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An incessant experimenter who made numerous scientific contributions , Leonardo developed ideas that were in some cases the seeds of inventions perfected centuries later , such as the airplane , the military tank , and the parachute .
“ He liked airplanes and computers .
A Community operator providing an airplane and complete crew to another entity , in accordance with Regulation ( EEC ) No 2407/92 , and retaining all the functions and responsibilities prescribed in Subpart C , shall remain the operator of the airplane .
Instruction on the location and use of all emergency and safety equipment carried on the airplane ;
One of the greatest mistake , which was untill now practiced by all Crop Circles explorers absolutely without exception , is the fact that on the Crop Circles site passed a single visit or airplane flight , took photos , and the matter was for them completed by that .
An operator shall ensure that the take-off flight path of airplanes with two or more engines , determined in accordance with this subparagraph , clears all obstacles by a vertical margin of at least 50 ft , or by a horizontal distance of at least 90 m plus 0,125 x D , where D is the horizontal distance travelled by the airplane from the end of the take-off distance available or the end of the take-off distance if a turn is scheduled before the end of the take-off distance available except as provided in subparagraphs ( b ) and ( c ) below .
30 minutes ’ supply for airplanes certified to fly at altitudes not exceeding 25000 ft ; and
The airplanes connect people from the isolated villages with each other , but also with education , medical care and the light of the Gospel .
The ‘ balanced approach ’ concept of airplane noise management comprises four principle elements and requires careful assessment of all different options to mitigate noise , including reduction of airplane noise at source , land-use planning and management measures , noise abatement operational procedures and operating restrictions , without prejudice to relevant legal obligations , existing agreements , current laws and established policies ,
What did I see ? Stars , satellites , blinking airplanes -- typical sky junk .
We 're goin ' on an airplane , you know that ?
to a different variant of airplane within the same type or class rating that has a significantly different :
An operator must ensure when undertaking Category II or Category III operations with different variant ( s ) of airplane within the same type or class rating that the differences and/or similarities of the airplanes concerned justify such operations , taking account at least the following :
Visibility and MDH for circling vs. airplane category
Data must be obtained from airplane sources which enable accurate correlation with information displayed to the flight crew .
Unless prior permission has been granted by the Authority , following an incident that is subject to mandatory reporting , the operator of an airplane on which a flight recorder is carried shall , to the extent possible , preserve the original recorded data pertaining to that incident , as retained by the recorder for a period of 60 days unless otherwise directed by the investigating authority .
One airplane crashed into World Trade Center Two .
- I 'm building an airplane .
Light Sport Airplanes
Like the black box in a airplane . So cool .
Army game Army game You are here : Home Military Games Army game Army game A pure war game where you must destroy all soldiers , airplanes and tanks of the enemy .
if required , operation of a multi-engine airplane in the above exercises , including :
This is a refrigerator factory , churning out airplanes for World War II .
The rectification to an approved standard of any defect and damage affecting safe operation , taking into account the minimum equipment list and configuration deviation list if available for the airplane type ;
We ca n't raise a child who wo n't ride a bike or get on an airplane or eat mayonnaise .
Airplanes with an MOPSC of more than 60 and carrying at least one passenger shall be equipped with the following quantities of portable battery-powered megaphones readily accessible for use by crew members during an emergency evacuation :
For the registration of the Dutch ultra light airplanes a separate register was created , starting with PH-1A1 on 16 September 1981 .
Airplanes operated over water at a distance away from land suitable for making an emergency landing , greater than that corresponding to :
In addition , the directive prohibits the use of Chapter 2 airplanes which are more than 25 years old and fitted with engines having a by-pass ration of less than two .
- Well , do these jumping-out-of-airplane-jungle-adventure things happen to you often ?
in the case of airplanes , comply with the experience requirements set out in the following table :
Madam President , I just rise , since it is obvious that I have not been here during the whole of the debate , to say that my colleague , Hans van den Broek , expresses his strong regrets at the fact that he unavoidably had to leave the Chamber early in order to catch an airplane .
The terms ‘ accelerate-stop distance ’ , ‘ take-off distance ’ , ‘ take-off run ’ , ‘ net take-off flight path ’ , ‘ one engine inoperative en-route net flight path ’ and ‘ two engines inoperative en-route net flight path ’ as relating to the airplane have their meanings defined in the airworthiness requirements under which the airplane was certificated , or as specified by the Authority if it finds that definition inadequate for showing compliance with the performance operating limitations .
So far we 've done four ships and two airplanes .
Rousseau , like Furlong and Ross , provided reasons to conclude that the signals that the official story attributed to airplane impacts had actually been caused by something else – which , as evidence documented in Point TT-8 suggests , was shocks , explosive in nature , that had occurred at the bases of the buildings .
‘ NCO.OP.120 Noise abatement procedures — airplanes and helicopters ’ ;
Not on airplanes .
Airplanes are the last public place where you can fart as loud as you want and no one cares .
Manufactures , repairs , and conducts overhauls of airplanes and aircraft engines and procures aviation-related parts often of US-origin typically via foreign intermediaries .
Right here on Earth , for instance we have the cargo cult , which saw airplanes during the 20th century and assumed they and their pilots were gods .
- I thought I heard an airplane this morning . At dawn .
or [ have been unplucked and uneviscerated but they will be transported by airplane . ]
An operator shall not operate an airplane first issued with an individual certificate of airworthiness on or after 1 January 2002 unless it is equipped with an automatic Emergency Locator Transmitter ( ELT ) capable of transmitting on 121,5 MHz and 406 MHz .
Group 3 : piston engine airplanes other than those in Group 1 .
The mass of the airplane , at the commencement of take-off roll , will be such that the flight can be conducted in compliance with Subparts F to I as applicable ; and
A 50 % discount is offered if they do occupy a bed or an airplane type seat !
Airplanes and other aircraft of an unladen weight > 2000 kg , but ≤ 15000 kg , for civil use
Ah , we heard the airplanes coming and we wanted them to put the bombs on the camp , at least we could run .
A radiosonde that is dropped from an airplane and falls , rather than being carried by a balloon is called a `` dropsonde `` .
a two-way communication shall be established and shall remain available by the airplane 's inter-communication system or other suitable means between the ground crew supervising the refuelling and the qualified personnel on board the airplane ;
The airplane is maintained according to an approved maintenance programme .
A spectacular show during 30 minutes full explosive and ammunition , with airplanes and where Indiana Jones it still survivedAfter that on our way to Studios Backlot Tour , with a car-train along all kinds of events , among other things an inundation and an earthquake , where a tank car falls downstairs and goes on fire .
I did n't see your ass get stuck in no airplane toilet .
This is a brand new airplane and it is all yours .
The airport offers pilot training in gliders ( GLD - gliders ) and airplanes ( PPL licence ) .
These include airplane wings with features like those of birds , submarines shaped like dolphins , and concrete structures designed like human bones .
The first airplane landed here in Autumn 1942 .
No , really . My seat on an airplane used to be Row Three .
The OC-135B has 4 camera 's mounted on the back of the airplane .
More Calle Yacaré ex N 2.The Irupé Lodge is located on the shore of the Iberá Lake in the village of Colonia Carlos Pellegrini , province of Corrientes , Argentina.By airplane : Domestic flight from Buenos Aires to Posadas , province of Misiones , and from there by our private four wheel drive service to Carlos Pellegrini.By small aircraft : From the international airport of Iguazú , province of Misiones , by our private aircraft to Carlos Pellegrini ; with scenic flight over the Iguazú falls .
Transportation • From city center : by trum N°3 to Kőbánya-Kispest Trum Station , after airplane bus to „ airplane D port ” named busstop after go across the railway and there are a little street , and at the end of street there a big building named „ Hertz ” and there turn right , go 100m to the hotel .
Proposal for a Council Directive on the registration and use within the Community of certain types of civil subsonic jet airplanes which have been modified and recertificated as meeting the standards of Volume I , Part II , Chapter 3 of Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation , third edition ( July 1993 )
The screwing that is the ghost or spirit of bolt and nut , the flying is the spirit of a bird or airplane , the pumping of your heart and the breathing of your lungs , that is the vital-spirit , the harmony in a team , that is the team-spirit .
▪ The airplane that hit the north tower was Flight 11 .
Embraer 170 short range passenger airplane World Wide Military Your prime source for information of more than 900 International Weapon systems Professionals in International Military Aircraft and Helicopters Military Aircraft Military Helicopters Army Material Navy Ships Armament & Missiles Countries Home Aviation Technology Aircraft Systems Weapon Systems Defence Industry About WWM - > Normal Transport -- > ERJ-170 ERJ-170 The ERJ-170 is a twin-engine short range passenger airplane , developed by the Brazilian company Embraer .
one cabin crew member for every 50 , or fraction of 50 , passenger seats installed on the same deck of the airplane ; or
An operator shall ensure that there is on board a checklist of the procedures to be followed in search of a bomb or Improvised Explosive Device ( IED ) in case of suspected sabotage and for inspecting airplanes for concealed weapons , explosives or other dangerous devices where a well founded suspicion exists that the airplane may be the object of an act of unlawful interference .
Like the people who think it 's OK to bring shampoo on the airplane .
Visit and guided tour - Airbus A380 Toulouse , at about 1.5 hours driving from Camping La Brouquere , is the Airbus assembly centre where the A330/A340 airplanes are being assembled .
Does this have something to do with the airplane ?
Looks like the airplane we saw .
The next time you 're in an airplane ... and you start to feel fearful , you reach down and you grab your testicles ...
An airplane or bird does n't violate the law of gravity to get off the ground , it uses higher laws to temporarily supercede the lower laws to fly .
Now , we had just made the turn and rolled out in level flight when it seemed like somebody had grabbed hold of my airplane and gave it a real hard shaking , because this was the shock wave that had come up .
Failures and procedures specific to airplane type or variant .
We have to appreciate that when it comes to the restrictions on taking liquids on an airplane , it is true that it is an inconvenience , it is true that it is annoying to have to throw away what you are carrying , but on the other hand , security is paramount ; security is the best way .
Oh , those damned airplanes .
For instrument approaches with decision heights below 200 ft , an operator must verify that the expected landing mass of the airplane allows a missed approach gradient of climb , with the critical engine failed and with the speed and configuration used for go-around of at least 2,5 % , or the published gradient , whichever is the greater ( see CS AWO 243 ) .
An airplane .
Petroleum discoveries in western Pennsylvania , exploited by John D. Rockefeller , led to the creation of the Standard Oil Company whose product came to fuel automobiles , boats , and airplanes .
When you see an airplane , a rocket , a satellite , or a large ship - you also think about how incredible a vehicle that it is .
the minimum altitudes for safe flight on each stage of the route to be flown or of any planned diversion therefrom specified in , or calculated from the information contained in , the Operations Manual relating to the airplane ; and
( c ) airplanes in respect of which an operator demonstrates that the pursuit of his operations would otherwise be adversely affected to an unreasonable extent , provided always that in such cases they be removed from the register not later than 31 December 1984 .
Performance Class A airplanes with :
An operator shall establish procedures to be followed when ground de-icing and anti-icing and related inspections of the airplane ( s ) are necessary .
Airplanes ?
With the advent of the 747 airplane and reductions in fares to Europe , many who formerly came south from the United States and Canada now fly east to Europe .
Airport congestion itself can have a negative impact on the environment if airplanes are left in a holding pattern , resulting in unnecessary CO2 emissions .
Some policemen killed her in a Sabena airplane .
I used airplane glue , bro .
Data provided by the airplane manufacturer ; or
airplane single piston engine — wooden structure , either full group or manufacturer group : converted to ‘ full group 3 ’ .
It appears to be an airplane , sir .
Operators of complex motor-powered airplanes and helicopters involved in non-commercial operations shall declare their capability and means to discharge their responsibilities associated with the operation of aircraft and operate the aircraft in accordance with the provisions specified in Annex III and Annex VI .
He was stung to death by a scorpion , Wesley , in the bathroom of an airplane .
an unpressurised airplane which has a maximum certificated take-off mass of more than 5700 kg ; or
Operators of large airplanes used in commercial air transport shall ensure that flight crew compartment door operating systems , where installed , be provided with alternate opening means in order to facilitate access by cabin crew members into the flight crew compartment in the case of a single flight crew member incapacitation .
Where no flight simulator is available to represent that specific airplane , a minimum of three approaches including at least one go-around is required on the airplane .
So this airplane has no windows anymore , for example .
The first attempts made to try to fly was made by the Chinese for around 1000 years ago with the help of kites and hot air balloons . In Europe , Leonardo da Vinci sketched the first designs for an airplane , a mand grated design with flapping wings , almost like a bird 's wing .
An operator shall make provision for , and the commander shall ensure that multiple occupancy of airplane seats may only be allowed on specified seats and does not occur other than by one adult and one infant who is properly secured by a supplementary loop belt or other restraint device .
`` I was driving up a hill . I thought it was the planet Venus . Then it looked like an airplane - but it was too low . I do n't know what it is - or was . ``
‘ landing distance available ( LDA ) ’ means the length of the runway which is declared available by the State of the aerodrome and suitable for the ground run of an airplane landing ;
Paper airplane flies almost 20 metres in C hall ( with video )
for no less than 10 minutes , in the case of airplanes operated at pressure altitudes above 25000 ft , or operated below that altitude , but under conditions that will not allow them to descend safely to a pressure altitude of 13000 ft within 4 minutes .
Model airplanes are great , but I got to go back to the blow jobs .
But our new order has an objection to private airplanes . - The impudence !
All right , Scoob , all you have to do - is take off in the airplane ... - Huh ?
An operator shall not operate an airplane under IFR unless it is equipped with an audio selector panel accessible to each required flight crew member .
But if my airplane 's broken , I 'll never find Dad .
Airplane driving .
Madam President , first of all I should like to thank you very much because the airplane from Amsterdam to Strasbourg flew this morning and on time as well .
==Colombia==In 1933 , Colombia acquired its first presidential transport airplane , a Junkers Ju 52/3m , one of the most advanced aircraft of that time .
Agents are not airplanes , you know . They do n't have schedules .
# 70 pa list of `` Top 100 counties with the lowest particulated rt material ( PM 2.5 ) Annualy luftforurensningsavlesninger in 2012 ( # 100 pa list of `` Top 100 cities with strongest arts , entertainment , recreation , accommodation and n agent industry `` & # 181 ; g / m 3 ) `` There is no pilots and 2 other airplanes in this town .
This Regulation lays down detailed rules for commercial air transport operations with airplanes and helicopters , including ramp inspections of aircraft of operators under the safety oversight of another State when landed at aerodromes located in the territory subject to the provisions of the Treaty .
Right . So she called the company , she said their airplane was being hijacked ...
Taking care of airplane crashes , funerals , stuff like that .
airplane multiple piston engines — wooden structure , either full group or manufacturer group : converted to ‘ full group 3 ’ .
Looks like an airplane . - Like this ?
The applicable passenger and baggage masses for various types of operations and airplane type ;
Then I hope all the horseless carriages and airplanes here have n't frightened you .
Everything was paid there , the government worked with them and there we sent the airplane .
Used to be I did n't need an airplane !
