diff --git a/karabo/imaging/image.py b/karabo/imaging/image.py
index 6235dc4c..09df0743 100644
--- a/karabo/imaging/image.py
+++ b/karabo/imaging/image.py
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@
 class Image(KaraboResource):
     def __init__(
-        path: Optional[str] = None,
-        data: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
+        path: Optional[Union[str, FilePathType]] = None,
+        data: Optional[np.ndarray[np.float_]] = None,  # type: ignore
         header: Optional[fits.header.Header] = None,
         **kwargs: Any,
     ) -> None:
@@ -174,7 +174,9 @@ def _update_header_after_resize(self) -> None:
         self.header["CDELT1"] = self.header["CDELT1"] * old_shape[1] / new_shape[1]
         self.header["CDELT2"] = self.header["CDELT2"] * old_shape[0] / new_shape[0]
-    def cutout(self, center_xy: Tuple[float, float], size_xy: Tuple[float, float]) -> Image:
+    def cutout(
+        self, center_xy: Tuple[float, float], size_xy: Tuple[float, float]
+    ) -> Image:
         Cutout the image to the given size and center.
@@ -196,7 +198,7 @@ def cutout(self, center_xy: Tuple[float, float], size_xy: Tuple[float, float]) -
     def update_header_from_image_header(
         new_header: fits.header.Header,
         old_header: fits.header.Header,
-        keys_to_copy=HEADER_KEYS_TO_COPY_AFTER_CUTOUT,
+        keys_to_copy: List[str] = HEADER_KEYS_TO_COPY_AFTER_CUTOUT,
     ) -> fits.header.Header:
         for key in keys_to_copy:
             if key in old_header and key not in new_header:
@@ -491,10 +493,9 @@ def get_cellsize(self) -> np.float64:
     def get_wcs(self) -> WCS:
         return WCS(self.header)
-    def get_2d_wcs(self, ra_dec_axis: Tuple[IntLike, IntLike] = [1, 2]) -> WCS:
+    def get_2d_wcs(self, ra_dec_axis: Tuple[int, int] = tuple(1,2)) -> WCS:
         wcs = WCS(self.header)
-        wcs_2d = wcs.sub(ra_dec_axis) # type: ignore
+        wcs_2d = wcs.sub(ra_dec_axis)
         return wcs_2d
@@ -532,7 +533,7 @@ class ImageMosaicker:
     def __init__(
-        reproject_function: Callable = reproject_interp,
+        reproject_function: Callable[..., Any] = reproject_interp,
         combine_function: str = "mean",
         match_background: bool = False,
         background_reference: Optional[int] = None,
@@ -575,11 +576,11 @@ def process(
         images: List[Union[str, fits.HDUList, fits.PrimaryHDU, NDData]],
         projection: str = "SIN",
         weights: Optional[
-            List[Union[str, fits.HDUList, fits.PrimaryHDU, np.ndarray]]
+            List[Union[str, fits.HDUList, fits.PrimaryHDU, np.ndarray[np.float_]]],
         ] = None,
         shape_out: Optional[Tuple[int]] = None,
         image_for_header: Optional[Image] = None,
-    ) -> Tuple[Image, np.ndarray]:
+    ) -> Tuple[Image, np.ndarray[np.float_]]:
         Combine the provided images into a single mosaicked image.
diff --git a/karabo/sourcedetection/result.py b/karabo/sourcedetection/result.py
index cffe3de6..0fdfd3b3 100644
--- a/karabo/sourcedetection/result.py
+++ b/karabo/sourcedetection/result.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 import os
 import shutil
 import tempfile
-from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar
+from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union
 from warnings import warn
 import bdsf
@@ -52,11 +52,9 @@ def __init__(
     def detect_sources_in_image(
         cls: Type[T],
-        image: Image,
+        image: Union[Image, List[Image]],
         beam: Optional[Tuple[float, float, float]] = None,
         quiet: bool = False,
-        n_splits: int = 0,
-        overlap: int = 0,
         use_dask: Optional[bool] = None,
         client: Optional[Any] = None,
         **kwargs: Any,
@@ -68,8 +66,9 @@ def detect_sources_in_image(
         cls : Type[T]
             The class on which this method is called.
-        image : Image
-            Image object for source detection.
+        image : Image or List[Image]
+            Image object for source detection. Can be a single image or a list of
+            images.
         beam : Optional[Tuple[float, float, float]], optional
             The Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM) of the restoring beam, given as a tuple
             (major axis, minor axis, position angle). If None, tries to extract from
@@ -131,6 +130,19 @@ def detect_sources_in_image(
         if use_dask and not client:
             client = DaskHandler.get_dask_client()
+        if isinstance(image, List):
+            if beam is None:
+                warn(
+                    KaraboWarning(
+                        "Beam was not passed, trying to extract from image metadata."
+                    )
+                )
+            beam = (
+                image[0].header["BMAJ"],
+                image[0].header["BMIN"],
+                image[0].header["BPA"],
+            )
         if beam is None:
             if image.has_beam_parameters():
                 beam = (image.header["BMAJ"], image.header["BMIN"], image.header["BPA"])
@@ -142,13 +154,12 @@ def detect_sources_in_image(
-            if n_splits > 1:
+            if isinstance(image, List):
                 # Check if there is a dask client
                 if DaskHandler.dask_client is None:
                     _ = DaskHandler.get_dask_client()
-                cutouts = image.split_image(n_splits, overlap)
                 results = []
-                for cutout in cutouts:
+                for cutout in image:
diff --git a/karabo/test/test_source_detection.py b/karabo/test/test_source_detection.py
index 810ec90a..0a8e5503 100644
--- a/karabo/test/test_source_detection.py
+++ b/karabo/test/test_source_detection.py
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ def test_automatic_assignment_of_ground_truth_and_prediction():
 def test_source_detection(tobject: TFiles):
     restored = Image.read_from_file(tobject.restored_fits)
-    detection_results = PyBDSFSourceDetectionResult.detect_sources_in_image(
+    detection_result = PyBDSFSourceDetectionResult.detect_sources_in_image(
         restored, thresh_isl=15, thresh_pix=20
     gtruth = np.array(
@@ -215,17 +215,21 @@ def test_source_detection(tobject: TFiles):
             [1212.06660484, 930.03800074],
-    detected = detection_results.get_pixel_position_of_sources()
-    closest_distances = np.linalg.norm(gtruth - detected, axis=1)
-    assert np.all(closest_distances < 5), "Source detection is not correct"
+    detected = detection_result.get_pixel_position_of_sources()
+    mse = np.linalg.norm(gtruth - detected, axis=1)
+    assert np.all(mse < 1), "Source detection is not correct"
     # Now compare it with splitting the image
+    restored_cuts = restored.split_image(N=2, overlap=100)
     detection_results = PyBDSFSourceDetectionResult.detect_sources_in_image(
-        restored, thresh_isl=15, thresh_pix=20, n_splits=4
+        restored_cuts, thresh_isl=15, thresh_pix=20
-    assert len(detection_results) == 4, "Splitting the image did not work"
     detected = detection_results.get_pixel_position_of_sources()
-    assert np.all(closest_distances < 5), "Source detection is not correct"
+    # Sometimes the order of the sources is different, so we need to sort them
+    detected = detected[np.argsort(detected[:, 0])]
+    gtruth = gtruth[np.argsort(gtruth[:, 0])]
+    mse = np.linalg.norm(gtruth - detected, axis=1)
+    assert np.all(mse < 1), "Source detection is not correct"
 @pytest.mark.skipif(not RUN_GPU_TESTS, reason="GPU tests are disabled")