diff --git a/Cargo.lock b/Cargo.lock
index f6dd7bb71..21fcfbc40 100644
--- a/Cargo.lock
+++ b/Cargo.lock
@@ -1964,7 +1964,7 @@ dependencies = [
 name = "helium-sub-daos"
-version = "0.2.6"
+version = "0.2.7"
 dependencies = [
diff --git a/packages/helium-admin-cli/src/fix-claimed-epochs.ts b/packages/helium-admin-cli/src/fix-claimed-epochs.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f94efd9a..000000000
--- a/packages/helium-admin-cli/src/fix-claimed-epochs.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-import * as anchor from "@coral-xyz/anchor";
-import {
-  lazyDistributorKey
-} from "@helium/lazy-distributor-sdk";
-import { init as initHsd } from "@helium/helium-sub-daos-sdk";
-import { organizationKey } from "@helium/organization-sdk";
-import { oracleSignerKey } from "@helium/rewards-oracle-sdk";
-import {
-  batchParallelInstructionsWithPriorityFee
-} from "@helium/spl-utils";
-import { getAssociatedTokenAddressSync } from "@solana/spl-token";
-import { PublicKey, TransactionInstruction } from "@solana/web3.js";
-import Squads from "@sqds/sdk";
-import fs from "fs";
-import os from "os";
-import yargs from "yargs/yargs";
-import {
-  loadKeypair,
-  parseEmissionsSchedule,
-  sendInstructionsOrSquads,
-} from "./utils";
-export async function run(args: any = process.argv) {
-  const yarg = yargs(args).options({
-    wallet: {
-      alias: "k",
-      describe: "Anchor wallet keypair",
-      default: `${os.homedir()}/.config/solana/id.json`,
-    },
-    url: {
-      alias: "u",
-      default: "",
-      describe: "The solana url",
-    },
-    delegatedPositions: {
-      type: "string",
-      describe: "Path to the delegated positions file",
-      default: __dirname + "/delegatedPositions.txt",
-    },
-  });
-  const argv = await yarg.argv;
-  process.env.ANCHOR_WALLET = argv.wallet;
-  process.env.ANCHOR_PROVIDER_URL = argv.url;
-  anchor.setProvider(anchor.AnchorProvider.local(argv.url));
-  const provider = anchor.getProvider() as anchor.AnchorProvider;
-  const wallet = new anchor.Wallet(loadKeypair(argv.wallet));
-  const hsdProgram = await initHsd(provider);
-  const delegatedPositions = fs.readFileSync(argv.delegatedPositions, "utf-8")
-    .split("\n")
-    .filter(line => line.trim() !== ""); // Remove empty lines
-  const instructions: TransactionInstruction[] = [];
-  for (const delegatedPosition of delegatedPositions) {
-    console.log(delegatedPosition, new PublicKey(delegatedPosition).toBase58());
-    instructions.push(
-      await hsdProgram.methods
-        .tempFixClaimedEpoch()
-        .accounts({
-          authority: wallet.publicKey,
-          delegatedPosition: new PublicKey(delegatedPosition),
-        })
-        .instruction()
-    );
-  }
-  await batchParallelInstructionsWithPriorityFee(provider, instructions, {maxSignatureBatch: 100});
diff --git a/packages/helium-admin-cli/src/migrate-to-hip-138.ts b/packages/helium-admin-cli/src/migrate-to-hip-138.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 0eafd2a4e..000000000
--- a/packages/helium-admin-cli/src/migrate-to-hip-138.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-import * as anchor from "@coral-xyz/anchor";
-import { ThresholdType } from "@helium/circuit-breaker-sdk";
-import {
-  daoKey,
-  delegatorRewardsPercent,
-  init as initHsd,
-} from "@helium/helium-sub-daos-sdk";
-import {
-  init as initLazy,
-  lazyDistributorKey,
-} from "@helium/lazy-distributor-sdk";
-import { organizationKey } from "@helium/organization-sdk";
-import { oracleSignerKey } from "@helium/rewards-oracle-sdk";
-import {
-  batchParallelInstructionsWithPriorityFee,
-} from "@helium/spl-utils";
-import { getAssociatedTokenAddressSync } from "@solana/spl-token";
-import { PublicKey, TransactionInstruction } from "@solana/web3.js";
-import Squads from "@sqds/sdk";
-import os from "os";
-import yargs from "yargs/yargs";
-import {
-  loadKeypair,
-  parseEmissionsSchedule,
-  sendInstructionsOrSquads,
-} from "./utils";
-export async function run(args: any = process.argv) {
-  const yarg = yargs(args).options({
-    wallet: {
-      alias: "k",
-      describe: "Anchor wallet keypair",
-      default: `${os.homedir()}/.config/solana/id.json`,
-    },
-    url: {
