diff --git a/scripts/jmeterscripts/LocalHost.jmx b/scripts/jmeterscripts/LocalHost.jmx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1360e2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/jmeterscripts/LocalHost.jmx
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+ false
+ false
+ continue
+ false
+ 10
+ 3
+ 1
+ 1465592749000
+ 1465592749000
+ false
+ true
+ Select 1
+ 5000
+ local
+ jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default
+ org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
+ true
+ 100
+ 1000000
+ 6000000
+ local
+ Select Statement
+ select sum(c_acctbal) as bal from orderLineItemPartSupplier group by
+ (substr(CAST(Date_Add(TO_DATE(CAST(CONCAT(TO_DATE(o_orderdate), 'T00:00:00.000')
+ AS TIMESTAMP)), 5) AS TIMESTAMP), 0, 10)) order by bal
+ Store as String
+ continue
+ false
+ 10
+ 3
+ 1
+ 1465592749000
+ 1465592749000
+ false
+ true
+ Select 1
+ 5000
+ local
+ jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default
+ org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
+ true
+ 100
+ 1000000
+ 6000000
+ local
+ Select Statement
+ select o_orderdate,
+ (substr(CAST(Date_Add(TO_DATE(CAST(CONCAT(TO_DATE(o_orderdate), 'T00:00:00.000Z')
+ AS TIMESTAMP)), 5) AS TIMESTAMP), 0, 10)) x,
+ sum(c_acctbal) as bal from orderLineItemPartSupplier group by
+ o_orderdate, (substr(CAST(Date_Add(TO_DATE(CAST(CONCAT(TO_DATE(o_orderdate),
+ 'T00:00:00.000Z') AS TIMESTAMP)), 5) AS TIMESTAMP), 0, 10)) order by o_orderdate, x, bal
+ Store as String
+ continue
+ false
+ 10
+ 3
+ 1
+ 1465592749000
+ 1465592749000
+ false
+ true
+ Select 1
+ 5000
+ local
+ jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default
+ org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
+ true
+ 100
+ 1000000
+ 6000000
+ local
+ Select Statement
+ select o_orderdate,
+ (DateDiff(cast(o_orderdate as date), cast('2015-07-21 10:10:10 PST' as date))) as x
+ from orderLineItemPartSupplier group by o_orderdate,
+ cast('2015-07-21 10:10:10 PST' as date),
+ (DateDiff(cast(o_orderdate as date), cast('2015-07-21 10:10:10 PST' as date)))
+ order by o_orderdate, x
+ Store as String
+ continue
+ false
+ 10
+ 3
+ 1
+ 1465592749000
+ 1465592749000
+ false
+ true
+ Select 1
+ 5000
+ local
+ jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default
+ org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
+ true
+ 100
+ 1000000
+ 6000000
+ local
+ Select Statement
+ select (Date_add(cast(o_orderdate as date), 360+3)) as x
+ from orderLineItemPartSupplier group by
+ (Date_add(cast(o_orderdate as date), 360+3)) order by x
+ Store as String
+ continue
+ false
+ 10
+ 3
+ 1
+ 1465592749000
+ 1465592749000
+ false
+ true
+ Select 1
+ 5000
+ local
+ jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default
+ org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
+ true
+ 100
+ 1000000
+ 6000000
+ local
+ Select Statement
+ select (Date_sub(cast(o_orderdate as date), 360+3)) as x
+ from orderLineItemPartSupplier group by
+ (Date_sub(cast(o_orderdate as date), 360+3)) order by x
+ Store as String
+ continue
+ false
+ 10
+ 3
+ 1
+ 1465592749000
+ 1465592749000
+ false
+ true
+ Select 1
+ 5000
+ local
+ jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default
+ org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
+ true
+ 100
+ 1000000
+ 6000000
+ local
+ Select Statement
+ select o_orderdate, (weekofyear(Date_Add(cast(o_orderdate as date), 1))) as x
+ from orderLineItemPartSupplier group by o_orderdate,
+ (weekofyear(Date_Add(cast(o_orderdate as date), 1))) order by o_orderdate
+ Store as String
+ continue
+ false
+ 10
+ 3
+ 1
+ 1465592749000
+ 1465592749000
+ false
+ true
+ Select 1
+ 5000
+ local
+ jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default
+ org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
+ true
+ 100
+ 1000000
+ 6000000
+ local
+ Select Statement
+ select o_orderdate, (unix_timestamp(Date_Add(cast(o_orderdate as date), 1))) as x
+ from orderLineItemPartSupplier group by o_orderdate,
+ (unix_timestamp(Date_Add(cast(o_orderdate as date), 1))) order by o_orderdate, x
+ Store as String
+ continue
+ false
+ 10
+ 3
+ 1
+ 1465592749000
+ 1465592749000
+ false
+ true
+ Select 1
+ 5000
+ local
+ jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default
+ org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
+ true
+ 100
+ 1000000
+ 6000000
+ local
+ Select Statement
+ SELECT o_orderdate, Cast(Concat(Year(Cast(o_orderdate AS TIMESTAMP)),
+ (CASE WHEN Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS TIMESTAMP))<4
+ THEN '-01' WHEN Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS TIMESTAMP))<7
+ THEN '-04' WHEN Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS TIMESTAMP))<10
+ THEN '-07' ELSE '-10' END), '-01 00:00:00')
+ FROM (SELECT * FROM orderLineItemPartSupplier) m
+ GROUP BY o_orderdate, cast(concat(year(cast(o_orderdate AS timestamp)),
+ (CASE WHEN month(cast(o_orderdate AS timestamp))<4 THEN '-01'
+ WHEN month(cast(o_orderdate AS timestamp))<7 THEN '-04'
+ WHEN month(cast(o_orderdate AS timestamp))<10
+ THEN '-07' ELSE '-10' END), '-01 00:00:00') AS timestamp)
+ order by o_orderdate, x
+ Store as String
+ continue
+ false
+ 10
+ 3
+ 1
+ 1465592749000
+ 1465592749000
+ false
+ true
+ Select 1
+ 5000
+ local
+ jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default
+ org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
+ true
+ 100
+ 1000000
+ 6000000
+ local
+ Select Statement
+ select o_orderdate as x
+ from orderLineItemPartSupplier group by
+ o_orderdate, (unix_timestamp(Date_Add(cast(o_orderdate as date), 1)))
+ order by o_orderdate, x
+ Store as String
+ continue
+ false
+ 10
+ 3
+ 1
+ 1465592749000
+ 1465592749000
+ false
+ true
+ Select 1
+ 5000
+ local
+ jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default
+ org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
+ true
+ 100
+ 1000000
+ 6000000
+ local
+ Select Statement
+ SELECT CAST((MONTH(CAST(o_orderdate AS TIMESTAMP)) - 1) / 3 + 1 AS BIGINT)
+ AS `qr_row_hr_ok`, YEAR(CAST(o_orderdate AS TIMESTAMP)) AS `yr_row_hr_ok`
+ FROM ( select * from orderLineItemPartSupplier) custom_sql_query