I doubt , for example , that the new restrictions on liquids on airplanes meet these criteria .
I gave for the attack , when I woke up with the sound of the bombs e of the airplanes in air .
It 's an airplane , you idiot .
Is n't he the guy that CSI Stokes brought in for pointing lasers at airplanes ?
This is my friend , Max , and it 's her very first time on an airplane .
during car rides , transports ( airplanes ) and generally when travelling ( trembling and nausea )
This is not only because the use of these weapons , though obviously only in defence of passengers and crew , in itself poses a danger in the rather fragile environment of an airplane , but also for another reason , namely that weapons may provoke passengers who might otherwise have boarded the plane without any aggressive intentions .
-You 're breaking up the airplane !
I 've never been on an airplane , so today is a very big day .
All airplanes must be equipped with means for indicating when power is not adequately supplied to the required flight instruments ; and
The helicopter , the airplane , the submarine , all of these were Leonardo da Vinci 's concepts .
recital 2a new , subject to the introduction of a reference to the activities of the International Civil Aviation Organisation on the identification of more stringent noise standards for civil subsonic jet airplanes , because it is important to send the right message to this organisation ;
We will never do really great discoveries again like the discovery of electricity , the wheel , the engine , the cog-wheel , the transistor , the roentgen-radiation , the semi-conductor , the airplane , the nuclear power , the shoe , the coat , the bike , the screw , the lens , the glass , the door , the window , the house , the chair et cetera .
Just as automobiles need periodic servicing , airplanes regularly require a series of extensive and expensive maintenance checks .
On an airplane , okay ?
With that preamble , let 's show the first two-minute videotape , which shows a little airplane for surveillance and moving to a giant airplane .
“ Therefore , we have also made a conscious decision for the material aluminum ” , sagt Hermann Ophardt , Head of R D Ophardt Werft , and further : “ The lightweight aluminum is successfully used for automobiles and airplanes .
The radar earned Battle of England , because without it we would have that to have done patrols e with the limited number of airplanes and pilots it would not be possible .
The following day the trip continued by both car and airplane to Yogyakarta , via Jakarta .
Applicants for the issue of a type rating for a complex single-pilot airplane classified as a high-performance airplane shall , in addition to meeting the requirements in point ( 2 ) , hold or have held a single- or multi-engine IR ( A ) , as appropriate and as established in Subpart G and shall meet the requirements in point ( b ) ( 5 ) .
( v ) The oxygen supply requirements , as specified in Appendix 1 , for airplanes not certificated to fly at altitudes above 25 000 ft , may be reduced to the entire flight time between 10 000 ft and 13 000 ft cabin pressure altitudes for all required cabin crew members and for at least 10 % of the passengers if , at all points along the route to be flown , the airplane is able to descend safely within 4 minutes to a cabin pressure altitude of 13 000 ft .
information that enables correlation to any associated records related to data link communications and stored separately from the airplane ; and
Consideration must be given to the airplane type , kind of operation and composition of the crew .
Learning through play ? 25,000 toys , from 1850 to the present day , each illustrating aspects of toys and of games : toy cars , mechanical toys , airplanes , boats , puppets , etc .
Which seats in an airplane are the safest ?
dent , 3 000 years after Icarus , hundreds of millions of people use the airplane as a means of transport each year .
And then ... just when I feel like I 'm going to lose myself ... I see a white airplane in the sky .
For airplanes :
How could we not support this report which aims to reduce the noise of airplanes which come and go from airports surrounded by the homes of many people , who are certainly disturbed at night but also during the day ?
Airplanes can change the dynamic of a situation either by providing covering fire or releasing a barrage of bombs .
( d ) an airplane which replaces one which has been accidentally destroyed and which the operator is unable to replace by a comparable airplane available on the market with noise certification as laid down in Article 2 ( 1 ) , provided that the registration of the replacement airplane is carried out within the year following the destruction in question ;
Airplanes intended to be operated at pressure altitudes above 25 000 ft or which , if operated at or below 25 000 ft , can not descend safely within 4 minutes to 13000 ft , and for which the individual certificate of airworthiness was first issued on or after 9 November 1998 , shall be provided with automatically deployable oxygen equipment immediately available to each occupant , wherever seated .
During all other phases of flight each flight crew member required to be on flight deck duty shall remain at his station unless his absence is necessary for the performance of his duties in connection with the operation , or for physiological needs provided at least one suitably qualified pilot remains at the controls of the airplane at all times .
The operator shall establish contingency procedures to satisfy ( a ) to ( f ) and to provide a safe route , avoiding obstacles , to enable the airplane to either comply with the en-route requirements of CAT.POL.A.410 , or land at either the aerodrome of departure or at a take-off alternate aerodrome .
Grantham Pace is one of the biggest airplane manufacturers in the world .
An operator shall not operate an airplane with a maximum certificated take-off mass exceeding 15 000 kg or having a maximum approved passenger seating configuration of more than 19 unless it is equipped with a crew member interphone system except for airplanes first issued with an individual certificate of airworthiness before 1 April 1965 and already registered in a Member State on 1 April 1995 .
the mass of the airplane at the commencement of the take-off run ;
When undue proximity to another aircraft ( RA ) is detected by ACAS , the commander or the pilot to whom conduct of the flight has been delegated must ensure that any corrective action indicated by the RA is initiated immediately , unless doing so would jeopardize the safety of the airplane .
`` Nobody in our government at least and I do n't the prior government could envision flying airplanes into buildings ... ``
I got on an airplane .
Safe airplanes are the product of painstaking design , engineering , and craftsmanship .
The Croatian coast contains a lot of underwater caves , wrecks of airplanes and war ships .
— Report by Mr Badenes , adopted on 26 May 1989 ( PE A2-84/89 ) on the proposal on noise emissions from civil airplanes COM ( 88 ) 662 final
Member States shall ensure that all civil subsonic jet airplanes operating from airports situated in their territory comply with the standards specified in Part II , Chapter 3 , Volume 1 of Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation , second edition ( 1988 ) .
He 's obsessed with airplanes .
There had been only eight airplanes then .
No , I want you to get me an airplane . Yeah .
the airplane is operated over routes on which it is at no point at a distance of more than 180 NM from the shore ; or
I 'd much rather die in an airplane than in the mud on some battlefield .
the airplane has a standard certificate of airworthiness issued in accordance with ICAO Annex 8 . Standard certificates of airworthiness issued by a Member State other than the State responsible for issuing the AOC , will be accepted without further showing when issued in accordance with Part 21 ; and
Yes . He had an airplane hangar ... and it was filled with classic cars in Santa Clarita , and God knows where he got those .
Single-pilot high-performance complex airplanes
You need to charter an airplane ?
Well , the only way out of the country is by airplane , and the only planes leaving are military .
This may be the archaeological artifacts , or components of agricultural machines apostated and plowed under , also remains of any industrial activities , remains long ago abandoned water mains or sewer , or parts of collapsed airplanes .
A pilot does not operate an airplane as commander unless he has carried out at least three take-offs and three landings as pilot flying in an airplane of the same type or a flight simulator , qualified and approved for the purpose in accordance with the applicable regulations in the field of Synthetic Training Devices , of the airplane type to be used , in the preceding 90 days ; and
It 's a fucking airplane , Otis !
It was estimated that a total failure of the system was as unlikely as a mechanical failure in an airplane with a conventional arrangement .
The airplane , in the meteorological conditions expected for the flight and in the event of the failure of one engine , with the remaining engines operating within the maximum continuous power conditions specified , shall be capable of continuing flight at or above the relevant minimum altitudes for safe flight stated in the operations manual to a point of 1000 ft above an aerodrome at which the performance requirements can be met .
I 've never talked to anybody on an airplane before .
the distance flown in 120 minutes or , subject to approval by the competent authority , up to 180 minutes for turbo-jet airplanes , at the OEI cruise speed determined in accordance with ( b ) ;
I mean , you know , people jump out of airplanes and ski off cliffs .
Procedures and provisions for loading and securing the load in the airplane .
You 'll see . It 's more fun than an airplane !
Airplanes referred to in OPS 1.940 ( b ) ( 2 ) may be operated by a single pilot under IFR or at night when the following requirements are satisfied :
He 's on an airplane .
Airplane !
`` The endless reruns of airplanes that penetrated the towers were unmistakenly pornographic , complete with flames and pieces that came out in slow motion .
for the FI ( A ) , 100 hours of flight instruction in airplanes or TMGs and , in addition has supervised at least 25 student solo flights ;
The sooner we land , the sooner we can clear the airplane and I can keep searching .
Voice communications of flight crew members on the flight deck using the airplane 's interphone system ;
A third new Dash 8-Q400 airplane , named Istra , joined the fleet on 16 June , and the fourth , named Dalmacija , on 28 June .
I took two taxis , an airplane and an all-night bus ride ... next to an old man that I am pretty sure had a full diaper .
120 minutes at cruising speed or 400 nautical miles , whichever is the lesser , for airplanes capable of continuing the flight to an aerodrome with the critical power unit ( s ) becoming inoperative at any point along the route or planned diversions ; or
registration markings of the authorised airplane ( s ) except that operators may obtain approval for a system to inform the Authority about the registration markings for airplanes operated under its AOC ;
have a minimum experience of at least 50 hours of flight time under IFR as PIC on airplanes .
In view of the total ban on Chapter 2 aircraft from 1 April 2002 and the serious noise pollution caused by airplanes , the rules must under no circumstances be stretched .
Jumpin ' out of the airplane , the guy 's like yelling ' `` The Flying Elvises ! ``
If you have ever been on an airplane , there are many chances that you have tested some dishes prepared by Gate Gourmet ... Read more
I saw some little airplanes this morning .
What a tragedy that we should boast that our faith produced for us a new car , an airplane , a financial bonanza , a new home , etc .
On a normal mission , when you are taking people who are about to die off doomed airplanes , you do not mind treating them roughly .
There are also increasing demands for power to run automobiles , fly airplanes , provide heat for homes , and so forth .
It 's like he fell out of an airplane .
-An airplane , Daddy .
Well , what the hell do they want with a 70-year-old airplane ? All I know is that they want to ship it overseas .
In any case , the programme must not lead to an increase beyond market growth , in the number of airplanes , or the capacity ( seats ) offered in the relevant markets .
Oxygen — Minimum requirements for supplemental oxygen for pressurised airplanes during and following emergency descent
The objective of this Directive is to continue the Community action introduced by previous legislation2 and provides for non-addition of civil subsonic jet airplanes which do not comply with the standards specified in Chapter 3 of Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation ( Chicago Convention ) .
Salah Hassan Kassir and Imalayen is coming home with an airplane .
God created few nights in life without midnight rallies airplane seats and tracking polls .
the airplane will land on the most favourable runway in still air ; and
Herself , the Dog , the Airplane . Airplane , Dog Herself .
The next time you 're on an airplane in the U.S. , just speak your mother tongue .
By way of derogation from points ( c ) and ( d ) , the holder of a single-engine EIR who also holds a multi-engine class or type rating wishing to obtain a multi-engine EIR for the first time , shall complete a course at an ATO comprising at least 2 hours instrument flight time under instruction in the en route phase of flight in multi-engine airplanes and shall pass the skill test referred to in point ( e ) .
That old airplane needs some help .
airplanes operated at a distance away from land where an emergency landing is possible greater than that corresponding to 30 minutes at normal cruising speed or 50 NM , whichever is less .
Your airplane must have been like the Polish regime , reaching its sell-by date .
CV-22 Osprey USMC , MV-22 Osprey USAF World Wide Military Your prime source for information of more than 900 International Weapon systems Professionals in International Military Aircraft and Helicopters Military Aircraft Military Helicopters Army Material Navy Ships Armament & Missiles Countries Home Aviation Technology Aircraft Systems Weapon Systems Defence Industry About WWM Military helicopters -- > -- > V-22 Osprey The V-22 Osprey is a junction between a helicopter and a airplane and has been developed by the American companies Boeing and Bell .
The people arrested in Greece had been arrested on a previous day at another airport and cautioned against taking photographs of military installations , especially during operations or exercises and , according to the newspapers , transcripts of communications between air force airplanes and between airplanes and the base were found among their effects .
The following day the trip continued by both car and airplane to Yogyakarta , via Jakarta . That evening the Chief Apostle invited all the district leaders of the region to a meeting in the Gendeng church .
A tiny airplane , the AV Pointer serves for surveillance -- in effect , a pair of roving eyeglasses .
An unpressurised airplane having a maximum approved passenger seating configuration of more than 9 seats ,
To achieve the above objectives in the field of operational safety commercial air transportation by airplanes , the Commission decided to propose harmonised rules to the Council and the European Parliament based upon the corresponding Joint Aviation Requirement ( JAR ) 4 which had been elaborated by the Joint Aviation Authorities ( JAA ) 5
Have you considered a career in airplane theft ?
The two-engines inoperative flight path shown must permit the airplane to continue the flight , in the expected meteorological conditions , clearing all obstacles within 9,3 km ( 5 nm ) either side of the intended track by a vertical interval of at least 2000 ft , to an aerodrome at which the performance requirements applicable at the expected landing mass are met .
Inspired by the airplane rattles from Global Affairs , I got going .
An airplane in the brand 's colours is crossing the sky .
By airplane : take a shuttle bus to the 'Chao Yang Men Nei ' , it stops exactly at the front of the hotel 's gate , It will cost you only 16RMB per person .
The Be-200 is the largest amphibious airplane in the world , developed by the Russian company Beriev derived from the A-40 .
Operating procedures — threshold crossing height — airplanes
Approach and landing with idle power from up to 2000 ft above the runway ( single-engine airplanes only )
Today I was on an airplane from Houston , Texas .
Operators shall only operate an airplane , a helicopter or a sailplane for the purpose of commercial specialised operations in accordance with the requirements specified in Annexes III and VIII . ’ .
An airplane awaiting a takeoff makes a line and waits .
( b ) An operator shall establish a check-list system to be used by crew members for all phases of operation of the airplane under normal , abnormal and emergency conditions as applicable , to ensure that the operating procedures in the Operations Manual are followed .
they are required to be aboard the airplane and are in accordance with the relevant requirements or for operating reasons , although articles and substances intended as replacements or which have been removed for replacement must be transported on an airplane as specified in the Technical Instructions ;
The area does not lack in recreational activities , including soccer fields and a bocce area , runways for model airplanes and tracks for model cars , as well as archery , and skateboarding areas .
Whenever a single instrument is required in an airplane operated by more than 1 flight crew member it must be installed so that the instrument is visible from each applicable flight crew station .
Banks like a frigging airplane .
Radial engines are used primarily in airplanes and helicopters .
Whereas in view of existing Community legislation on airplane noise , the present initiative needs to be taken at Community level by binding Community rules ;
The Commission , on the other hand , has produced general data on the development of noise pollution and fuel burn of airplanes over the three decades from the 1960s to the beginning of the 1990s .