-      alias: "u",
-      default: "",
-      describe: "The solana url",
-    },
-    iotMint: {
-      type: "string",
-      describe: "IOT mint of the subdao to migrate",
-      default: IOT_MINT.toBase58(),
-    },
-    hntMint: {
-      type: "string",
-      describe: "HNT mint of the subdao to migrate",
-      default: HNT_MINT.toBase58(),
-    },
-    mobileMint: {
-      type: "string",
-      describe: "Mobile mint of the subdao to migrate",
-      default: MOBILE_MINT.toBase58(),
-    },
-    rewardsOracleUrl: {
-      alias: "ro",
-      type: "string",
-      describe: "The rewards oracle URL",
-      required: true,
-    },
-    oracleKey: {
-      type: "string",
-      describe: "Pubkey of the oracle",
-      required: true,
-    },
-    emissionSchedulePath: {
-      required: true,
-      describe: "Path to file that contains the hnt emissions schedule",
-      type: "string",
-    },
-    hstEmissionsSchedulePath: {
-      required: true,
-      describe: "Path to file that contains the new HST emissions schedule",
-      type: "string",
-    },
-    executeTransaction: {
-      type: "boolean",
-    },
-    multisig: {
-      type: "string",
-      describe:
-        "Address of the squads multisig to be authority. If not provided, your wallet will be the authority",
-    },
-    authorityIndex: {
-      type: "number",
-      describe: "Authority index for squads. Defaults to 1",
-      default: 1,
-    },
-  });
-  const argv = await yarg.argv;
-  process.env.ANCHOR_WALLET = argv.wallet;
-  process.env.ANCHOR_PROVIDER_URL = argv.url;
-  anchor.setProvider(anchor.AnchorProvider.local(argv.url));
-  const provider = anchor.getProvider() as anchor.AnchorProvider;
-  const wallet = new anchor.Wallet(loadKeypair(argv.wallet));
-  const lazyDistProgram = await initLazy(provider);
-  const hsdProgram = await initHsd(provider);
-  const instructions: TransactionInstruction[] = [];
-  const hntMint = new PublicKey(argv.hntMint);
-  const dao = daoKey(hntMint)[0];
-  const resizes: TransactionInstruction[] = [];
-  resizes.push(
-    await hsdProgram.methods
-      .tempResizeAccount()
-      .accounts({
-        account: dao,
-        payer: wallet.publicKey,
-      })
-      .instruction()
-  );
-  const daoEpochInfos = await hsdProgram.account.daoEpochInfoV0.all();
-  for (const daoEpochInfo of daoEpochInfos) {
-    resizes.push(
-      await hsdProgram.methods
-        .tempResizeAccount()
-        .accounts({
-          account: daoEpochInfo.publicKey,
-          payer: wallet.publicKey,
-        })
-        .instruction()
-    );
-  }
-  console.log("Resizing accounts");
-  await batchParallelInstructionsWithPriorityFee(provider, resizes);
-  const daoAcc = await hsdProgram.account.daoV0.fetch(dao);
-  const authority = daoAcc.authority;
-  const oracleKey = new PublicKey(argv.oracleKey!);
-  const emissionSchedule = await parseEmissionsSchedule(
-    argv.emissionSchedulePath
-  );
-  const ld = lazyDistributorKey(hntMint)[0];
-  const ldAcc = await lazyDistProgram.account.lazyDistributorV0.fetchNullable(
-    ld
-  );
-  if (ldAcc) {
-    console.warn("Lazy distributor already exists, skipping.");
-  } else {
-    instructions.push(
-      await lazyDistProgram.methods
-        .initializeLazyDistributorV0({
-          authority: daoAcc.authority,
-          oracles: [
-            {
-              oracle: oracleKey,
-              url: argv.rewardsOracleUrl,
-            },
-          ],
-          // 5 x epoch rewards in a 24 hour period
-          windowConfig: {
-            windowSizeSeconds: new anchor.BN(24 * 60 * 60),
-            thresholdType: ThresholdType.Absolute as never,
-            threshold: new anchor.BN(emissionSchedule[0].emissionsPerEpoch).mul(
-              new anchor.BN(5)
-            ),
-          },
-          approver: oracleSignerKey()[0],
-        })
-        .accounts({
-          payer: authority,
-          rewardsMint: hntMint,
-        })
-        .instruction()
-    );
-  }
-  instructions.push(
-    await hsdProgram.methods
-      .updateDaoV0({
-        authority: null,
-        emissionSchedule: null,
-        hstEmissionSchedule: await parseEmissionsSchedule(
-          argv.hstEmissionsSchedulePath!
