Create a Toggle Helper in Home Assistant. For example, input_boolean.pixoo64_album_art
can be used to control when the script runs. Establish it as a helper within the Home Assistant User Interface or YAML code. It’s best to do this prior to installation. Here’s how you can proceed:
- Open
. - Add this lines and restart Home Assistant:
name: Pixoo64 Album Art
icon: mdi:framed_picture
Ensure that the helper sensor is created prior to executing the script for the first time.
- Install AppDaemon from the Home Assistant add-on store.
- On the AppDaemon Configuration page, install the pyrhon-bidi, pillow, and unidecode Python packages.
# http://homeassistant.local:8123/hassi/addon/a0d7b954_appdaemon/config
system_packages: []
- pillow
- unidecode
- python-bidi
init_commands: []
Open /appdaemon/apps/apps.yaml
and add this code (replace or change values):
# appdaemon/apps/apps.yaml
module: pixoo64_media_album_art
class: Pixoo64_Media_Album_Art
ha_url: "http://homeassistant.local:8123" # Your Home Assistant URL.
media_player: "media_player.era300" # The entity ID of your media player.
toggle: "input_boolean.pixoo64_album_art" # An input boolean to enable or disable the script's execution.
pixoo_sensor: "sensor.pixoo64_media_data" # A sensor to store extracted media data.
temperature_sensor: "sensor.temperature" # HomeAssistant Temperature sensor name instead of the Divoom weather.
light: "light.living_room" # The entity ID of an RGB light to synchronize with the album art colors.
ai_fallback: "turbo" # The AI model to use for generating alternative album art when needed (supports 'flux' or 'turbo').
force_ai: False # If True, only AI-generated images will be displayed all the time.
musicbrainz: True # If True, attempts to find a fallback image on MusicBrainz if other sources fail.
spotify_client_id: False # Your Spotify API client ID (needed for Spotify features). Obtain from https://developers.spotify.com.
spotify_client_secret: False # Your Spotify API client secret (needed for Spotify features).
tidal_client_id: False # Your TIDAL API client ID. Obrain from https://developer.tidal.com/dashboard.
tidal_client_secret: False # Your TIDAL client secret.
last.fm: False # Your Last.fm API key. Obtain from https://www.last.fm/api/account/create.
discogs: False # Your Discogs API key. Obtain from https://www.discogs.com/settings/developers.
url: "" # The IP address of your Pixoo64 device.
full_control: True # If True, the script will control the Pixoo64's on/off state in sync with the media player's play/pause.
contrast: True # If True, applies a 50% contrast filter to the images displayed on the Pixoo.
sharpness: False # If True, add sharpness effect.
colors: False # If True, enhanced colors.
kernel: False # If True, add embos/edge effect.
special_mode: False # Show day, time and temperature above in upper bar.
info: False # Show information while fallback.
clock: True # If True, a clock is displayed in the top corner of the screen.
clock_align: "Right" # Clock alignment: "Left" or "Right".
tv_icon: True # If True, displays a TV icon when audio is playing from a TV source.
lyrics: False # If True, attempts to display lyrics on the Pixoo64 (show_text and clock will be disabled).
lyrics_font: 2 # Recommend values: 2, 4, 32, 52, 58, 62, 48, 80, 158, 186, 190, 590. More values can be found at https://app.divoom-gz.com/Device/GetTimeDialFontList (you need ID value)
limit_colors: False # Reduces the number of colors in the picture from 4 to 256, or set it to False for original colors.
spotify_slide: False # If True, forces an album art slide (requires a Spotify client ID and secret). Note: clock and title will be disabled in this mode.
images_cache: 25 # The number of processed images to keep in the memory cache. Use wisely to avoid memory issues (each image is approximately 17KB).
enabled: False # If True, displays the artist and title of the current track.
clean_title: True # If True, removes "Remastered," track numbers, and file extensions from the title.
text_background: True # If True, adjusts the background color behind the text for improved visibility.
special_mode_spotify_slider: False # Create animation album art slider
enabled: True # If True, attempts to crop any borders from the album art.
extra: True # If True, applies an enhanced border cropping algorithm.
wled_ip: "" # Your WLED IP Adress
brightness: 255 # 0 to 255
effect: 38 # 0 to 186 (Effect ID - https://kno.wled.ge/features/effects/)
effect_speed: 50 # 0 to 255
effect_intensity: 128 # 0 to 255
pallete: 0 # 0 to 70 (Pallete ID - https://kno.wled.ge/features/palettes/)
sound_effect: 0 # Setting of the sound simulation type for audio enhanced effects (0: 'BeatSin', 1: 'WeWillRockYou', 2: '10_3', 3: '14_3')
only_at_night: False # Runs only at night hours