Faculty Club. Top floor of Franz-Schackhöfer-Haus.
Take elevator/stairs to the 3rd floor, than take the stair to the room.
Starting time of each session is approximative, except for the wecolming address.
Coffee, tea, snacks
10:00 - Guillaume Théroux-Rancourt. 5-10'
5' Walter Kropatsch. The Watergate team at PRIP.
20' Alex Palmrich, Jiří Hladůvka. Image Pipeline; Voxel Cell Separation; Combinatorial maps.
15' Janika Tulacs. Image pyramids.
20' Ráchel Grexová. Segmentation based on U-net architecture.
10' Oliver Troger. Semantic segmentation with point cloud based methods.
45' Anne Bonnin TBA
15' Alex Palmrich. Challenges we (will) face (Q&A / Discussion)
10' Ingeborg Lang. What has been done last year at UniVie.
20' Maryam Zekri. TBA
10' Klara Voggeneder. Radiation damage.
15' Lisa Weiss. Evolution of our measurement chamber, and testing it.
20' Guillaume Théroux-Rancourt and Danny Tholen. Synchrotron data so far and potential outcomes.
60' Anja Geitmann. TBA.