+ CAST((MONTH(CAST(o_orderdate AS TIMESTAMP)) - 1) / 3 + 1 AS BIGINT),
+ YEAR(CAST(o_orderdate AS TIMESTAMP)) order by qr_row_hr_ok, yr_row_hr_ok
+ Store as String
+ false
+ saveConfig
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ 0
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ saveConfig
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ 0
+ true
+ true
+ true
diff --git a/scripts/jmeterscripts/RemoteVPNPortTest.jmx b/scripts/jmeterscripts/RemoteVPNPortTest.jmx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..157aed2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/jmeterscripts/RemoteVPNPortTest.jmx
@@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
+ false
+ false
+ continue
+ false
+ 10
+ 3
+ 1
+ 1465592749000
+ 1465592749000
+ false
+ true
+ Select 1
+ 5000
+ local
+ jdbc:hive2://
+ org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
+ true
+ 100
+ 1000000
+ 6000000
+ local
+ Select Statement
+ SELECT `v`.`datasource` AS `datasource` FROM ( select * from viewability_5 ) v GROUP BY `v`.`datasource` ORDER BY `datasource` ASC
+ Store as String
+ continue
+ false
+ 10
+ 3
+ 1
+ 1465593095000
+ 1465593095000
+ false
+ true
+ Select 1
+ 5000
+ local
+ jdbc:hive2://
+ org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
+ true
+ 100
+ 1000000
+ 6000000
+ local
+ Select Statement
+ SELECT `v`.`advertiser_name` AS `advertiser_name`, `v`.`campaign_name` AS `campaign_name`, `v`.`creative_name` AS `creative_name`, `v`.`line_name` AS `line_name`, SUM(`v`.`clicks`) AS `sum_clicks_ok`, SUM(`v`.`conversions`) AS `sum_conversions_ok` FROM ( select * from viewability_5 ) v WHERE ((((`v`.`advertiser_name` >= '#Cunard#UK') AND (`v`.`advertiser_name` <= '#Jeep#UK')) OR ((`v`.`advertiser_name` >= '#Reiss#UK') AND (`v`.`advertiser_name` <= 'musicMagpie_UK'))) AND (((`v`.`datasource` IN ('Other', 'PubMatic-RTB')) OR ((`v`.`datasource` >= 'ADAP_TV') AND (`v`.`datasource` <= 'AdX-RTB')) OR ((`v`.`datasource` >= 'DMX') AND (`v`.`datasource` <= 'OPERA')) OR ((`v`.`datasource` >= 'Rubicon-RTB') AND (`v`.`datasource` <= 'source_placement'))) AND ((CAST(CAST(`v`.`date_string` AS TIMESTAMP) AS TIMESTAMP) >= CAST('2016-03-01 16:00:00' AS TIMESTAMP)) AND (CAST(CAST(`v`.`date_string` AS TIMESTAMP) AS TIMESTAMP) <= CAST('2016-04-28 17:00:00' AS TIMESTAMP))) AND ((`v`.`line_name` >= '0114025_P&O_Glasgow City Spring_TRVL_UK_MAR16_Display_') AND (`v`.`line_name` <= 'xxxxx_Call Me_Call Me_TECH_DK_MAR16_Display_')))) GROUP BY `v`.`advertiser_name`, `v`.`campaign_name`, `v`.`creative_name`, `v`.`line_name`
+ Store as String
+ continue
+ false
+ 10
+ 3
+ 1
+ 1465593099000
+ 1465593099000
+ false
+ true
+ Select 1
+ 5000
+ local
+ jdbc:hive2://
+ org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
+ true
+ 100
+ 1000000
+ 6000000
+ local
+ Select Statement
+ SELECT MIN(`t0`.`sum_impressions_qk`) AS `temp_sum_impressions_qk_lower__290714814__0_`, MAX(`t0`.`sum_impressions_qk`) AS `temp_sum_impressions_qk_upper__290714814__0_`, COUNT(1) AS `x__alias__0` FROM ( SELECT CAST(CONCAT(TO_DATE(CAST(CAST(`v`.`date_string` AS TIMESTAMP) AS TIMESTAMP)), ' 00:00:00') AS TIMESTAMP) AS `tdy_date_string_qk`, SUM(`v`.`impressions`) AS `sum_impressions_qk` FROM ( select * from viewability_5 ) v WHERE (((CAST(CAST(`v`.`date_string` AS TIMESTAMP) AS TIMESTAMP) >= CAST(CONCAT(DATE_ADD(CAST(CONCAT(TO_DATE(CAST(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) AS TIMESTAMP)), ' 00:00:00') AS TIMESTAMP), CAST(-89 AS INT)), SUBSTR(CAST(CONCAT(TO_DATE(CAST(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) AS TIMESTAMP)), ' 00:00:00') AS TIMESTAMP), 11)) AS TIMESTAMP)) AND (CAST(CAST(`v`.`date_string` AS TIMESTAMP) AS TIMESTAMP) < CAST(CONCAT(DATE_ADD(CAST(CONCAT(TO_DATE(CAST(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) AS TIMESTAMP)), ' 00:00:00') AS TIMESTAMP), CAST(1 AS INT)), SUBSTR(CAST(CONCAT(TO_DATE(CAST(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) AS TIMESTAMP)), ' 00:00:00') AS TIMESTAMP), 11)) AS TIMESTAMP))) AND (`v`.`country` = 'United States')) GROUP BY CAST(CONCAT(TO_DATE(CAST(CAST(`v`.`date_string` AS TIMESTAMP) AS TIMESTAMP)), ' 00:00:00') AS TIMESTAMP) ) t0 HAVING (COUNT(1) > 0)
+ Store as String
+ continue
+ false
+ 10
+ 3
+ 1
+ 1465593101000
+ 1465593101000
+ false
+ true
+ Select 1
+ 5000
+ local
+ jdbc:hive2://
+ org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
+ true
+ 100
+ 1000000
+ 6000000
+ local
+ Select Statement
+ SELECT SUM(`v`.`dv_measurable_impression`) AS `temp_viewability_percentage_comscore__copy___168678397__0_`, SUM(`v`.`dv_viewable_impression`) AS `temp_viewability_percentage_comscore__copy___2409572032__0_`, CAST(CONCAT(TO_DATE(CAST(CAST(`v`.`date_string` AS TIMESTAMP) AS TIMESTAMP)), ' 00:00:00') AS TIMESTAMP) AS `tdy_date_string_ok`, SUM(`v`.`impressions`) AS `x_measure__0`, SUM(`v`.`impressions`) AS `x_measure__1`, SUM(`v`.`dv_viewable_impression`) AS `x_measure__2`, SUM(`v`.`dv_measurable_impression`) AS `x_measure__3` FROM ( select * from viewability_5 ) v WHERE (((CAST(CAST(`v`.`date_string` AS TIMESTAMP) AS TIMESTAMP) >= CAST(CONCAT(DATE_ADD(CAST(CONCAT(TO_DATE(CAST(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) AS TIMESTAMP)), ' 00:00:00') AS TIMESTAMP), CAST(-89 AS INT)), SUBSTR(CAST(CONCAT(TO_DATE(CAST(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) AS TIMESTAMP)), ' 00:00:00') AS TIMESTAMP), 11)) AS TIMESTAMP)) AND (CAST(CAST(`v`.`date_string` AS TIMESTAMP) AS TIMESTAMP) < CAST(CONCAT(DATE_ADD(CAST(CONCAT(TO_DATE(CAST(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) AS TIMESTAMP)), ' 00:00:00') AS TIMESTAMP), CAST(1 AS INT)), SUBSTR(CAST(CONCAT(TO_DATE(CAST(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) AS TIMESTAMP)), ' 00:00:00') AS TIMESTAMP), 11)) AS TIMESTAMP))) AND (`v`.`country` = 'United States')) GROUP BY CAST(CONCAT(TO_DATE(CAST(CAST(`v`.`date_string` AS TIMESTAMP) AS TIMESTAMP)), ' 00:00:00') AS TIMESTAMP) HAVING (((SUM(`v`.`impressions`) >= 13453383) AND (SUM(`v`.`impressions`) <= 55984343)) AND (NOT ((CASE WHEN SUM(`v`.`dv_measurable_impression`) = 0 THEN NULL ELSE CAST(SUM(`v`.`dv_viewable_impression`) AS DOUBLE) / SUM(`v`.`dv_measurable_impression`) END) IS NULL)))