A310 Tanker refuel aircraft Germany Air Force World Wide Military Your prime source for information of more than 900 International Weapon systems Professionals in International Military Aircraft and Helicopters Military Aircraft Military Helicopters Army Material Navy Ships Armament & Missiles Countries Home Aviation Technology Aircraft Systems Weapon Systems Defence Industry About WWM Military Aircraft -- > Tanker airplanes -- > A310MRTT The A310 Multi-Role Tanker Transport ( A130MRTT ) was developed by Airbus on the basic of the commercial A310 aircraft .
FROM airplanes and atom bombs to genetically manipulated cells and the cloning of sheep , our 20th century has been an age dominated by science .
The An-12 is a 4-turboprop engine airplane developed by the Ukrainian company Antonov in the USSR . It is the military version of the An-10 .
From metro station `` Arbatskay `` or `` Smolenskay `` - 7 minutes on foot.WI-FI throughout the hostel , digital television , as well as comfortable equipped computers ( with Internet ) , living room , where you can relax in anticipation of an airplane or train .
The invasion happened before the dawn , when airplanes of EE UU they bombarded the barracks of General Noriega .
In this particular instance , you have to follow the airplanes .
They will not be able to monitor 1 , 500 km of coastline with seven outdated boats and no airplanes .
A commander shall not commence a flight nor intentionally fly into expected or actual icing conditions unless the airplane is certificated and equipped to cope with such conditions .
We are going to see the enormous cannons , which could shoot halfway to Norway , parts of shut down airplanes and the completely intact and still fully furnished bunkers that the 3000-man garrison lived in during the war .
Car andairplane use is increasing , especially for tourist travel , cancelling out thebenefits of reductions in emissionsfrom individual vehicles .
My second question concerns the role of the High Representative for Foreign Affairs : after Lisbon , who among yourself , President Van Rompuy and President Barroso , is responsible for explaining to Baroness Ashton that perhaps after 12 days , it is time to get on an airplane and fly to Haiti ?
An operator shall not operate a pressurised airplane at altitudes above 25000 ft , when a cabin crew member is required to be carried , unless it is equipped with a supply of undiluted oxygen for passengers who , for physiological reasons , might require oxygen following a cabin depressurisation .
Until the date of application of the relevant requirements of this Regulation , Member States shall continue to issue , renew or modify certificates , authorisations and approvals in accordance with the rules in force before the entry into force of those requirements or , in the case of CAT operations starting and ending at the same aerodrome or operating site with Performance class B airplanes or non-complex helicopters , in accordance with :
The airplane has been hijacked by three guys with knives .
You been following this airplane crash ?
It was a war in heaven . Not a war from Zeppelin airships or by airplanes , not a war by supermen , not a war by mythical “ men from Mars , ” but a war in the invisible heavens by Christ , the newly enthroned King , and his angels against the false god , Satan the Devil , and his demonic angels .
Anyone who takes an aspirin , undergoes an operation , rides a bus or an airplane , makes a telephone call , watches television or allows wastewater to run down the drain , to be handled by the city sanitation department , is benefiting from scientific progress .
Any of them come in the airplane , forces it to land and get arrested by FBI ?
● An airplane can transport more than 800 passengers nonstop from New York to Singapore , traveling at a cruising speed of 560 miles per hour ( 900 km / h ) .
Ruling in favor of Du Pont , the judge said : “ This is a case of industrial espionage in which an airplane is the cloak and the camera is the dagger ....
- Mm-hmm . - Oh , I just need enough room to talk to my clients , not land an airplane .
For propeller driven pressurised airplanes having a maximum certificated take-off mass not exceeding 5700 kg with a maximum approved passenger seating configuration not exceeding nine seats the airborne weather radar equipment may be replaced by other equipment capable of detecting thunderstorms and other potentially hazardous weather conditions , regarded as detectable with airborne weather radar equipment , subject to approval by the Authority .
Hit on me on the airplane .
Paul MacCready : If we could have the second video , the one-minute , put in as quickly as you can , which -- this will show the Pathfinder airplane in some flights this past year in Hawaii , and will show a sequence of some of the beauty behind it after it had just flown to 71,530 feet -- higher than any propeller airplane has ever flown .
The ruling involved a former Air Force mechanic , Gary Ross , who injured his lower back in a fall off an airplane wing in 1983 .
An operator shall ensure that the airplane , in the meteorological conditions expected for the flight , and in the event of engine failure , is capable of reaching a place at which a safe forced landing can be made .
the importance of correct seat allocation with reference to airplane mass and balance .
Fly an airplane around track and compete with other plane pilots .
As you can see , this is neither an airplane nor a meteorite .
He got to Europe in an airplane based on principles designed by Daniel Bernoulli in 1738 .
The privileges of the sailplane and banner towing ratings shall be limited to airplanes or TMG , depending on which aircraft the flight instruction was completed .
( 10 ) The 33rd ICAO Assembly has adopted Resolution A33/7 introducing the concept of a `` balanced approach `` to noise management , thereby establishing a policy approach to address airplane noise , including international guidance for the introduction of operating restrictions on an airport-by-airport basis .
The flight crew , while using the engines to control the airplane , were also still trying to fly the airplane using their control columns .
The design of the antenna takes into account the building location and the strong interfering signals of , for example , satellites , airplanes and mobile phones .
Contrary to all expectations , a portion of the crew survived the attack , and the American airplane that was already on its way to Egypt to avenge the attack with a nuclear bomb was called back .
Too bad for them . They have to wait for at least another thirty minutes before the airplane doors will open – the doors to a new beginning in Australia .
An operator must ensure that the loading of its airplanes is performed under the supervision of qualified personnel .
I would walk on water , and stand on airplanes , while they fly .
If the airplane system involves the use of hybrid or other special systems ( such as head up displays or enhanced vision equipment ) then flight crew members must practise the use of these systems in normal and abnormal modes during the flight simulator phase of training .
The airplane will land on the most favourable runway in still air ; and
Airplanes operated by day shall be equipped with :
It 's like how , when you 're on an airplane , you put on your own oxygen mask before your kids .
Above the decision speed , the airplane may overshoot the runway if the takeoff is aborted and therefore a rejected takeoff is normally not performed above this speed , unless there is reason to doubt the airplane 's ability to fly .
Proposal for a Council Directive on the limitation of the emission of oxides of nitrogen from civil subsonic jet airplanes
On Monday I am taking my first airplane flight , and I ’ m very apprehensive about it .
Thirdly , we want an updated and realistic list of the resources , ships , airplanes , helicopters that the Member States are prepared to put at the disposal of Frontex missions .
Where full compliance with the requirements of the appropriate subpart can not be shown due to specific design characteristics ( e.g . supersonic airplanes or seaplanes ) , the operator shall apply approved performance standards that ensure a level of safety equivalent to that of the appropriate subpart .
If this goes through , He will need wings if He is going to visit Bradford because there will be no airplanes flying there .
Antonov An-12 World Wide Military Your prime source for information of more than 900 International Weapon systems Professionals in International Military Aircraft and Helicopters Military Aircraft Military Helicopters Army Material Navy Ships Armament & Missiles Countries Home Aviation Technology Aircraft Systems Weapon Systems Defence Industry About WWM -- > -- > An-12 The An-12 is a 4-turboprop engine airplane developed by the Ukrainian company Antonov in the USSR .
Airplane Technical log
If you get on an airplane or a train and want to do a little work , you can commit happily ( to your local copy , remember ? ) until you get to a network connection to upload.If you go home and ca n't get your VPN client working properly , you can still work .
We said as Parliament with an overwhelming majority : Yes , we want to internalize external costs , but we need calculation methods for all types of transport , not just for lorries , because even a nice railway produces dirt and noise , and so do many airplanes .
Andrew the instructor got in the front , started the airplane up .
for those airplanes with a maximum certificated take-off mass over 27000 kg the additional parameters listed in Table B of Appendix 1 to OPS 1.720 .
for supersonic airplanes , in Volume I , Part II , Chapter 12 , as applicable .
“ Take-off mass ” . The take-off mass of the airplane shall be taken to be its mass , including everything and everyone carried at the commencement of the take-off run .
Gerry Murray of the Forensic Science Agency in Northern Ireland and Peter Fielden of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory at the University of Manchester say that it would be extremely difficult to produce TATP by combining liquids in the restrooms of airplanes .
have completed , within the 12 months preceding the date of application , 30 route sectors , including take-offs and landings , as PIC on the applicable airplane type , of which 15 sectors may be completed in an FFS representing that type ; and
Where no type-specific simulator is available , a minimum of 3 approaches including at least 1 go-around is required on the airplane .
The symbols are based on those you would find in the ocean including a dolphin , octopus , shark , ships and airplane .
In individual cases , Member States may permit the temporary use , at airports situated in their territory , of airplanes which can not be operated on the basis of the other provisions of this Directive .
Applicants for an LAPL ( A ) holding an LAPL ( S ) with TMG extension shall have completed at least 21 hours of flight time on TMGs after the endorsement of the TMG extension and complied with the requirements of FCL.135.A ( a ) on airplanes .
An operator shall not operate a turbine propeller powered airplane with a maximum certificated take-off mass in excess of 5700 kg or having a maximum approved passenger seating configuration of more than nine seats or a turbojet powered airplane unless it is equipped with an altitude alerting system capable of :
Among the rarest masterpieces are photographs by John Gutmann ( Olympic diver ) , László Moholy-Nagy ( Pont Transbordeur ) , Man Ray 's Peggy Guggenheim , Lartigue 's early photographs of home-made airplanes and Joel Meyerowitz 's Moon Launch .
Well , the only details I can tell you is that I 've been on the phone three times today to one girl , who does n't know what she 's talking about , ca n't tell me when I 'm gon na get my airplanes .
Yeah , I drive an airplane .
I believe that collecting higher airport taxes is justified in the case of noisy aircraft , night flights , or airplanes which emit exceptionally strong kerosene fumes .
The check may only be replaced by successful completion of the flight simulator and/or flight training prescribed in subparagraph ( f ) 1. on conversion to an airplane type .
Paper airplanes can also be attributed to this category .
Pitch on the edge of the airfield Reinsdorf in a meadow .. Glider activity and some airplanes on weekends .
- Yes . - Say you 're an airplane mechanic of some kind .
It has probably been in all times ? Boys playing with cars , airplanes and gliders and girls with Barbie dolls and My Little Pony figures .
And an OFF indication appears on the panel if the airplane is too far away or flying too low for satisfactory reception . ”
Holders of a pilot licence for airplanes , TMG or sailplanes shall only undertake aerobatic flights when they hold the appropriate rating .
amending the Annex to Council Directive 92/14/EEC on the limitation of the operation of airplanes covered by Part II , Chapter 2 , Volume 1 of Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation , second edition ( 1988 )
- I hear you like building model airplanes .
Then ... are why I still traveling ? , I hope to answer this and other questions at the end of the trip ... , you may want to give any strong emotion to `` potato `` that I have as a heart to feel alive ? … With the takeoff almost vomiting stink olives I ate at the airport , sell own airplane food without being still inside .
There is talk of the fight against terrorism , of the fight for human rights , but there is a question that I should like to ask . Why is it that in any part of the world someone who hijacks a ship or an airplane is called a terrorist , whereas someone who does the same in Cuba is called a defender of freedom or a dissident ?
To add an airplane to a fleet operated with fleet values , the operator must verify by weighing or computation that its actual values fall within the tolerances specified in sub-paragraph ( 2 ) ( ii ) above .
The two engines inoperative flight path shown must permit the airplane to continue the flight , in the expected meteorological conditions , clearing all obstacles within 9,3 km ( 5 nm ) either side of the intended track by a vertical interval of at least 2000 ft , to an aerodrome at which the performance requirements applicable at the expected landing mass are met .
airplanes operated have a standard Certificate of Airworthiness issued in accordance with Commission Regulation ( EC ) No 1702/2003 of 24 September 2003 laying down implementing rules for the airworthiness and environmental certification of aircraft and related products , parts and appliances , as well as for the certification of design and production organisations [ 1 ] by a Member State .
Take-off obstacle clearance — Multi-engined airplanes
a unit load device is not loaded on an airplane unless it has been inspected as required by the technical instructions and found free from any evidence of leakage from , or damage to , the dangerous goods contained therein ;
300 m may be used for a Category D airplane conducting an autoland .
They were then put on an airplane to be taken back to their country of origin .
In order to ensure a high uniform level of aviation safety , there is a need for a system , established at Union level , for the licencing of certifying staff involved in the maintenance of ELA1 airplanes and for aircraft other than airplanes and helicopters .
For operations under VFR by day of performance class B airplanes ( a ) ( 1 ) shall not apply .
120 minutes at cruising speed or 400 nautical miles , whichever is the lesser , for airplanes capable of continuing the flight to an aerodrome with the critical power unit ( s ) becoming inoperative at any point along the route or planned diversions ; or
The minimum equipment list ( MEL ) taking account of the airplane types and variants operated and the type ( s ) /area ( s ) of operation .
Military Operators ( not completed ) Australia -Boeing Business Jet The Australian air force has the ability of 2 Boeing Business Jet ( BBJ ) airplane since July 2006 . - Boeing 737AEW & C The boeing 737 airborne early warning and control airplanes is a in development aircraft for air traffic control with advanced radar systems .
The required minimum supply in Table 1 , row 3 , shall cover the quantity of oxygen necessary for a constant rate of descent from the airplane ’ s maximum certified operating altitude to 15000 ft in 10 minutes .
If such an airplane passes overhead at great height at night , then it appears as a regularly blinking light ( or small clump of lights ) that moves in a straight line across the sky .
The US Noise Act 1990 requires all large Chapter 2 airplanes to be taken out of service by 31 December 1999 .
Except as provided by subparagraph ( b ) ( 1 ) , a Community operator utilising an airplane from , or providing it to , another Community operator , must obtain prior approval for the operation from his respective Authority .
Lots of airplanes this morning ...
An operator shall ensure that , at no point along the intended track , will an airplane having three or more engines be more than 90 minutes at the all-engine long range cruising speed at standard temperature in still air , away from an aerodrome at which the performance requirements applicable at the expected landing mass are met unless it complies with subparagraphs ( b ) to ( e ) below .
Before airplanes existed , he traveled to more parts of the world than I have been , preaching the radical word of love , peace and social justice .
If that comparison is valid , our planet is one troubled “ airplane . ”
In the summer of 2011the airplanes of the Croatian national airline Croatia Airlines will be directly connecting Venice and Athens to Dubrovnik .
Member States which require such airplanes to comply with Article 3 shall so inform other Member States and the Commission .
The means of transport used was the car ( 68 % ) , train ( 14 % ) , airplane ( 13 % ) and boat ( 5 % ) .
Okay , the guy from BU is getting on the airplane now .
You look like the kind who steals liquor bottles from airplanes .
You pulled my husband out of a burning airplane ! ”
We got no juice . Well , how would the battery from an airplane work ?
I had a weak feeling of pain in my stomach , when the airplane began to move .
But now apparently we ca n't even talk about the safest place to sit on an airplane .
the type , performance and handling characteristics of the airplane ;
Indonesia again English _ Dutch Indonesia again Bangkok ( Thailand ) to Banda Naira ( Indonesia ) , Mar-17-09 / Apr-07-09 printable version On March 24th we take the airplane from Bangkok to Kuala Lumpur .
The generator in the alley was like standing next to an airplane .
