diff --git a/svcomp/src/main/java/com/dat3m/svcomp/SVCOMPRunner.java b/svcomp/src/main/java/com/dat3m/svcomp/SVCOMPRunner.java
index 6b8eca7a61..b33d1eae6c 100644
--- a/svcomp/src/main/java/com/dat3m/svcomp/SVCOMPRunner.java
+++ b/svcomp/src/main/java/com/dat3m/svcomp/SVCOMPRunner.java
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Set;
 import java.util.stream.Collectors;
+import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
+import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
 import static com.dat3m.dartagnan.configuration.OptionInfo.collectOptions;
 import static com.dat3m.dartagnan.configuration.OptionNames.*;
@@ -29,45 +31,49 @@
 public class SVCOMPRunner extends BaseOptions {
-	private Property property;
-	@Option(
-		required=true,
-		description="The path to the property to be checked.")
-	private void property(String p) {
-		//TODO process the property file instead of assuming its contents based of its name
-		if(p.contains("no-data-race")) {
-			property = Property.DATARACEFREEDOM;
-		} else if(p.contains("unreach-call")) {
-			property = Property.PROGRAM_SPEC;
-		} else {
-			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized property " + p);
-		}
-	}
-	@Option(
-		name=UMIN,
-		description="Starting unrolling bound <integer>.")
-	private int umin = 1;
-	@Option(
-		name=UMAX,
-		description="Ending unrolling bound <integer>.")
-	private int umax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
-	@Option(
-		name=STEP,
-		description="Step size for the increasing unrolling bound <integer>.")
-	private int step = 1;
-	@Option(
-		name=VALIDATE,
-		description="Run Dartagnan as a violation witness validator. Argument is the path to the witness file.")
-	private String witnessPath;
-	private static final Set<String> supportedFormats = 
-    		ImmutableSet.copyOf(Arrays.asList(".c", ".i"));
+    private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(SVCOMPRunner.class);
+    private Property property;
+    @Option(
+        name= PROPERTYPATH,
+        required=true,
+        description="The path to the property to be checked.")
+    private void property(String p) {
+        //TODO process the property file instead of assuming its contents based of its name
+        if(p.contains("no-data-race")) {
+            property = Property.DATARACEFREEDOM;
+        } else if(p.contains("unreach-call")) {
+            property = Property.PROGRAM_SPEC;
+        } else {
+            // To comply with SVCOMP qualification rules, we should return UNKNOWN
+            // instead of throwing an exception for unhandled properties
+            property = null;
+        }
+    }
+    @Option(
+        name=UMIN,
+        description="Starting unrolling bound <integer>.")
+    private int umin = 1;
+    @Option(
+        name=UMAX,
+        description="Ending unrolling bound <integer>.")
+    private int umax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+    @Option(
+        name=STEP,
+        description="Step size for the increasing unrolling bound <integer>.")
+    private int step = 1;
+    @Option(
+        name=VALIDATE,
+        description="Run Dartagnan as a violation witness validator. Argument is the path to the witness file.")
+    private String witnessPath;
+    private static final Set<String> supportedFormats = 
+        ImmutableSet.copyOf(Arrays.asList(".c", ".i"));
     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
@@ -76,30 +82,35 @@ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
-		if(Arrays.stream(args).noneMatch(a -> supportedFormats.stream().anyMatch(a::endsWith))) {
-			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input program not given or format not recognized");
-		}
-		if(Arrays.stream(args).noneMatch(a -> a.endsWith(".cat"))) {
-			throw new IllegalArgumentException("CAT model not given or format not recognized");
-		}
-		File fileModel = new File(Arrays.stream(args).filter(a -> a.endsWith(".cat")).findFirst().get());
-		String programPath = Arrays.stream(args).filter(a -> supportedFormats.stream().anyMatch(a::endsWith)).findFirst().get();
-		File fileProgram = new File(programPath);
-		String[] argKeyword = Arrays.stream(args)
-		.filter(s->s.startsWith("-"))
-		.toArray(String[]::new);
-		Configuration config = Configuration.fromCmdLineArguments(argKeyword);
-		SVCOMPRunner r = new SVCOMPRunner();
-		config.recursiveInject(r);
+        if(Arrays.stream(args).noneMatch(a -> supportedFormats.stream().anyMatch(a::endsWith))) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input program not given or format not recognized");
+        }
+        if(Arrays.stream(args).noneMatch(a -> a.endsWith(".cat"))) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("CAT model not given or format not recognized");
+        }
+        File fileModel = new File(Arrays.stream(args).filter(a -> a.endsWith(".cat")).findFirst().get());
+        String programPath = Arrays.stream(args).filter(a -> supportedFormats.stream().anyMatch(a::endsWith)).findFirst().get();
+        File fileProgram = new File(programPath);
+        String[] argKeyword = Arrays.stream(args)
+            .filter(s->s.startsWith("-"))
+            .toArray(String[]::new);
+        Configuration config = Configuration.fromCmdLineArguments(argKeyword);
+        SVCOMPRunner r = new SVCOMPRunner();
+        config.recursiveInject(r);
+        if(r.property == null) {
+            logger.warn("Unrecognized property");
+            System.out.println("UNKNOWN");
+            return;
+        }
         WitnessGraph witness = new WitnessGraph(); 
         if(r.witnessPath != null) {
-        	witness = new ParserWitness().parse(new File(r.witnessPath));
-			if(!fileProgram.getName().
