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This is my pet project, the task of which I set as much as possible to complicate the OCR task by equating it with solving captcha. I implement and train some models, then compare them on the task.


Dataset is collected using synthetic generator trdg. For captcha-augmentations, the albumentations library is used.

Generated images contain several different types of fonts, should consist of a maximum of two words and contain Latin letters and Arabic numerals, without special characters. Size is 64px in height and variable width.

Train part, consists of 20k images has no fixed augmentations, they are applied randomly during training.

Validation part is 1500 captcha pre-augmented images.
Test part #1 is 5k pre-augmented images and Test part #2 is 5k zero-augmented images.

All information about dataset collection is presented in data_generation.ipynb and in utils.OCRDataset class

Captcha Transforms

These transforms was designed to imitate real world captchas.
Transformations include: rotations, geometric transformations, noises, color and brightness transformations, as well as random curved lines crossing the image.

train_transforms = A.Compose([
    A.Compose([  # Rescale transform
        A.RandomScale(scale_limit=(-0.3, -0.1), always_apply=True),
        A.PadIfNeeded(min_height=64, min_width=30,
                      border_mode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=(255, 255, 255), always_apply=True),
        A.Rotate(limit=4, p=0.5, crop_border=True),
    ], p=0.4),
    A.Lambda(image=add_black_lines, p=0.3),  # Add lines to image
    A.GaussianBlur(blur_limit=(1, 7), p=0.5),
    A.OneOf([  # Geometric transforms
        A.GridDistortion(always_apply=True, num_steps=7, distort_limit=0.5,
                         border_mode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=(255, 255, 255), normalized=True),
        A.OpticalDistortion(always_apply=True, border_mode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=(255, 255, 255)),
        A.Perspective(scale=0.1, always_apply=True, fit_output=True, pad_val=(255, 255, 255))
    ], p=0.7),
    A.RGBShift(p=0.5, r_shift_limit=90, g_shift_limit=90, b_shift_limit=90),
    A.ColorJitter(brightness=0.15, contrast=0.15, saturation=0.15, hue=0.3, p=0.4),
    A.ImageCompression(quality_lower=30, p=0.2),
    A.GaussNoise(var_limit=70, p=0.3),

Test captcha examples

dataset_example_1.png dataset_example_2.png dataset_example_3.png

Models result

Models are broken down into: encoder-based (one forward) and seq2seq-based (2 forwards)


CTCLoss is used to train these models.
Implementations are in modeling.encoders

Training notebook: ctc_trainin.ipynb

Metrics are in format: CTCLoss, WER, CER

CRNN cnn_v2_128_64seq_lstm_2l_100e

Clean Test: 0.09644, 0.24037, 0.0532
Captchas Test: 0.1445, 0.29487, 0.07253)

CNNBERT cnn_v2_128_64seq_bert_4h_3l_100e \

Clean Test: 0.08731, 0.50241, 0.12054
Captchas Test: 0.1443, 0.54003, 0.13632

ResNetRNN resnet18_128_lstm_2l_100e

Clean Test: 0.09526, 0.26832, 0.06179
Captchas Test: 0.15172, 0.31687, 0.08084

ResNetRNN resnet34_128_lstm_2l_100e

Clean Test: 0.0897, 0.22237, 0.05195
Captchas Test: 0.13997, 0.27212, 0.07055

ResNetRNN resnet50_256_lstm_2l_100e

Clean Test: 0.09287, 0.24386, 0.05388
Captchas Test: 0.13561, 0.29682, 0.07257


Experiment notebook: trocr_seq2seq_playground.ipynb

TODO: TrOCR in work