Releases: inetprocess/libsugarcrm
Releases · inetprocess/libsugarcrm
Some hardcoded fields in SugarCRM are not detectable in vardefs
Can't ignore them in updateBeanFields
Bug when adding a button that contains capitalized letters in its name
1.1.14-beta button with capitalized letters was not found
MetadataParser + remove Labels
1.1.13-beta remove label method + MetadataParser
New methods in System to Disable Activities (speeds up some tasks)
1.1.12-beta Added 2 methods related to Activities
License changed from GPL-2.0 to Apache-2.0
1.1.11-beta License moved from GPL 2.0 to Apache 2.0
Add utility function to convert SugarBeans to array.
Fixes in CleanLangFiles and QuickRepair
1.1.9-beta Release 1.1.9-beta: Fixes in CleanLangFiles and QuickRepair
To be published to Packagist
1.1.8-beta Merge branch 'master' of git:// int…
Removed the logichook option to get the output (useless)
1.1.7-beta Removed the option display output, useless
BUG corrected: Finder error when a custom folder doesn't exist
1.1.6-beta Finder sent an exception when a folder doesn't exist