-					equals(Paths.get(witness.getProgram()).getFileName().toString())) {
-				throw new RuntimeException("The witness was generated from a different program than " + fileProgram);
-			}
+            witness = new ParserWitness().parse(new File(r.witnessPath));
+            if(!fileProgram.getName().equals(Paths.get(witness.getProgram()).getFileName().toString())) {
+                throw new RuntimeException("The witness was generated from a different program than " + fileProgram);
+            }
         int bound = witness.hasAttributed(UNROLLBOUND.toString()) ? parseInt(witness.getAttributed(UNROLLBOUND.toString())) : r.umin;
@@ -109,66 +120,65 @@ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
         while(output.equals("UNKNOWN")) {
             file = compileWithClang(fileProgram, "");
             file = applyLlvmPasses(file);    
+            String llvmName = System.getenv().get("DAT3M_HOME") + "/output/" + Files.getNameWithoutExtension(programPath) + "-opt.ll";
-	        String llvmName = System.getenv().get("DAT3M_HOME") + "/output/" +
-	        		Files.getNameWithoutExtension(programPath) + "-opt.ll";
-	    	ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<>();
-	    	cmd.add("java");
-	    	cmd.add("-Dlog4j.configurationFile=" + System.getenv().get("DAT3M_HOME") + "/dartagnan/src/main/resources/log4j2.xml");
-	    	cmd.add("-DLOGNAME=" + Files.getNameWithoutExtension(programPath));
-	    	cmd.addAll(Arrays.asList("-jar", System.getenv().get("DAT3M_HOME") + "/dartagnan/target/dartagnan.jar"));
-			cmd.add(fileModel.toString());
-			cmd.add(llvmName);
-			cmd.add(String.format("--%s=%s", PROPERTY, r.property.asStringOption()));
-			cmd.add(String.format("--%s=%s", BOUND, bound));
-			cmd.add(String.format("--%s=%s", WITNESS_ORIGINAL_PROGRAM_PATH, programPath));
-			cmd.addAll(filterOptions(config));
-	    	ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(cmd);
-	        try {
-	        	Process proc = processBuilder.start();
-				BufferedReader read = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getInputStream()));
-				proc.waitFor();
-				while(read.ready()) {
-					String next = read.readLine();
-					// This is now the last line in the console.
-					// We avoid updating the output
-					if(next.contains("Total verification time(ms):")) {
-						break;
-					}
-					output = next;
-					System.out.println(output);
-				}
-				if(proc.exitValue() == 1) {
-					BufferedReader error = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getErrorStream()));
-					while(error.ready()) {
-						System.out.println(error.readLine());
-					}
-					System.exit(0);
-				}
-			} catch(Exception e) {
-				System.out.println(e.getMessage());
-				System.exit(0);
-			}
-			if(bound > r.umax) {
-				System.out.println("PASS");
-				break;
-			}
-			// We always do iterations 1 and 2 and then use the step
-			bound = bound == 1 ? 2 : bound + r.step;
-		}
+            ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<>();
+            cmd.add("java");
+            cmd.add("-Dlog4j.configurationFile=" + System.getenv().get("DAT3M_HOME") + "/dartagnan/src/main/resources/log4j2.xml");
+            cmd.add("-DLOGNAME=" + Files.getNameWithoutExtension(programPath));
+            cmd.addAll(Arrays.asList("-jar", System.getenv().get("DAT3M_HOME") + "/dartagnan/target/dartagnan.jar"));
+            cmd.add(fileModel.toString());
+            cmd.add(llvmName);
+            cmd.add(String.format("--%s=%s", PROPERTY, r.property.asStringOption()));
+            cmd.add(String.format("--%s=%s", BOUND, bound));
+            cmd.add(String.format("--%s=%s", WITNESS_ORIGINAL_PROGRAM_PATH, programPath));
+            cmd.addAll(filterOptions(config));
+            ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(cmd);
+            try {
+                Process proc = processBuilder.start();
+                BufferedReader read = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getInputStream()));
+                proc.waitFor();
+                while(read.ready()) {
+                    String next = read.readLine();
+                    // This is now the last line in the console.
+                    // We avoid updating the output
+                    if(next.contains("Total verification time(ms):")) {
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    output = next;
+                    System.out.println(output);
+                }
+                if(proc.exitValue() == 1) {
+                    BufferedReader error = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getErrorStream()));
+                    while(error.ready()) {
+                        System.out.println(error.readLine());
+                    }
+                    System.exit(0);
+                }
+            } catch(Exception e) {
+                System.out.println(e.getMessage());
+                System.exit(0);
+            }
+            if(bound > r.umax) {
+                System.out.println("PASS");
+                break;
+            }
+            // We always do iterations 1 and 2 and then use the step
+            bound = bound == 1 ? 2 : bound + r.step;
+        }
     private static List<String> filterOptions(Configuration config) {
-    	// BOUND is computed based on umin and the information from the witness
-    	List<String> skip = Arrays.asList(PROPERTYPATH, UMIN, UMAX, STEP, SANITIZE, BOUND);
+        // BOUND is computed based on umin and the information from the witness
+        List<String> skip = Arrays.asList(PROPERTYPATH, UMIN, UMAX, STEP, SANITIZE, BOUND);
-    	return Arrays.stream(config.asPropertiesString().split("\n")).
-			filter(p -> skip.stream().noneMatch(s -> s.equals(p.split(" = ")[0]))).
-			map(p -> "--" + p.split(" = ")[0] + "=" + p.split(" = ")[1]).
-			collect(Collectors.toList());
+        return Arrays.stream(config.asPropertiesString().split("\n")).
+            filter(p -> skip.stream().noneMatch(s -> s.equals(p.split(" = ")[0]))).
+            map(p -> "--" + p.split(" = ")[0] + "=" + p.split(" = ")[1]).
+            collect(Collectors.toList());
\ No newline at end of file