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ansible nephio


This repo provides the artifacts to install a Nephio environment using ansible to experiment with Nephio following nephio ONE summit 2022 workshop. The installation creates kind clusters, github repos and the manifests to get a base Nephio environment up an running.

The installation assumes a VM is created with the following characteristics:

  • ubuntu 22.04LTS -> this is tested right now
  • 32G RAM, 8 vcpu -> we can change this based on the amount of kind clusters we need
  • SSH access with a SSH key is setup + username

The creation of the VM is right now out of scope, but we can see what we can do going forward. Also we assume right now the ansible playbook is executed remote from the VM. We can see if people want to use a different approach going forward.

In a local environment clone the repo in a local environment

git clone
cd nephio-ansible-install

The installation requires an inventory file that is tailored to your enviornment. The ansible.config assumes the inventory file is located in inventory/nephio.yaml within the cloned environment. Create an inventory directory and the nephio.yaml file within the inventory directory

mkdir -p inventory
touch inventory/nephio.yaml

Open an editor of your choice and paste the below in the inventory/nephio.yaml file.

--> You can choose between github repos (remote) or gitea repos (local) by setting the respective vars in the inventory/nephio.yaml file (see below).

    cloud_user: <username that is used to access the VM>
    github_username: <github username>
    github_token: <github personal access token>
    github_organization: <github organization or username>
    gitea_username: <gitea username>
    gitea_password: <gitea password>
    host_os: "linux"  # use "darwin" for MacOS X, "windows" for Windows
    host_arch: "amd64"  # other possible values: "386","arm64","arm","ppc64le","s390x"
    tmp_directory: "/tmp"
    bin_directory: "/usr/local/bin"
    kubectl_version: "1.25.0"
    kubectl_checksum_binary: "sha512:fac91d79079672954b9ae9f80b9845fbf373e1c4d3663a84cc1538f89bf70cb85faee1bcd01b6263449f4a2995e7117e1c85ed8e5f137732650e8635b4ecee09"
    kind_version: "0.17.0"
    cni_version: "0.8.6"
    kpt_version: "1.0.0-beta.23"
    multus_cni_version: "3.9.2"
      install_dir: nephio-install
      mgmt: {mgmt_subnet:, pod_subnet:, svc_subnet:}
      edge1: {mgmt_subnet:, pod_subnet:, svc_subnet:}
      edge2: {mgmt_subnet:, pod_subnet:, svc_subnet:}
      region1: {mgmt_subnet:, pod_subnet:, svc_subnet:}
        <ip address of the VM>:

Some customizations are required to tailor the installation to your environment. Edit the inventory/nephio.yaml file where you update:

  • cloud_user: the username that is created to access the VM using SSH
  • github_username: your github user name
  • github_token: github access token to access github github personal access token
  • github_organization: (optional) if you use a github organization for the repo's you should add your github organization here, otherwise it uses the github username
  • gitea_username: your gitea (local repo) username
  • gitea_password: your gitea (local repo) password

Note: You can choose between using remote github repos or local gitea repos for your Nephio environment by setting either the github variables or the gitea variables.

To start running ansible playbooks an ansible environment is required. Below is an example how to install ansible using a virtual environment. The repo scripts rely on the ansible galaxy community collection

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install ansible
pip install pygithub
pip install kubernetes
ansible-galaxy collection install community.general
ansible-galaxy collection install kubernetes.core
ansible-galaxy collection install community.docker # required for gitea

deploy nephio environment

Now that the environment is up an running we can install the Nephio environment

First we create some prerequisites, which installs kubectl, kind, kpt, cni and setup the bash environment

ansible-playbook playbooks/install-prereq.yaml

Create the github repo(s) Nephio uses (optional: either choose to run this step for github or steps for gitea below)

ansible-playbook playbooks/create-repos.yaml

Create the gitea instance Nephio uses (optional: either choose to run this step for gitea or step for github above)

ansible-playbook playbooks/create-gitea.yaml

Create the gitea repo(s) Nephio uses (optional: either choose to run this step for gitea or step for github above)

ansible-playbook playbooks/create-gitea-repos.yaml

Next we deploy the kind clusters and install the nephio components

ansible-playbook playbooks/deploy-clusters.yaml

Lastly we install the environment manifests we use for the workshop scenario's

ansible-playbook playbooks/configure-nephio.yaml

Accessing Your Environment

# login from your workstation
#   nephio webui: forwarding 7007 -> localhost:7007 on the remote VM.
#   gitea webui: forwarding 3000 -> localhost:3000 on the remote VM.
ssh -L7007:localhost:7007 -L3000:localhost:3000 [YOUR_CLOUD_USER]@$IP
# now you are in the remote VM, in there run
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/mgmt-config port-forward --namespace=nephio-webui svc/nephio-webui 7007

On your workstation you can now browse

destroy nephio environment

To destroy the nephio environment

ansible-playbook playbooks/destroy-clusters.yaml