diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 6b69f1f..de6097f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,44 +1,161 @@
# husarion_ugv_crsf_teleop
+## Getting started
This ROS 2 package allows you to control robots using a CRSF compatible remote control. A receiver should be connected to the robot's computer via USB-UART converter or be integrated as a hardware USB dongle. The CRSF protocol parser is implemented based on the following [specification](https://github.com/crsf-wg/crsf/wiki).
-## Launch Files
+To run the RadioMaster TX16S, you must meet certain requirements listed below:
+### Software
+- [**Docker Engine and Docker Compose**](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/).
+- Device with Linux based OS (e.g. robot, laptop) and [ROS 2 Humble](https://docs.ros.org/en/humble/Installation.html) installed.
+### Hardware
+- Hardware receiver dongle (ELRS receiver with an integrated USB to UART converter) connected to a USB port of the User Computer.
+## Demo
+[husarion_ugv_crsf_teleop](https://github.com/husarion/husarion_ugv_crsf_teleop) package creates a ROS 2 node, allowing control of the ROS-powered mobile and manipulation robots with a CRSF compatible RC remote such as RadioMaster TX16S. `crsf_teleop` node converts received CRSF packets from the receiver dongle to `geometry_msgs/Twist` message type in order to provide velocity commands for the robot.
+The result of this demo will be the publication of a velocity messages on the ROS topic `/cmd_vel`. An example with a mobile robot will be described below.
+### Start guide
+#### 1. Setup udev rules
+> [!WARNING] Husarion OS
+> If you are using Husarion OS, you can skip this step as the udev rules are already set up.
+To be able to distinguish between connected devices it is necessary to add a rule that aliases detected hardware dongle to a known symlink file.
+Open (or create) the udev rules file:
+sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/99-local.rules
+Append the following line to the file:
+ACTION=="add", ,ATTRS{interface}=="PAD02 Dongle", SYMLINK+="ttyUSBPAD"
+Press ctrl + o and then ctrl + x to save and quit.
+Reload rules by executing:
+sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
+sudo udevadm trigger
+#### 2. Test receiver dongle
+Connect receiver dongle to the USB port of your robot. You can verify that the device is detected by typing:
+ls /dev | grep "ttyUSBPAD"
+You should see a file named `ttyUSBPAD` in the output.
+#### 3. Get a Docker Compose file from the repository
+curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/husarion/husarion_ugv_crsf_teleop/refs/heads/master/compose.yaml
+#### 4. (Optional) Edit Parameters File
+> [!NOTE]
+> When using default settings there is no need to add or edit parameters file as the model of your Husarion robot is deduced automatically from environment variables.
+If you want to change the default parameters, you can do so by providing a parameters file. Detailed information about the parameters can be found in the ROS API.
+Get a reference file from the repository for Panther:
+curl -o params.yaml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/husarion/husarion_ugv_crsf_teleop/refs/heads/master/husarion_ugv_crsf_teleop/config/crsf_teleop_panther.yaml
+Or for Lynx:
+curl -o params.yaml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/husarion/husarion_ugv_crsf_teleop/refs/heads/master/husarion_ugv_crsf_teleop/config/crsf_teleop_lynx.yaml
+In the `compose.yaml` file, pass `params.yaml` under `volumes` section:
+ volumes:
+ - /dev:/dev
+ - ./params.yaml:/params.yaml
+And add parameter file as launch argument:
+ command: ros2 launch husarion_ugv_crsf_teleop crsf_teleop.launch.py params_file:=/params.yaml
+#### 5. Start Docker service
+docker compose up -d
+You can view the logs of the running container by typing:
+docker compose logs -f
-- `teleop.launch.py`: Launches crsf_teleop_node node. Automatically respawns node if it exits. Node's namespace can be set using the `namespace` launch argument. Custom parameters file can be provided by setting the `params_file` launch argument.
