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Bert/ERNIE Chinese Text Classification Pytorch


Chinese Text Classification using BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers), BERT variants and ERNIE (Enhanced Language Representation with Informative Entities), implemented by PyTorch, monitored training by WandB (Weights & Biases)



Weights & Biases is the machine learning platform for developers to build better models faster. Use W&B's lightweight, interoperable tools to quickly track experiments, version and iterate on datasets, evaluate model performance, reproduce models, visualize results and spot regressions, and share findings with colleagues. For details please click.


Machine:1 GTX 1650 MaxQ 4GB RAM,batch size * padding size <= 512. If GPU's RAM >= 4GB, you are suggested to enlarge the padding size and batch size (power of 2, 2^n). Average training period:25 - 45mins


python 3.7

Library (Pip install OR Conda install )

pytorch 1.1
bota3 wandb (model monitoring)
matplotlib (EDA)
pytorch_pretrained_bert (pretrained package is uploaded, this repository is not required)

Chinese Dataset

Chinese GLUE public challenge

119 Classes:打車 地圖導航 免費WIFI 租車 同城服務 快遞物流 婚慶 家政 公共交通 政務 社區服務 薅羊毛 魔幻 仙俠 卡牌 飛行空戰 射擊遊戲 休閒益智 動作類 體育競技 棋牌中心 經營養成 策略 MOBA 輔助工具 約會社交 即時通訊 工作社交 論壇圈子 婚戀社交 情侶社交 社交工具 生活社交 微博博客 新聞 漫畫 小說 技術 教輔 問答交流 搞笑 雜誌 百科 影視娛樂 求職 兼職 視頻 短視頻 音樂 直播 電台 K歌 成人 中小學 職考 公務員 英語 視頻教育 高等教育 成人教育 藝術 語言(非英語) 旅游資訊 綜合預定 民航 鐵路 酒店 行程管理 民宿短租 出國 工具 親子兒童 母嬰 駕校 違章 汽車諮詢 汽車交易 日常養車 行車輔助 租房 買房 裝修家居 電子產品 問診掛號 養生保健 醫療服務 減肥瘦身 美妝美業 菜譜 餐飲店 體育咨訊 運動健身 支付 保險 股票 借貸 理財 彩票 記賬 銀行 美顏 影像剪輯 攝影修圖 相機 繪畫 二手 電商 團購 外賣 電影票務 社區超市 購物諮詢 筆記 辦公 日程管理 女性 經營 收款 其他

Dataset Segmentation:

Dataset Rows
Train 12k
Valid 2.5k
Test 2.5k

Update Your Own dataset

  • Formatize the Chinese dataset to specified format
  • txt file format, each row: {1 text}{1 tab space}{label id}
  • provided code for transform json file into text file
    • json file format, each row: {"label":"11","label_des":"class","sentence":"xxx"}


Model Accuracy #words in sentence (padding size) Remarks
bert 53.83% 32
bert 55.18% 128
bert_CNN 58.25% 32 bert + CNN
bert_CNN 58.21% 64 bert + CNN
bert_RCNN 55.91% 32 bert + RCNN
ERNIE 58.95% 32 ERNIE
ERNIE 59.25% 64 ERNIE

Previous test on models including TextCNN, TextRNN, TextRNN+Att, TextRCNN, DRCNN and Transformer, those performance are worse than that of BERT family and ERNIE models. BERT models with connected components are slightly better than pure BERT model. ERNIE model is the best among those models.

Model Introduction





pretrained language model

BERT related documents are located at directory /bert_pretain,ERNIE are at /ERNIE_pretrain,those documents should be existed for both directories:

  • pytorch_model.bin
  • bert_config.json
  • vocab.txt

Pretrained model download sites:

bert_Chinese: model

from here

from here
spare:model: (ERNIE_pretrain file rename: config.json-> bert_config.json)

After decompression, all required files in pretrain directories are ready.


This repository is built for feeding json text file. All json files are supposed to locate at THUCNews/data directory.

# json_to_txt will generate files (train.txt, dev.txt, test.txt and test2.txt) based on provided json files in THUCNews/data
python --datafile THUCNews/data

# model training requires train set (train.txt), validation set (dev.txt), test set with labels (remarks test.txt and dev.txt are the same)

# model inference requires test set (test2.txt)

Execution after download pretrained models

# Train:
## model options: bert, bert_CNN, bert_RNN, bert_RCNN, bert_DPCNN, ERNIE
# bert
python --model bert

# bert + other extensions
python --model bert_CNN

python --model ERNIE

# Choose one of models for inference (THUCNews/saved_dict)存在的model.ckpt
## model options: bert, bert_CNN, bert_RNN, bert_RCNN, bert_DPCNN, ERNIE
python --model ERNIE
# generate test_pred.json as the inference result


pip install wandb
wandb login 
# input API key in login page into cmd prompt

# before training, you could rename your experiment in models/, modify model_name(line 12), this name would be recorded as the name of experiment in WandB page. 

# Open WandB repository page to monitor training process


All models under directory /models,including hyperparameters and model architectures.


  • Add model explanation part using SHAP values
  • Display SHAP plots on WandB


[1] BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding paper

[2] ERNIE: Enhanced Representation through Knowledge Integration paper