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In basic setup copies transactions from ledger into elasticsearch database and performs transformations on this data to make them easier to process.

The architecture is based on concept of "workers". Currently there's 1 type of worker implemented in Indyscan called RTW. This stands for Read-Transform-Write. One RTW worker runs against 1 subledger of 1 indy network.

RTW worker turned out to be nice generalization which can accomodate various types of workloads. RTW worker can be given transaction source (such as ledger, database), pipeline of transformations to perform on the data read from the source, and some destination where transformed data shall be sent.

Example of RTW workers:

  1. Worker RTW1 is copying domain transactions from Sovrin Mainnet into sovmain elasticsearch index.
  2. Worker RTW2 reads raw ledger transactions from sovmain ES index, transforms data and writes them back to sovmain ES index.
  3. Worker 3 reads data from one elasticsearch instance and write them into another elasticsearch.


To start up daemon, you need to specify in configuration what kind of workers should be created upon startup. Configuration has 2 parts

Main configuration

Main properties of daemon are specified by environment variables.




  • WORKER_CONFIGS - comma separated list of paths to worker configurations (more about that later).

  • LOG_LEVEL - Specifies verbosity of output. Accepted values: error, warn, info, debug, silly.

  • ENABLE_LOGFILES - If ENABLE_LOGFILES is true, each winston logger also stores logs into files in logs directory.

  • LOG_ES_URL - If specified, all logs will be sent to elasticsearch on specified URL.

  • SERVER_ENABLED - Daemon comes with HTTP server to manage workers. If set to false, HTTP server won't be started.

  • SERVER_PORT - If SERVER_ENABLED is true, the HTTP Server will be running on specified port.

  • LOG_HTTP_REQUESTS - If SERVER_ENABLED is true, this specifies whether incoming HTTP requests shall be logged.

  • LOG_HTTP_RESPONSES - If SERVER_ENABLED is true, this specifies whether outgoing HTTP responses shall be logged.

  • AUTOSTART - Specifies whether workers defined by WORKER_CONFIGS config files shall be automatically started. If set to false, you will have to enable workers either by calling server API or via indyscan-daemon-ui (which hooks up to the daemon HTTP API)

Worker configuration

The workers to be ran by daemon are specified by worker configuration files. Typically you won't need to write these but rather just slightly adjust ones that are provided to your particular setup. You can find existing configurations here

Here's example of worker configuration file.

  "env": {
    "ES_URL": "http://localhost:9200",
    "ES_INDEX": "txs-localdocker"
  "workersBuildersTemplate": [
      "builder": "rtwSerialization",
      "params": {
        "indyNetworkId": "{{{INDY_NETWORK}}}",
        "genesisPath": "{{{cfgdir}}}/genesis/{{{INDY_NETWORK}}}.txn",
        "esUrl": "{{{ES_URL}}}",
        "esIndex": "{{{ES_INDEX}}}",
        "workerTiming": "FAST"
      "builder": "rtwExpansion",
      "params": {
        "indyNetworkId": "{{{INDY_NETWORK}}}",
        "esUrl": "{{{ES_URL}}}",
        "esIndex": "{{{ES_INDEX}}}",
        "workerTiming": "FAST"

The worker config has 2 parts: env and workersBuildersTemplate.

  • env section specifies variables and their values to be interpolated into workersBuildersTemplate section.
  • workersBuildersTemplate - specifies workers. Each builder in the example actually stands up 3 RTW workers - 3 workers per network.
    1. The rtwSerialization worker builder create workers which copy data from ledger to elasticsearch.
    2. The rtwExpansion worker builder create workers which read raw transactions data from the elasticsearch, transform data into different, easier to consume format, and write back to elasticsearch as a different representation of the transaction.