+ Store as String
+ continue
+ false
+ 10
+ 3
+ 1
+ 1465593104000
+ 1465593104000
+ false
+ true
+ Select 1
+ 5000
+ local
+ jdbc:hive2://
+ org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
+ true
+ 100
+ 1000000
+ 6000000
+ local
+ Select Statement
+ SELECT SUM(`v`.`comscore_measurable`) AS `temp_calculation_3253076685997178880__1019512392__0_`, SUM(`v`.`comscore_viewable`) AS `temp_calculation_3253076685997178880__4085906920__0_`, SUM(`v`.`dv_measurable_impression`) AS `temp_viewability_percentage_comscore__copy___168678397__0_`, SUM(`v`.`dv_viewable_impression`) AS `temp_viewability_percentage_comscore__copy___2409572032__0_`, `v`.`creative_size` AS `creative_size` FROM ( select * from viewability_5 ) v WHERE (((`v`.`browser` >= 'Non-Safari') AND (`v`.`browser` <= 'Safari')) AND (`v`.`country` = 'United States')) GROUP BY `v`.`creative_size`
+ Store as String
+ continue
+ false
+ 10
+ 3
+ 1
+ 1465593106000
+ 1465593106000
+ false
+ true
+ Select 1
+ 5000
+ local
+ jdbc:hive2://
+ org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
+ true
+ 100
+ 1000000
+ 6000000
+ local
+ Select Statement
+ SELECT SUM(`v`.`comscore_measurable`) AS `temp_calculation_3253076685997178880__1019512392__0_`, SUM(`v`.`comscore_viewable`) AS `temp_calculation_3253076685997178880__4085906920__0_`, `v`.`os` AS `os`, SUM(`v`.`impressions`) AS `x_measure__0`, SUM(`v`.`impressions`) AS `x_measure__1` FROM ( select * from viewability_5 ) v WHERE (`v`.`country` = 'United States') GROUP BY `v`.`os` HAVING ((SUM(`v`.`impressions`) >= 1) AND (SUM(`v`.`impressions`) <= 454240033))
+ Store as String
+ continue
+ false
+ 10
+ 3
+ 1
+ 1465593109000
+ 1465593109000
+ false
+ true
+ Select 1
+ 5000
+ local
+ jdbc:hive2://
+ org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
+ true
+ 100
+ 1000000
+ 6000000
+ local
+ Select Statement
+ SELECT `v`.`browser` AS `browser` FROM ( select * from viewability_5 ) v GROUP BY `v`.`browser` ORDER BY `browser` ASC
+ Store as String
+ continue
+ false
+ 10
+ 3
+ 1
+ 1465593117000
+ 1465593117000
+ false
+ true
+ Select 1
+ 5000
+ local
+ jdbc:hive2://
+ org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
+ true
+ 100
+ 1000000
+ 6000000
+ local
+ Select Statement
+ SELECT `v`.`strategy_type` AS `strategy_type` FROM ( select * from viewability_5 ) v WHERE ((`v`.`strategy_type` >= '+1CITIES') AND (`v`.`strategy_type` <= 'WIDE SCAN PROSPECTING')) GROUP BY `v`.`strategy_type`
+ Store as String
+ continue
+ false
+ 10
+ 3
+ 1
+ 1465593121000
+ 1465593121000
+ false
+ true
+ Select 1
+ 5000
+ local
+ jdbc:hive2://
+ org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
+ true
+ 100
+ 1000000
+ 6000000
+ local
+ Select Statement
+ SELECT SUM(`v`.`comscore_measurable`) AS `temp_calculation_3253076685997178880__1019512392__0_`, SUM(`v`.`comscore_viewable`) AS `temp_calculation_3253076685997178880__4085906920__0_`, `v`.`campaign_name` AS `campaign_name`, SUM(`v`.`clicks`) AS `sum_clicks_ok`, SUM(`v`.`conversions`) AS `sum_conversions_ok`, SUM(`v`.`impressions`) AS `sum_impressions_ok` FROM ( select * from viewability_5 ) v WHERE (((`v`.`datasource` >= 'ADAP_TV') AND (`v`.`datasource` <= 'source_placement')) AND ((`v`.`strategy_type` >= '+1CITIES') AND (`v`.`strategy_type` <= 'WIDE SCAN PROSPECTING'))) GROUP BY `v`.`campaign_name`
+ Store as String
+ continue
+ false
+ 10
+ 3
+ 1
+ 1465593123000
+ 1465593123000
+ false
+ true
+ Select 1
+ 5000
+ local
+ jdbc:hive2://
+ org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
+ true
+ 100
+ 1000000
+ 6000000
+ local
+ Select Statement
+ SELECT `v`.`advertiser_name` AS `advertiser_name`, `v`.`datasource` AS `datasource`, SUM(`v`.`impressions`) AS `sum_impressions_ok`, SUM(`v`.`int_viewable`) AS `sum_int_viewable_ok` FROM ( select * from viewability_5 ) v WHERE (((`v`.`country` IN ('Anguilla')) OR ((`v`.`country` >= 'Afghanistan') AND (`v`.`country` <= 'Andorra')) OR ((`v`.`country` >= 'Antigua and Barbuda') AND (`v`.`country` <= 'Belgium')) OR ((`v`.`country` >= 'Benin') AND (`v`.`country` <= 'Jersey')) OR ((`v`.`country` >= 'Kazakhstan') AND (`v`.`country` <= 'Zimbabwe'))) AND ((`v`.`creative_size` >= '1000x300') AND (`v`.`creative_size` <= '980x120'))) GROUP BY `v`.`advertiser_name`, `v`.`datasource`
+ Store as String
+ continue
+ false
+ 10
+ 3
+ 1
+ 1465593123000
+ 1465593123000
+ false
+ true
+ Select 1
+ 5000
+ local
+ jdbc:hive2://
+ org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
+ true
+ 100
+ 1000000
+ 6000000
+ local
+ Select Statement
+ SELECT `v`.`country` AS `country` FROM ( select * from viewability_5 ) v WHERE ((`v`.`creative_size` >= '1000x300') AND (`v`.`creative_size` <= '980x120')) GROUP BY `v`.`country` ORDER BY `country` ASC
+ Store as String
+ continue
+ false
+ 10
+ 3
+ 1
+ 1465593123000
+ 1465593123000
+ false
+ true
+ Select 1
+ 5000
+ local
+ jdbc:hive2://
+ org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
+ true
+ 100
+ 1000000
+ 6000000
+ local
+ Select Statement
+ Store as String
+ continue
+ false
+ 10
+ 3
+ 1
+ 1465593123000
+ 1465593123000
+ false
+ true
+ Select 1
+ 5000
+ local
+ jdbc:hive2://
+ org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
+ true
+ 100
+ 1000000
+ 6000000
+ local
+ Select Statement
+ SELECT `v`.`campaign_name` AS `campaign_name`, (((YEAR(CAST(`v`.`date_string` AS TIMESTAMP)) * 10000) + (MONTH(CAST(`v`.`date_string` AS TIMESTAMP)) * 100)) + DAY(CAST(`v`.`date_string` AS TIMESTAMP))) AS `md_date_string_ok`, SUM(`v`.`clicks`) AS `sum_clicks_ok` FROM ( select * from viewability_5 ) v WHERE (((`v`.`creative_size` IN ('468x60')) OR ((`v`.`creative_size` >= '1000x300') AND (`v`.`creative_size` <= '1800x1000')) OR ((`v`.`creative_size` >= '300x250') AND (`v`.`creative_size` <= '320x250')) OR ((`v`.`creative_size` >= '320x480') AND (`v`.`creative_size` <= '336x280')) OR ((`v`.`creative_size` >= '480x60') AND (`v`.`creative_size` <= '728x90')) OR ((`v`.`creative_size` >= '930x180') AND (`v`.`creative_size` <= '980x120'))) AND ((CAST(CAST(`v`.`date_string` AS TIMESTAMP) AS TIMESTAMP) >= CAST(CONCAT(YEAR(CAST(CONCAT(YEAR(CAST(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) AS TIMESTAMP)), '-01-01 00:00:00') AS TIMESTAMP))+-2, SUBSTR(CAST(CONCAT(YEAR(CAST(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) AS TIMESTAMP)), '-01-01 00:00:00') AS TIMESTAMP), 5)) AS TIMESTAMP)) AND (CAST(CAST(`v`.`date_string` AS TIMESTAMP) AS TIMESTAMP) < CAST(CONCAT(YEAR(CAST(CONCAT(YEAR(CAST(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) AS TIMESTAMP)), '-01-01 00:00:00') AS TIMESTAMP))+1, SUBSTR(CAST(CONCAT(YEAR(CAST(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) AS TIMESTAMP)), '-01-01 00:00:00') AS TIMESTAMP), 5)) AS TIMESTAMP)))) GROUP BY `v`.`campaign_name`, (((YEAR(CAST(`v`.`date_string` AS TIMESTAMP)) * 10000) + (MONTH(CAST(`v`.`date_string` AS TIMESTAMP)) * 100)) + DAY(CAST(`v`.`date_string` AS TIMESTAMP)))