-        ),
-        netEmissionsCap: null,
-        hstPool: null,
-        proposalNamespace: organizationKey("Helium")[0],
-        delegatorRewardsPercent: delegatorRewardsPercent(6),
-        rewardsEscrow: getAssociatedTokenAddressSync(hntMint, ld, true),
-      })
-      .accounts({
-        dao,
-        authority: daoAcc.authority,
-        payer: daoAcc.authority,
-      })
-      .instruction()
-  );
-  if (!daoAcc.delegatorPool || daoAcc.delegatorPool.equals(PublicKey.default)) {
-    instructions.push(
-      await hsdProgram.methods
-        .initializeHntDelegatorPool()
-        .accounts({
-          dao,
-          payer: daoAcc.authority,
-          delegatorPool: getAssociatedTokenAddressSync(hntMint, dao, true),
-          authority: daoAcc.authority,
-        })
-        .instruction()
-    );
-  }
-  const squads = Squads.endpoint(process.env.ANCHOR_PROVIDER_URL, wallet, {
-    commitmentOrConfig: "finalized",
-  });
-  await sendInstructionsOrSquads({
-    provider,
-    instructions,
-    executeTransaction: argv.executeTransaction,
-    squads,
-    multisig: argv.multisig ? new PublicKey(argv.multisig) : undefined,
-    authorityIndex: argv.authorityIndex,
-    signers: [],
-  });
diff --git a/programs/helium-sub-daos/Cargo.toml b/programs/helium-sub-daos/Cargo.toml
index ffa75c50a..d14abfd2b 100644
--- a/programs/helium-sub-daos/Cargo.toml
+++ b/programs/helium-sub-daos/Cargo.toml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 name = "helium-sub-daos"
-version = "0.2.6"
+version = "0.2.7"
 description = "Created with Anchor"
 edition = "2021"
diff --git a/programs/helium-sub-daos/src/instructions/mod.rs b/programs/helium-sub-daos/src/instructions/mod.rs
index a8061204e..4f9f98ea7 100644
--- a/programs/helium-sub-daos/src/instructions/mod.rs
+++ b/programs/helium-sub-daos/src/instructions/mod.rs
@@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ pub mod initialize_hnt_delegator_pool;
 pub mod initialize_sub_dao_v0;
 pub mod issue_rewards_v0;
 pub mod switch_mobile_ops_fund;
-pub mod temp_fix_claimed_epoch;
-pub mod temp_resize_account;
 pub mod temp_update_sub_dao_epoch_info;
 pub mod track_dc_burn_v0;
 pub mod track_dc_onboarding_fees_v0;
@@ -25,8 +23,6 @@ pub use initialize_hnt_delegator_pool::*;
 pub use initialize_sub_dao_v0::*;
 pub use issue_rewards_v0::*;
 pub use switch_mobile_ops_fund::*;
-pub use temp_fix_claimed_epoch::*;
-pub use temp_resize_account::*;
 pub use temp_update_sub_dao_epoch_info::*;
 pub use track_dc_burn_v0::*;
 pub use track_dc_onboarding_fees_v0::*;
diff --git a/programs/helium-sub-daos/src/instructions/temp_fix_claimed_epoch.rs b/programs/helium-sub-daos/src/instructions/temp_fix_claimed_epoch.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0413e3081..000000000
--- a/programs/helium-sub-daos/src/instructions/temp_fix_claimed_epoch.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-use std::str::FromStr;
-use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
