A web application developed by the ICSSC at the University of California, Irvine, designed to help UCI students, faculty, and staff report and recover lost items on campus. The app enables users to easily submit details of lost or found items, search existing reports, and connect with others to reunite belongings with their rightful owners. Its goal is to provide a user-friendly platform to streamline the lost-and-found process at UCI.
Frontend: React Native, Leaflet
Backend: Node, Express, Firebase
Step 1: Install the AWS CLI (Download Link) for your OS
Step 2: To confirm that you have the CLI ready, go to your terminal or powershell and run
aws --version
Step 3:
aws configure
Step 4: Input the respective information:
AWS Access Key ID [None]: [paste your AWS Access Key]
AWS Secret Key ID [None]: [paste your AWS Secret Key]
Default region name [None]: [just hit enter]
Default output format [None]: [just hit enter]
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/icssc/ZotNFound.git
Go to the project directory
cd zotnfound
Install dependencies
pnpm install
Start backend
cd ./packages/functions
pnpm run dev
Start frontend
cd ./packages/web
pnpm run dev
View the local website at http://localhost:3000