+ Store as String
+ false
+ saveConfig
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ 0
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ saveConfig
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ 0
+ true
+ true
+ true
diff --git a/src/test/scala/org/sparklinedata/druid/client/BaseTest.scala b/src/test/scala/org/sparklinedata/druid/client/BaseTest.scala
index 7a07c3d..a52f0b3 100644
--- a/src/test/scala/org/sparklinedata/druid/client/BaseTest.scala
+++ b/src/test/scala/org/sparklinedata/druid/client/BaseTest.scala
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ abstract class BaseTest extends fixture.FunSuite with
df1 : DataFrame,
df2 : DataFrame
) : Unit = {
- assert(result(df1) == result(df2))
+ assert(result(df1) == result(df2))
def test(nm : String, sql : String,
@@ -233,6 +233,25 @@ abstract class BaseTest extends fixture.FunSuite with
+ def cTest(nm : String,
+ dsql: String,
+ bsql : String,
+ debugTransforms : Boolean = false) : Unit = {
+ test(nm) {td =>
+ try {
+ println("modifiefff")
+ if (debugTransforms) turnOnTransformDebugging
+ val df1 = sqlAndLog(nm, dsql)
+ val df2 = sqlAndLog(nm, bsql)
+ assert(isTwoDataFrameEqual(df1, df2))
+ } finally {
+ turnOffTransformDebugging
+ }
+ }
+ }
def sqlAndLog(nm : String, sqlStr : String) : DataFrame = {
logInfo(s"\n$nm SQL:\n" + sqlStr)
@@ -263,5 +282,100 @@ abstract class BaseTest extends fixture.FunSuite with
TestHive.setConf(DruidPlanner.DEBUG_TRANSFORMATIONS.key, "false")
+ def isTwoDataFrameEqual(df1 : DataFrame,
+ df2 : DataFrame,
+ Sorted : Boolean = false,
+ chooseRounding : Boolean = true): Boolean = {
+ val df1_count = df1.count()
+ val df2_count = df2.count()
+ if(df1_count != df2_count){
+ println(df1_count + "\t" + df2_count)
+ println("The row count is not equal")
+ return false
+ }
+ val df1_column = df1.columns
+ val df2_column = df2.columns
+ val column1_length = df1_column.length
+ val column2_length = df2_column.length
+ if (column1_length != column2_length){
+ println(column1_length + "\t" + column2_length)
+ println("The column length is not equal")
+ return false
+ }
+ var df1_list = df1.collectAsList()
+ var df2_list = df2.collectAsList()
+ if (!Sorted) {
+ var df11 = df1.sort(df1_column(0))
+ var df22 = df2.sort(df2_column(0))
+ for (i <- 1 to column1_length - 1) {
+ df11 = df11.sort(df1_column(i))
+ df22 = df22.sort(df2_column(i))
+ }
+ df1_list = df11.collectAsList()
+ df2_list = df22.collectAsList()
+ }
+ if(!chooseRounding) {
+ for (i <- 0 to df1_count.toInt - 1){
+ for (j <- 0 to column1_length - 1){
+ if(df1_list.get(i).get(j) !=
+ df2_list.get(i).get(j)){
+ println(df1_list.get(i).get(j) + "\t" + df2_list.get(i).get(j))
+ println("The row content is not equal")
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ for (i <- 0 to df1_count.toInt - 1){
+ for (j <- 0 to column1_length - 1){
+ if (df1_list.get(i).get(j) == null ||
+ df2_list.get(i).get(j) == null){
+ if (df1_list.get(i).get(j) !=
+ df2_list.get(i).get(j)){
+ println(df1_list.get(i).get(j) + "\t" + df2_list.get(i).get(j))
+ println("The row content is not equal null")
+ return false
+ }
+ }else{
+ var raw1 = (df1_list.get(i).get(j)).toString
+ var raw2 = (df2_list.get(i).get(j)).toString
+ if (raw1.endsWith("f") || raw1.endsWith("F")){
+ raw1 = raw1.substring(0, raw1.length - 1)
+ }
+ if (raw2.endsWith("f") || raw2.endsWith("F")){
+ raw2 = raw2.substring(0, raw2.length - 1)
+ }
+ try {
+ val res1 = BigDecimal(raw1)
+ .setScale(2, BigDecimal.RoundingMode.HALF_UP)
+ .toDouble
+ val res2 = BigDecimal(raw2)
+ .setScale(2, BigDecimal.RoundingMode.HALF_UP)
+ .toDouble
+ if(res1 != res2){
+ println(res1 + "\t" + res2)
+ println("The rouding row content is not equal null")
+ return false
+ }
+ }catch{
+ case ex: Exception => {
+ if(raw1 != raw2){
+ println(raw1 + "\t" + raw2)
+ println("The rouding exce row content is not equal null")
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ println("The two dataframe is equal " + df1_count)
+ return true
+ }
diff --git a/src/test/scala/org/sparklinedata/druid/client/CodeGenCorrectnessTest.scala b/src/test/scala/org/sparklinedata/druid/client/CodeGenCorrectnessTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7df2e5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/scala/org/sparklinedata/druid/client/CodeGenCorrectnessTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.sparklinedata.druid.client
+import org.apache.spark.Logging
+import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll
+class CodeGenCorrectnessTest extends BaseTest with BeforeAndAfterAll with Logging {
+ cTest("gbexprtest1",
+ "select sum(c_acctbal) as bal from orderLineItemPartSupplier where l_shipdate >= " +
+ "'1994-01-01' " +
+ " and l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01' group by " +
+ "(substr(CAST(Date_Add(TO_DATE(CAST(CONCAT(TO_DATE(o_orderdate), 'T00:00:00.000')" +
+ " AS TIMESTAMP)), 5) AS TIMESTAMP), 0, 10)) order by bal",
+ "select sum(c_acctbal) as bal from orderLineItemPartSupplierBase where " +
+ "l_shipdate >= " +
+ "'1994-01-01' and l_shipdate " +
+ "<= '1997-01-01' group by " +
+ "(substr(CAST(Date_Add(TO_DATE(CAST(CONCAT(TO_DATE(o_orderdate), 'T00:00:00.000')" +
+ " AS TIMESTAMP)), 5) AS TIMESTAMP), 0, 10)) order by bal"
+ )
+ cTest("gbexprtest2",
+ "select o_orderdate, " +
