t organised! learn C!!
Get organised! learn C!!
Get organised! learn C!!
o o
o o
t t
t t
w w
w w
o o
o o
v v
v v
i i
i i
r r
r r
u u
u u
s s
s s
e e
e e
s s
s s
w w
w w
o o
o o
r r
r r
k k
k k
s s
s s
i i
i i
m m
m m
i i
i i
l l
l l
a a
a a
r r
r r
l l
l l
y y
y y
Garbage or error, that t is not initialized.
Hello[garbage characters because NULL character is missing]
(g) e
(h) 1 2 4
Error: As the str3 is declared but not defined, so it is only
void pointer, so without allocating memory to it, we cannot
store anything to it.
(b) No Error
(c) Error: In arr++ statement. As you can see that arr[8] is initilized
at the time of declaration. So in that case we cannot assign anything
to arr, and statement arr++ is execute as arr = arr + 1, which is
(a) string,character
(b) NULL,'\0'
(c) 9 characters, and 10th character space is for \0 character.
(d) contiguous.
gets() is more appropriate for reading a multi-word string.
str1 : Alice
str2 : in
str3 : wonder
str4 : land
int main()
char sen[100];
int i;
printf("Enter your sentence. (Less than 100 chracters)\n\n");
printf("After how muany characters you want to extract the line : ");
scanf("%d", &i);
if (i<0)
i = 0;
printf("%s\t", &sen[i]);
return 0;
int main()
char str[100];
int i, num, fin = 0;
printf("Enter a string of numbers : ");
for (i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++)/*Run until string is not terminated.*/
num = str[i] - 48;/*Converting the character number into integer number.*/
fin = fin * 10 + num;/*Combining the individual numbers to form a single integers*/
printf("\nNumber : %d", fin);
return 0;
int main()
char x[50] = "a", z[50];
char y[50] = "b";
int i;
for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
printf("%s\t", x);//printing x
strcpy(z, x);/*copying x into z*/
strcpy(x, y);/*copying y into x*/
strcat(y, z);/*adding (concatinating) z in y*/
return 0;
int main()
char isbn[15];
int i, sum = 0;
printf("\nEnter 10 digit ISBN number : ");
for (i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
isbn[i] -= 48;/*Converting characters into numerals*/
sum = sum + ((i + 1)*isbn[i]);/*checking the condition of the ISBN validity*/
if (sum % 11)/*If not divisble by 11*/
puts("\nISBN number is wrong.");
puts("\nISBN number is valid.");
return 0;
int main()
char num[20];
int i, sum = 0;
printf("\nEnter the 16 digit credit card number : ");
scanf("%s", num);
for (i = 0; i <= 15; i++)//Traversing all numbers
num[i] -= 48;//converting each character in numeral
if ((i % 2))//if the number is on right so it will directly get summed
sum = sum + num[i];
else//if number is on left, so it will first get doubled
num[i] *= 2;
if (num[i] >= 10)//if number is greater then or equal to 10 so it will subtracted from 9
num[i] -= 9;
sum = sum + num[i]; //summing number
if (!(sum % 10))//if sum is divisble by 10 so number is valid
printf("\nNumber is valid.");
printf("\nNumber is not valid.");
return 0;