A suite of utilities for AWS Lambda Functions that makes tracing with AWS X-Ray, structured logging and creating custom metrics asynchronously easier - Currently available for Python only and compatible with Python >=3.6.
Status: Beta
It currently uses AWS X-Ray
- Decorators that capture cold start as annotation, and response and exceptions as metadata
- Run functions locally without code change to disable tracing
- Explicitly disable tracing via env var
- Decorators that capture key fields from Lambda context, cold start and structures logging output as JSON
- Optionally log Lambda request when instructed (disabled by default)
- Enable via
or explicitly via decorator param
- Enable via
- Logs canonical custom metric line to logs that can be consumed asynchronously
Environment variables used across suite of utilities
Environment variable | Description | Default | Utility |
POWERTOOLS_SERVICE_NAME | Sets service name used for tracing namespace, metrics dimensions and structured logging | "service_undefined" | all |
POWERTOOLS_TRACE_DISABLED | Disables tracing | "false" | tracing |
POWERTOOLS_LOGGER_LOG_EVENT | Logs incoming event | "false" | logging |
LOG_LEVEL | Sets logging level | "INFO" | logging |
With pip installed, run: pip install aws-lambda-powertools
Example SAM template using supported environment variables
Tracing: Active # can also be enabled per function
Pseudo Python Lambda code
from aws_lambda_powertools.tracing import Tracer
tracer = Tracer()
# tracer = Tracer(service="payment") # can also be explicitly defined
def collect_payment(charge_id):
# logic
ret = requests.post(PAYMENT_ENDPOINT)
# custom annotation
tracer.put_annotation("PAYMENT_STATUS", "SUCCESS")
return ret
def handler(event, context)
charge_id = event.get('charge_id')
payment = collect_payment(charge_id)
Example SAM template using supported environment variables
Pseudo Python Lambda code
from aws_lambda_powertools.logging import logger_setup, logger_inject_lambda_context
logger = logger_setup()
# logger_setup(service="payment") # also accept explicit service name
# logger_setup(level="INFO") # also accept explicit log level
def handler(event, context)
logger.info("Collecting payment")
# You can log entire objects too
"operation": "collect_payment",
"charge_id": event['charge_id']
Exerpt output in CloudWatch Logs
"timestamp":"2019-08-22 18:17:33,774",
"cold_start": "true",
"message": "Collecting payment"
"timestamp":"2019-08-22 18:17:33,774",
"cold_start": "true",
"charge_id": "ch_AZFlk2345C0"
NOTE: This will likely change after Beta in light of new Amazon CloudWatch embedded metric format, meaning we won't need an additional stack and interface could change.
This feature requires Custom Metrics SAR App in order to process canonical metric lines in CloudWatch Logs.
If you're starting from scratch, you may want to see a working example, tune to your needs and deploy within your account - Serverless Airline Log Processing Stack
from aws_lambda_powertools.logging import MetricUnit, log_metric
def handler(event, context)
log_metric(name="SuccessfulPayment", unit=MetricUnit.Count, value=10, namespace="MyApplication")
# Optional dimensions
log_metric(name="SuccessfulPayment", unit=MetricUnit.Count, value=10, namespace="MyApplication", customer_id="123-abc", charge_id="abc-123")
# Explicit service name
log_metric(service="paymentTest", name="SuccessfulPayment", namespace="MyApplication".....)
Exerpt output in CloudWatch Logs
This library may change its API/methods or environment variables as it receives feedback from customers. Currently looking for ideas in the following areas before making it stable:
- Should Tracer patch all possible imported libraries by default or only AWS SDKs?
- Patching all libraries may have a small performance penalty (~50ms) at cold start
- Alternatively, we could patch only AWS SDK if available and to provide a param to patch multiple
Tracer(modules=("boto3", "requests"))
- Create a Tracer provider to support additional tracing
- Either duck typing or ABC to allow additional tracing providers
- Enable CI
- Add an example code using powertools
- Automate release and version bumping in CI
- Structured logging initial implementation from aws-lambda-logging
- Powertools idea DAZN Powertools
This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.