From 37e61dbab65de9bad78b2c814441c173fce3320c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: vnctdj Date: Sun, 8 May 2016 17:55:46 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] [Graphics] updated --- ar_AE.ini | 4 +++- az_AZ.ini | 4 +++- bg_BG.ini | 4 +++- ca_ES.ini | 4 +++- cz_CZ.ini | 4 +++- da_DK.ini | 4 +++- de_DE.ini | 4 +++- dr_ID.ini | 4 +++- en_US.ini | 4 +++- es_ES.ini | 4 +++- es_LA.ini | 4 +++- fa_IR.ini | 4 +++- fi_FI.ini | 4 +++- fr_FR.ini | 4 +++- gl_ES.ini | 4 +++- gr_EL.ini | 4 +++- he_IL.ini | 4 +++- he_IL_invert.ini | 4 +++- hu_HU.ini | 4 +++- id_ID.ini | 4 +++- it_IT.ini | 4 +++- ja_JP.ini | 4 +++- jv_ID.ini | 4 +++- ko_KR.ini | 4 +++- lt-LT.ini | 4 +++- ms_MY.ini | 4 +++- nl_NL.ini | 4 +++- no_NO.ini | 4 +++- pl_PL.ini | 4 +++- pt_BR.ini | 4 +++- pt_PT.ini | 4 +++- ro_RO.ini | 4 +++- ru_RU.ini | 4 +++- sv_SE.ini | 4 +++- tg_PH.ini | 4 +++- th_TH.ini | 4 +++- tr_TR.ini | 4 +++- uk_UA.ini | 4 +++- vi_VN.ini | 4 +++- zh_CN.ini | 4 +++- zh_TW.ini | 4 +++- 41 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-) diff --git a/ar_AE.ini b/ar_AE.ini index bc794eb60..c28da30d1 100644 --- a/ar_AE.ini +++ b/ar_AE.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Y shift (in % of the blank space) Cardboard Settings = Google Cardboard settings Debugging = تصحيح الأخطاء Deposterize = ديبوستيريزي -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Disable alpha test (PowerVR speedup, artifacts) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Disable slower effects (speedup) Disable Stencil Test = تعطيل اختبار الاستنسل @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = المستوى الراقي Upscale Type = النوع الراقي Vertex Cache = ذروة ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت VSync = VSync +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = حجم الإطار xBRZ = إكسبرز diff --git a/az_AZ.ini b/az_AZ.ini index 481644f98..fc4554867 100644 --- a/az_AZ.ini +++ b/az_AZ.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Y shift (in % of the blank space) Cardboard Settings = Google Cardboard settings Debugging = Debugging Deposterize = Deposterize -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Disable alpha test (PowerVR speedup, artifacts) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Disable slower effects (speedup) Disable Stencil Test = Disable stencil test @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Upscale level Upscale Type = Upscale type Vertex Cache = Vertex Keş VSync = VSync +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Window size xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/bg_BG.ini b/bg_BG.ini index 466fba302..defda955b 100644 --- a/bg_BG.ini +++ b/bg_BG.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Y shift (in % of the blank space) Cardboard Settings = Google Cardboard settings Debugging = Debugging Deposterize = Deposterize -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Disable alpha test (PowerVR speedup, artifacts) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Disable slower effects (speedup) Disable Stencil Test = Изкл. stencil test @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Upscale level Upscale Type = Upscale type Vertex Cache = Vertex cache VSync = VSync +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Размер на прозореца xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/ca_ES.ini b/ca_ES.ini index c94332954..42d60b4fe 100644 --- a/ca_ES.ini +++ b/ca_ES.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Y shift (in % of the blank space) Cardboard Settings = Google Cardboard settings Debugging = Debugging Deposterize = Deposteritzar -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Disable alpha test (PowerVR speedup, artifacts) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Disable slower effects (speedup) Disable Stencil Test = Disable stencil test @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Upscale level Upscale Type = Upscale type Vertex Cache = Memòria cau (caché) de vèrtexs VSync = VSync +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Window size xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/cz_CZ.ini b/cz_CZ.ini index e45754111..e86cc581a 100644 --- a/cz_CZ.ini +++ b/cz_CZ.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Posunutí osy Y (v % prázdného prostoru) Cardboard Settings = Nastavení Google Cardboard Debugging = Ladění Deposterize = Deposterizace -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Zakázat zkoušku průhlednosti (zrychlení PowerVR, artefakty) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Zakázat pomalejší efekty (zrychlení) Disable Stencil Test = Zakázat zkoušku šablony @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Úroveň zvětšení Upscale Type = Typ zvětšení Vertex Cache = Mezipaměť vertexů VSync = Vertikální synchronizace +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Velikost okna xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/da_DK.ini b/da_DK.ini index 4198fd96a..2832f9e74 100644 --- a/da_DK.ini +++ b/da_DK.