This plugin provides text duplication commands.
Use your favorite package manager (Packer, Plug, Lazy.nvim etc.)
You may want to reinstall this plugin manually, because of specific dev-apprach: repo of this plugin may be force-rebased, rendering all previous commits obsolete.
-- init.lua
local config = require("duplicate.config")
local editor = require("duplicate.editor")
local duplicatedRange = editor:duplicateByOffset(5, config)
Plugin exports the following user commands:
- :LineDuplicate - Duplicate linewise
- :VisualDuplicate - Charwise, linewise, and blockwise duplication
- Where
<arg>: Number
- an offset to put duplicated lines at; -
- no action;
- error in cmd
- duplicates 1 line upward; relateive to the top of the selection;
- duplicates 1 line downward; relative to the bottom of selection
- duplicatesN
lines up/downard depending on the sign of the Number; duplicated text is always put relative to the nearest cursor relative to the offset.
You can call commands directly in command pane:
- duplicate currently focused line downwards:LineDuplicate 0
- no action:LineDuplicate +2
- duplicate line 2 lines downwards'<,'>:VisualDuplicate -5
- duplicate selection upwards 5 lines from the top of the selection'<,'>:VisualDuplicate +3
- same, but 3 lines from the bottom of the selection
By default, NO keybindings are set up.
-- The followng binds
-- Sign of the number is mandatory
vim.keymap.set({ "n" }, "<C-S-A-Up>" ,"<CMD>LineDuplicate -1<CR>")
vim.keymap.set({ "n" }, "<C-S-A-Down>" ,"<CMD>LineDuplicate +1<CR>")
It's advised to use Legendary.nvim plugin to config your keymaps. You can use the following config to specify your own keymaps:
local legendary = require("legendary")
description = "Line: duplicate up",
mode = { "n" }, "<C-S-A-Up>" , "<CMD>LineDuplicate -1<CR>"
description = "Line: duplicate down",
mode = { "n" }, "<C-S-A-Down>", "<CMD>LineDuplicate +1<CR>"
description = "Selection: duplicate up",
mode = { "v" }, "<C-S-A-Up>", "<CMD>VisualDuplicate -1<CR>"
description = "Selection: duplicate down",
mode = { "v" }, "<C-S-A-Down>", "<CMD>VisualDuplicate +1<CR>"
vim.g["duplicate-nvim-config"] = {
visual = {
selectAfter = true, -- do not select duplicated text
block = true -- disable block-wise duplication
September 24, 2023
Copyright © - Alexander Davronov,