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Sean Trott edited this page Jun 10, 2016 · 8 revisions

contact: [email protected]

The ECG Analyzer takes an input utterance and outputs a structured semantic analysis called a Semantic Specification (SemSpec). The ECG Workbench allows the user to enter a sentence or sentence fragment, parse the sentence, and view a graphical display of a SemSpec; the user can highlight boxes representing co-indexed semantic and constructional elements and view the tree structure of the sentence.

Opening the Analyzer View

By default, the Analyzer window should already be open at the top of the ECG Workbench display. The view looks like this:

(Analyzer view).

If it's not open, you can open the View by going to Window --> Open View --> Analyzer.

(Display for opening view)

Viewing the final SemSpec

(Sample SemSpec for "John saw the box")