+ "(substr(CAST(Date_Add(TO_DATE(CAST(CONCAT(TO_DATE(o_orderdate), 'T00:00:00.000Z') " +
+ "AS TIMESTAMP)), 5) AS TIMESTAMP), 0, 10)) x," +
+ "sum(c_acctbal) as bal from orderLineItemPartSupplier where l_shipdate >= " +
+ "'1994-01-01'" +
+ " and l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01' group by " +
+ "o_orderdate, (substr(CAST(Date_Add(TO_DATE(CAST(CONCAT(TO_DATE(o_orderdate)," +
+ " 'T00:00:00.000Z') AS TIMESTAMP)), 5) AS TIMESTAMP), 0, 10)) order by o_orderdate, x, bal",
+ "select o_orderdate, " +
+ "(substr(CAST(Date_Add(TO_DATE(CAST(CONCAT(TO_DATE(o_orderdate), 'T00:00:00.000Z') " +
+ "AS TIMESTAMP)), 5) AS TIMESTAMP), 0, 10)) x," +
+ "sum(c_acctbal) as bal from orderLineItemPartSupplierBase where To_date(l_shipdate) >= " +
+ "cast('1994-01-01' as date) " +
+ "and To_date(l_shipdate) <= cast('1997-01-01' as date) group by " +
+ "o_orderdate, (substr(CAST(Date_Add(TO_DATE(CAST(CONCAT(TO_DATE(o_orderdate)," +
+ " 'T00:00:00.000Z') AS TIMESTAMP)), 5) AS TIMESTAMP), 0, 10)) order by o_orderdate, x, bal"
+ )
+ cTest("gbexprtest3",
+ "select o_orderdate, " +
+ "(DateDiff(cast(o_orderdate as date), cast('2015-07-21 10:10:10 PST' as date))) as x " +
+ "from orderLineItemPartSupplier where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' " +
+ "and l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01' group by o_orderdate, " +
+ "cast('2015-07-21 10:10:10 PST' as date), " +
+ " (DateDiff(cast(o_orderdate as date), cast('2015-07-21 10:10:10 PST' as date))) " +
+ "order by o_orderdate, x",
+ "select o_orderdate, " +
+ "(DateDiff(cast(o_orderdate as date), cast('2015-07-21 10:10:10 PST' as date))) as x " +
+ "from orderLineItemPartSupplierBase where l_shipdate" +
+ " >= '1994-01-01' " +
+ "and l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01' group by o_orderdate, " +
+ "cast('2015-07-21 10:10:10 PST' as date), " +
+ " (DateDiff(cast(o_orderdate as date), cast('2015-07-21 10:10:10 PST' as date))) " +
+ "order by o_orderdate, x"
+ )
+ cTest("gbexprtest4",
+ "select (Date_add(cast(o_orderdate as date), 360+3)) as x " +
+ "from orderLineItemPartSupplier where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' " +
+ "and l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01' group by " +
+ "(Date_add(cast(o_orderdate as date), 360+3)) order by x",
+ "select (Date_add(cast(o_orderdate as date), 360+3)) as x " +
+ "from orderLineItemPartSupplierBase " +
+ "where l_shipdate >= " +
+ "'1994-01-01' " +
+ "and l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01' group by " +
+ "(Date_add(cast(o_orderdate as date), 360+3)) order by x"
+ )
+ cTest("gbexprtest5",
+ "select (Date_sub(cast(o_orderdate as date), 360+3)) as x " +
+ "from orderLineItemPartSupplier where l_shipdate >=" +
+ "'1994-01-01' " +
+ " and l_shipdate <='1997-01-01' group by " +
+ "(Date_sub(cast(o_orderdate as date), 360+3)) order by x",
+ "select (Date_sub(cast(o_orderdate as date), 360+3)) as x " +
+ "from orderLineItemPartSupplierBase where l_shipdate >= " +
+ "'1994-01-01' " +
+ " and l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01' group by " +
+ "(Date_sub(cast(o_orderdate as date), 360+3)) order by x"
+ )
+ cTest("gbexprtest6",
+ "select o_orderdate, (weekofyear(Date_Add(cast(o_orderdate as date), 1))) as x " +
+ "from orderLineItemPartSupplier where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and " +
+ "l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01' group by o_orderdate, " +
+ "(weekofyear(Date_Add(cast(o_orderdate as date), 1))) order by o_orderdate",
+ "select o_orderdate, (weekofyear(Date_Add(cast(o_orderdate as date), 1))) as x " +
+ "from orderLineItemPartSupplierBase where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and " +
+ " l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01' group by o_orderdate, " +
+ "(weekofyear(Date_Add(cast(o_orderdate as date), 1))) order by o_orderdate"
+ )
+ cTest("gbexprtest7",
+ "select o_orderdate, (unix_timestamp(Date_Add(cast(o_orderdate as date), 1))) as x " +
+ "from orderLineItemPartSupplier where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and " +
+ " l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01' group by o_orderdate, " +
+ "(unix_timestamp(Date_Add(cast(o_orderdate as date), 1))) order by o_orderdate, x",
+ "select o_orderdate, (unix_timestamp(Date_Add(cast(o_orderdate as date), 1))) as x " +
+ "from orderLineItemPartSupplierBase where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and " +
+ "l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01' group by o_orderdate, " +
+ "(unix_timestamp(Date_Add(cast(o_orderdate as date), 1))) order by o_orderdate, x"
+ )
+ cTest("gbexprtest8",
+ "SELECT o_orderdate, Cast(Concat(Year(Cast(o_orderdate AS TIMESTAMP)), " +
+ "(CASE WHEN Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS TIMESTAMP))<4 " +
+ "THEN '-01' WHEN Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS TIMESTAMP))<7 " +
+ "THEN '-04' WHEN Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS TIMESTAMP))<10 " +
+ "THEN '-07' ELSE '-10' END), '-01 00:00:00') " +
+ "FROM (SELECT * FROM orderLineItemPartSupplier) m " +
+ "where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and " +
+ "l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01' " +
+ "GROUP BY o_orderdate, cast(concat(year(cast(o_orderdate AS timestamp)), " +
+ "(CASE WHEN month(cast(o_orderdate AS timestamp))<4 THEN '-01' " +
+ "WHEN month(cast(o_orderdate AS timestamp))<7 THEN '-04' " +
+ "WHEN month(cast(o_orderdate AS timestamp))<10 " +
+ "THEN '-07' ELSE '-10' END), '-01 00:00:00') AS timestamp)" +
+ " order by o_orderdate, x ",
+ "SELECT o_orderdate, Cast(Concat(Year(Cast(o_orderdate AS TIMESTAMP)), " +
+ "(CASE WHEN Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS TIMESTAMP))<4 " +
+ "THEN '-01' WHEN Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS TIMESTAMP))<7 " +
+ "THEN '-04' WHEN Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS TIMESTAMP))<10 " +
+ "THEN '-07' ELSE '-10' END), '-01 00:00:00') " +
+ "FROM (SELECT * FROM orderLineItemPartSupplierBase) m " +
+ "where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and " +