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Y skift (i % af det ugyldige) Cardboard Settings = Google Cardboard indstillinger Debugging = Fejlfinding Deposterize = Deposterize -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Disable alpha test (PowerVR speedup, artifacts) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Deaktiver langsommere effekter (hurtigere) Disable Stencil Test = Deaktiver stencil test @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Opskaleringsniveau Upscale Type = Opskaleringstype Vertex Cache = Vertexcache VSync = VSync +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Vinduesstørrelse xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/de_DE.ini b/de_DE.ini index 8324631c0..f3bba858f 100644 --- a/de_DE.ini +++ b/de_DE.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Y Versatz (in % der freien Fläche) Cardboard Settings = Google Cardboard Einstellungen Debugging = Debugging Deposterize = Tonwertverschmelzung -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Deaktiviere Alpha Test (beschleunigt PowerVR) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Deaktiviere langsame Effekte (schneller) Disable Stencil Test = Deaktiviere Stencilprüfung @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Skalierungsgrad Upscale Type = Skalierungsart Vertex Cache = Vertex-Cache VSync = V-Sync +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Fenstergröße xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/dr_ID.ini b/dr_ID.ini index 4d9d5ecfc..2b5da5779 100644 --- a/dr_ID.ini +++ b/dr_ID.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Y shift (in % of the blank space) Cardboard Settings = Google Cardboard settings Debugging = Debug Deposterize = Deposterize -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Disable alpha test (PowerVR speedup, artifacts) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Disable slower effects (speedup) Disable Stencil Test = Disable stencil test @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Patonggoi skala Upscale Type = Skala apa mane? Vertex Cache = Pangnganna Vertex VSync = VSync +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Window size xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/en_US.ini b/en_US.ini index db6b33163..c250adefb 100644 --- a/en_US.ini +++ b/en_US.ini @@ -357,7 +357,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Y shift (in % of the blank space) Cardboard Settings = Google Cardboard settings Debugging = Debugging Deposterize = Deposterize -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Disable alpha test (PowerVR speedup, artifacts) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Disable slower effects (speedup) Disable Stencil Test = Disable stencil test @@ -425,6 +426,7 @@ Upscale Level = Upscale level Upscale Type = Upscale type Vertex Cache = Vertex cache VSync = VSync +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Window size xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/es_ES.ini b/es_ES.ini index 775885d6b..03dd443c7 100644 --- a/es_ES.ini +++ b/es_ES.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Desplazamiento vertical (en % del espacio en blanco) Cardboard Settings = Ajustes de «Google Cardboard» Debugging = Depuración Deposterize = Deposterizar -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Desactivar test alpha (PowerVR, fallos gráficos) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Desactivar efectos más lentos (rápido) Disable Stencil Test = Desactivar «stencil test» @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Nivel de escalado Upscale Type = Tipo de escalado Vertex Cache = Caché de vértices VSync = Sincronización vertical +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Tamaño de ventana xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/es_LA.ini b/es_LA.ini index 46a9e0c4f..d18366377 100644 --- a/es_LA.ini +++ b/es_LA.