+After a successful connection to the RC remote, you should see the following message:
-## Configuration Files
+[panther.crsf_teleop]: Connected
+[panther.crsf_teleop]: Link quality restored: 100%
-- [`crsf_teleop_panther.yaml`](./husarion_ugv_crsf_teleop/config/crsf_teleop_panther.yaml): Sets default Panther robot parameter values for the crsf_teleop_node when `teleop.launch.py` is launched.
-- [`crsf_teleop_lynx.yaml`](./husarion_ugv_crsf_teleop/config/crsf_teleop_lynx.yaml): Sets default Lynx robot parameter values for the crsf_teleop_node when `teleop.launch.py` is launched.
+### Result
-## ROS Nodes
+Now you should see the relevant ROS 2 topic:
-### crsf_teleop_node
+user@hostname:~$ ros2 topic list
-Translates received CRSF commands to velocity commands for the robot.
+Tilting sticks on the RC controller should result in `/cmd_vel` topic being updated with velocity commands. Namespace fields should be updated with used robot model name (e.g. `panther`).
-The following channels are used for controlling the robot via the TX16S remote control:
-- Channel 2 - Right gimbal up/down - forward/backward velocity
-- Channel 4 - Left gimbal left/right - turning (angular) velocity
-- Channel 5 - SF switch - emergency stop
-- Channel 7 - SA switch (down position) - silence `cmd_vel` messages, allows other nodes to control the robot while enabling e_stop functionality
-- Channel 11 - SG switch - tristate switch, selects robot speed
+ros2 topic echo //cmd_vel
-#### Publishes
+Additionally, you can check the link status by echoing the `/link_status` topic:
+ros2 topic echo //link_status
-- `cmd_vel` [*geometry_msgs/Twist*]: Publishes velocity commands to the robot.
-- `link_status` [*panther_crsf_teleop_msgs/LinkStatus*]: Describes radio link status between the remote control and the robot. Parameters are described in the [CRSF_FRAMETYPE_LINK_STATISTICS frame documentation](https://github.com/crsf-wg/crsf/wiki/CRSF_FRAMETYPE_LINK_STATISTICS).
+Sticks are mapped to the following axes:
-#### Service Clients
+- Left stick horizontal: angular velocity
+- Right stick vertical: linear velocity
-- `hardware/e_stop_trigger` [*std_srvs/Trigger*]: Triggers an emergency stop.
-- `hardware/e_stop_reset` [*std_srvs/Trigger*]: Triggers an emergency stop reset.
+RC controller has some additional buttons that can be used for different functionalities:
-#### Parameters
+- SG switch - tri-state switch, selects robot speed from values specified in the parameters yaml file (slow, normal, fast)
+- SF switch - emergency stop
+- SA switch (down position) - silence `cmd_vel` messages, allows other nodes to control the robot while enabling e_stop functionality
-- `serial_port` [*string*, default: **/dev/ttyUSB0**]: Serial port to which the CRSF receiver is connected.
-- `baudrate` [*int*, default: **576000**]: Baudrate of the serial port.
-- `e_stop_republish` [*bool*, default: **False**]: Rebroadcasts asserted emergency stop signal once per second. Will override other emergency stop sources.
-- `enable_cmd_vel_silence_switch`[*bool*, default: **False**]: Enables remote to disable publishing `cmd_vel` messages on demand. Can be used as a remote emergency stop when using other nodes to control the robot.
-- `linear_speed_presets` [*double_array*, default: **[0.5, 1.0, 2.0]**]: Selectable robot maximum linear speed for `cmd_vel` topic.
-- `angular_speed_presets` [*double_array*, default: **[0.5, 1.0, 2.0]**]: Selectable robot maximum angular speed for the `cmd_vel` topic.
+> [!WARNING] SF switch
+> By default the SA switch has no functionality assigned. You can enable silence mode by adding the following line to the custom `params.yaml` file:
+> ```yaml
+> silence_cmd_vel: true
+> ```
diff --git a/ROS_API.md b/ROS_API.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/ROS_API.md
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+# ROS 2 API
+## `husarion_ugv_crsf_interfaces`
+Contains custom message definitions for the `husarion_ugv_crsf_teleop` node. Currently, it only contains the `LinkStatus` message.
