English | 中文
包提供了一个名为 “default” 的 log 插件, 该插件支持以插件的形式配置多个 Writer。
本指南将在 “default” log 插件的基础上,介绍如何开发一个依赖配置进行加载的 Writer 插件。
下面以 log
包提供的名为 “console” 的 Writer 为例,来介绍相关开发步骤。
下面是在 "trpc_go.yaml" 配置文件中为名字是 “default” 的 log 插件设置名字为 “console” 的 Writer 插件的配置示例:
- writer: console
level: debug
formatter: console
// Config is the log config. Each log may have multiple outputs.
type Config []OutputConfig
// OutputConfig is the output config, includes console, file and remote.
type OutputConfig struct {
// Writer is the output of log, such as console or file.
Writer string `yaml:"writer"`
WriteConfig WriteConfig `yaml:"writer_config"`
// Formatter is the format of log, such as console or json.
Formatter string `yaml:"formatter"`
FormatConfig FormatConfig `yaml:"formatter_config"`
// RemoteConfig is the remote config. It's defined by business and should be registered by
// third-party modules.
RemoteConfig yaml.Node `yaml:"remote_config"`
// Level controls the log level, like debug, info or error.
Level string `yaml:"level"`
// CallerSkip controls the nesting depth of log function.
CallerSkip int `yaml:"caller_skip"`
// EnableColor determines if the output is colored. The default value is false.
EnableColor bool `yaml:"enable_color"`
// WriteConfig is the local file config.
type WriteConfig struct {
// LogPath is the log path like /usr/local/trpc/log/.
LogPath string `yaml:"log_path"`
// Filename is the file name like trpc.log.
Filename string `yaml:"filename"`
// WriteMode is the log write mod. 1: sync, 2: async, 3: fast(maybe dropped), default as 3.
WriteMode int `yaml:"write_mode"`
// RollType is the log rolling type. Split files by size/time, default by size.
RollType string `yaml:"roll_type"`
// MaxAge is the max expire times(day).
MaxAge int `yaml:"max_age"`
// MaxBackups is the max backup files.
MaxBackups int `yaml:"max_backups"`
// Compress defines whether log should be compressed.
Compress bool `yaml:"compress"`
// MaxSize is the max size of log file(MB).
MaxSize int `yaml:"max_size"`
// TimeUnit splits files by time unit, like year/month/hour/minute, default day.
// It takes effect only when split by time.
TimeUnit TimeUnit `yaml:"time_unit"`
// FormatConfig is the log format config.
type FormatConfig struct {
// TimeFmt is the time format of log output, default as "2006-01-02 15:04:05.000" on empty.
TimeFmt string `yaml:"time_fmt"`
// TimeKey is the time key of log output, default as "T".
TimeKey string `yaml:"time_key"`
// LevelKey is the level key of log output, default as "L".
LevelKey string `yaml:"level_key"`
// NameKey is the name key of log output, default as "N".
NameKey string `yaml:"name_key"`
// CallerKey is the caller key of log output, default as "C".
CallerKey string `yaml:"caller_key"`
// FunctionKey is the function key of log output, default as "", which means not to print
// function name.
FunctionKey string `yaml:"function_key"`
// MessageKey is the message key of log output, default as "M".
MessageKey string `yaml:"message_key"`
// StackTraceKey is the stack trace key of log output, default as "S".
StacktraceKey string `yaml:"stacktrace_key"`
const (
pluginType = "log"
OutputConsole = "console"
// ConsoleWriterFactory is the console writer instance.
type ConsoleWriterFactory struct {
// Type returns the log plugin type.
func (f *ConsoleWriterFactory) Type() string {
return pluginType
// Setup starts, loads and registers console output writer.
func (f *ConsoleWriterFactory) Setup(name string, dec plugin.Decoder) error {
if dec == nil {
return errors.New("console writer decoder empty")
decoder, ok := dec.(*Decoder)
if !ok {
return errors.New("console writer log decoder type invalid")
cfg := &OutputConfig{}
if err := decoder.Decode(&cfg); err != nil {
return err
decoder.Core, decoder.ZapLevel = newConsoleCore(cfg)
return nil
func newConsoleCore(c *OutputConfig) (zapcore.Core, zap.AtomicLevel) {
lvl := zap.NewAtomicLevelAt(Levels[c.Level])
return zapcore.NewCore(
lvl), lvl
DefaultConsoleWriterFactory = &ConsoleWriterFactory{}
RegisterWriter(OutputConsole, DefaultConsoleWriterFactory)