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Desplazamiento Y (en % del espacio en blanco) Cardboard Settings = Ajustes de Google Cardboard Debugging = Depuración Deposterize = Deposterizado -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Desactivar alpha test (PowerVR, bugs) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Desactivar efectos más lentos (rápido) Disable Stencil Test = Desactivar stencil test @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Nivel de escalado Upscale Type = Tipo de escalado Vertex Cache = Caché con Vértices VSync = VSync +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Tamaño de ventana xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/fa_IR.ini b/fa_IR.ini index 5c67dfd72..d34219b4c 100644 --- a/fa_IR.ini +++ b/fa_IR.ini @@ -342,7 +342,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Y shift (in % of the blank space) Cardboard Settings = Google Cardboard settings Debugging = دیباگ کردن Deposterize = Deposterize -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Disable alpha test (PowerVR speedup, artifacts) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Disable slower effects (speedup) Disable Stencil Test = Disable stencil test @@ -410,6 +411,7 @@ Upscale Level = سطح مجلل Upscale Type = نوع مجلل Vertex Cache = Vertex کش VSync = VSync +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Window size xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/fi_FI.ini b/fi_FI.ini index b9beadc74..79cc8ac96 100644 --- a/fi_FI.ini +++ b/fi_FI.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Y shift (in % of the blank space) Cardboard Settings = Google Cardboard settings Debugging = Debugging Deposterize = Deposterize -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Disable alpha test (PowerVR speedup, artifacts) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Disable slower effects (speedup) Disable Stencil Test = Disable stencil test @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Upscale level Upscale Type = Upscale type Vertex Cache = Verteksivälimuisti VSync = VSync +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Window size xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/fr_FR.ini b/fr_FR.ini index 3cf8d0e58..718a0552c 100644 --- a/fr_FR.ini +++ b/fr_FR.ini @@ -331,7 +331,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Déplacement vertical (en % de l'espace vide) Cardboard Settings = Paramètres de Google Cardboard Debugging = Débogage Deposterize = Améliorer -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Désactiver le test alpha (accélère PowerVR, artéfacts) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Désactiver les effets les plus lourds (gain de vitesse) Disable Stencil Test = Désactiver le test stencil @@ -399,6 +400,7 @@ Upscale Level = Niveau de mise à l'échelle Upscale Type = Type de mise à l'échelle Vertex Cache = Cache vertex VSync = Synchronisation verticale +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (expérimental) Window Size = Taille de la fenêtre xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/gl_ES.ini b/gl_ES.ini index 0ef0d2d22..e0de1b670 100644 --- a/gl_ES.ini +++ b/gl_ES.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Desprazamento vertical (en % do espazo en branco) Cardboard Settings = Axustes de Google Cardboard Debugging = Depuración Deposterize = Deposterizar -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Disable alpha test (PowerVR speedup, artifacts) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Desactivar efectos máis lentos (rápido) Disable Stencil Test = Desactivar «stencil test» @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Nivel de escalado Upscale Type = Tipo de escalado Vertex Cache = Caché de vértices VSync = Sincronización vertical +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Tamaño de ventana xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/gr_EL.ini b/gr_EL.ini index 3fa38e387..afea85ac4 100644 --- a/gr_EL.ini +++ b/gr_EL.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = μετατόπιση Y (στα % του κενού) Cardboard Settings = Ρυθμίσεις Google Cardboard Debugging = Αποσφαλάτωση Deposterize = Εξομάλυνση Διαβαθμίσεων -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Απενεργοποίηση alpha test (γρηγορότερο σε PowerVR, προβληματικό) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Απενεργοποίηση χρονοβόρων εφέ (άυξηση ταχύτητας) Disable Stencil Test = Απενεργοποίηση τέστ stencil @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Επίπεδο Κλιμάκωσης Upscale Type = Τύπος Κλιμάκωσης Vertex Cache = Προσωρινή Μνήμη Κορυφών VSync = Κάθετος Συγχρονισμός +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Μέγεθος Παραθύρου xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/he_IL.ini b/he_IL.ini index e34a7cece..25c454ed4 100644 --- a/he_IL.ini +++ b/he_IL.