+## `husarion_ugv_crsf_teleop`
+Main package for the CRSF teleoperation node. Allows for controlling the robot using a RadioMaster TX16S remote control.
+### Launch Files
+- `teleop.launch.py`: Launches crsf_teleop_node node. Automatically respawns node if it exits. Node's namespace can be set using the `namespace` launch argument. Custom parameters file can be provided by setting the `params_file` launch argument.
+#### Parameters
+- `namespace` [*string*, default: **""**]: Namespace for the node.
+- `params_file` [*string*, default: **"config/crsf_teleop_${ROBOT_MODEL}.yaml"**]: Path to the `crsf_teleop_node` parameters file.
+- `robot_model` [*string*, default: **"${ROBOT_MODEL_NAME}"**]: Husarion robot model. If not provided, the model is deduced from the environment variables. Available options are **panther** and **lynx**.
+### Configuration Files
+- [`crsf_teleop_panther.yaml`](./husarion_ugv_crsf_teleop/config/crsf_teleop_panther.yaml): Sets default Panther robot parameter values for the crsf_teleop_node when `teleop.launch.py` is launched.
+- [`crsf_teleop_lynx.yaml`](./husarion_ugv_crsf_teleop/config/crsf_teleop_lynx.yaml): Sets default Lynx robot parameter values for the crsf_teleop_node when `teleop.launch.py` is launched.
+### ROS Nodes
+#### crsf_teleop_node
+Translates received CRSF commands to velocity commands for the robot.
+The following channels are used for controlling the robot via the TX16S remote control:
+- Channel 2 - Right gimbal up/down - forward/backward velocity
+- Channel 4 - Left gimbal left/right - turning (angular) velocity
+- Channel 5 - SF switch - emergency stop
+- Channel 7 - SA switch (down position) - silence `cmd_vel` messages, allows other nodes to control the robot while enabling e_stop functionality
+- Channel 11 - SG switch - tristate switch, selects robot speed
+##### Publishes
+- `cmd_vel` [*geometry_msgs/Twist*]: Publishes velocity commands to the robot.
+- `link_status` [*panther_crsf_teleop_msgs/LinkStatus*]: Describes radio link status between the remote control and the robot. Parameters are described in the [CRSF_FRAMETYPE_LINK_STATISTICS frame documentation](https://github.com/crsf-wg/crsf/wiki/CRSF_FRAMETYPE_LINK_STATISTICS).
+##### Service Clients
+- `hardware/e_stop_trigger` [*std_srvs/Trigger*]: Triggers an emergency stop.
+- `hardware/e_stop_reset` [*std_srvs/Trigger*]: Triggers an emergency stop reset.
+##### Parameters
+- `serial_port` [*string*, default: **/dev/ttyUSB0**]: Serial port to which the CRSF receiver is connected.
+- `baudrate` [*int*, default: **576000**]: Baudrate of the serial port.
+- `e_stop_republish` [*bool*, default: **False**]: Rebroadcasts asserted emergency stop signal once per second. Will override other emergency stop sources.
+- `enable_cmd_vel_silence_switch`[*bool*, default: **False**]: Enables remote to disable publishing `cmd_vel` messages on demand. Can be used as a remote emergency stop when using other nodes to control the robot.
+- `linear_speed_presets` [*double_array*, default: **[0.5, 1.0, 2.0]**]: Selectable robot maximum linear speed for `cmd_vel` topic.
+- `angular_speed_presets` [*double_array*, default: **[0.5, 1.0, 2.0]**]: Selectable robot maximum angular speed for the `cmd_vel` topic.
diff --git a/compose.yaml b/compose.yaml
index 3434121..34dac32 100644
--- a/compose.yaml
+++ b/compose.yaml
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ services:
- /dev:/dev
command: >
- ros2 launch husarion_ugv_crsf_teleop teleop.launch.py namespace:=panther
+ ros2 launch husarion_ugv_crsf_teleop teleop.launch.py