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react-native-cn-quill is a rich-text editor for react-native. We've created this library on top of Quill Api.

Why Quill

Quill is a free, open source WYSIWYG editor built for the modern web. Completely customize it for any need with its modular architecture and expressive API. Read more here.


This package is using react-native-webview. Please follow this document to install it.


Install using npm:

npm i react-native-cn-quill

Install using yarn:

yarn add react-native-cn-quill


Here is a simple overview of our components usage.

import React from 'react';
import { SafeAreaView, StyleSheet, StatusBar } from 'react-native';
import QuillEditor, { QuillToolbar } from 'react-native-cn-quill';
export default function App() {
  const _editor = React.createRef();

  return (
    <SafeAreaView style={styles.root}>
      <StatusBar style="auto" />
        initialHtml="<h1>Quill Editor for react-native</h1>"
      <QuillToolbar editor={_editor} options="full" theme="light" />

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  title: {
    fontWeight: 'bold',
    alignSelf: 'center',
    paddingVertical: 10,
  root: {
    flex: 1,
    marginTop: StatusBar.currentHeight || 0,
    backgroundColor: '#eaeaea',
  editor: {
    flex: 1,
    padding: 0,
    borderColor: 'gray',
    borderWidth: 1,
    marginHorizontal: 30,
    marginVertical: 5,
    backgroundColor: 'white',


QuillEditor is the main component of this library. You may easily add it to your application. It is also a wrapper for Quill and provides most of it's functionalities.

QuillEditor Props


Styles applied to the outermost component.

Type Required No


The Initial html string to display in editor.

Type Required
string No


List of custom css string to be added to HTML Head.

Type Required
string[] No


Name of default font-family. you may use it only when you've added a custom font and it must be default font of the editor.

Type Required
string No


List of custom fonts to be added to editor. For now just base64 embed font-face can be used. For more information check the example project. This is sample data you may pass to this property: [{name: 'Roboto', css: '@font-face {font-family: 'Roboto', src: url(base64);'}]

Type Required
Array<{name, css}> No


You may pass several options to customize quill to suit your needs .

Type Required description
{ id, modules: { toolbar, clipboard? }, theme, placeholder } No described below

HTML id of the container where the editor will be appended.

Type Required
string No


Placeholder text to show when editor is empty.

Type Required
string No


list of quill modules. (toolbar and clipboard implemented)

  • In order to enable quill's built in toolbar pass true or a simple array of format names to quill.modules.toolbar.
  • For clipboard module pass a clipboard object as string to quill.modules.clipboard. An array of matchers can be passed into Clipboard’s configuration options. These will be appended after Quill’s own default matchers. (from QuillJs docs)
Type Required
{toolbar: boolean | array, clipboard?: string; } No


    modules: {
              clipboard: `{
                matchers: [
                  ['B', customMatcherA],
                  [Node.TEXT_NODE, customMatcherB]


Specify Quill's officially suppoted themes. (custom theme hasn't implemented yet)

Type Required
'snow' | 'bubble' No


We provide two ways to import required 3rd party scritps and styles. this option is only for the editor's own scripts and styles like quill's script and styles and it's not related to custom styles.

Type Required
'local' | 'cdn' No


HTML element id of the container for the quill object.

Type Required
string No


Custom text or component to display before webview loaded.

Type Required
string | React.ReactNode No


The users in the JS code will have access to the Quill object and thus can create, import and register with the Quill object.

Type Required
string No

Example from Quill js website : Extending Blots

You can also extend existing formats. Here is a quick ES6 implementation of a list item that does not permit formatting its contents. Code blocks are implemented in exactly this way.

  var ListItem = Quill.import('formats/list/item');

  class PlainListItem extends ListItem {
    formatAt(index, length, name, value) {
      if (name === 'list') {
        // Allow changing or removing list format
        super.formatAt(name, value);
      // Otherwise ignore

  Quill.register(PlainListItem, true);


You may easily make your editor look good with the help of themes. you can pass color for background, text and placeholder.

Type Required
{ background: string; color: string; placeholder: string } No


The container component of webview. you may pass false to remove container or pass a custom component. Defaults to true which will wrap the webview inside a view component.