+ "l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01' " +
+ "GROUP BY o_orderdate, cast(concat(year(cast(o_orderdate AS timestamp)), " +
+ "(CASE WHEN month(cast(o_orderdate AS timestamp))<4 THEN '-01' " +
+ "WHEN month(cast(o_orderdate AS timestamp))<7 THEN '-04' " +
+ "WHEN month(cast(o_orderdate AS timestamp))<10 " +
+ "THEN '-07' ELSE '-10' END), '-01 00:00:00') AS timestamp)" +
+ " order by o_orderdate, x "
+ )
+ cTest("gbexprtest9",
+ "select o_orderdate as x " +
+ "from orderLineItemPartSupplier " +
+ "where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and " +
+ "l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01' " +
+ "group by " +
+ "o_orderdate, (unix_timestamp(Date_Add(cast(o_orderdate as date), 1))) " +
+ "order by o_orderdate, x",
+ "select o_orderdate as x " +
+ "from orderLineItemPartSupplierBase " +
+ "where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and " +
+ "l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01' " +
+ "group by " +
+ "o_orderdate, (unix_timestamp(Date_Add(cast(o_orderdate as date), 1))) " +
+ "order by o_orderdate, x"
+ )
+ cTest("gbexprtest10",
+ " SELECT CAST((MONTH(CAST(o_orderdate AS TIMESTAMP)) - 1) / 3 + 1 AS BIGINT) " +
+ "AS `qr_row_hr_ok`, YEAR(CAST(o_orderdate AS TIMESTAMP)) AS `yr_row_hr_ok` " +
+ "FROM ( select * from orderLineItemPartSupplier) custom_sql_query " +
+ "where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and " +
+ "l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01' " +
+ "GROUP BY " +
+ "CAST((MONTH(CAST(o_orderdate AS TIMESTAMP)) - 1) / 3 + 1 AS BIGINT), " +
+ "YEAR(CAST(o_orderdate AS TIMESTAMP)) order by qr_row_hr_ok, yr_row_hr_ok",
+ " SELECT CAST((MONTH(CAST(o_orderdate AS TIMESTAMP)) - 1) / 3 + 1 AS BIGINT) " +
+ "AS `qr_row_hr_ok`, YEAR(CAST(o_orderdate AS TIMESTAMP)) AS `yr_row_hr_ok` " +
+ "FROM ( select * from orderLineItemPartSupplierBase) custom_sql_query " +
+ "where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and " +
+ "l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01' " +
+ "GROUP BY " +
+ "CAST((MONTH(CAST(o_orderdate AS TIMESTAMP)) - 1) / 3 + 1 AS BIGINT), " +
+ "YEAR(CAST(o_orderdate AS TIMESTAMP)) order by qr_row_hr_ok, yr_row_hr_ok"
+ )
+ cTest("gbexprtest11",
+ " SELECT CAST(((MONTH(CAST(l_shipdate AS TIMESTAMP)) - 1) / 3) * 2 AS BIGINT) " +
+ "AS `qr_row_hr_ok`, YEAR(CAST(l_shipdate AS TIMESTAMP)) AS `yr_row_hr_ok` " +
+ "FROM ( select * from orderLineItemPartSupplier) custom_sql_query " +
+ "where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and " +
+ "l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01' " +
+ "GROUP BY " +
+ "CAST(((MONTH(CAST(l_shipdate AS TIMESTAMP)) - 1) / 3) * 2 AS BIGINT), " +
+ "YEAR(CAST(l_shipdate AS TIMESTAMP)) order by qr_row_hr_ok, yr_row_hr_ok",
+ " SELECT CAST(((MONTH(CAST(l_shipdate AS TIMESTAMP)) - 1) / 3) * 2 AS BIGINT) " +
+ "AS `qr_row_hr_ok`, YEAR(CAST(l_shipdate AS TIMESTAMP)) AS `yr_row_hr_ok` " +
+ "FROM ( select * from orderLineItemPartSupplierBase) custom_sql_query " +
+ "where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and " +
+ "l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01' " +
+ "GROUP BY " +
+ "CAST(((MONTH(CAST(l_shipdate AS TIMESTAMP)) - 1) / 3) * 2 AS BIGINT), " +
+ "YEAR(CAST(l_shipdate AS TIMESTAMP)) order by qr_row_hr_ok, yr_row_hr_ok"
+ )
+ cTest("gbexprtest12",
+ "select o_orderdate, (from_unixtime(second(Date_Add(cast(o_orderdate as date), 1)))) as x " +
+ "from orderLineItemPartSupplier " +
+ "where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and " +
+ "l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01' " +
+ "group by " +
+ "o_orderdate, (from_unixtime(second(Date_Add(cast(o_orderdate as date), 1)))) " +
+ "order by o_orderdate, x",
+ "select o_orderdate, (from_unixtime(second(Date_Add(cast(o_orderdate as date), 1)))) as x " +
+ "from orderLineItemPartSupplierBase " +
+ "where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and " +
+ "l_shipdate <='1997-01-01' " +
+ "group by " +
+ "o_orderdate, (from_unixtime(second(Date_Add(cast(o_orderdate as date), 1)))) " +
+ "order by o_orderdate, x"
+ )
+ cTest("gbexprtest13",
+ "select o_orderdate, " +
+ "datediff(" +
+ "date_add(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), (year(cast(o_orderdate as date))%100)), " +
+ "date_sub(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), quarter(cast(o_orderdate as date))*2)" +
+ ") as c1, " +
+ "datediff( " +
+ "date_add(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), month(cast(o_orderdate as date))), " +
+ "date_sub(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), weekofyear(cast(o_orderdate as date)))" +
+ ")as c2, " +
+ "datediff( " +
+ "date_add(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), day(cast(o_orderdate as date))), " +
+ "date_sub(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), hour(cast(o_orderdate as date))+10))" +
+ "as c3, " +
+ "datediff( " +
+ "date_add(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), minute(cast(o_orderdate as date)))," +
+ "date_sub(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), second(cast(o_orderdate as date))+10))" +
+ " as c4 " +
+ "from orderLineItemPartSupplier " +
+ "where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and " +
+ "l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01' " +
+ "group by " +
+ "o_orderdate, " +
+ "datediff(date_add(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), " +
+ "year(cast(o_orderdate as date))%100)," +
+ "date_sub(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), quarter(cast(o_orderdate as date))*2))," +
+ "datediff(date_add(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), " +
+ "month(cast(o_orderdate as date)))," +
+ "date_sub(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), weekofyear(cast(o_orderdate as date))))," +
+ "datediff(date_add(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), " +
+ "day(cast(o_orderdate as date)))," +
+ "date_sub(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), hour(cast(o_orderdate as date))+10))," +
+ "datediff(date_add(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), " +
