An investigation needed to be carried out on how many PVCs can be provisioned and subsequently attached to a workload to better help size clusters and workloads that depend on persistent storage.
Using benk-v0.0.1 to scale PVCs. A/B testing was conducted with 1Gi and 2Ti pvcVolumeSize
Start workloadInstances
at 5
and double each iteration up to 640
export workload=5
for i in {1..8}; do
cp -a kustomize/overlays/default kustomize/overlays/example-${i}
sed -e "s/%workload%/${workload}/g" examples/provisioning-performance/config.env > kustomize/overlays/example-${i}/config.env
workload=$((2 * ${workload}))
Re-run with a different size pvcVolumeSize
or simply re-run the sequence to get two data points for the reporting template.
Create the output from log files.
./src/benk/ -a examples/provisioning-performance/a.log -b examples/provisioning-performance/b.log -t examples/provisioning-performance/template.tsv.j2
The output is in TSV and is meant to pasted into a spreadsheet.