Type Required
boolean | React.ComponentType No


Automatically adjust size of the editor

Type Required default
boolean No false


Here is a simplified example on how to setup the an autosizing container

  container={true} // Make sure to enable the wrapping container (also custom container)
  initialHtml="<h1>Quill Editor for react-native</h1>"
    { minHeight: 100, maxHeight: 500 }, // Setting minHeight and maxHeight is optional


You may specify custom props for webview component.

Type Required
WebViewProps No


Calls when quill's selection changes.

Type Required
({ range: { index, lengthmber } , oldRange: { index, length }, source }) => void No


Calls when when the contents of Quill have changed.

Type Required
({ delta, oldContents, source }) => void No


Calls when when the contents of Quill have changed.

Type Required
({ html }) => void No


Calls when when the dimensions of Quill have changed.

Type Required
({ height, width }) => void No


Calls when the contents of Quill have changed or quill's selection have changed.

Type Required
({name , args}) => void No


Calls when the contents of Quill have changed or quill's selection have changed.

Type Required
({width , height}) => void No


The onfocus event occurs when the editor gets focus.

Type Required
() => void No


The onBlur event occurs when the editor loses focus.

Type Required
() => void No

Editor Methods


Focuses the editor.


Removes focus from the editor.

hasFocus(): Boolean

Checks if editor has focus.


Make the editor readonly.

enable(enabled: boolean = true)

Make the editor editable or readonly.


Checks for user updates and fires events, if changes have occurred.

Event Methods

on(name: String, handler: Function)

Adds event handler.

Content Methods

deleteText(index: Number, length: Number)

Deletes text from the editor.

getContents(index?: Number, length?: Number) : Promise<Delta>

gets contents of the editor with formats.

getLength(): Promise<Number>

gets contents of the editor with formats.

getText(index?: Number = 0, length?: Number): Promise<String>

gets string contents of the editor.

insertEmbed(index: Number, type: String, value: any)

Insert embedded content into the editor.


_editor.current.insertEmbed(10, 'image', '');

insertText(index: number, text: string, formats?: Record<string, any>)

Inserts text into the editor,


_editor.current.insertText(5, 'Quill', {
  'color': '#ffff00',
  'italic': true

setContents(delta: any)

Overwrites editor with given contents.


  { insert: 'Hello ' },
  { insert: 'World!', attributes: { bold: true } },
  { insert: '\n' }

setText(text: string)

Overwrites editor with given text.



updateContents(delta: any)

Applies Delta to editor contents.

getFormat(index: Range = current | number, length?: number = 0): Promise<{ [string]: any }>

Gets format from selection


_editor.current.getFormat({ index: 0, length: 5 });

getLeaf(index: Number): Promise<{ offset: number; text: string; length: number; index: number; attributes: Record<string, string> }>

Returns the leaf Blot at the specified index within the document. But RN can't push node thought webview event, will return simple result about selection attributes gets from first main parent of leaf


quill.setText('Hello Good World!');
quill.formatText(6, 4, "bold", true);

let [leaf, offset] = quill.getLeaf(7);
// leaf should be a Text Blot with value "Good"
// offset should be 1, since the returned leaf started at index 6, with text "Good" and length 4

Formatting Methods

format(name: String, value: any)

Format text at user’s current selection.


_editor.current.format('color', 'red');

removeFormat(index: number, length: number): Promise<Delta>

Removes all formatting and embeds within given range, returning a Delta representing the change.


  { insert: 'Hello', { bold: true } },
  { insert: '\n', { align: 'center' } },
  { insert: { formula: 'x^2' } },
  { insert: '\n', { align: 'center' } },
  { insert: 'World', { italic: true }},
  { insert: '\n', { align: 'center' } }

quill.removeFormat(3, 7);
// Editor contents are now
// [
//   { insert: 'Hel', { bold: true } },
//   { insert: 'lo\n\nWo' },
//   { insert: 'rld', { italic: true }},
//   { insert: '\n', { align: 'center' } }
// ]

formatText(index: Number, length: Number, formats: Record<string, unknown>, source: string = 'api'): Promise<Delta>