+ "minute(cast(o_orderdate as date)))," +
+ "date_sub(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), second(cast(o_orderdate as date))+10)) " +
+ "order by o_orderdate, c1, c2, c3, c4",
+ "select o_orderdate, " +
+ "datediff(" +
+ "date_add(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), (year(cast(o_orderdate as date))%100)), " +
+ "date_sub(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), quarter(cast(o_orderdate as date))*2)" +
+ ") as c1, " +
+ "datediff( " +
+ "date_add(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), month(cast(o_orderdate as date))), " +
+ "date_sub(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), weekofyear(cast(o_orderdate as date)))" +
+ ")as c2, " +
+ "datediff( " +
+ "date_add(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), day(cast(o_orderdate as date))), " +
+ "date_sub(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), hour(cast(o_orderdate as date))+10))" +
+ "as c3, " +
+ "datediff( " +
+ "date_add(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), minute(cast(o_orderdate as date)))," +
+ "date_sub(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), second(cast(o_orderdate as date))+10))" +
+ " as c4 " +
+ "from orderLineItemPartSupplierBase " +
+ "where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and " +
+ "l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01' " +
+ "group by " +
+ "o_orderdate, " +
+ "datediff(date_add(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), " +
+ "year(cast(o_orderdate as date))%100)," +
+ "date_sub(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), quarter(cast(o_orderdate as date))*2))," +
+ "datediff(date_add(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), " +
+ "month(cast(o_orderdate as date)))," +
+ "date_sub(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), weekofyear(cast(o_orderdate as date))))," +
+ "datediff(date_add(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), " +
+ "day(cast(o_orderdate as date)))," +
+ "date_sub(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), hour(cast(o_orderdate as date))+10))," +
+ "datediff(date_add(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), " +
+ "minute(cast(o_orderdate as date)))," +
+ "date_sub(to_date(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)), second(cast(o_orderdate as date))+10)) " +
+ "order by o_orderdate, c1, c2, c3, c4"
+ )
+ cTest("gbexprtest14",
+ "select o_orderdate, " +
+ "date_add(cast(upper(concat(concat(substr(cast(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp) as string)," +
+ " 0, 10), 't'), substr(cast(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp) as string), 11, 8))) as date)," +
+ " 20) as x " +
+ "from orderLineItemPartSupplier " +
+ "where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and " +
+ "l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01' " +
+ "group by " +
+ "o_orderdate, " +
+ "date_add(cast(upper(concat(concat(substr(cast(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp) as string)," +
+ " 0, 10), 't'), substr(cast(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp) as string), 11, 8))) as date)," +
+ " 20)" +
+ "order by o_orderdate, x",
+ "select o_orderdate, " +
+ "date_add(cast(upper(concat(concat(substr(cast(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp) as string)," +
+ " 0, 10), 't'), substr(cast(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp) as string), 11, 8))) as date)," +
+ " 20) as x " +
+ "from orderLineItemPartSupplierBase " +
+ "where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and " +
+ "l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01' " +
+ "group by " +
+ "o_orderdate, " +
+ "date_add(cast(upper(concat(concat(substr(cast(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp) as string)," +
+ " 0, 10), 't'), substr(cast(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp) as string), 11, 8))) as date)," +
+ " 20)" +
+ "order by o_orderdate, x"
+ )
+ cTest("gbexprtest15",
+ "select o_orderdate, " +
+ "Coalesce((CASE WHEN Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) > 0 and " +
+ "Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) < 4 THEN \"Q1\" else null END), " +
+ " (CASE WHEN Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) >= 4 and Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date))" +
+ " <= 6 THEN \"Q2\" else null END), (CASE WHEN Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) > 6" +
+ " and Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) <= 8 THEN \"Q3\" else null END)," +
+ " (CASE WHEN Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) <> 12 THEN \"Not Dec\" else null END)," +
+ " (CASE WHEN Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) = 12 THEN \"Dec\" else null END))as x " +
+ "from orderLineItemPartSupplier " +
+ "where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and " +
+ "l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01' " +
+ "group by " +
+ "o_orderdate, " +
+ "Coalesce((CASE WHEN Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) > 0 and " +
+ "Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) < 4 THEN \"Q1\" else null END), " +
+ "(CASE WHEN Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) >= 4 and " +
+ "Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) <= 6 THEN \"Q2\" else null END), " +
+ "(CASE WHEN Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) > 6 and " +
+ "Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) <= 8 THEN \"Q3\" else null END), " +
+ "(CASE WHEN Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) <> 12 " +
+ "THEN \"Not Dec\" else null END), (CASE WHEN Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) = 12 " +
+ "THEN \"Dec\" else null END))" +
+ "order by o_orderdate, x",
+ "select o_orderdate, " +
+ "Coalesce((CASE WHEN Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) > 0 and " +
+ "Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) < 4 THEN \"Q1\" else null END), " +
+ " (CASE WHEN Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) >= 4 and Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date))" +
