- Added support for TYPO3 12
- Edit the Readme with Info Stuff
- Added data-mode "word" or "link"
- Add new Sponsoring
- Felix Mächtle
- Sebastian Schmal
- Added support for TYPO3 11
- Edit the Readme with Info Stuff
- Edit TypoScript default files for .typoscript
- Add extension key to composer.json - Thanks @RKlingler
- Felix Mächtle
- Sebastian Schmal
- R. Klingler
- fix File permissions
- Edit Composer.json
- JS fixed
not defined
- fix jQuery Setting for TYPO3 9 and 10
- Added support for TYPO3 10
- Refractored JavaScript
- bug in multilanguage handling
- Supports TYPO3 9
- Request to the server are now debounced with a delay of 250ms. This reduces the amount of requests.
- rootPidList-Parameter of the indexed_search-Extension gets used in word&link-mode
- If the search-suggestion-div is opened, you can close it by clicking somewhere else
- Added a class to the results-div (".search-autocomplete-results") that shows if there are results ("results", "no-results").
- Added Composer Support
- Edit Readme with "Use MySQL specific fulltext search"
- Due to a Bug in JS the JS-Code did not got initialized properly every time
- nothing
- added a new option to search the suggestion immediately after its selected
- nothing
- added extension - and controller name so it's always the right ajax-request (there were problems with tx_srlanguagemenu)