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Y shift (in % of the blank space) Cardboard Settings = Google Cardboard settings Debugging = ניפוי Deposterize = Deposterize -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Disable alpha test (PowerVR speedup, artifacts) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Disable slower effects (speedup) Disable Stencil Test = Disable stencil test @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = רמה יוקרתית Upscale Type = סוג יוקרתי Vertex Cache = Vertex מטמון VSync = סנכרון אנכי +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Window size xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/he_IL_invert.ini b/he_IL_invert.ini index eb02809fa..d0cf483d1 100644 --- a/he_IL_invert.ini +++ b/he_IL_invert.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Y shift (in % of the blank space) Cardboard Settings = Google Cardboard settings Debugging = יופינ Deposterize = Deposterize -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Disable alpha test (PowerVR speedup, artifacts) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Disable slower effects (speedup) Disable Stencil Test = Disable stencil test @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = תיתרקוי המר Upscale Type = יתרקוי גוס Vertex Cache = Vertex ןומטמ VSync = יכנא ןורכנס +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Window size xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/hu_HU.ini b/hu_HU.ini index fc61a6368..01e6db749 100644 --- a/hu_HU.ini +++ b/hu_HU.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Y irányú eltolás (üres terület %-ában kifejezve Cardboard Settings = Google Cardboard beállítások Debugging = Debuggolás Deposterize = Keményítés megszüntetése -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Alfa teszt letiltása\n (PowerVR gyorsítás, hibák lehetségesek) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Lassú effektek letiltása (gyorsítás) Disable Stencil Test = Stencil teszt letiltása @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Nagyítási szint Upscale Type = Nagyítás típusa Vertex Cache = Vertex cache VSync = VSync +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Ablak méret xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/id_ID.ini b/id_ID.ini index 5ffe2f178..d4fc76657 100644 --- a/id_ID.ini +++ b/id_ID.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Y shift (in % of the blank space) Cardboard Settings = Pengaturan Google Cardboard Debugging = Pilihan debug Deposterize = Deposterisasikan -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Disable alpha test (PowerVR speedup, artifacts) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Disable slower effects (speedup) Disable Stencil Test = Disable stencil test @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Level Penaikan-skala Upscale Type = Jenis Penaikan-skala Vertex Cache = Penyimpanan Vertex VSync = VSync +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Window size xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/it_IT.ini b/it_IT.ini index 3d14b8f8a..ba161c7f1 100644 --- a/it_IT.ini +++ b/it_IT.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Y shift (in % of the blank space) Cardboard Settings = Google Cardboard settings Debugging = Debugging Deposterize = Deposterizza -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Disable alpha test (PowerVR speedup, artifacts) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Disable slower effects (speedup) Disable Stencil Test = Disattiva Test Matrice @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Livello Ottimizzazione Upscale Type = Tipo Ottimizzazione Vertex Cache = Cache Vertex VSync = VSync +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Dimensioni Finestra xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/ja_JP.ini b/ja_JP.ini index a6c8799c1..7b442143e 100644 --- a/ja_JP.ini +++ b/ja_JP.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Y shift (in % of the blank space) Cardboard Settings = Google Cardboard settings Debugging = デバッグ Deposterize = ポスタライズを解除する -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = アルファテストを無効にする (PowerVRを高速化, 副作用あり) Disable slower effects (speedup) = 重いエフェクトを無効にする (高速化) Disable Stencil Test = ステンシルテストを無効にする @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = アップスケールのレベル Upscale Type = アップスケールの種類 Vertex Cache = 頂点キャッシュ VSync = VSync +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = ウィンドウサイズ xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/jv_ID.ini b/jv_ID.ini index 40ac7b69b..be43cfd3b 100644 --- a/jv_ID.ini +++ b/jv_ID.