All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- iOS SDK: Fixing Default Timeout for UPA Device Connection
- iOS SDK: Implemlentation of Moby/Ingenico Transactions.
- iOS SDK: Allow Surcharge less than 3%
- iOS SDK: Adding BanckRespCode to UPA response
- iOS SDK: Allowing JSON access to Portico Response for UPA.
- iOS SDK: Adding ClientTransactionId to Portico Response.
- iOS SDK: Duplicated transaction due to Surcharge lookup result.
- iOS SDK: Surcharge Fix under card reader.
- iOS SDK: Surcharge Confirmation value improvement.
- iOS SDK: Implement surchargeRequested parameter for integrators.
- iOS SDK: Fixing tipAmount response for Tip Adjust transaction
- iOS SDK: Fixing isSurchargeEnabled item for allow null
- iOS SDK: Fixing the Pax Cancel Response
- iOS SDK: Pax_Enable port 10010 for HTTP Cancel
- iOS SDK: Pax_Cancel Command on HTTP Mode
- iOS SDK: Pay App New Sale and Refund Parameters
- iOS SDK: HPA / iOS SDK - TSI and TVR fields are not returned in the response
- iOS SDK: Fix for C3X/C2X Surcharge
- iOS SDK: Pay App (UPA) - Add DeletePreAuth
- iOS SDK: Add fallback to Pay App 2.18
- iOS SDK: Add ServiceCode Parameter to Pay App
- Updated the expDate parameter to expiryDate
- iOS SDK: C3X/C2X Surcharge
- C2X/C3X - Add RKI and update Configuration file
- Update code to allow for Firmware delegates to be accessible in Objc-C
- Iframe sample
- Cancel/ Reset command does nothing
- UPA - Test SAFType on SendSAF
- Verify SDKs for PAX
- C2X Issuer Response Code incorrect
- PAX-Support response code 000002 - PARTIALLY APPROVED
- C3X - GlobalMobileSDK to Heartland-iOS-SDK
- C3X - Update Heartland-iOS-SDK to support C3X Device
- C2X - OTA Configuration Update
- Added Transaction ID on Sample App Transaction Screen.
- Added Allow Partial Auth Toggle on Sample App Transaction Screen.
- Added Healthcare fields on Sample App Transaction Screen.
- Improved the C2X Sample App
- Added UPA Sample App
- Removed ClerkID from TipAdjust Input Parameters
- Added responseText and responseCode to Sale Output Parameters
- Removed cardIsHSAFSA from UPA input parameters
- Fixed Partial Refund Bug for PreAuth Transactions
- Added the DeleteSAF Feature
- Added safReferenceNumber to SendSAF and GetSAFReport - Output Parameters
- Added referenceNumber to TipAdjust Input Parameters
- Added PAX Parse ECR Ref number on Trace Number
- Added isConnected method for checking if device is connected. C2X
- Added UPA Signature Data. (US349346)
- Added UPA Pay App Canada (US346223)
- iOS SDK: C2X Refund Reversal (US359118)
- Bug fixes and improvements.
- Added Timeout functionality to PayApp TCP connection. (US344949)
- Added token and card brand transaction id to the response for Pax. (US345636)
- Bug fixes and improvements.