Could this airplane fly ?
prior flight time under IFR as PIC on airplanes , under a rating giving the privileges to fly under IFR and in IMC
You got an airplane .
Especially with an airplane in it .
The ESC assumes that the abolition of national authorities ' discretion in respect of issuing licences will not , in practical terms , make it easier to operate airplanes which fall under this directive .
Imagine this lot checking in on an airplane .
Airplanes with an MCTOM of more than 5700 kg or with an MOPSC of more than nine shall be equipped with at least one crash axe or crowbar located in the flight crew compartment .
An operator shall ensure that the take-off flight path of airplanes with two or more engines , determined in accordance with this sub-paragraph , clears all obstacles by a vertical margin of at least 50 ft , or by a horizontal distance of at least 90 m plus 0·125 x D , where D is the horizontal distance travelled by the airplane from the end of the take-off distance available or the end of the take-off distance if a turn is scheduled before the end of the take-off distance available except as provided in sub-paragraphs ( b ) and ( c ) below .
Airplane . Can you hold on a sec ?
b. airplanes with certified internal accommodation of more than 19 passengers seats .
The airplane had to make an emergency landing because of a fire in the cockpit .
The flight crew qualification requirements are specific to the operator and the type of airplane operated .
Prepare an airplane .
Dear airplane people , I owe you one floating slide .
The Messerschmitt Me262 was the first operational fighter jet with jet engines , The airplane was developed by Nazi-Germany in World war 2 .
That 's a nice airplane .
In 1908 , he became Wilbur Wright 's first airplane passenger in France and in 1909 created the first university course in aeronautics .
As our brief coverage of air traffic control has shown , your pilot is not the only one who knows where your airplane is at any given moment .
And at this meeting , can you tell us what was discussed regarding the de-icing system on the airplane ?
You knew all along that you was buildin ' a toy airplane !
The airplane/STD training programme shall be established such that all major failures of airplane systems and associated procedures will have been covered in the preceding three-year period .
Advertising leaflets would be dropped from a small rented airplane flying over Bern , while publishers would stand on the streets offering the booklet to the public .
With respect to the single failure criterion above , it is accepted that due allowance must be made for the size and broad configuration of the aircraft and that this may prevent this single failure criterion from being met for some parts and some systems on helicopters and small airplanes .
On 4 September 1996 the Commission submitted to the Council a proposal for a Council directive amending Directive 92/14/EEC on the limitation of the operation of airplanes covered by Part II , Chapter 2 , Volume I of Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation , second edition , 1988 .
If the airplane system involves the use of hybrid or other special systems ( such as head up displays or enhanced vision equipment ) then flight crew members must practise the use of these systems in normal and abnormal modes during the simulator phase of training .
Well , now I 'm not exactly in the airplane business .
Not that the prospects for the market ( which is the only one that counts for the future of aeronautics ) is bad quite the contrary : according to a recent study , commissioned by the industry itself in collaboration with the European Commission , the average annual value of world deliveries of airplanes and helicopters should increase in real terms in the next 20 years to approximately 40 % above the average for 198086 .
It 's like being on an airplane and the guy next you goes :
Civil subsonic jet airplanes , p. 65 - 10 .
except for airplanes with a maximum certificated take-off mass of 5700 kg or less , already registered in a Member State on 1 April 1995 , equipped with a standby attitude indicator in the pilot-in-command ’ s instrument panel .
Such equipment or devices need not be provided at overwing exits if the designated place on the airplane structure at which the escape route terminates is less than 1·83 metres ( 6 feet ) from the ground with the airplane on the ground , the landing gear extended , and the flaps in the take off or landing position , whichever flap position is higher from the ground .
If I see one truck or one airplane or one policeman or one soldier or one person we 'll mow these kids down .
It claimed the lives of 55 men , and six airplanes were lost .
Luckily for him this pump was n't assembled in an airplane ! ! ! Back in England it is n't that hard finding an original ( electronical ) fuel pump .
An operator shall ensure that the landing mass of the airplane determined in accordance with OPS 1.475 ( a ) does not exceed the maximum landing mass specified in the airplane flight manual for the altitude and , if accounted for in the airplane flight manual , the ambient temperature expected for the estimated time of landing at the destination and alternate aerodrome .
Remember when there was an airplane crash ?
any part of the net take-off flight path in which the airplane is banked by more than 15 o must clear all obstacles within the horizontal distances specified in subparagraphs ( a ) , ( d ) and ( e ) of this paragraph by a vertical distance of at least 50 ft ; and
An operator shall ensure that when a cabin crew member has not been absent from all flying duties , but has not , during the preceding 6 months , undertaken duties on a type of airplane as a cabin crew member required by OPS 1.990 ( b ) , before undertaking such duties on that type , the cabin crew member either :
An operator shall not require a crew member to perform any activities during critical phases of the flight other than those required for the safe operation of the airplane ( see OPS 1.192 ) .
You tingled expectantly in his presence – there was an energy that took form in his hands , in no particular order he conjured up bombs , race-mopeds , and airplanes , juggling them like a light-hearted magician .
Oxygen minimum requirements for non-pressurised airplanes
The U.K. reported over three dozen airplanes unable to maintain altitude .
It 's funny , naming an airplane after a submachine gun .
One combination recorder if the airplane with a maximum certificated take-off mass of 5700 kg or less has to be equipped with a cockpit voice recorder and a flight data recorder ; or
The stewardess who gave him coffee in the airplane , was standing at the exit and tipped him an eye when he passed .
[ Content ] How to get from Montreal to Toronto By airplane Until a high-speed train link is built , the fastest way to travel the 556km .
( 5 ) Whereas it is necessary to respect the initial intention of the exemption for airplanes on the registers of developing nations ; whereas the relevant provisions of the said Directive should therefore be clarified to that effect ;
Airplane/Helicopter In service since In service till Purchased Remarks
( air transportation on a commercial basis . In kind support e.g . chartered cargo airplane may be an option )
Airplane Ship Railway Wagon
This exception also applies to airplanes ( less than 40 hours flight ) and boats ( less than 100 hours navigation ) .
No , this seat is not approved for use on an airplane .
So , you see that this airplane is more a symbol .
During the war , seven airplanes from the allies were shot down on Schiermonnikoog .
Prior to conducting an ETOPS flight , an operator shall be ensure that a suitable ETOPS en-route alternate is available , within either the approved diversion time , or a diversion time based on the MEL generated serviceability status of the airplane , whichever is shorter .
The richest man in my town , on the other hand , inherited his money from his father who built airplanes .
bigger airplanes ;
An operator shall not operate any multi-engined turbine airplane first issued with an individual Certificate of Airworthiness , on or after 1 January 1990 up to and including 31 March 1998 which has a maximum certificated take-off mass of 5700 kg or less and a maximum approved passenger seating configuration of more than nine , unless it is equipped with a cockpit voice recorder which records :
From day one the German army tried to break the humiliating rules and the arms industry was moved to Switzerland , Sweden and the Netherlands.They secretly tested tanks and airplanes in the Soviet Union .
All kind of transport : without transport , rent-a-car , taxis , coach , train , airplane .
The Cessna Citation laboratory airplane of the TU Delft and NLR also made some flypasts .
for airplanes first issued with an individual certificate of airworthiness on or after 1 January 1987 , with a maximum certificated take off mass of over 27000 kg the remaining parameters of Table B of Appendix 1 to OPS 1.725 .
The campsite also offers karting , horse riding , airplane , swimming lessons ...
Airplanes shall be equipped with a first-aid kit .
Here 's an airplane ticket , flight 402 this morning .
I had therefore hoped that the Commissioner would arrive in Strasbourg by airplane today , but I believe that she just came by car .
for airplanes specified in ( a ) above , the flight data recorder must record any dedicated parameters relating to novel or unique design or operational characteristics of the airplane as determined by the Authority during type or supplemental type certification ; and
The symbols on the reels have on them images with journals , explorer hats , vests , bug spray , lanterns , rucksacks , knives , binoculars , airplanes , maps , jeeps and old style cameras .
Revalidation of class and type ratings — airplanes
The borrowers often spent the funds for airplanes and cars instead of oil drilling equipment and so forth .
This requires explicit instructions to their civil aviation authorities so that at least the airplanes which we know were CIA airplanes and at least the front companies that we know were CIA companies are controlled from now on together , of course , with more efficient and democratic controls of their secret services .
You ever been on an airplane , Harry ?
airplane upset prevention training : a combination of theoretical knowledge and flying training with the aim of providing flight crew with the required competencies to prevent airplane upsets ; and
I wanted to fly with my airplane .
Do you like the airplane ?
This is what the Vector Control Unit of the Onchocerciasis Control Programme has been doing weekly by helicopters and small airplanes in the Volta River basin area since 1974 .
Nearly 10 years after 11 September , the terrorist threat is still present , and airplanes are one of the tools favoured by terrorists to strike at our countries .
It had to be forced into existence by requirements that were so difficult to achieve , and then nuclear airplane was that .
Airplanes and other aircraft of an unladen weight ≤ 2000 kg , for civil use
Airplanes operated over areas in which search and rescue would be especially difficult shall be equipped with such signalling devices and life-saving equipment , including means of sustaining life , as may be appropriate to the area overflown .
Airplanes shall be equipped with at least one hand fire extinguisher in the flight crew compartment .
The question is , `` Do we have enough airplanes to handle all these cities ? ``
In the airplane , when leave here ...
There are countries which use their military B707 airplanes only for transport but also for special purposes .
An operator shall take all reasonable measures to ensure that articles and substances that are specifically identified by name or generic description in the Technical Instructions as being forbidden for transport under any circumstances are not carried on any airplane .
Same pilots , same airstrips , same airplanes carrying guns and drugs at the same time .
airplanes whose operations are of such an exceptional nature that it would be unreasonable to withhold a temporary exemption ;
the minimum altitudes for safe flight on each stage of the route to be flown or of any planned diversion therefrom specified in , or calculated from the information contained in , the operations manual relating to the airplane ; and
the flight training for a class or type rating ( sea ) for single-pilot airplanes ( sea ) shall include at least 8 hours of dual flight instruction if applicants hold the land version of the relevant class or type rating , or 10 hours if applicants do not hold such a rating ; and
The airplane categories referred to in this subpart must be derived in accordance with the method given in Appendix 2 to OPS 1.430 ( c ) .
the endorsement of the rating `` piston-engine non-pressurised airplanes of 2000 kg MTOM and below `` requires demonstration of practical experience which shall include a representative cross-section of maintenance activities relevant to the licence category .
Where do I get an airplane ?
This will require a force of 180 B-1 7 airplanes . ``
I have long been interested in airplanes and flying .
Subject to the approval of the Authority , an operator of an airplane using an approved lateral guidance system for take-off may reduce the take-off minima to an RVR less than 125 m ( Category A , B and C airplanes ) or 150 m ( Category D airplanes ) but not lower than 75 m provided runway protection and facilities equivalent to Category III landing operations are available .
Alberto Santos - Dumont and his airplane the “ 14 - bis ”
And we 're gon na go on the airplane .
I wanted to tell you I was happy when you gave me the airplane .
non-pressurised airplanes with an MCTOM of more than 5700 kg .
this was * out to finding a jet airplane in the tomb of King Tut .
An operator shall ensure that propeller driven airplanes with a maximum approved passenger seating configuration of nine or less , and a maximum take-off mass of 5700 kg or less are operated in accordance with Subpart H ( Performance Class B ) .
Airplanes other than those covered by subparagraph ( b ) ( 1 ) above are operated by a single pilot provided that the requirements of Appendix 2 to OPS 1.940 are satisfied .
It is fair to assume that the costs of withdrawal marginally compliant airplanes based on an airport-by-airport approach in only one region of the world , i.e . the Community , will be considerably lower compared to a general phase-out applicable at all Community airports .
to airplanes when used in military , customs and police services ; nor
Win races to earn money and upgrade the airplane .
When Italy decided to purchase 18 airplanes , the production line was reopened .
As Commissioner , will you now change your attitude and , at this late date , support restrictions on child online betting , at race tracks , in bookmakers , on airplanes and anywhere else that this insidious practice persists ?
The net flight path must permit the airplane to continue flight from the cruising altitude to an aerodrome where a landing can be made in accordance with OPS 1.515 or 1.520 as appropriate , the net flight path clearing vertically , by at least 2000 ft , all terrain and obstructions along the route within 9.3 km ( 5 nm ) on either side of the intended track in accordance with sub-paragraphs ( 1 ) to ( 4 ) below :
Ketut can not fly on airplane .
Many of my friends were Jewish and with one of them named Loekie , I shared my passion for airplanes .
COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 98/20/EC of 30 March 1998 amending Directive 92/14/EEC on the limitation of the operation of airplanes covered by Part II , Chapter 2 , Volume 1 of Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation , second edition ( 1988 )
# Two little bird flapped his wings and flew # # He met an airplane and said , boom #
servicing of airplanes ; and
Framework the subject Airplane ...
Bear in airplane 1950
Tatarstan is a leading Russian producer of oil and gas . Its industries produce airplanes and automobiles , and the republic has several airports .
And my airplanes will bomb your artillery like that !
Except for an airplane equipped with turboprop engines and a maximum take-off mass at or below 5700 kg , in the event of an engine failure during take-off , the pilot-in-command shall ensure that the airplane is able :
However , The Commission does feel that it is reasonable to expect coach and minibus passengers to be informed of the obligatory requirements to wear safety belts in a similar manner to which airplane passengers are informed of the requirement to wear safety belts .
( imitating airplane engine )
With a ban on buying new commercial jets or even spare parts for the existing fleet , the number of operational planes shrunk to three airplanes only .
The accomplishment of all maintenance in accordance with the approved operator ’ s airplane maintenance programme specified in OPS 1.910 ;
An airplane that flies twice the speed of a rifle bullet ?
My dear , airplanes are the only hope now .
In the game you must fight the enemy with your airplane , running or with an sub marine .
These nice people put me airplane to America .
Training in the airplane may be conducted by a Class Rating Examiner ( CRE ) , a Flight Examiner ( FE ) or a Type Rating Examiner ( TRE ) .
You also asked me to be more specific about how these efforts will contribute towards establishing a reliable system of transport by boat , airplane or helicopter for the small island regions of the European Union .
So the guy 's either a bomber or a model-airplane enthusiast .
Lights to conform with the International regulations for preventing collisions at sea if the airplane is a Seaplane or an Amphibian .
have the right to refuse transportation of inadmissible passengers , deportees or persons in custody if their carriage poses any risk to the safety of the airplane or its occupants ;
All airplanes with compressibility limitations not otherwise indicated by the required airspeed indicators shall be equipped with a Mach number indicator at each pilot ’ s station .
- Can you hear cars or airplanes ?
The airplane designers Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev ( 1888-1972 ) and Nikolay Nikolaevich Polikarpov ( 1892-1944 ) and other prominent engineers and scientists were set free too .
- nuh-uh . Airplane windows do n't open .
Of course I always wondered what would happen if he 'd kissed the airplane first .
