP |
service.port |
port for the blackbox http service | 9115 |
service.externalIPs |
list of external ips | [] |