- Add new class
- Make PDO parameters available publicly
- Allow to specify the operator in where clause for Bean::searchBeans
- Replace use of
for compatibility with Sugar
- Fix parameter quoting in
- Force save of
- Import
as global variables on SugarCRM load.
- Fix call to Activity class when it doesn't exists on older SugarCRM version.
- Bug when getting the list of hooks: we had only one hook per weight because the array key was the weight
- Added getDB() in Bean
- Check if the custom table exists (because sugar returns the name without checking)
- Added
in bean in case we want to force thedate_modified
- Out of beta \o/
- Install performs offline without a web server
- Fix warning and output on System::repair
- Add more functions for specific Repair and Rebuild
- Tests improved
- Fix tests for Repair and Rebuild
- Fix issue where email address would not be retrieved in
- Button with capitalized letters was not found in MetadataParser
- Some hardcoded fields in SugarCRM were not detectable in vardefs
- If the entrypoint is loaded again with the same path, now return the same instance
- Add deleteBean + corrected entrypoint to reload the current user
- Remove useless constant and load current user when get entry point
- Lot of new Unit Tests
- Corrected sugarPath
- Invalid attribute makes a change in bean
- Moved method updateBeanFieldsFromCurrentUser in Bean.php
- Corrected a bug with searchBeans and getList that doesn't retrieve more than 40 records
- Added Relationship Diff
- Added exceptions when we can't retrieve the module table
- New class MetadataParser to add / remove buttons via SugarCRM Modulebuilder parser
- New Util to remove a Label
- New methods in System to Disable Activities (speeds up some tasks)
- Change the license from GPL to Apache 2.0
- Bean.php: Utility function to convert to array values.
- LangFileCleaner: Merge global and local version of variables.
- Quick Repair: Fix issue with Sugar7 record.php files not cleared.
- Add UsersManager class.
- Reworked Bean::updateBean
- Protect column identifiers in INSERT and UPDATE queries with QueryFactory
- Add LangFileCleaner class to sort and clean SugarCRM language files and make it easier for VCS
- Add Installer class to extract and install sugar from a zip file.
- Add SugarPDO to connect to sugarcrm database with php PDO
- Add Metadata class to manage