And we stand them up on top of a building , or in our case a porta-potty , and fly airplanes at them and crash them into them and , you know , he 's the big King Kong .
airplanes with metal tubing structure covered with fabric .
the equipment of the airplane intended to be used meets the minimum requirements for the planned operation ;
So this is our largest airplane which we have , the Airbus A380 , and it 's quite huge , so a lot of people fit in there and it 's technically completely different than the vision I 've shown to you .
Before the date referred to in paragraph 2 , the operation of civil subsonic jet airplanes which do not comply with the provision of paragraph 1 ( a ) may be restricted or excluded at the airports of Berlin Tegel and Berlin Tempelhof . ` ;
The highspeed train is thus an alternative to road transport and up to a certain point to air transport as well , and Mr Liittge has rightly pointed out that travellers will choose the highspeed train in preference to the airplane for certain distances .
Each airplane has four machine guns and can also drop bombs .
An “ Airplane ” in the Dust
Over 2,700 years ago , Jehovah God pointed forward to the era when steel war tanks and airplanes would be used for the first time in martial combat , and when trench warfare would become specialized , soldiers would have to use gas masks , and long - range cannons such as the “ Big Bertha ” would be employed in total conflict .
Grant Sad , in Sylmar , thought his house had been hit by an airplane .
[ 7 ] When a statement is made about the Pentagon being `` attacked , `` it is often assumed that this means that the Pentagon was struck by an airplane .
One afternoon , while she was making an airplane ...
I was about escaping in the airplane .
the OCH/OCL for the category of airplane ;
===Death===Gardel died on 24 June 1935 in an airplane crash in Medellín , Colombia .
An operator shall ensure that the airplane , in the meteorological conditions expected for the flight , and in the event of engine failure , is capable of reaching a place at which a safe forced landing can be made .
by airplane from Panama City to David and then by bus or taxi to Boquete
An operator shall treat two-engine airplanes which do not meet the climb requirements of Appendix 1 to OPS 1.525 ( b ) as single-engine airplanes .
Jacob also makes a down payment on his first airplane around then .
Somewhere as tightly packed as the Beauville shanty town a biological weapon sprayed from an airplane could kill hundreds of thousands in one attack .
Progress your weapons with every match . Stand out on the Battlefield Choose the colors of your Company with vehicle cosmetic customization , with skins for tanks as well as skins and nose art for airplanes .
While the availability of relevant data on board improves safety , the EESC points out that flight crews must remain in control of the airplane .
`` Excuse me , `` I 'd say , while I 'd grind my crotch into an unsuspecting passenger on a crowded airplane .
Much of the problem relates to transport and construction activity including cars , lorries , airplanes and construction vehicles and equipment .
Standards and rules are quickly taken up , whether they relate to motor vehicles , boats , trains or airplanes .
By de nition , competition concerns in this sector do not usually arise from restrictions on physical capacity requiring the divestiture of a given business ( e.g . airplanes or subsidiaries ) , but rather from barriers to entry , namely access to airport slots ( 16 ) .
With a little airplane you can make a tour around the Mont Blanc . There are 4 different flights possible , from a short one to a long one .
Mr Beale asked for an explanation of the standards for the various kinds of airplane and Mr Löw spoke on the question of sanctions .
30 minutes at cruising speed for all other airplanes ;
An operator shall not operate an airplane in defined portions of airspace where , based on regional air navigation agreement , a vertical separation minimum of 300 m ( 1000 ft ) applies unless approved to do so by the Authority ( RVSM approval ) ( see also OPS 1.872 ) .
So , fix your airplane , come back , and fly for us .
It created a new exception allowing the use of certain civil propellor-driven airplanes , provided that the Commission is informed of such authorization .
If two-engined airplanes are used , adequate aerodromes are available within the time/distance limitations of OPS 1.245 .
OPS 1.075 Methods of carriage of persons : not required for VFR operations of single engine airplanes .
Send off silly planes successfully in the Airport Mania games Some airplanes need fuel before they can take off , so make sure to gas them up first .
Any original documentation , or copies thereof , that he is required to preserve is preserved for the required retention period even if he ceases to be the operator of the airplane ; and
But it 's an airplane quite obviously , with all the features of an airplane .
Single-pilot airplanes-sea .
At the maximum flight level to which the airplane , with one engine inoperative , can climb , and maintain , using the gross rate of climb specified in the AFM ,
The amount of supplemental oxygen required shall be determined on the basis of cabin pressure altitude , flight duration and the assumption that a cabin pressurisation failure will occur at the altitude or point of flight that is most critical from the standpoint of oxygen need , and that , after the failure , the airplane will descend in accordance with emergency procedures specified in the Airplane Flight Manual to a safe altitude for the route to be flown that will allow continued safe flight and landing .
Run the airplane on the runway and wait for my instructions .
Unless you 're talking about importing airplane parts , that man has nothing to say . Let him get the invitation .
A five - hour flight in a commercial airplane : 0.03 mSv
Right , it 's usually used in model airplanes and surfboards .
have at least 500 hours as a pilot in multi-pilot operations on single-pilot multi-engine airplanes , in commercial air transport in accordance with the applicable air operations requirements .
'Cause my pizza guy is coming , and now I have airplane in my hair !
the issue , revalidation or renewal of a class or type rating for single-pilot airplanes , except for single-pilot high performance complex airplanes , when the privileges sought by the applicant are to fly in single-pilot operations ; ’
This airplane can take off from the ground or can be hand launched .
He loves his airplanes .
If the galaxy were a city ... where most of the stars would be cars or pedestrians ... a high-velocity star would be more like an airplane ... or a high-speed train rushing out of the country .
When an airplane carrying army men was to leave Cyprus one day , I was commanded to sabotage it .
Approach and landing conditions — airplanes and helicopters
No , man , all jokes aside , man , how the airplane engineering business treating ' you ?
cycles and motor cycles , private motor vehicles and their trailers , camping caravans , pleasure craft and private airplanes .
Airplane must have been standing straight on its tail .
Airplanes and other powered aircraft of an of an unladen weight > 15.000 kg , civil ( excl . helicopters and dirigibles )
The F-101 was build in 2 version : a air-defence jet and a reconnaissance airplane . There have been manufactured more than 800 planes for the US Air Force .
Additional criteria . The Authority may impose such additional conditions as are deemed necessary for a safe operation taking into account the airplane type characteristics , orographic characteristics in the approach area , available approach aids and missed approach/baulked landing considerations .
A Christian couple who had served as ministers for many years were killed when an airplane crashed to the ground where they were evangelizing from house to house .
He and some others were even going to hijack an airplane , although the plan did not materialize .
Yesterday morning another airplane with red-white and blue on the tail flew
SF-260 traning airplane Air Force Belgium , Italy
A flight shall not be commenced when any of the airplane ’ s instruments , items of equipment or functions required for the intended flight are inoperative or missing , unless :
mental benefit , and should therefore be considered only as a first stage , to be followed by measures to limit the operation of airplanes which do not comply with the standards of Chapter 3 of the said Annex 16 ,
The A310 is a transport airplane developed by the European civil Airbus industry .
for single-pilot multi-engine airplanes :
Is it something to do with your airplane ?
From 1948-1957 more than 11,000 marked Starlings ( one-third adults , two-thirds juveniles ) , caught during autumn migration near The Hague , and were ( by airplane ) displaced to Switzerland ( Basle , Zurich and Geneva ) .They yielded 354 recoveries .
Pressurised airplanes operated at flight altitudes for which the oxygen supply is required in accordance with ( b ) shall be equipped with oxygen storage and dispensing apparatus capable of storing and dispensing the required oxygen supplies .
The Boeing 787 Drealiner is a 2-turbofan engine powered long range airplane , developed by the American company Boeing .
If a company produces airplanes , does it not provide instructions on operation and care that the owner of the airplane must follow carefully for safe and satisfactory operation of the aircraft ?
The airplane crashed in the mountainous region near Thessaloniki , following a failed attempt to land .
two independent static pressure systems , except that for propeller driven airplanes with maximum certificated take-off mass of 5700 kg or less , one static pressure system and one alternate source of static pressure is allowed .
Flying on an airplane , you get a sense of boundless freedom .
The intensity and scale of these negative effects have escalated and have now all become too apparent as travel by car and airplane has increased .
This is my private airplane , and I make the rules !
They 're starting on the airplane .
is trained to taxi the airplane ;
Council Directive 92/14/EEC , of 2 March 1992 , on the limitation of the operation of airplanes covered by Part II , Chapter 2 , Volume 1 of Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation , second edition ( 1988 ) 2
The two-engines-inoperative en-route net flight path data must permit the airplane to continue the flight , in the expected meteorological conditions , from the point where two engines are assumed to fail simultaneously , to an aerodrome at which it is possible to land and come to a complete stop when using the prescribed procedure for a landing with two engines inoperative .
The temperature in the tank of an airplane cools down depending on the height , speed and duration of a flight .
Piston engine non-pressurised airplanes of MTOM of 2t and below
Because you have to talk on the phone and take an airplane to New York .
An operator shall ensure that the landing mass of the airplane determined in accordance with OPS 1.475 ( a ) for the estimated time of landing at the destination aerodrome and at any alternate aerodrome allows a full stop landing from 50 ft above the threshold :
It may not be the only remains of agricultural activity , there may be also included archaeological artifacts or parts of collapsed airplanes .
From the Côte 304 the French prevent the Germans from installing their artillery lines and observation posts , because of their artillery fire from cable balloons and airplanes .
I think that it does not give a good impression of us if a failed bomb attack on an airplane only leads us to a general debate on Yemen .
the published circling OCH for the airplane category ;
Phone keeps ringing , but all I want to do is watch this airplane coverage .
North American FJ-2 Fury airplane World Wide Military Your prime source for information of more than 900 International Weapon systems Professionals in International Military Aircraft and Helicopters Military Aircraft Military Helicopters Army Material Navy Ships Armament & Missiles Countries Home Aviation Technology Aircraft Systems Weapon Systems Defence Industry About WWM -- > -- > FJ-2 Fury The FJ-2 Fury was a single-engine subsonic fighter aircraft , able to operate from aircraft carriers and developed by the American company North American .
Two airplanes have crashed into the World Trade Center in an apparent terrorist attack on our country .
Minister H.A . Korthals opens the National Aviation Museum , which houses a.o . a Fokker FVII and copies of the glider of Lilienthal and the airplane of the brothers Wright .
I suppose it 's a bit childish to have airplanes on your wallpaper .
How can a perfectly ordinary , good-natured guy who would n't slap down a mosquito sit up in an airplane and bomb 1000 sleeping strangers down beneath him ?
‘ airplane ’ means a power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft , deriving its lift in flight chiefly from aerodynamic reactions on surfaces which remain fixed under given conditions of flight ;
Assuming continued growth in air transport activities in the medium and long term , despite the recent downturn following the tragic events of 11 September 2001 , and without further action to limit noise around airports , the number of people in the Community exposed to excessive noise from airplanes is expected to increase after 2002 , date at which the Chapter 2 airplanes will have been completely phased out in the Community .
You gon na get an airplane ... or are you just gon na let Maudine the mule kick you over ?
He has looked at photos of the Pentagon taken before the walls collapsed and has determined that it was not a Boeing that disappeared into the building.By way of TU-Delft Professor Coen Vermeeren , Zembla asserts that an airplane can quickly go up in smoke due to the light materials that it 's made of .
Specification of isolated aerodromes — airplanes
Adam , put down the guitar and get the airplane .
Notwithstanding paragraph ( d ) above , in the case of airplane component maintenance , including endine maintenance , the contract may be in the form of individual work orders to the Maintenance Organisation .
Development of first airplane jet engine and construction of
Airplane Ship Railway wagon
turbine propeller powered airplanes with an MCTOM of more than 5700 kg or having an MOPSC of more than nine ; and
These dangerous situations can be prevented with Rain-X ! Rain-X is known as a water repellent treatment windshields of cars , airplanes and other vehicles , but is also suitable for your helmet visor .
leaking or damaged packages , overpacks or freight containers are not loaded on an airplane ;
We manufacture plastic structures replacing metal where those of Maderplast not rust , iron also replace the wood and fibers to work outdoors in the rain and sun in marine areas where the Maderplast are the only ones that resist salt spray are for heavy duty saltwater and handling of chemicals or acids that harm others , structures , Maderplast is made to the wing of an airplane , or whatever your imagination wants , do the best solution with Maderplast to their problems of materials and the solution to your projects happen , do it Maderplast .
Airplanes operated have a standard Certificate of Airworthiness issued in accordance with Commission Regulation ( EC ) No 1702/2003 of 24 September 2003 laying down implementing rules for the airworthiness and environmental certification of aircraft and related products , parts and appliances , as well as for the certification of design and production organisations [ 1 ] by a Member State . Standard Certificates of Airworthiness issued by a Member State other than the State responsible for issuing the AOC , will be accepted without further showing when issued in accordance with Part 21 ;
For example , I do n't know if you heard about this , a little while ago in the US , there was a Muslim family walking down the aisle of an airplane , talking about the safest place to sit on the plane .
Airplane , please fly .
C-37 World Wide Military Your prime source for information of more than 900 International Weapon systems Professionals in International Military Aircraft and Helicopters Military Aircraft Military Helicopters Army Material Navy Ships Armament & Missiles Countries Home Aviation Technology Aircraft Systems Weapon Systems Defence Industry About WWM - > -- > C-37 The C-37 is a twin-engine airplane for VIP flights .
If single-engine airplanes are used , surfaces are available which permit a safe forced landing to be executed .
For airplanes with no type specific simulator , operators must ensure that the flight training phase specific to the visual scenarios of Category II operations is conducted in a simulator approved for that purpose by the Authority .
The Joint Aviation Authorities ( JAA ) have adopted a set of harmonised rules for commercial air transportation by airplane , called JAR-OPS 1 .
photo , material , free , landscape , picture , stock photo , Creative Commons , A propeller plane , An airplane , rotor , propeller , wing ,
According to an internal briefing of the Amsterdam police an 'attempt should be made ' to fill up the airplane 'in one go ' , so that the 'whole club could be expelled from the Netherlands in one go . '
You might not wan na get on an airplane .
In an intriguing exhibition Wim Melis ( NL , 1969 ) asks what meaning airplanes , tanks and missiles still have when they are stripped of their raison d'être .
Two transport airplanes took off today from Hannover airport , flying 80 metric tonnes of nuclear safety equipment to Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant in Russia .
The following airplanes shall be equipped with a CVR :
There are European holiday regions to which Europeans normally travel by bus , train or car , and there are others that are primarily reached by airplane .
Here . You wan na play the airplane game ?
Um , if you build an airplane and people are afraid of anything that flies , you ca n't just take the wings off of it , because , at that point , all you 're left with is a really slow , super expensive shitty bus .
I 've seen all the equipment they 've got , but there 's no airplane .
Sixthly , 70 % - I repeat 70 % - of the atmospheric pollution of our planet is due to transport and only 7 % is due to industry and we should refrain from misleading criticism which only targets industrial pollution , given that cars and airplanes cause most of the pollution on our planet .