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Y shift (in % of the blank space) Cardboard Settings = Setelan Karton Debugging = Pilihan debug Deposterize = Deposterisasikan -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Tes mateni alpha (PowerVR Speedup, artefak) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Mateni efek alon (luwih cepet) Disable Stencil Test = Mateni stencil Test @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Tingkatan Penaikan-skala Upscale Type = Jenis Penaikan-skala Vertex Cache = Penyimpenan Vertex VSync = VSync +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Ukuran window xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/ko_KR.ini b/ko_KR.ini index 0bf2b100f..adb41e1b8 100644 --- a/ko_KR.ini +++ b/ko_KR.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Y축 이동 (여백의 백분율) Cardboard Settings = 구글 카드보드 설정 Debugging = 디버깅 Deposterize = 색조 융합 -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = 알파 테스트 비활성화 (PowerVR 속도 상승, 부작용 있음) Disable slower effects (speedup) = 느림 효과를 비활성화 (속도 상승) Disable Stencil Test = 스텐실 테스트 비활성화 (파이널 판타지4 보정) @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = 확대 수준 Upscale Type = 확대 종류 Vertex Cache = 버텍스 캐시 VSync = 수직 동기 +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = 창 크기 xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/lt-LT.ini b/lt-LT.ini index 9f8d9c4ef..59cd7af86 100644 --- a/lt-LT.ini +++ b/lt-LT.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Y shift (in % of the blank space) Cardboard Settings = Google Cardboard settings Debugging = Testinis režimas Deposterize = "Deposterize" -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Disable alpha test (PowerVR speedup, artifacts) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Išjungti lėtesnius efektus (greičio didintojas) Disable Stencil Test = Išjungti šablonų testą @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = "Pakėlimo" lygis Upscale Type = "Pakėlimo" tipas Vertex Cache = "Tikra" spartinamoji atmintis VSync = Kadrų per sekundę sinchrovizavimas su monitoriumi +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Lango dydis xBRZ = "xBRZ" diff --git a/ms_MY.ini b/ms_MY.ini index 57ab6d25f..1026deae5 100644 --- a/ms_MY.ini +++ b/ms_MY.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Y shift (in % of the blank space) Cardboard Settings = Google Cardboard settings Debugging = Pempepijat Deposterize = Deposterize -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Disable alpha test (PowerVR speedup, artifacts) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Disable slower effects (speedup) Disable Stencil Test = Lumpuhkan ujian stensil @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Tahap penskalaan Upscale Type = Jenis penskalaan Vertex Cache = Kuki Vertek VSync = VSync +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Saiz tetingkap xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/nl_NL.ini b/nl_NL.ini index ea265491a..7e9cd00a6 100644 --- a/nl_NL.ini +++ b/nl_NL.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Verschuiving Y-as (in % van de lege ruimte) Cardboard Settings = Instellingen voor Google Cardboard Debugging = Fouten opsporen Deposterize = Kleuren beperken opheffen -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Alphatest uitzetten (versnelt PowerVR, artefacten) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Langzamere effecten uitschakelen (sneller) Disable Stencil Test = Stencilcontrole uitschakelen @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Upscaleniveau Upscale Type = Upscaletype Vertex Cache = Vertex cache VSync = Verticale synchronisatie +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Venstergrootte xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/no_NO.ini b/no_NO.ini index d3f7e3868..9b064558c 100644 --- a/no_NO.ini +++ b/no_NO.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Y shift (in % of the blank space) Cardboard Settings = Google Cardboard settings Debugging = Debugging Deposterize = Deposterize -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Disable alpha test (PowerVR speedup, artifacts) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Disable slower effects (speedup) Disable Stencil Test = Disable stencil test @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Oppskaler nivå Upscale Type = Oppskaler type Vertex Cache = Vertex buffer VSync = VSync +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Window size xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/pl_PL.ini b/pl_PL.ini index eb6495093..50b0946ce 100644 --- a/pl_PL.ini +++ b/pl_PL.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = przesunięcie Y (procent pustej przestrzeni) Cardboard Settings = Ustawienia Google Cardboard Debugging = Debugowanie Deposterize = Deposteryzacja -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Wył test przeźroczystości (przyspiesza PowerVR, błędy) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Wyłą spowalniające efekty (przyśpieszenie) Disable Stencil Test = Wyłącz test wzorca @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Poziom skalowania Upscale Type = Rodzaj skalowania Vertex Cache = Pamięć podręczna wierzchołków VSync = Synchronizacja pionowa +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Rozmiar okna xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/pt_BR.ini b/pt_BR.ini index 028ec48d3..5c208749f 100644 --- a/pt_BR.ini +++ b/pt_BR.