-use crate::DelegatedPositionV0;
-pub struct TempFixClaimedEpoch<'info> {
-  #[account(
-    mut,
-    address = Pubkey::from_str("hprdnjkbziK8NqhThmAn5Gu4XqrBbctX8du4PfJdgvW").unwrap()
-  )]
-  pub authority: Signer<'info>,
-  #[account(mut)]
-  pub delegated_position: Account<'info, DelegatedPositionV0>,
-  pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,
-pub fn handler(ctx: Context<TempFixClaimedEpoch>) -> Result<()> {
-  ctx.accounts.delegated_position.set_unclaimed(20117)?;
-  Ok(())
diff --git a/programs/helium-sub-daos/src/instructions/temp_resize_account.rs b/programs/helium-sub-daos/src/instructions/temp_resize_account.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index f3091c4b5..000000000
--- a/programs/helium-sub-daos/src/instructions/temp_resize_account.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-use std::str::FromStr;
-use anchor_lang::{
-  prelude::*,
-  solana_program::{program::invoke, system_instruction},
-use voter_stake_registry::TESTING;
-use crate::RecentProposal;
-pub struct TempResizeAccount<'info> {
-  #[account(
-    mut,
-    address = if TESTING { payer.key() } else { Pubkey::from_str("hprdnjkbziK8NqhThmAn5Gu4XqrBbctX8du4PfJdgvW").unwrap() }
-  )]
-  pub payer: Signer<'info>,
-  /// CHECK: Resizing account
-  #[account(mut)]
-  pub account: AccountInfo<'info>,
-  pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,
-pub fn handler(ctx: Context<TempResizeAccount>) -> Result<()> {
-  let account = &mut ctx.accounts.account;
-  let mut new_size = account.data_len() + std::mem::size_of::<RecentProposal>() * 4;
-  // This is the dao account.
-  if account.key() == Pubkey::from_str("BQ3MCuTT5zVBhNfQ4SjMh3NPVhFy73MPV8rjfq5d1zie").unwrap() {
-    new_size += 104; // Add space for rewards_escrow, delegator_pool, delegator_rewards_percent, proposal_namespace
-  } else {
-    new_size += 8; // Delegation rewards issued
-  }
-  let rent = Rent::get()?;
-  let new_minimum_balance = rent.minimum_balance(new_size);
-  let lamports_diff = new_minimum_balance.saturating_sub(account.to_account_info().lamports());
-  invoke(
-    &system_instruction::transfer(ctx.accounts.payer.key, &account.key(), lamports_diff),
-    &[
-      ctx.accounts.payer.to_account_info().clone(),
-      account.to_account_info().clone(),
-      ctx.accounts.system_program.to_account_info().clone(),
-    ],
-  )?;
-  account.to_account_info().realloc(new_size, false)?;
-  Ok(())
diff --git a/programs/helium-sub-daos/src/lib.rs b/programs/helium-sub-daos/src/lib.rs
index 156c136df..328f87364 100644
--- a/programs/helium-sub-daos/src/lib.rs
+++ b/programs/helium-sub-daos/src/lib.rs
@@ -140,15 +140,7 @@ pub mod helium_sub_daos {
-  pub fn temp_resize_account(ctx: Context<TempResizeAccount>) -> Result<()> {
-    temp_resize_account::handler(ctx)
-  }
   pub fn track_vote_v0(ctx: Context<TrackVoteV0>) -> Result<()> {
-  pub fn temp_fix_claimed_epoch(ctx: Context<TempFixClaimedEpoch>) -> Result<()> {
-    temp_fix_claimed_epoch::handler(ctx)
-  }