Airplanes with an MOPSC of 19 or less shall be equipped with at least :
when changing to an airplane for which a new type or class rating is required ; or
E-25 Mirlo training aircraft Spain Air Force World Wide Military Your prime source for information of more than 900 International Weapon systems Professionals in International Military Aircraft and Helicopters Military Aircraft Military Helicopters Army Material Navy Ships Armament & Missiles Countries Home Aviation Technology Aircraft Systems Weapon Systems Defence Industry About WWM Military Aircraft -- > -- > E-25 Mirlo ( Spain ) The Spanish E-25 ( C-101 Aviojet ) is a training airplane from the Spanish Air Force .
Infosheet aerospace industry The extensive technical documentation for , among other things , the manufacturing , service and marketing of airplanes , requires efficient strategies and solutions for the translation process .
Noise abatement procedures — airplanes , helicopters and powered sailplanes
In the early 1960 ’ s , a number of hearty Alaskan Witnesses braved the elements — fierce winds , subzero temperatures , whiteout conditions — and flew their private , single - engined airplanes on preaching tours among the villages scattered to the north .
“ LSA aircraft ” means a light sport airplane which has all of the following characteristics :
An operator shall not operate a pressurised airplane at altitudes above 25 000 ft , when a cabin crew member is required to be carried , unless it is equipped with a supply of undiluted oxygen for passengers who , for physiological reasons , might require oxygen following a cabin depressurisation .
I mean , it 's fascinating . In aviation , we would never let people fly on airplanes if for every nine planes that took off one would crash .
Turbine-powered airplanes with a maximum certified take-off mass ( MCTOM ) of more than 5700 kg or an MOPSC of more than nine shall be equipped with a TAWS that meets the requirements for :
You know how airplanes have black boxes ?
For airplanes that have take-off field length data contained in their AFM which accounts for engine failure , the following requirements shall be met in accordance with the specifications in the AFM :
“ We ’ ve now gotten it down to the point where we have virtually banned smoking on airplanes , ” said one senator .
These airlines should have a stable financial background , because safety does not only mean safety in case of an accident but also implies that , if I purchase an air ticket , I should be confident that by the time of the trip , there will actually be an airplane to take me to my destination .
Yesterday morning another airplane with red-white and blue on the tail flew over .
Passenger Aircraft , Airplane , A380 , Blue Sky Image Size : 1920x1080 px
An operator shall ensure that multi-engine airplanes powered by turbopropeller engines with a maximum approved passenger seating configuration of more than 9 or a maximum take-off mass exceeding 5700 kg , and all multi-engine turbojet powered airplanes are operated in accordance with Subpart G ( Performance Class A ) .
We manufacture plastic structures replacing metal where those of Maderplast not rust , iron also replace the wood and fibers to work outdoors in the rain and sun in marine areas More ... where the Maderplast are the only ones that resist salt spray are for heavy duty saltwater and handling of chemicals or acids that harm others , structures , Maderplast is made to the wing of an airplane , or whatever your imagination wants , do the best solution with Maderplast to their problems of materials and the solution to your projects happen , do it Maderplast .
That airplane is my ticket out of here when everything goes to hell , as it most certainly will .
When the holder of the LAPL ( S ) also has the privileges to fly airplanes , the requirements in ( 1 ) may be completed on airplanes .
To illustrate : Airplane pilots know that if they get lost , they can communicate with air traffic controllers to get help .
A flight crew member does not operate more than two airplane types or variants for which a separate licence endorsement is required ; and
for the purpose of taking action necessary for the safety of the airplane or of any person , animal or goods therein ; or
Wherever you go , on airplanes people read it on the Dalai Lama Eckhart tole or `` this power `` .
The Russians had a similar one called the A16 ; a round airplane , a frisbee , ok .
( 8 ) Whereas it should be made clear that a Member State can only establish a timetable for the gradual withdrawal of non-compliant airplanes in respect of airplanes which are on the register of that Member State ;
the OCH/OCL for the category of airplane ; or
visual signals used to warn an unauthorised airplane flying in or about to enter a restricted , prohibited or danger area ;
Whereas the Communication on the future development of the common transport policy : a global framework to the construction of a Community framework for sustainable mobility explicitly refers to the introduction of a non-addition rule for the noisiest airplanes ;
Preparatory meetings in Buenos Aires and Geneva , in March 1980 , were also enabled by Khashoggi : `` Mr.Khashoggi allowed us to use his credit cards to buy fuel for the airplane .
Okay , look , all you 're guilty of right now is buying a model airplane ... and that 's not a crime , last time I checked .
The two engines are assumed to fail at the most critical point of that portion of the route where the airplane is more than 90 minutes , at the all-engines long range cruising speed at standard temperature in still air , away from an aerodrome at which the performance requirements applicable at the expected landing mass are met .
You know , I bet if I met Mr Virgil Corum at a bar , sat next to him on an airplane and heard his story , I would feel his pain , and I would care .
We 've not lost an airplane .
A midnight border crossing in a 40-year-old airplane with a questionable compass , no charts and total radio silence was typical Jack Dalton .
- airplanes in respect of which an operator demonstrates that the pursuit of his operations would otherwise be adversely affected to an unreasonable extent .
And what has an airplane to do with fashion ?
The current 23 SF-260M and 9 SF-260D airplanes are operated by the 1e wing of the Belgium Air component , stationed on Bevekom air force base .
They say soon we 'll be able to use them on an airplane .
Timelapse : corrosion protection of the letters 'TUDelft'What seemed like a wild idea in 2014 , using the external skeletons of algae to prevent corrosion , has now been shown to provide long term protection of aluminium used in airplanes .
revalidation and renewal of EIRs , provided that the CRE has completed at least 1500 hours as a pilot on airplanes and complies with the requirements in FCL.1010.IRE ( a ) ( 2 ) . ’
There are only three airplane crashes known in the Gooi- and Vechtregion during the time 'Seeadler ' was in use .
seats in low-occupancy airplanes involved only in on-demand non-scheduled commercial air transport operations . ’ ;
Come on , Grace There 's only so much you can accomplish in an airplane bathroom
Airplane .
Now I have to take off my shoes or boots to get on an airplane !
If you were going to take an airplane trip across the U.S. , you would be flying at these altitudes .
In the past , there have been dozens of examples of airplanes that swayed from their flight path and were met by intimidating fighter jets in no time .
I ca n't stand airplanes anymore .
Starting in 1970 , he developed his first models of imaginary vehicles , airplanes , balloons or helicopters , in original and surprising appearances .
In the east wind location , the place is a bit noisy as airplanes .
If ‘ n ’ is the number of airplanes in the fleet using fleet values , the operator must at least weigh , in the period between two fleet mass evaluations , a certain number of airplanes defined in the Table below :
A sufficient number of successful landings , as determined by the Authority , must be accomplished in line operations , including training flights , using the autoland and roll-out system installed in each airplane type .
Oxygen masks for use by flight crew members in pressurised airplanes operating above 25000 ft shall be a quick donning type of mask .
Airplanes shall be equipped with first-aid kits in accordance with Table 1 .
Each cabin crew member descends an evacuation slide from a height representative of the airplane 's main deck sill height ;
That 's airplane .
In the 20th century , we began with horses and when we build cars and airplanes , and we flew to the moon and we had Internet and if you multiply a thousand , you can not imagine what that will be .
The first gasoline powered car was invented by Karl Benz of Germany in 1885 , and only 20 years later the first turbocharger was invented by Swiss engineer , Alfred Buchi . But unlike twin turbo kits of today , the first turbocharger was not intended for cars , but for large diesel engines on ships and airplanes .
Another time , we had taken a trip , and I had inadvertently left my bag with rosaries on the airplane on the way home . I was heartbroken , but the person helping me was so sympathetic and kind .
Although they have yielded other airplanes .
An operator shall not operate an airplane for the purpose of commercial air transportation other than in accordance with OPS Part 1 .
In view of check-in and airport transfer times , airplanes - in comparison with high-speed trains - provide a zero minimal time benefit while causing considerable carbon dioxide and noise pollution .
The required minimum supply is that quantity of oxygen necessary for a constant rate of descent from the airplane ’ s maximum certificated operating altitude to 15 000 ft .
hold a certificate of completion of an MCC course in either helicopters or airplanes ;
He predicted the airplane , the submarine , the bicycle , the helicopter and even the tank .
So the discipline was -- as in the airplane you learn a lot about how to deal with the air , for a chair you have to learn a lot about how to deal with the body , and what the body needs , wants , indicates it needs .
But that began thinking about how birds went around , and then how airplanes would , how hang gliders would fly , and then other planes , and the idea of the Gossamer-Condor-type airplane quickly emerged , was so logical , one should have thought of it in the first place , but one did n't .
En-Route – Single-engine airplanes
Now you know how to fly an airplane ?
flights related to the introduction or modification of airplane or helicopter types conducted by design or production organisations within the scope of their privileges ;
Airplane base and scheduled line maintenance and engine maintenance contracts , together with all amendments , must be acceptable to the Authority .
The Operator 's CRM Training and Airplane Type Specific CRM shall be conducted by a least one cabin crew CRM instructor .
Okay . So we 're just kind of jumping out of the old airplane without a parachute here , huh ?
But I guess she never got close to an airplane , did she , Commander Rabb ?
Here it is possible to fly a model airplane ..
A commander shall submit an air traffic incident report in accordance with ICAO PANS RAC and applicable Community legislation whenever an airplane in flight has been endangered by :
The pair with the rip in the right butt cheek from stepping on 'em in the airplane bathroom when you had the trots ?
The government 's deciding whether or not to prosecute ... you and your pals for violating a direct order ... by assaulting that hijacked airplane without authorization .
For airplanes specified in ( a ) above , the flight data recorder must record any dedicated parameters relating to novel or unique design or operational characteristics of the airplane .
Had sex in an airplane bathroom 35,000 feet over Denver .
Beriev Be-200 : Russian Amphibious transport airplane , Russia World Wide Military Your prime source for information of more than 900 International Weapon systems Professionals in International Military Aircraft and Helicopters Military Aircraft Military Helicopters Army Material Navy Ships Armament & Missiles Countries Home Aviation Technology Aircraft Systems Weapon Systems Defence Industry About WWM -- > -- > Be-200 The Be-200 is the largest amphibious airplane in the world , developed by the Russian company Beriev derived from the A-40 .
Most airplanes have navigation lights at various extremities that blink at night .
Airplanes .
What I said then , at the end of May , was that for this summer we have over 100 boats , over 100 patrol vessels , 25 helicopters and 20 airplanes .
A provision of national law which , pursuant to Community law , lays down stricter limits on sound emissions for airplanes which are the subject of an application for first registration is compatible with the principles of free movement of goods enshrined in Article 30 of the EC Treaty , even if the result is to prevent registration in Germany of an airplane already registered in another Member State , while airplanes of the same type registered in Germany before that directive was adopted retain their registration . '
Chapter 2 airplanes equipped with hushkits do not yet pose a serious problem in the European Community . The situation in the USA , however , is very different .
When we get to the airplane , I 'm not gon na get on it . - What ?
Accordingly , a revised text on harmonised rules for commercial air operation called “ OPS 1 : commercial air transportation ( airplanes ) ” ( OPS 1 ) has been prepared on the basis of the outcome of these meetings and the original JAR-OPS 1 as adopted by the JAA .
By way of derogation from Article 5 ( 5 ) ( a ) , training organisations shall , when conducting flight training on complex motor-powered airplanes with a maximum certificated take-off mass ( MCTOM ) at or below 5700 kg , equipped with turboprop engines , operate those aircraft in accordance with Annex VII . ’
You tolerate a crying child sitting next to you on the airplane , or you tolerate a bad cold .
dry lease — is when the airplane is operated under the AOC of the lessee .
Whereas the application of noise emission standards to civil subsonic jet airplanes has significant consequences for the provision of air transport services , in particular where such standards impose restrictions on the type of airplanes that may be operated by airlines , encourage investment in the latest and quietest airplanes available and facilitate the better use of existing capacity , including that of airports ; whereas Directive 80/51/EEC ( 4 ) , as amended by Directive 83/206/EEC ( 5 ) , fixes limits on the emission of such noise ;
As far as airplanes from developing countries are concerned , it is essential to make the text as rigorous as possible , in order to avoid any abuse of the exemptions for airplanes currently operated by air carriers established in certain developing countries .
The Court observes that Regulation 2320/2002 seeks to impose obligations on individuals in so far as it prohibits certain items on board airplanes , defined in a general manner , in a list attached as an annex to the Regulation .
You got pregnant by your ex-husband on an airplane and you have n't even told him yet . Huh .
So you 're telling me that Allison has the remote control to an airplane in her head .
Get out of the airplane , it turns out you 're trekking in Nepal .
Have authority to disembark any person , or any part of the cargo , which , in his/her opinion , may represent a potential hazard to the safety of the airplane or its occupants ;
Airplane Turbine
You do n't have to jump out of airplanes . You think you 'll be jumping out of when you 're 50 , 55 .
An operator shall not operate an airplane first issued with an individual certificate of airworthiness on or after 1 January 2002 unless it is equipped with an automatic Emergency Locator Transmitter ( ELT ) capable of transmitting on 121,5 MHz and 406 MHz .
Your father makes a living jumping out of airplanes for his country for less money than the civilian world pays for some entry-level clerk , all right ?
Then you came up with this brilliant idea to shoot down one of the largest airplanes ever .
completed during the preceding 90 days on the relevant type or class of airplane :
I think maybe you should put a little more thought into it , you know , before you send a toddler on an airplane with an 18-year-old nanny who 's totally psyched to go to France .
Airplane and operational criteria .
Subparagraph ( a ) ( 1 ) is not applicable to A to A VFR operations of single-engine airplanes by day .
If the privileges of an LAPL , an SPL or a PPL for airplanes , TMGs or airships are to be exercised in VFR conditions at night , applicants shall have completed a training course at an ATO .
An operator shall establish , maintain and conduct approved training programmes which enable the operator 's personnel to take appropriate action to prevent acts of unlawful interference such as sabotage or unlawful seizure of airplanes and to minimise the consequences of such events should they occur .
Just like when cabin pressure drops in an airplane , you learn that parents should put their masks on first before they put one on their kids .
Aerial forest firefighting module using airplanes
OPS 1.215 Use of Air Traffic Services : For VFR operations of single engine airplanes by day , non mandatory contact with ATS shall be maintained to the extent appropriate to the nature of the operation .
I believe that the area destroyed by the fires was twice as large as at any other time and a great many people were killed despite the fact , of course , that the Greek Government was well prepared and despite the fact that Greece now has some of the best fire-fighting equipment , airplanes and human resources in the world .
It will be a symbolic “ tempest ” that no seed - sowing of the clouds from airplanes can dissolve .
An operator shall establish contingency procedures to satisfy the requirements of OPS 1.570 and to provide a safe route , avoiding obstacles , to enable the airplane to either comply with the en-route requirements of OPS 1.580 , or land at either the aerodrome of departure or at a take-off alternate aerodrome .
The real plane seats and stewardess cart really make the room as an airplane room .
( 1 ) For airplanes with more than one passenger deck , in all cases when the total passenger seating configuration is more than 60 , at least 1 megaphone is required .
the loss , if any , of runway length due to alignment of the airplane prior to take-off .
