C++ Class Templates
One of the most important lessons: decompositon or factoring - breaking problems down into smaller and smaller pieces and solving each subproblem separately.
At the heart of decompostion is the concept of generality - code should avoid overspecializing on a single problem and should be robust enough to adapt to other situations.
A class template is a class that, like the STL vector
or map
, is parameterized over some number of types. In a sense, a class template is a class with a hole in it. When a client uses a template class, she fills in these holes to yield a complete type. You cannot create a variable of type vector
or map
, but can create vector<int>
or maps<string, string>
If we want to call this struct MyPair
and have it be parameterized over two types, we can write the following:
template <typename FirstType, typename SecondType> struct MyPair {
FirstType first;
SecondType second;
In many ways, type arguments to a class template are similar to regular arguments to C++ functions. If you work on other C++ code bases, you might see the above class template written as follows:
template <class FirstType, class SecondType> struct MyPair {
FirstType first;
SecondType second;
In this instance, typename
and class
are completely equivalent to one another. You can only substitute class
for typename
in this instance.
To create an instance of MyPair
specialized over some particular types:
MyPair<int, string> one; // A pair of an int and a string.
one.first = 137;
one.second = "Templates are cool!";
Classes and structs are closely related to one another, so the syntax for declaring a template class is similar to that for a template struct
. Suppose, for example, that we wish to implement a class Stack
akin to the STL stack
which represents a LIFO container.
template <typename T> class Stack {
void push(T value);
T pop();
size_t size();
bool empty();
deque<T> elems;
Notice that we've used the template parameter T
to parameterize the deque
. This is perfectly valid, and is quite common when implementing template classes.
The proper way to implement each of the member functions as follows.
template <typename T> void Stack<T>::push(T value) {
template <typename T> T Stack<T>::pop() {
T result = elems.front();
return result;
template <typename T> size_t Stack<T>::size() {
return elems.size();
template <typename T> bool Stack<T>::empty() {
return elems.empty();
In fact the STL stack
implementation is very similar to this one. If you define the function inside the body of the template class, you don't need to repeat the template definition. The reason for this is that inside of the class template, the compiler already knows that T
is template, and it's not necessary to remind it.
.h and .cpp files for template classes
One way of doing this is to create a .h file for the template class that contains both the class definition and implementation without creating a matching .cpp file. This is the approach adopted by the C++ standard library.
Putting the class and its definition inside the header file is a valid way to prevent linker errors, but it seems to violate the principle of interface and implementation.
Suppose that class clients need to iterate over the elements of the Stack
in the order that they will be removed. If we push elements 1,2,3,4,5 onto the stack, the iteration would visit the elements in the order 5,4,3,2,1. We need to add begin()
and end()
functions to the Stack
class that return iterators over the underlying deque
template <typename T> class Stack {
void push(T value);
T pop();
size_t size();
bool empty();
//deque<T>::iterator begin(); // Problem: Illegal syntax.
typename deque<T>::iterator begin(); // Now correct
//deque<T>::iterator end(); // Problem: Illegal syntax.
typename deque<T>::iterator end(); // Now correct
deque<T> elems;
The problem has to do with the fact that deque<T>
is a dependent type, a type that "depends" on a template parameters. Due to a somewhat arcane restriction in the C++ language, if you try to access a type nested inside of a dependent type inside of a template class (for example, trying to use the iterator
type nested inside deque<T>
), you must preface that type with the typename
keyword, such as deque<T>::iterator
or vector<T>::iterator
The implementation of the begin
and end
functions are shown here:
template <typename T> typename deque<T>::iterator Stack<T>::begin() {
return elems.begin();
template <typename T> typename deque<T>::iterator Stack<T>::end() {
return elems.end();
The code template <typename T>
declares that the membder function implementation is an implementation of a template class's member function. typename deque<T>::iterator
is the return type of the function, and Stack<T>::begin()
is the name of the member function and the (empty) parameter list.
At its core, C++ is a language based on modifying program state. int
s get incremented in for
loops; vector
s have innumerable calls to clear
, resize
, and push_back
; and console I/O overwrites variables with values read directly from the user.
const Objects
class Point {
Point(double x, double y);
double getX() const;
double getY() const;
void setX(double newX);
void setY(double newY);
double distanceToOrigin() const;
double x, y;
Note that there is a const
after the member function declaration, which indicates that the membder function does not modify any of the clas's instance variables. In C++ it;s illegal to mark a constructor const
, since the typical operation of a constructor runs contrary to the notion of const
Here is one possible implementation of getX
; similar code can be written for getY
. const
is part of function's signature, and C++ treats getX()
and getX() const
as two different functions.
double Point::getX() const {
return x;
In a const
member function, all the class's instance variables are treated as const
. You can read their values, but must not modify them. Similarly, inside a const
member function, you cannot call other non-const member functions. Because they can modify the class's instance variables.
void Point::distanceToOrigin() const {
double dx = getX(); // Legal! getX is const.
double dy = y; // Legal! Reading an instance variable.
dx *= dx; // Legal! We're modifying dx, which isn't an
// instance variable.
dy *= dy; // Legal! Same reason as above.
return sqrt(dx + dy); // Legal! sqrt is a free function that can't
// modify the current object.
