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gcc x86 Assembly Quick Reference ("Cheat Sheet")

Mnemonic(助记符) Purpose(用途) Examples(示例)
mov src,dest Move data between registers, load immediate data into registers, move data between registers and memory. mov $4,%eax # Load constant into eax
mov %eax,%ebx # Copy eax into ebx
mov %ebx,123 # Copy ebx to memory address 123
push src Insert a value onto the stack. Useful for passing arguments, saving registers, etc. push %ebp
pop dest Remove topmost value from the stack. Equivalent to "mov (%esp),dest; add $4,%esp" pop %ebp
call func Push the address of the next instruction and start executing func. call print_int
ret Pop the return program counter, and jump there. Ends a subroutine. ret
add src,dest dest=dest+src add %ebx,%eax # Add ebx to eax
mul src Multiply eax and src as unsigned integers, and put the result in eax. High 32 bits of product go into eax. mul %ebx #Multiply eax by ebx
jmp label Goto the instruction label:. Skips anything else in the way. jmp post_mem
mov %eax,0 # Write to NULL!
post_mem: # OK here...
cmp a,b Compare two values. Sets flags that are used by the conditional jumps (below). WARNING: compare is relative to last argument, so jl jumps if b<a! cmp $10,%eax
jl label Goto label if previous comparison came out as less-than. Other conditionals available are: jle (<=), je (==), jge (>=), jg (>), jne (!=), and many others. jl loop_start # Jump if eax<10
Stack Frame(栈帧)

(example without %ebp or local variables)

Contents off esp
caller's variables 12(%esp)
Argument 2 8(%esp)
Argument 1 4(%esp)
Caller Return Address 0(%esp)
my_sub: # Returns first argument
  mov 4(%esp), %eax

(example when using %ebp and two local variables)

Contents off ebp off esp
caller's variables 16(%ebp) 24(%esp)
Argument 2 12(%ebp) 20(%esp)
Argument 1 8(%ebp) 16(%esp)
Caller Return Address 4(%ebp) 12(%esp)
Saved ebp 0(%ebp) 8(%esp)
Local variable 1 -4(%ebp) 4(%esp)
Local variable 2 -8(%ebp) 0(%esp)
my_sub2: # Returns first argument
  push %ebp  # Prologue
  mov %esp, %ebp
  mov 8(%ebp), %eax
  mov %ebp, %esp  # Epilogue
  pop %ebp
Constants, Registers, Memory(常量,寄存器,内存)

Constants MUST be preceeded with $. $12 means decimal 12; $0xF0 is hex. $some_function is the address of the first instruction of the function. WARNING: a bare "12", "0xF0", or "some_function" dereferences the expression like it was a pointer! Registers MUST be preceeded with %. %eax means register eax. Memory access (use register as pointer): (%esp). Same as C "esp". Memory access with offset (use register + offset as pointer): 4(%esp). Same as C "(esp+4)". Memory access with scaled index (register + another register * scale): (%eax, %ebx, 4). Same as C "(eax+ebx4)".


%esp is the stack pointer %ebp is the stack frame pointer Return value in %eax Arguments are on the stack Free for use (no save needed):

   %eax, %ebx, %ecx, %edx

Must be saved:

   %esp, %ebp, %esi, %edi
Common Errors(常见错误)

Segfault on innocent-looking code.

  • Do you need to add "$" in front of a constant?
  • Did you clean up the stack properly?


Linux 进程内存布局

+——————————————+ 0xFFFFFFFF (high address)
| kernel space | 1GB/4GB
+——————————————+ 0xC0000000 == TASK_SIZE
|    stack     |
+——————————————+<——— stack pointer (%esp)
|      |       |
|      v       |
|      ^       |
|      |       |
|memory mapping|<——— dynamically linked lib (*.so)
+——————————————+ 0x40000000
|      ^       |
|      |       |
+——————————————+<——— brk() point
|     heap     |<——— malloc(), free()
|   bss seg    |<——— uninitialized data (Block Started by Symbol)
|  data seg    |<——— initialized static data
|  text seg    |<——- binary code (*.o), static lib (*.a)
+——————————————+ 0x08048000
|    unused    |
+——————————————+ 0x00000000 (low address)

字节序 little-endian:低字节在前,32比特值B3B2B1B0

low  —————>  high address

栈帧(stack frame):函数调用数据结构单元

+———————————————————————-+    caller’s stack pointer (old %esp) 
|        arguments       |               |                   
+———————————————————————-+               |                  
|     return address     | (old %eip)    v                
+———————————————————————-+<——— callee’s sf (new %ebp)                              
|  caller’s sf pointer   |———> caller’s sf (old %ebp)
|    local variables     |
|                        |<——— callee’s stack pointer (new %esp)
|           |            |
|           v            |
  • caller调用者;callee被调用者,即子函数

  • arguments:子函数参数,调用前入栈

  • return address: 子函数调用前将待执行下一条指令地址保存在返回地址中,待函数调用结束后,返回到调用者继续执行

  • eip 指令指针指向下一条指令地址

  • stack frame pointer 栈帧指针指向调用者的栈帧基址ebp

  • ebp 基址指针指向栈帧底(高地址)

  • esp 栈指针指向栈顶(低地址)

  • e 表示32位,% 表示寄存器

  • caller(调用者)规则:

    1. 子函数参数入栈,从右向左
    2. call指令,将下一条指令地址入栈(push %eip),并无条件跳转
    3. 子函数返回,返回值在eax
  • callee(被调用者)规则:

    1. 保存caller的栈基址,设定callee新的栈基址为当前栈指针(push %ebp; mov %esp, %ebp
    2. 为局部变量分配栈空间(sub 123,%esp
    3. 执行函数,结果保存在eax
    4. 执行leave复合指令,清除当前栈帧,恢复到调用者栈帧(mov %ebp, %esp; pop %ebp
    5. 执行ret指令(pop %eip