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Deslocamento no eixo Y Cardboard Settings = Configurações do Google Cardboard Debugging = Depuração Deposterize = Deposterizar -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Desabilitar teste de alpha (PowerVR speedup, artifacts) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Desabilitar efeitos mais lentos (rápido) Disable Stencil Test = Desabilitar teste de estêncil @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Nível de escala Upscale Type = Tipo de escala Vertex Cache = Cache de vértices VSync = Sincronização Vertical +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Tamanho do janela xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/pt_PT.ini b/pt_PT.ini index 07a6870cc..d58b279ee 100644 --- a/pt_PT.ini +++ b/pt_PT.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Y shift (in % of the blank space) Cardboard Settings = Google Cardboard settings Debugging = Debugging Deposterize = Deposterize -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Disable alpha test (PowerVR speedup, artifacts) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Disable slower effects (speedup) Disable Stencil Test = Disable stencil test @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Upscale level Upscale Type = Upscale type Vertex Cache = Vertex Cache VSync = VSync +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Window size xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/ro_RO.ini b/ro_RO.ini index d745539ef..9a83eabed 100644 --- a/ro_RO.ini +++ b/ro_RO.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = mișcare Y (în % din spațiu gol) Cardboard Settings = Setări Google Cardboard Debugging = Depanare Deposterize = Deposterizare -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Disable alpha test (PowerVR speedup, artifacts) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Dezactivare efecte lente (mărire viteză) Disable Stencil Test = Dezactivare test șablon @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Nivel Suprascalare Upscale Type = Tip Suprascalare Vertex Cache = Stocare vertecși VSync = VSync +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Mărime ecran xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/ru_RU.ini b/ru_RU.ini index fda1fceab..1871bd478 100644 --- a/ru_RU.ini +++ b/ru_RU.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Сдвиг по Y (в % пустого простра Cardboard Settings = Параметры Google Cardboard Debugging = Отладка Deposterize = Депостеризация -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Отключить проверку прозрачности (артефакты) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Отключить медленные эффекты (быстрее) Disable Stencil Test = Отключить проверку трафарета @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Уровень масштабирования Upscale Type = Тип масштабирования Vertex Cache = Вершинный кэш VSync = Вертикальная синхронизация +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Размер окна xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/sv_SE.ini b/sv_SE.ini index 8686cb1a3..d8579d821 100644 --- a/sv_SE.ini +++ b/sv_SE.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Y shift (in % of the blank space) Cardboard Settings = Google Cardboard settings Debugging = Debuggning Deposterize = Deposterize -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Stänga av alpha test (PowerVR speedup, artifacts) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Stäng av långsamma effects (speedup) Disable Stencil Test = Stäng av Stencil Test @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Uppskalningsnivå Upscale Type = Uppskalningstyp Vertex Cache = Vertexcache VSync = VSync +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Fönsterstorlek xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/tg_PH.ini b/tg_PH.ini index 7301d3605..6617e61e5 100644 --- a/tg_PH.ini +++ b/tg_PH.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Y shift (in % of the blank space) Cardboard Settings = Google Cardboard settings Debugging = Debugging Deposterize = Deposterize -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Disable alpha test (PowerVR speedup, artifacts) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Disable slower effects (speedup) Disable Stencil Test = i-Disable ang Stencil Test @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Antas ng Upscale Upscale Type = Uri ng Upscale Vertex Cache = Vertex Cache VSync = VSync +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Window size xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/th_TH.ini b/th_TH.ini index fa5676574..a187ebf08 100644 --- a/th_TH.ini +++ b/th_TH.