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Isoform Structural Change Model (IsoSCM) is a Java application for transcript assembly that incorporates change-point analysis to improve the 3' UTR annotation process.

The paper is titled IsoSCM: improved and alternative 3′ UTR annotation using multiple change-point inference The application download is free to download The documentation was used as a reference to create the nextflow pipeline

Running IsoSCM workflow

IsoSCM preprocessing

IsoSCM is compatible with BAM files generated by many short read mappers but requires that spliced reads include the XS flag specifying the inferred strandedness of the spliced read. Without the XS flag, IsoSCM will error out as reported in IsoSCM's issue

As such, if the BAM input files provided do not include XS flag, this workflow provides the option to run STAR alignment to output BAM files compatible with IsoSCM. The STAR alignment is split into two steps:

  1. STAR genome generate
  2. STAR alignment

The STAR genome generate step is required to run only once per genome and takes around 25 minutes to complete. This outputs a star genome index folder. This step can be skipped by setting the parameter run_star_genome_generate in conf/modules.config to false if the user already has a star genome index folder they would like to be used for STAR alignment step. The star genome index folder provided by the user is specified by the absolute path in star_genome_index parameter.

The STAR alignment step can successfully run if the user runs STAR genome generate step as part of the workflow or provides a valid star genome index folder to be used. The user also has the option to skip this step by setting run_star_alignment parameter to false. Note that if run_star_alignment is set to false, the bam files provided must already include XS flag specifying the inferred strandedness of the spliced reads. This workflow will not check whether the user provided bam files have the XS tag, so proceed with caution.

Note that to run STAR genome generate, a genome fasta file is required.

Download genome fasta file

IsoSCM workflow runs STAR genome generate for STAR alignment. This step requires a genome fasta file. To run with test data, run the following to download GRCm38 genome fasta file: wget And then uncompress the file using the following command: gzip -d

Input & pre-processing

An example sample sheet is available at samplesheet_example_files.csv. Each row in the samplesheet has four columns:

  • sample: name of the sample (e.g control_replicate1)
  • bam: absolute path to BAM input file for the sample
  • strand: the strandedness of the data, can be 'reverse_forward' or 'unstranded'. reverse_forward is only for paired-end reads, while unstranded can be for both single and paired-end reads
  • read_type: whether the sample contains paired-end or single-end reads, can be 'paired' or 'single'. If sample contains single-end reads, strand needs to be set to unstranded otherwise the tool will error out Make sure each sample name is unique.

To run IsoSCM with test data provided for APAeval, check the path to IsoSCM with pwd and replace the path_to in samplesheet_example_files.csv with the path from the pwd command.

When using your own data and input file instead of the provided test data and sample sheet, make sure to include in the input file you are using the absolute paths to the bam files.

Running with Docker or Singularity


This workflow uses docker containers. To run with docker, make sure that docker is installed and running (e.g. to ensure docker is running, run the command docker --help and a help message should be printed). Additionally, make sure that line 49 in IsoSCM/nextflow.config file docker.enabled=true is uncommented while line 52 singularity.enabled=true is commented out


To run with singularity, comment out line 49 in IsoSCM/nextflow.config file docker.enabled=true and make sure that line 52 singularity.enabled=true is uncommented


Parameters used to run the two steps of IsoSCM are specified in conf/modules.config file. Parameters relevant to the workflow itself are:

  • run_star_genome_generate - if true, the workflow will run STAR genome generate to obtain genome index. This process takes around 20-25 minutes and only needs to run once per genome. Set to false if the genome index folder already exists.
  • run_star_alignment - if true, the workflow will run STAR alignment to output BAM files with XS strand tags required by IsoSCM
  • output_dir - name of the folder that the final output files are going to be in, located under Dapars/results/dapars/
  • identification_out_suffix - suffix of the output file for the current run ending with .bed. This will be prefixed with the sample name specified in the sample column of the input sample sheet e.g. samplesheet_example_files.csv
  • gtf_genome_file - absolute path to the input GTF annotation file can be obtained by replacing path_to with the path to IsoSCM by doing pwd, and if using your own genome file, make sure to use the absolute path to your genome file
  • fasta_genome_file - absolute path to the input fasta annotation file. If running with APAeval test data, download the fasta genome file by running wget inside of tests/test_data/ folder.
  • star_genome_index - absolute path to the star genome index folder

Running the identification workflow

  • Set run_identification parameter in conf/modules.config to true
  • Change identification_out_suffix parameter in conf/modules.config to the desired file name that ends with .bed
  • Change the output_dir to the desired directory name under IsoSCM/results/isoscm the identification challenge output will be in
  • An example sample sheet is samplesheet_example_files.csv.
  • Run the nextflow pipeline with nextflow --input samplesheet_example_files.csv

Running the relative usage quantification workflow

  • Set run_relative_usage_quantification parameter in conf/modules.config to true
  • Change relative_usage_quantifciation_out_suffix parameter in conf/modules.config to the desired file name that ends with .bed
  • Change the output_dir to the desired directory name under IsoSCM/results/isoscm the relative usage quantification challenge output will be in
  • An example sample sheet is samplesheet_example_files.csv.
  • Run the nextflow pipeline with nextflow --input samplesheet_example_files.csv

Output & post-processing

By default, each IsoSCM run results in an identification challenge file located under IsoSCM/results/isoscm/challenges_outputs/[sample]_identification_output.bed


  • Running STAR genome generate requires 30-40GB of memory
  • Running STAR genome generate takes 20-25 minutes and is only required once per genome
  • IsoSCM doesn't qualify for quantification challenge because IsoSCM assemble step outputs mean read density in the segments upstream and downstream of the polyA site but doesn't output the TPM value for each identified site that is required for quantification challengenge output
  • IsoSCM doesn't qualify for differential challnege because the compare step provides a confidence score representing the likelihood that a change-point occurs at the given position, compared to a null model that no change-point at this position. However, this doesn't exactly equal to the significance of differential polyadenylation site usage, which is needed for differential challenge output

Author contact

If you have any question or comment about IsoSCM, contact the corresponding author, Dr. Eric Lai([email protected]).