Subject to the approval of the Authority , and provided the requirements in paragraphs ( A ) to ( E ) below have been satisfied , an operator may reduce the take-off minima to 125 m RVR ( Category A , B and C airplanes ) or 150 m RVR ( Category D airplanes ) when :
The individual mass and centre of gravity ( CG ) position of each airplane shall be re-established periodically .
- Airplane out of here .
Favourable , subject to amendments relating to the list of airplanes covered by the derogation for developing nations and the definition of developing nations .
An operator shall not operate an airplane unless it is equipped with an automatic Emergency Locator Transmitter ( ELT ) attached to the airplane in such a manner that , in the event of a crash , the probability of the ELT transmitting a detectable signal is maximised and the possibility of the ELT transmitting at any other time is minimised .
It is better of what to hear the bombs , the airplanes and the shouts of the Germans .
the airplane is not flying at an altitude exceeding that at which the rate of climb equals 300 ft per minute , with the engine operating within the maximum continuous power conditions specified ; and
Because the founders were both boys , they had a love for airplanes and military vehicles .
A short film about an = individual caught up in the throes of fate.=20 Hong Kong ( HKG ) - Gerard Holthuis 1997 Nederland , video , z/w Poetic view on airplanes taking off and landing at the old and now = closed Kai Tak airport in Hong Kong .
Balloons , Airplanes , Birds
( b ) airplanes used by an operator of a Member State before 1 November 1989 under hire purchase or leasing contracts still in effect , and which in this context have been registered in a non-Member State ;
Applicants shall be exempted from this flight if they have passed a class or type rating proficiency check or skill test in any other class or type of airplane .
But an oil production platform is no building or airplane .
These two new airplanes are the same speed as the DC8 that was done in 1958 .
`` It is your airplane , your farm . ``
loading and securing of items in the airplane ;
Guys , these are the construction blueprints for the airplane .
Aviation is the future and my airplane will get built .
I hear , um , airplanes landing .
After the weighing of an airplane , or if any change occurs in the airplane equipment or configuration , the operator must verify that this airplane falls within the tolerances specified in subparagraph ( 2 ) ( ii ) .
The airplane title was similar to `` Pilotwings `` and required the player to maneuver an airplane through rings within a time frame .
The Air India airplane comes with a figurine of Captain Haddock .
In fact , telephones , televisions , automobiles , and airplanes — and any number of other 20th - century “ miracles ” — are so much a part of our world that we tend to forget that mankind did without them for the major part of its existence .
Airplanes with an MCTOM of more than 15000 kg , or with an MOPSC of more than 19 shall be equipped with a crew member interphone system , except for airplanes first issued with an individual CofA before 1 April 1965 and already registered in a Member State on 1 April 1995 .
assigned to operate another airplane type ; and
Germany has ordered 60 A400M airplanes .
Among the most visited areas we find the rooms dedicated to Leonardo , where are exposed 30 models of machines he planned , and the Sea and Air Pavilion : here you can admire relics of ancient ships and airplanes , used in World War I and World War II .
So if you 're looking at the boat from this side , this might remind you of an airplane profile .
Taking into account this concentration phenomenon it was not possible to justify on cost-benefit grounds within the ICAO ambit a framework allowing for a global phase-out , similar to the one that has been applied to Chapter 2 airplanes3 .
I lost my airplane .
They also had a few airplanes circling around for a while and then came out this huge helicopter with all the latest technological gadgets and it flew around us all day long into the night .
DHC-4 Caribou STOL tactical transport airplane , Air Force
Airplane or helicopter type ratings may be issued to holders of Part-FCL licences that comply with the requirements for the issue of those ratings established by a third country .
There had to have been a tracking device on the airplane .
An approach shot blue , change the polarity of the airplane in blue , red ditto for a shot.Keys : .Keys . : To move.Space bar . : Shoot.B . : Changing the polarity .
The final Civil Aeronautics Board report noted that Peterson had taken his instrument training on airplanes equipped with an artificial horizon attitude indicator and not the far-less-common Sperry Attitude Gyro the Bonanza was equipped with .
1985Launch of AirstopLaunch of Airstop with the objective to fill empty seats on airplanes last minute .
The holder of a CPL ( A ) ( airplane ) shall only act as commander in commercial air transport on a single-pilot airplane if :
This is n't airplanes and hotels and , `` Guess where I am now , Ma ? ``
This simulator session shall be conducted by a type rating instructor for airplanes ( TRI ( A ) ) occupying a pilot 's seat .
Information and instructions relating to the interception of civil airplanes ;
1943 and the store is nearly burnt to the ground after an American airplane crashes into it .
for airplanes with turbine engines , fuel to fly for two hours at normal cruise consumption above the destination aerodrome .
The aerodrome where the airplane is assumed to land after engine failure must meet the following criteria :
`` We are a membership club that happens to fly airplanes , `` Potter explained .
An operator shall not operate an airplane for the purpose of commercial air transportation otherwise than under , and in accordance with , the terms and conditions of an Air Operator Certificate ( AOC ) .
With a view to increasing the impact of the Union 's research initiatives , the Commission set up a number of research/industry task forces in 1995 , on subjects of industrial and social interest , such as the car , airplane and train of the future , multimedia educational software , vaccines and viral diseases .
The more things nations control in the world , whether they be the atomic bomb , airplanes , steamships , food supplies , raw materials , or anything else , the more they want and the greater become their influence and power , while the poor suffer .
The prophet Haggai even prophesied the exact day of the deliverance : the 9th of December ( HAGGAI 2:15-18 ) , and Isaiah foretold the manner in which Jerusalem would be freed – with the help of airplanes ( ISAIAH 31:5 ) .
Each crew had an airplane , that she had to be always in air .
It seems that she is safer the back part of the airplane ,
The company 's first airplane was named after him .
Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 92/14/EEC on the limitation of the operation of airplanes covered by Part II , Chapter 2 , Vol 1 of Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation , second edition ( 1988 )
What are you saying ? Somebody hid the goddamn airplane ?
For convenience , choose your Desktop ’ s Size ( e.g . 1366×768 , 1920×1080 , 1024×768 etc . ) from the list decisions within the right panel , and also the system can choose for you the foremost your system acceptable Size to Set . And bear in mind , here you ’ ll transfer heaps of free wallpapers ! If you Like This airplane wallpaper HDCollection Give us a Like And Share On Facebook .
The Member States may grant noise certification to civil airplanes falling within one of the categories set out in the convention on international civil aviation and registered in its territory , if it has satisfactory evidence that the airplane complies with requirements which are at least equal to those laid down in the convention .
- Hey , Ben , did you ride on an airplane ?
Operators using the same airplane type/variant and on-board equipment combination and procedures may take credit from each others experience and records in complying with this paragraph .
- airplanes which are leased from a non-Member State on a short-term basis , provided that the operator demonstrates that this is the normal practice in his sector of the industry and that the pursuit of his operations would otherwise be adversely affected ,
A series of exemptions are allowed for , including airplanes of historical interest .
In one post-war airplane factory for example , screw taps were used , despite being formally prohibited for safety reasons .
Looks like another thrilling friday night ... just you and me flying the red eye on this paper airplane .
Look . I just spent seven hours on an airplane crossing an ocean .
Non-compliant airplanes registered in developing nations and listed in Annex 3 shall be exempted from the provisions of Article 6 paragraphs 1 and 2 provided that
Applicants for an ATPL ( A ) shall have completed a minimum of 1500 hours of flight time in airplanes , including at least :
Alternatively , all adult revised standard ( average ) mass values may be applied on airplanes with 30 or more passenger seats .
Thus , we are told that the image of 'Mwana Kitoko ' descending from the airplane , is borrowed from a propaganda film on the visit of King Bouduain to the Belgian Congo .
The pipes are used as hydraulic tubing , mainly in airplanes .
amending the Annex to Council Directive 92/14/EEC on the limitation of the operation of airplanes covered by Part II , Chapter 2 , Volume 1 of Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation , second edition ( 1988 )
Well , it kind of is an airplane , I guess .
You know I wo n't have sex on airplanes .
be responsible for the safety of all crew members , passengers and cargo on board , as soon as he/she arrives on board , until he/she leaves the airplane at the end of the flight ;
I sent him/her a telegram to the president begging him/her that it puts to the Air base Homestead in foot of war to intercept , to stop and to demolish , of being necessary , the airplanes secret loaded ships
An operator shall not operate any airplane first issued with an individual certificate of airworthiness on or after 1 June 1990 up to and including 31 March 1998 which has a maximum certificated take-off mass over 5700 kg unless it is equipped with a flight data recorder that uses a digital method of recording and storing data and a method of readily retrieving that data from the storage medium is available .
Also , reports of near midair collisions , crowded skies , and fewer air - traffic controllers cause them to board an airplane with trepidation .
This complex use of what engineers call unsteady airflows is a far cry from the way man - made airplanes fly ; they depend on steady airflows .
Get the airplane built first and then we 'll consider an aerodrome .
On completing six months of Category II or IIIA operations on the airplane type the operator may be approved for Category IIIB operations .
Laver 's discussion of quatrains which possibly can be linked to the war , shows that he attributed to Nostradamus the foreseeing of torpedoes ( quatrain 02-40 ) , the airplane ( the quatrains 03-82 and 04-48 ) , bombs ( quatrain 05-08 ) and the submarines ( quatrain 04-15 ) .In quatrain 03-71 , the failure of the German blockade of England would have been predicted .
Crashing in airplanes ... getting shot at by hunters , flying off the rails in a lava mine .
one automatic ELT , in the case of airplanes first issued with an individual CofA after 1 July 2008 ; or
in the case of airplanes , helicopters and airships : 16 years of age ;
His words , spoken in the airplane , provoked an outcry worldwide and caused embarrassment to Catholic organizations engaged in the fight against AIDS .
Dude , are you gon na like buy an airplane now ?
Opinion No 04/2012 of the European Aviation Safety Agency of 28 September 2012 for a Regulation establishing Implementing Rules on Flight and Duty Time Limitations and rest requirements ( FTL ) for commercial air transport ( CAT ) with airplanes ( http : //www.easa.europa.eu/agency-measures/docs/opinions/2012/04/EN % 20to % 20Opinion % 2004-2012.pdf ) .
Take-off obstacle clearance — multi-engined airplanes
Airplanes shall be equipped with a pressure altitude reporting secondary surveillance radar ( SSR ) transponder and any other SSR transponder capability required for the route being flown .
If the airplane does n't satisfy the physical requirements to be able to fly , it wo n't fly .
The MDH for a circling operation with airplanes shall not be lower than the highest of :
It 's a two-seat , single-engine airplane that works just like any other small airplane .
The landing mass of the airplane determined in accordance with CAT.POL.A.105 ( a ) shall not exceed the maximum landing mass specified for the altitude and the ambient temperature expected at the estimated time of landing at the destination aerodrome and alternate aerodrome .
We should get a waiter to slide a matchbook under the airplane . There we go .
An operator shall not operate a passenger carrying airplane which has a maximum approved passenger seating configuration of more than nine unless it is provided with an emergency lighting system having an independent power supply to facilitate the evacuation of the airplane .
- I saw an airplane !
In the entries in Annex XVII to Regulation ( EC ) 1907/2006 for the substances diphenylether , pentabromo derivatives and diphenylether , octabromo derivatives , it should be provided that the restrictions do not apply to articles already in use at the date from which the restriction was to apply as those substances were incorporated in articles which have a long lifecycle and are sold on the second hand market , such as airplanes and vehicles .
A bus just arrived full of airplane geeks .
I 've never been up in an airplane before in my life .
This must be the message following the tragic airplane crashes .
“ Take-off run available ( TORA ) ” . The length of runway which is declared available by the appropriate Authority and suitable for the ground run of an airplane taking off .
`` There simply is too much information when we extend airplane health monitoring to a set of systems and structures .
C2-308/88 ) for a Directive on the limitation of noise emission from civil subsonic jet airplanes Rapporteur : Mrs Monique BADENES 19.04.1989-9 pp . ISBN 92-77-49219-8 AY-CO-89-090-EN-C
non-pressurised airplanes with an MOPSC of more than nine .
except for airplanes with a maximum certificated take-off mass of 5700 kg or less , already registered in a Member State on 1 April 1995 , equipped with a standby attitude indicator in the left-hand instrument panel .
The airplanes and boats that mysteriously disappeared in the Bermuda triangle without any wreckage ever being found can be explained by these time and space warping vortexes on the vertices of the icosahedron .
Performance Class A airplanes with either :
Until now , only airplane , train and boat passengers have been covered by specific legislation .
Where 's an airplane ? I do n't see any .
Has that airplane mechanic guy ever called you back ? Norman exley ? No .
It was on board the West Virginia when the airplanes had come .
Damaged airplane in the groove .
Airplanes operated under VFR at night or under IFR shall be equipped with the following equipment , available at the pilot ’ s station :
airplanes of 5700 kg Maximum Take-Off Mass ( MTOM ) or less ;
In-flight fuel management — airplanes
with different safety equipment , safety equipment location , or normal and emergency safety procedures on currently operated airplane types or variants .
Control animals on and around airport reasons.Preserve air to- level and surface -to- point radio experience of aircraft commanders.Relay travel , airfield , wait , airplane and birth reputation , along with other relevant details to sponsor agencies that are curbing .
It is time to leave the airplane .
In finishing I will just add that because restriction of the use of Chapter 2 airplanes is quite feasible by the year 2002 we have tabled an amendment requiring that the Council and Parliament be consulted about any further widening of the list of exemptions which might be considered .
Nobody ever thought much about flying in airplanes in those days .
So the skid would travel down the H-blocks , and eventually at the end this would fall off , and of course the airplane would continue to go on .
Within 20 years , there would be automobiles , airplanes , movies , recorded music , telephones , radio , and practical cameras .
He expects a lot of trouble getting flying and landing -permits for military airplanes .
A growing number of tourists and visitors to the Kansai area caused the number of airplanes booming over the residential area around the Osaka International Airport to increase .
1·25 for airplanes having three engines ; or
Why is he riding around ... in airplanes and taxicabs ?
In February a Zaire national was so roughly treated when put on an airplane that he died of suffociation .
Plus , you can reach up and grab a bird or touch an airplane .
Features : Case/Bezel Material Stainless Steel/Resin Resin Band Neobrite Sapphire Glass Triple G Resist Solar Powered GPS Signal Reception Time Calibration Signal Reception The Auto Hand Home Position Correction Airplane Mode World Time - 40 Time Zones 1/20-Second Stopwatch Countdown Timer Daily ...
When a flight crew member operates more than one airplane type or variant within one or more licence endorsement as defined by flight crew licensing and associated procedures for type — multi-pilot , an operator shall ensure that :
While the people cry out `` That the band starts to touch `` They had been airplanes at the hands of enemies treacherous that they had killed my husband e to characterize if me as mechanics of airplanes in Wools Vegas , to help to fly them it with mine hands , I will feel that alive for it .
Here comes the airplane again !
airplane turbine — multiple engine , full group : converted to the aircraft type ratings for those multiple turboprop airplanes which did not require an aircraft type rating in the previous system ;
A model airplane is something totally different .