Remember, const
member functions guarantee that the receiver object doesn't change, not that the function doesn't change the values of any variables
const References
This improves program efficiency by avoiding expensive copy operations. const
references capture the notion of looking at an object without being able to modify it.
void PrintVector(const vector<int>& vec);
Whether or not the original vector
is const
, inside the PrintVector
function C++ treats as though it were const
. It is perfectly safe to treat a non-const object as though it were const
because the legal operations on a const
object are a subset of the legal operations on a non-const object.
While it's legal to pass non-const objects to functions accepting const references, you cannot pass const
objects into functions accpeting non-const references.
Suppose we are given the following prototype for a function called void DoSomething(int& x);
, each of the following calls to DoSomething
is illegal:
DoSomething(137); // Problem: Cannot pass literal by reference
DoSomething(2.71828); // Problem: Cannot pass literal by reference
double myDouble;
DoSomething(myDouble); // Problem: int& cannot bind to double
In the first case, for example, that DoSomething
is implemented as follows:
void DoSomething(int& x) {
x = 0;
If we pass 137 directly into DoSomething
, the line x = 0
would try to store the value 0 into the integer literal 137, this is clearly nonsensical. Passing 2.71828 to DoSomething
fails for the same reason. The third call fails because myDouble
is a double
, not an int
However, suppose we change the prototype of DoSomething
to accept its parameter by const
void DoSomething(const int& x);
Then all of the following calls to DoSomething
are perfectly legal:
DoSomething(137); // Legal
DoSomething(2.71828); // Legal
double myDouble;
DoSomething(myDouble); // Legal!
Why the difference? In the first case, we might accidentally assign a new value to an integer literal; the second case ran into similar problems. In the third case, we cannot bind an int&
to a double
because writing a value to that int&
would result in incorrect behavior. When working with const
references, none of these problems are possible because the referenced value can't be changed through the reference.
const and Pointers
pointer-to-const syntax: const Type* myPointer, with the const
one the left of the star. You can also write as Type const* myPointer.
const pointer syntax: Type* const myPointer, with the const
on the right side of the star. A const
pointer is a pointer that cannot be assigned to point to a different value. You can modify the pointee but not the pointer.
a pointer-to-const (look but don't touch) vs a const pointer (touch, but only touch one thing), one trick for remembering which is which is to read the variable declaration from right-to-left. For example, reading const Type * ptr
backwards says that "ptr is a pointer to a Type that's const", while Type * const ptr
read backwards is "ptr is a const pointer to a Type".
As with references and references-to-const, it is legal to set a pointer-to-const to point to a non-const object. This simply means that the object cannot be modified through the pointer-to-const.
void SubtleFunction(const vector<string>& myVector) {
if (myVector.empty())
myVector.clear(); // Error! Calls non-const function.
Technically speaking, this function never changes the value of its parameter. However, the C++ compiler will still reject this code, because you invoked clear
(a non-const member function) on a const vector
A const
iterator is like a const
pointer - it can't change what element it iterates over, but it can change the value of the elements it iterates over. Check const_iterator
void PrintVector(const vector<string>& myVector) {
for(vector<string>::const_iterator itr = myVector.begin(); // Correct!
itr != myVector.end(); ++itr)
cout << *itr << endl;
How does the vector
know that it should hand back a const_iterator
when marked const
and a regular iterator otherwise? This is a technique known const-overloading and allows a function to have two different behaviors based on whether or not an object is const
template <typename T> class vector {
iterator begin(); // return a regular iterator
iterator end();
const_iterator begin() const; // return a const_iterator
const_iterator end() const;
void constFunction() const;
/* ... etc. ... */
int* elems;
Consider the following legal implementation of constFunction
Vector::constFunction() const {
elems[0] = 137; // it modifies the value of the elements pointed at by elems
Because the member function is declared const
, elems
acts as a const
pointer (the pointer can't change) instead of a pointer-to-const (the pointee can't change). bitwise constness vs semantic constness, Bitwise constness means that const
objects are prohibited from making any bitwise changes to themselves. But the class isn't semantically const
because the object was able to modify its data.
As a general rule of thumb, avoid returning non-const pointers from member functions that are marked const
Given our two conflicing needs - good interface design and good implementation design - how can we strike a balance?
class GroceryList {
GroceryList(const string& filename); // Load from a file.
/* ... other member functions ... */
string getItemAt(int index) const; // marked const
/* These data members now mutable. */
mutable vector<string> data;
mutable ifstream sourceStream;
GroceryList::GroceryList(const string& filename) {
sourceStream.open(filename.c_str()); // Open the file.
string GroceryList::getItemAt(int index) {
/* Read in enough data to satisfy the request. If we've already read it
* in, this loop will not execute and we won't read any data.
while(index >= data.length()) {
string line;
getline(sourceStream, line);
return data[index];
Because data
and sourceStream
are both mutable
, the new implementation of getItemAt
can now be marked const
. Once data members have been marked mutable
, any member function can modify them, so be sure to double-check your code for correctness.
What is const-correctness?
const-correctness requires that const be applied consistently and pervasively.
Objects are never passed by value. Any object that would be passed by value is instead passed by reference-to-const or pointer-to-const.
Member functions which do not change state are marked const. Similarly, a function that is not marked
should mutate state somehow. -
Variable which are set but never modified are marked const. Again, a variable not marked
should have its value changed at some point.