According to teller contest details, all roles, including the admin, should not be able to steal funds. But the current implementation allows the admin/owner to update the protocol fee without any restriction, such as timelock. This leads to an attack vector in which a malicious admin can steal a user's funds.
The function TellerV2.sol#L173.initialize() is used to set some important values for the protocol. One of these values is _protocolFee, TellerV2.sol#L181. This value gets sent to the ProtocolFee.sol#L21.__ProtocolFee_init() function to update the _protocolFee value.
function initialize(
uint16 _protocolFee,
address _marketRegistry,
address _reputationManager,
address _lenderCommitmentForwarder,
address _collateralManager,
address _lenderManager
) external initializer {
function __ProtocolFee_init(uint16 initFee) internal onlyInitializing {
function setProtocolFee(uint16 newFee) public virtual onlyOwner {
// Skip if the fee is the same
if (newFee == _protocolFee) return;
uint16 oldFee = _protocolFee;
_protocolFee = newFee;
emit ProtocolFeeSet(newFee, oldFee);
But, the malicious admin can set a malicious value for fees like type(uint16).max and there is not any validation to check fee is between minimum and maximum values.
Another issue with
A malicious admin can steal a user's funds.
Manual Review sherlock-audit/2023-03-Y2K-judging#47
update of protocol fee should be restricted with a timelock so users have time to make the decision to withdraw their funds from protocol or not and define Min and Max values in the ProtocolFee.sol#L44.setProtocolFee function.
require(newFee > MinFee && newFee < MaxFee, "");