If this code helps with your work/research, please consider citing Jessica Lee, Deva Ramanan and Rohit Girdhar. MetaPix: Few-Shot Video Retargeting. International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2020.
title={{MetaPix: Few-Shot Video Retargeting}},
author={Lee, Jessica and Ramanan, Deva and Girdhar, Rohit},
This code has been tested on a Linux (CentOS 7) system, though should be compatible with any OS that can run python, PyTorch, and Keras.
We have installed the following requirements through anaconda with python version 3.6.8, and we encourage you to use anaconda environments in order to simplify and make things easier.
$ cd metapix
$ conda env create -f metapix_environment.yml
Here's a general laundry list of what you should install:
- PyTorch
- Keras
- Skimage
- OpenCV
- Tensorflow (for Tensorboard)
- SciPy
- Pillow (PIL)
- Pip
- HTML4Vision
The following is the data directory structure that the code expects. We have a parent folder called data-meta
, and then we have a bunch of subdirectories. For each experiment run we have experiments
directory, which stores each experiment results in a separate folder (i.e. 001_TRAIN_PT). All experiments are enumerated and described by the mode (training, testing, meta-training, finetuning).
We also have the data folders, separated by the video ID, train versus test, and whether it holds images or labels. The images must be numbered as img_%08d.png
and labels as label_%08d.png
. # some data storage location
├── ...
├── data-meta
│ ├── experiments # store all experiments
│ │ ├── 001_TRAIN_PT
│ │ ├── 002_TEST_001
│ │ ├── 003_TEST_PW # also store results of posewarp
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── train_1_img
│ ├── train_2_label
│ ├── ...
│ ├── train_10_img
│ ├── train_10_label
│ ├── test_1_img
│ ├── test_1_label
│ └── ...
└── data-posewarp
│ ├── models # store posewarp models
│ │ ├── AUTH # store posewarp pretrained model here
│ │ ├── 003_TRAIN_PW
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── train_keypoints
│ │ ├── boxes_vid1.pkl
│ │ ├── keypoints_vid1.pkl
│ │ └── ...
│ └── test_keypoints # same as train format
You can find the youtube id's of the videos we used for our train and test set in datasets_used.txt
For more extensive ablation experiments, we stricly focus on the Pix2Pix architecture. All pathnames referenced in this section assume you have cd'ed into the directory pix2pixHD
First, edit the file pix2pixHD/options/base_options.py
such that the option --dataroot
points to your directory. All of our scripts use the default dataroot.
Then, importantly, you must symlink the directory called data-meta in the root of metapix/pix2pixHD/data-meta/
to this location.
$ cd pix2pixHD
$ ln -s data-meta /path/to/data_dir
Some sample experiments are included in the directory experiments
. These are bash scripts of python commands with option configurations that run the launch.py
script. Note that all runs have to be called from the root pix2pixHD directory.
$ cd pix2pixHD
$ experiments/071_FT_PT_ALL.sh # k = inf, T = inf baseline
We have the following modes and their description:
- train: Train a normal Pix2PixHD model.
- meta-train: train a new initialization using Reptile.
- finetune: Given initial weights, finetune in a k, T setting and test performance after finetuning.
- test: Given initial weights for each test video, get test performance.
- test_checkpoints: Will run a script that will test for validation performance each new saved checkpoint for another training run.
- test_all_list: Given a list of model checkpoints, test each of the weights.
- test_theta_init: Given an existing checkpoints directory with intial weights, run the intitialization as if it's a model itself.
In order to compare fairly across all methods, a testing class called MetaPixTest
will compares each output of each method (Pix2PixHD versus Posewarp) to the ground truth image, and it also has additional functionality such as computing the temporal coherence metric (standard deviation per pixel), and visualize a subset of the outputs. You can view it in file visualizations/golden_testset.py
. We load all the experiment directories, that must have data-meta/experiments/{exp_name}/viz/{vidnum}/generated/
folder for each test video that contains a generated image for all of the labels in the test_{vidnum}_label.txt
from golden_testset import MetaPixTest, FileType
str_base = '/home/jl5/data/data-meta/experiments/'
dirs = {
"name of experiment": "/home/jl5/..." # experiment directory path
m = MetaPixTest(dirs, FileType.png, data_root, path_to_store_scores)
mean_scores = m.test_images()
You can find sample runs of the visualizations that were used in order to generate visualizations of the videos in pix2pixHD/visualizations/
You can specify the experiment name and the experiment directory in order for it to be tested against the ground truth. In order to visualize the results of a subset of results, you can call the generate_visualization function that will select a subset of 100 results that will generate an HTML file in the new folder that lists all the images side-by-side. Warning: it was configured to work on my machine, so you may have to look at HTML4Vision (created by a labmate!) pathrep documentation to make it work for you.
If you wish to test another method, you should make sure that the images that your method output are 1) 512 x 512, 2) all have same file format, 3) produce an output regardless of the method's internal algorithm of cropping that is aligned with the ground truth image, which is just a center crop of the original 1280x720 image.
This code only updates the generator network. To update multiple models (like a generator and discriminator in the case of GANs), extract weights from multiple models and perform the same update operations. For more details, file reptile_implementation.py
contains the further implementation details.
Open posewarp/code/param.py
and edit the following fields with your file paths: project_dir, model_save_dir, data_dir, and save_img_dir. We actually use different data repositories for this method, because this method requires cropping and scaling, meaning we need the full size original image. We also store the keypoints and boxes since this method requires that, which we provide in the link. You can point the directory which stores the pickle files that hold the keypoints per video in the fields keypoints_path_train and keypoints_path_test.
Move the author weights vgg_1000000.h5
into the folder data-posewarp/models/AUTH/
, and rename it to 1000000.h5
. This will allow you to run the sample run below.
Sample runs can be found at posewarp/code/exp/
. These also need to be called from the posewarp