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2018-04-13 |
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{: #cs_popular_topics}
Check out what container developers are interested in learning about in {{}}. {:shortdesc}
{: #mar18}
Date | Title | Description |
16 March | [Provision a bare metal cluster with Trusted Compute](cs_clusters.html#shared_dedicated_node) | Create a bare metal cluster that runs [Kubernetes version 1.9](cs_versions.html#cs_v19) or later, and enable Trusted Compute to verify your worker nodes against tampering. |
14 March | [Secure sign-in with {{}}](cs_integrations.html#appid) | Enhance your apps that are running in {{}} by requiring users to sign in. |
13 March | [Location available in São Paulo](cs_regions.html) | Welcome São Paulo, Brazil as a new location in the US South region. If you have a firewall, be sure to [open the required firewall ports](cs_firewall.html#firewall) for this location as well as the others within the region that your cluster is in. |
12 March | [Just joined the {{}} with a Trial account? Try out a free Kubernetes cluster!](container_index.html#clusters) | With a Trial [{{}} account](, you can deploy 1 free cluster for 21 days to test out Kubernetes capabilities. |
{: #feb18}
Date | Title | Description |
27 February | Hardware virtual machine (HVM) images for worker nodes | Increase the I/O performance of your workloads with HVM images. Activate on each existing worker node by using the `bx cs worker-reload` [command](cs_cli_reference.html#cs_worker_reload) or the `bx cs worker-update` [command](cs_cli_reference.html#cs_worker_update). |
26 February | [KubeDNS autoscaling]( | KubeDNS now scales with your cluster as it grows. You can adjust the scaling rations by using the following command: `kubectl -n kube-system edit cm kube-dns-autoscaler`. |
23 February | View the web UI for [logging](cs_health.html#view_logs) and [metrics](cs_health.html#view_metrics) | Easily view log and metric data on your cluster and its components with an improved web UI. See your cluster detail page for access. |
20 February | Encrypted images and [signed, trusted content](../services/Registry/registry_trusted_content.html#registry_trustedcontent) | In {{}}, you can sign and encrypt images to ensure their integrity when storing in your registry namespace. Build containers using only trusted content. |
19 February | [Set up the strongSwan IPSec VPN](cs_vpn.html#vpn-setup) | Quickly deploy the strongSwan IPSec VPN Helm chart to connect your {{}} cluster securely to your on-premises data center without a Vyatta. |
14 February | [Location available in Seoul](cs_regions.html) | Just in time for the Olympics, deploy a Kubernetes cluster to Seoul in the AP North region. If you have a firewall, be sure to [open the required firewall ports](cs_firewall.html#firewall) for this location as well as the others within the region that your cluster is in. |
8 February | [Update Kubernetes 1.9](cs_versions.html#cs_v19) | Review the changes to make to your clusters before updating Kubernetes 1.9. |
{: #jan18}
Date | Title | Description |
25 January | [Global registry available](../services/Registry/registry_overview.html#registry_regions) | With the {{}}, you can use the global `` to pull IBM-provided public images. |
23 January | [Locations available in Singapore and Montreal, CA](cs_regions.html) | Singapore and Montreal are locations available in the {{}} AP North and US East regions. If you have a firewall, be sure to [open the required firewall ports](cs_firewall.html#firewall) for these locations as well as the others within the region that your cluster is in. |
8 January | [Enhanced machine types available](cs_cli_reference.html#cs_machine_types) | Series 2 machine types include local SSD storage and disk encryption. [Migrate your workloads](cs_cluster_update.html#machine_type) to these machine types for improved performance and stability. |
{: #slack}
You can see what others are talking about and ask your own questions in the {{}} Slack.