Formats text in the editor, returning a Delta representing the change.



quill.formatText(0, 5, 'bold', true);      // bolds 'hello'

quill.formatText(0, 5, {                   // unbolds 'hello' and set its color to blue
  'bold': false,
  'color': 'rgb(0, 0, 255)'

quill.formatText(5, 1, 'align', 'right');  // right aligns the 'hello' line

Selection Methods

getBounds(index: Number, length: Number = 0)

Retrieves the pixel position and dimensions of a selection at a given location.


const data = await _editor.current.getBounds(7);
//Ex. Returns { height: 15, width: 0, left: 27, top: 31 }

getSelection(focus = false) : { index: Number, length: Number }

Retrieves the user’s selection range.


var range = await _editor.current.getSelection();
if (range) {
  if (range.length == 0) {
    console.log('User cursor is at index', range.index);
  } else {
    var text = quill.getText(range.index, range.length);
    console.log('User has highlighted: ', text);
} else {
  console.log('User cursor is not in editor');

setSelection(index: Number, length: Number = 0, source: String = 'api')

Sets user selection to given range, which will also focus the editor. Providing null as the selection range will blur the editor. Source may be "user", "api", or "silent" From Quill Js Docs.


_editor.current.setSelection(0, 5);

Clipboard Methods

dangerouslyPasteHTML(index: number, html: string)

Inserts content represented by HTML snippet into editor at a given index.


_editor.current.dangerouslyPasteHTML(0, '<b>Hello World</b>');

Read about these methods and their functionality on Quill Api


The QuillToolbar component allow users to easily format Quill’s contents. QuillToolbar controls can be specified by a simple array of format names like ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strike'] or by just passing 'basic' or 'full' string to options prop. we've tried to develop it just like Quill Toolbar options.

If you prefer to use quill's built-in toolbar follow this instruction.

The QuillToolbar uses a series of icons to render controls. this controls by default applies and removes formatting, but you can easily extend or overwrite these with custom prop. For example we may add the image and clock (user defined control that inserts current date to the editor) handlers just like this:

Custom Handlers Usage

  const clockIcon = require('../assets/icons/clock.png');

  customHandler = (name: string, value: any) => {
    if (name === 'image') {
    } else if (name === 'clock') {
      this._editor.current?.insertText(0, `Today is ${this.getCurrentDate()}`, {
        bold: true,
        color: 'red',
    } else {
      console.log(`${name} clicked with value: ${value}`);

  render() {
          options={['image', 'clock']}
            handler: this.customHandler,
            actions: ['image', 'clock'],
            icons: {
              clock: clockIcon,

To see an example of how to fully implement this please check this Link.

QuillToolbar Props


custom styles to pass to the inner components.

Type Required
{ toolbar : { provider, root, toolset }, selection: { root, textToggle, ... }, separator, ... } No

For Example :

const customStyles = {
  toolbar: {
    provider: (provided) => ({
      borderTopWidth: 0,
    root: (provided) => ({
      backgroundColor: 'orange',


Reference of QuillEditor component.

Type Required
React.RefObject<QuillEditor> Yes


You may easily make your toolbar look good with the help of themes. you can pass dark, light values or custom theme object with size,color,background and overlay props. ex. { size: 30, color: 'white', background: 'gray', overlay: 'rgba(0,0,0,.5')})

Type Required
'dark' | 'light' | object No


QuillToolbar controls can be specified by a simple array of format names like ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strike'] or by just passing basic or full.

Type Required
'full' | 'basic' | array Yes


You can easily extend or overwrite functionality of QuillToolbar with custom prop.

Type Required
{ handler, actions, icons } No


Type Required
(name: string, value: any) => void No


You may pass a dictionary of icons to overwrite or extend the default icons of toolbar. for example: { video: require('../assets/icons/video.png') }

Type Required
Record<string, any> No


you may specify list of format names to be overwriten. for ex. ['video', 'image'].

Type Required
string[] No


The container component of QuillToolbar. you may pass false to remove container or pass a custom component. Defaults to avoiding-view which will wrap the webview inside a KeyboardAvoidingView component.

Type Required
false | 'avoiding-view' | React.ComponentType No


See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.
