Add this to your pom - and the plugin will translate all i18n.xml files into message_{locale}.properties-files within your project during the generate-resources phase.
<!-- -->
Note: It is common to have a default file "". It will be created if you add an locale with empty value="" to the locale-config element of your i18n.xml file.
If you specify the optional javaAccessor element (here: packageName="test" className="Messages") within the output element of the i18n.xml file, a Java Accessor class will be generated (see example). It provides you with all translation keys + additional translation methods. It allows you get your translations checked by the compiler. Additional requirement: your translation keys must be valid Java class names. Please note that the plugin's default targetDir is src/main/java. Usage:
String value = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", Locale.ENGLISH).getString("form.validation.required");
// retrieve translation key constant ...
String key = Messages.form.validation.required$;
// ... or use the translation method
String text = Messages.form.validation.required(Locale.ENGLISH);
You might already have an existing project with properties files. Execute the reengineer goal just once to create the XML language table from your language files like this:
mvn -DoutputFormat=JAVA -DoutputBasename=messages
- The Java Message Format provides a solution to writing translations including localized parameters:
This message contains parameter {0} and another one {1}.
Today is {0,date,long}.
Next update: {0,time,medium}
Price: {0,number,#.##}
There {0,choice,0#are no files|1#is one file|1<are {0,number,integer} files}.
- Note: if stored in an XML file, the < needs to escaped as XML entity: <.