D-Day On 4 June 1944 , it is then to the point that 150,000 soldiers , 20,000 vehicles , 11,000 airplanes are lead by 7,000 ships for the invasion in Normandy .
But unlike twin turbo kits of today , the first turbocharger was not intended for cars , but for large diesel engines on ships and airplanes .
If I were an airplane , flying unknowingly in a no-fly zone , Masititis would be the surface-to-air missile that would bring me down . Up in the air , I wouldn ’ t know what hit me and that is precisely how I felt two … Continue reading →
Those airplanes with a maximum certificated take-off mass in excess of 5700 kg or having a maximum approved passenger seating configuration of more than 9 seats must additionally be equipped with a single be equipped with an additional , standby attitude indicator ( artificial horizon ) , capable of being used from either pilot ’ s station , that :
current maps , charts and associated documentation or equivalent data are available to cover the intended operation of the airplane including any diversion which may reasonably be expected . This shall include any conversion tables necessary to support operations where metric heights , altitudes and flight levels must be used ;
the recurrent checks required by OPS 1.965 shall be performed in the single-pilot role on the type or class of airplane in an environment representative of the operation ;
The higher values apply to Category D airplanes .
Charged particles leave vapor trails in the chamber because of vapor condensation on disturbed atoms in the path , something like the trail of a high - flying jet airplane .
A Community operator shall not wet lease-in an airplane from an entity other than another Community operator without the approval of the Authority .
This Directive shall apply to airplanes with a maximum take-off mass of 34 000 kg or more with a certified maximum internal accommodation for the airplane type in question consisting of more than nineteen passenger seats , excluding any seats for crew only .
Have authority to give all commands he/she deems necessary for the purpose of securing the safety of the airplane and of persons or property carried therein ;
Remember when they threw the Coke out of the airplane , and it landed on the ground , and it did n't break ?
I play a little soccer fly airplanes race boats .
On 26 February 2003 , Air Force commander Berlijn struck a deal with the IND in the form of KDC-10 , F-60 and F-50 airplanes to accommodate the expected increase of group deportations in 2004 .
For those with specific problems the common framework provides for rules on the introduction of restrictions of a partial nature on the operation of certain civil subsonic jet airplanes and operating restrictions aimed at the withdrawal of marginally compliant airplanes .
My God , I 've jumped out of an airplane .
An operator shall ensure that propeller driven airplanes with a maximum approved passenger seating configuration of 9 or less , and a maximum take-off mass of 5700 kg or less are operated in accordance with Subpart H ( Performance Class B ) .
other airplanes and helicopters in accordance with the provisions specified in Annex VII .
Airplane systems ;
The operator must ensure that its airplanes are equipped and its crews are qualified , as required for the area and type of operation .
The C-141 Starlifter was the first us airplane which could transport troops and cargo .
When you go out of an airplane you are almost naked .
So far , several brown tree snakes have been found at Hawaii ’ s airports — apparently stowaways on airplanes arriving from Guam .
Frontex joint patrols between Africa and the Canary Islands involved boats and airplanes from Spain and several other EU countries .
I must say , Robert , I 'm quite impressed by the way you withstood my little airplane .
CPA 30.30.32 : Airplanes and other aircraft , of an unladen weight ≤ 2000 kg
airplane multiple piston engine — wooden structure , either full group or manufacturer group : converted to `` full group 3 `` .
Instead of paying to keep your airplane in a hanger , park it in your garage .
The use of airplanes with a better environmental performance can contribute to a more effective use of available airport capacity and facilitate airport infrastructure development in line with market requirements ,
Call Thornton , tell her to ground all airplanes in the area .
When the second world war began in 1939 , I was given the responsibility to inspect airplanes made ready for the German air force .
With utmost precision , a six-axis robot checks how safe and stable vehicle and airplane seats are under continuous mechanical loads .
The oxygen supply requirements , as specified in Appendix 1 , for airplanes not certificated to fly at altitudes above 25000 ft , may be reduced to the entire flight time between 10000 ft and 13000 ft cabin pressure altitudes for all required cabin crew members and for at least 10 % of the passengers if , at all points along the route to be flown , the airplane is able to descend safely within four minutes to a cabin pressure altitude of 13000 ft .
Tips for Packing Yarn Projects for Airplane Travel
In 1942 his airplane was shot down over Germany and he was captured .
Intimidation - which also includes physical assaults and the mass use of tear gas , burning out the women and the children , or at least as many who could escape , 200 of them forced on to an airplane each six weeks at gunpoint , whilst others are marched over the border , including unaccompanied children , who just 'disappear ' .
The last two bombs were radio-controlled , detonated by whoever was flying that model airplane around .
General Information ( e.g . airplane dimensions ) , including a description of the units of measurement used for the operation of the airplane type concerned and conversion tables .
Specifics related to airplane types ( narrow/wide bodies , single/multi deck ) , flight crew and cabin crew composition and number of passengers
I 'm gon na put it on airplane mode .
those parts of the operations manual which are required for the conduct of a flight are easily accessible to the crew on board the airplane ; and
for turbo-jet powered airplanes , within 60 % of the landing distance available ( LDA ) ; and
additional conditions , if specified by the competent authority , taking into account the airplane type characteristics , orographic characteristics in the approach area , available approach aids and missed approach/balked landing considerations .
The Transition will cost in line with other small airplanes .
( 4 ) Some qualifying airplanes will reach 25 years of age in the course of 2001 ; the appropriate entries should , therefore , be inserted in the Annex .
Now we just need to tire you out so you sleep on the airplane .
means shall be provided to facilitate the location and operation of emergency exits by personnel on the outside of the airplane in case of an emergency evacuation .
I do n't think anybody could have predicted that they would try to use an airplane as a missile , a hijacked airplane as a missile .
I doubt whether the regulation on liquids on airplanes is proportionate to its purpose .
And then I went in and I had a lot of fun building airplanes that people could build in their garages .
The theoretical knowledge course for a single-pilot multi-engine class rating shall include at least 7 hours of instruction in multi-engine airplane operations .
And then I learned to fly an airplane with two engines and I got my twin engine rating .
Seconds later , so he added , `` I hear another explosion from way above . … Although I was unaware at the time , this was the airplane hitting the tower . ``
- Ca n't jump out of airplanes forever . - I got a few years left .
I welcome it because central importance is not given in this citizen 's network to the airplane , and there is something else .
And so they appealed to Lord Blackstone to say these airplanes were trespassing .
Extended range operations with two-engined airplanes ( ETOPS )
Good luck ! Sky DiveSky DiveSky dive your monkey out of the airplane and dodge the birds , while landing safely on the bullseye.Alien BounceAlien BounceCatapult an alien , and see how far you can launch him .
An operator shall ensure that the landing mass of the airplane determined in accordance with OPS 1.475 ( a ) does not exceed the maximum landing mass specified for the altitude and the ambient temperature expected for the estimated time of landing at the destination and alternate aerodrome .
Means of transport Airplane Ship Railway wagon
- bunny ... from an airplane at 30,000 feet .
A description of the de-icing and anti-icing policy and procedures for airplanes on the ground .
An operator must ensure that a flight crew member has completed a check before conducting low visibility take-offs in RVRs of less than 150 m ( less than 200 m for Category D airplanes ) if applicable .
Those 30 Grails that you took off the black market , that 's 30 airplanes that do n't go down .
This is a solar-powered airplane -- 165 miles carrying a person from France to England as a symbol that solar power is going to be an important part of our future .
Big guns , big airplanes .
Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 on the regulation of the operation of airplanes covered by Part II , Chapter 3 , Volume 1 of Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation , second edition ( 1988 )
I 'd wile away my time drawing airplanes in the class .
The operator shall only operate an airplane with a passenger seating configuration of more than 30 on overwater flights at a distance from land suitable for making an emergency landing , greater than 120 minutes at cruising speed , or 400 NM , whichever is less , if the airplane complies with the ditching provisions prescribed in the applicable airworthiness code .
characteristics of travelling by bus , train and airplane , peculiarities of own cars and in the end a dream trip
Recovery from approach to stall in level flight , climbing/descending turns and in landing configuration — only applicable to airplanes
One scientist compared the individual species to the rivets on an airplane .
Following an act of unlawful interference on board an airplane the commander or , in his/her absence the operator , shall submit , without delay , a report of such an act to the designated local authority and the Authority in the State of the operator .
A safety belt with a diagonal shoulder strap for airplanes with a maximum certificated take-off mass not exceeding 5700 kg or a safety belt for airplanes with a maximum certificated take-off mass not exceeding 2730 kg may be permitted in place of a safety belt with shoulder harness if it is not reasonably practicable to fit the latter .
It 's not an airplane .
An operator shall grant the Authority access to his organisation and airplanes and shall ensure that , with respect to maintenance , access is granted to any associated Part–145 maintenance organisation , to determine continued compliance with OPS 1 .
in addition , pilots seeking the privilege to operate the airplane in multi-pilot operations shall meet the requirements of ( d ) ( 4 ) .
when conducting passenger carrying operations under Visual Flight Rules ( VFR ) outside a radius of 50 nm from an aerodrome of departure , the pilot has a minimum of 500 hours total flight time on airplanes or holds a valid Instrument Rating ; or
Report ( A40063/96 ) by Mr Van der Waal , on behalf of the Committee on Transport and Tourism , on the proposal for a Council Directive amending Council Directive 92/14/EEC on the limitation of the operation of airplanes covered by Part Π , Chapter 2 , Volume 1 of Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation , second edition ( 1988 ) ( COM ( 96 ) 0413 C40541/969670209 ( SYN ) )
An operator shall not operate a turbine propeller powered airplane with a maximum certificated take-off mass in excess of 5700 kg or having a maximum approved passenger seating configuration of more than 9 seats or a turbojet powered airplane unless it is equipped with an altitude alerting system capable of :
The first time I saw him , he was risking his life , pulling people out of burning airplane wreckage .
the type of transport used ( lorry , van , tanker , motor car , railway wagon , rail tanker , airplane ) ;
And 20 years later there were 200 people in every airplane crossing the Atlantic .
the airplane will land on the runway most likely to be assigned , considering the probable wind speed and direction , the ground handling characteristics of the airplane and other conditions such as landing aids and terrain .
• From Airport : by airplane bus to „ airplane D port ” named busstop after go across the main road and the railway and there are a little street , and at the end of street turn right , go 100m to the hotel .
prior experience of instrument flight time as PIC on airplanes , under a rating providing the privileges to fly under IFR and in IMC , ’
Thousands of parts of the airplane are scattered on the earth .
From the airport we had to walk over the runway to our little plane and on the return trip we entered the airplane as one of the first passengers ( thanks to my Dutch desire to arrive on time ) .This time we took our seats in front of the plane , which had two seats facing backwards , Yes , it was my first time flying backwards .
before commencing training for and operation of another type or variant , flight crew members must have completed three months and 150 hours flying on the base airplane , and this must include at least one proficiency check ;
An operator shall establish a check-list system to be used by crew members for all phases of operation of the airplane under normal , abnormal and emergency conditions as applicable , to ensure that the operating procedures in the operations manual are followed .
This concerns mainly cars and turbulence in airplanes .
Hospitals would lose power . Traffic grids would be destroyed . Airplanes fall from the sky .
Revised standard ( average ) checked baggage mass values are applicable to airplanes with 20 or more passenger seats .
The pilot shall have a minimum of 50 hours flight time on the specific type or class of airplane under IFR of which 10 hours is as commander ; and
So we have to wait another hour and a half before we can board the huge airplane.The pre-announced airporttax seems to be abolished , so we have some more money to spend and we do n't have to get bored while waiting .
The Authority may authorise recurrent training and checking for Category II and LVTO operations in an airplane type where no approved simulator is available .
Where the total number of passenger seats available on an airplane is 20 or more , the standard masses of male and female in Table 1 are applicable .
Vueling passengers can now use their smartphones , tablets , video game consoles , mp3 players and e-readers in Airplane Mode also during take-off and landing .
Could we bottle up the sun ’ s energy in tanks to fuel our automobiles and airplanes ?
Oxygen — Minimum Requirements for Supplemental Oxygen for Pressurised Airplanes during and following Emergency Descent
the operator 's CRM training and airplane type specific CRM shall be conducted by a least one cabin crew CRM instructor .
Have you ever had it on an airplane ?
Lighting supplied from the airplane ’ s electrical system to provide adequate illumination for all instruments and equipment essential to the safe operation of the airplane ;
Opinion on the Proposal for a Council Directive on the limitation of the emission of oxides of nitrogen from civil subsonic jet airplanes , CES 622/98 , rapporteur Mr Gafo Fernández , co-rapporteurs Mrs Ström and Mr Tsirimokos , ( see points 2.5 and 3.2 ) ( OJ C 214 of 10.7.1998 ) .
not less than one year thereafter each operator may be required by the competent authority to remove marginally compliant airplanes from their fleet at an annual rate of not more than 20 % of that operator ’ s fleet of marginally compliant airplanes serving that airport .
unless it is equipped with airborne weather radar equipment whenever such an airplane is being operated at night or in instrument meteorological conditions in areas where thunderstorms or other potentially hazardous weather conditions , regarded as detectable with airborne weather radar , may be expected to exist along the route .
Airplane type and variant ;
The first time the nurses helped me to walk with my new artificial limbs , an airplane flew over and , as I looked up at it , I fell over backward .
And in fact they said ... this was * out to finding a jet airplane in the tomb of King Tut .
With the assistance of Gabriel Voisin , Santos-Dumont modified its machine , the airplane 14 bis . It is 16h30 , the daring pilot starts the engine .
They want to study your airplane .
It had lost many airplanes to help the Frenchmen .
Airplanes , except touring motor gliders ( TMG ) and ELA1 airplanes , shall be equipped with at least one hand fire extinguisher :
From a small airplane we look like little ants down here .
Moscow 's decision to sever relations with the Polish government in exile in April 1943 actually suited Churchill , who could now communicate with Stalin directly over the heads of the London Poles , especially after the July 4 1943 airplane disaster in which General Sikorski , who commanded great authority among the Allies , perished.His successor , Stanislaw Mikolajczyk , did not inherit such a strong standing .
Airplane categories – All Weather Operations
An operator shall make provision for , and the commander shall ensure that multiple occupancy of airplane seats may only be allowed on specified seats and does not occur other than by one adult and one infant who is properly secured by a supplementary loop belt or other restraint device .
On 16 April 1934 female aviator Laura Ingalls landed in a single engine airplane , the Lockheed Air Express at Zanderij in the first solo flight around South America in a landplane .
If you want my help , you pay for me and the airplane . - Okay , how much ? - $ 15,000 .
When applicants hold both a single-engine piston airplane ( land ) and a TMG class rating , they may complete the requirements in ( 1 ) above in either class or both classes .
- The U.S. military pushed you out of an airplane .
The airplane is airworthy ;
Passenger seating configuration for each airplane type including a pictorial presentation ;
National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice said , `` I do n't think anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center , take another one and slam it into the Pentagon ; that they would try to use an airplane as a missile , a hijacked airplane as a missile . ``
Airplane Landing Light artificial direct seconds irregular maybe