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Y shift (in % of the blank space) Cardboard Settings = Google Cardboard settings Debugging = การแก้จุดบกพร่อง Deposterize = Deposterize -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Disable alpha test (PowerVR speedup, artifacts) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Disable slower effects (speedup) Disable Stencil Test = ปิดการใช้งาน การทดสอบลายฉลุ @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Upscale Level Upscale Type = ประเภท Upscale Vertex Cache = เวอร์เท็กซ์แคช VSync = ควบคุมความเร็วให้จำกัด +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = ขนาดหน้าจอ xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/tr_TR.ini b/tr_TR.ini index 4b9adec3f..1d1f2487b 100644 --- a/tr_TR.ini +++ b/tr_TR.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Y shift (in % of the blank space) Cardboard Settings = Google Cardboard settings Debugging = Debugging Deposterize = Deposterize -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Disable alpha test (PowerVR speedup, artifacts) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Disable slower effects (speedup) Disable Stencil Test = Disable stencil test @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Upscale level Upscale Type = Upscale type Vertex Cache = Vertex Önbellek VSync = VSync +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Window size xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/uk_UA.ini b/uk_UA.ini index cfb88de46..722dfdc87 100644 --- a/uk_UA.ini +++ b/uk_UA.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Налаштування - Y - Cardboard Settings = Управління 3D кінотеатром Debugging = Налагодження Deposterize = Деполяризація -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Disable alpha test (PowerVR speedup, artifacts) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Вимкнути повільні ефекти Disable Stencil Test = Вимкнути шаблонний тест @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Рівень масштабування Upscale Type = Тип масштабування Vertex Cache = Вершинний кеш VSync = Вертикальна синхронізація +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Розмір вікна xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/vi_VN.ini b/vi_VN.ini index 6143ecdd2..0cf0b068c 100644 --- a/vi_VN.ini +++ b/vi_VN.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Y shift (in % of the blank space) Cardboard Settings = Google Cardboard settings Debugging = Debugging Deposterize = Chống poster hóa -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = Tắt alpha test (tăng tốc PowerVR, sẽ bị lỗi artifacts) Disable slower effects (speedup) = Tắt hiệu ứng làm chậm (tăng tốc) Disable Stencil Test = Tắt stencil test @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = Upscale level Upscale Type = Upscale type Vertex Cache = Bộ đệm điểm VSync = Đồng bộ dọc +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = Kích cỡ cửa sổ xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/zh_CN.ini b/zh_CN.ini index 22cabb95e..42ef9ae07 100644 --- a/zh_CN.ini +++ b/zh_CN.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = 垂直% Cardboard Settings = 谷歌纸板设置 Debugging = 调试设置 Deposterize = 色调融合 -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = 禁用alpha测试(PowerVR GPU会加速) Disable slower effects (speedup) = 停用较慢的渲染效果(提升速度) Disable Stencil Test = 禁用模版测试(修正最终幻想4) @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = 纹理缩放级别 Upscale Type = 纹理缩放方式 Vertex Cache = 顶点缓存 VSync = 垂直同步 +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = 窗口大小 xBRZ = xBRZ diff --git a/zh_TW.ini b/zh_TW.ini index d36c6ce27..5be959183 100644 --- a/zh_TW.ini +++ b/zh_TW.ini @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ Cardboard Screen Y Shift = 垂直% Cardboard Settings = 谷歌紙板設置 Debugging = 除錯 Deposterize = 色調混合 -Direct3D9 = Direct3D9 +Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9 +Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11 Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = 禁用alpha測試(PowerVR加速) Disable slower effects (speedup) = 停用較慢的渲染效果 (提升速度) Disable Stencil Test = 禁用模版測试 (修正最終幻想4) @@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ Upscale Level = 像素提升級別 Upscale Type = 像素提升類型 Vertex Cache = 頂點快取 VSync = 垂直同步 +Vulkan (experimental) = Vulkan (experimental) Window Size = 窗口大小 xBRZ = xBRZ