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File metadata and controls

100 lines (80 loc) · 3.15 KB


This is an example how to use Invokable scripts Cloud API to create custom endpoints that query data.

⚠️ Invokable Scripts are supported only in InfluxDB Cloud, currently there is no support in InfluxDB OSS.


  • Docker
  • Cloned examples:
    git clone [email protected]:influxdata/influxdb-client-swift.git
    cd Examples/InvokableScripts


How to test:

  1. Start SwiftCLI by:
     docker run --rm \
       --privileged \
       --interactive \
       --tty \
       --volume $PWD/../..:/client \
       --workdir /client/Examples/InvokableScripts \
       swift:5.7 /bin/bash
  2. Run Example by:
    swift run invokable-scripts --org my-org --bucket my-bucket --token my-token --url

Expected output

------- Create -------

▿ InfluxDBSwift.Script
  ▿ id: Optional("0945186f3962f000")
    - some: "0945186f3962f000"
  - name: "my_script_1650951739.551672"
  ▿ description: Optional("my first try")
    - some: "my first try"
  - orgID: "04014de4ed590000"
  - script: "from(bucket: params.bucket_name) |> range(start: -30d) |> limit(n:2)"
  ▿ language: Optional(InfluxDBSwift.ScriptLanguage.flux)
    - some: InfluxDBSwift.ScriptLanguage.flux
  - url: nil
  ▿ createdAt: Optional(2022-04-26 05:42:19 +0000)
    ▿ some: 2022-04-26 05:42:19 +0000
      - timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: 672644539.621
  ▿ updatedAt: Optional(2022-04-26 05:42:19 +0000)
    ▿ some: 2022-04-26 05:42:19 +0000
      - timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: 672644539.621

------- Update -------

▿ InfluxDBSwift.Script
  ▿ id: Optional("0945186f3962f000")
    - some: "0945186f3962f000"
  - name: "my_script_1650951739.551672"
  ▿ description: Optional("my updated description")
    - some: "my updated description"
  - orgID: "04014de4ed590000"
  - script: "from(bucket: params.bucket_name) |> range(start: -30d) |> limit(n:2)"
  ▿ language: Optional(InfluxDBSwift.ScriptLanguage.flux)
    - some: InfluxDBSwift.ScriptLanguage.flux
  - url: nil
  ▿ createdAt: Optional(2022-04-26 05:42:19 +0000)
    ▿ some: 2022-04-26 05:42:19 +0000
      - timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: 672644539.621
  ▿ updatedAt: Optional(2022-04-26 05:42:19 +0000)
    ▿ some: 2022-04-26 05:42:19 +0000
      - timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: 672644539.8399999

------- List -------

        0945186f3962f000: my_script_1650951739.551672: my updated description

------- Invoke to FluxRecords -------

        Prague: 25.3
        New York: 24.3

------- Invoke to Raw -------

RAW output:

,_result,2,2022-03-27T05:42:20.589649766Z,2022-04-26T05:42:20.589649766Z,2022-03-28T07:59:52Z,24.3,temperature,my_measurement,New York

------- Delete -------

Successfully deleted script: 'my_script_1650951739.551672'