+ " <= 6 THEN \"Q2\" else null END), (CASE WHEN Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) > 6" +
+ " and Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) <= 8 THEN \"Q3\" else null END)," +
+ " (CASE WHEN Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) <> 12 THEN \"Not Dec\" else null END)," +
+ " (CASE WHEN Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) = 12 THEN \"Dec\" else null END))as x " +
+ "from orderLineItemPartSupplierBase " +
+ "where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and " +
+ "l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01' " +
+ "group by " +
+ "o_orderdate, " +
+ "Coalesce((CASE WHEN Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) > 0 and " +
+ "Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) < 4 THEN \"Q1\" else null END), " +
+ "(CASE WHEN Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) >= 4 and " +
+ "Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) <= 6 THEN \"Q2\" else null END), " +
+ "(CASE WHEN Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) > 6 and " +
+ "Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) <= 8 THEN \"Q3\" else null END), " +
+ "(CASE WHEN Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) <> 12 " +
+ "THEN \"Not Dec\" else null END), (CASE WHEN Month(Cast(o_orderdate AS date)) = 12 " +
+ "THEN \"Dec\" else null END))" +
+ "order by o_orderdate, x"
+ )
+ cTest("aggTest1",
+ """
+ | COUNT(1) AS c
+ | FROM ( select * from orderLineItemPartSupplier ) custom_sql_query
+ | where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and
+ | l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01'
+ | HAVING (COUNT(1) > 0)
+ """.stripMargin,
+ """
+ | COUNT(1) AS c
+ | FROM ( select * from orderLineItemPartSupplierBase ) custom_sql_query
+ | where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and
+ | l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01'
+ | HAVING (COUNT(1) > 0)
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ cTest("aggTest2",
+ """
+ |SELECT sum(l_quantity + 10) as s, MIN(l_quantity + 10) AS mi,
+ | MAX(l_quantity + 10) ma, COUNT(1) AS c
+ | FROM ( select * from orderLineItemPartSupplier ) custom_sql_query
+ | where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and
+ | l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01'
+ | HAVING (COUNT(1) > 0) order by s, mi, ma
+ """.stripMargin,
+ """
+ |SELECT sum(l_quantity + 10) as s, MIN(l_quantity + 10) AS mi,
+ | MAX(l_quantity + 10) ma, COUNT(1) AS c
+ | FROM ( select * from orderLineItemPartSupplierBase ) custom_sql_query
+ | where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and
+ | l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01'
+ | HAVING (COUNT(1) > 0) order by s, mi, ma
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ cTest("aggTest3",
+ s"""
+ |SELECT Min(Cast(Concat(To_date(Cast(Concat(To_date(l_shipdate),' 00:00:00')
+ |AS TIMESTAMP)),' 00:00:00') AS TIMESTAMP)) AS mi,
+ |max(cast(concat(to_date(cast(concat(to_date(l_shipdate),' 00:00:00') AS timestamp)),
+ |' 00:00:00') AS timestamp)) AS ma,
+ |count(1) as c
+ |FROM orderLineItemPartSupplier
+ |where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and
+ | l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01'
+ |HAVING (count(1) > 0)
+ """.stripMargin,
+ s"""
+ |SELECT Min(Cast(Concat(To_date(Cast(Concat(To_date(l_shipdate),' 00:00:00')
+ |AS TIMESTAMP)),' 00:00:00') AS TIMESTAMP)) AS mi,
+ |max(cast(concat(to_date(cast(concat(to_date(l_shipdate),' 00:00:00') AS timestamp)),
+ |' 00:00:00') AS timestamp)) AS ma,
+ |count(1) as c
+ |FROM orderLineItemPartSupplierBase
+ |where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and
+ | l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01'
+ |HAVING (count(1) > 0)
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ cTest("pmod1",
+ """
+ |SELECT max(pmod(o_totalprice, -5)) as s
+ | FROM orderLineItemPartSupplier
+ | where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and
+ | l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01'
+ | group by s_region
+ | order by s
+ """.stripMargin,
+ """
+ |SELECT max(pmod(o_totalprice, -5)) as s
+ | FROM orderLineItemPartSupplierBase
+ | where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and
+ | l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01'
+ | group by s_region
+ | order by s
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ cTest("pmod2",
+ """
+ |SELECT max(pmod(-5, o_totalprice)) as s
+ | FROM orderLineItemPartSupplier
+ | where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and
+ | l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01'
+ | group by s_region
+ | order by s
+ """.stripMargin,
+ """
+ |SELECT max(pmod(-5, o_totalprice)) as s
+ | FROM orderLineItemPartSupplierBase
+ | where l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and
+ | l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01'
+ | group by s_region
+ | order by s
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ cTest("strGTLTEq1",
+ """
+ |select o_orderstatus as x, cast(o_orderdate as date) as y
+ |from orderLineItemPartSupplier
+ |where (o_orderdate <= '1993-12-12') and
+ |(o_orderdate >= '1993-10-12')
+ |and (l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01')
+ |group by o_orderstatus, cast(o_orderdate as date)
+ |order by x, y
+ """.stripMargin,
+ """
+ |select o_orderstatus as x, cast(o_orderdate as date) as y
+ |from orderLineItemPartSupplierBase
+ |where (o_orderdate <= '1993-12-12') and
+ |(o_orderdate >= '1993-10-12')
+ |and (l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01')
+ |group by o_orderstatus, cast(o_orderdate as date)
+ |order by x, y
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ cTest("dateEq1",
+ """
+ |select o_orderstatus as x, cast(o_orderdate as date) as y
+ |from orderLineItemPartSupplier
+ |where cast(o_orderdate as date) = cast('1994-06-30' as Date)
+ |and (l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01')
+ |group by o_orderstatus, cast(o_orderdate as date)
+ |order by x, y
+ """.stripMargin,
+ """
+ |select o_orderstatus as x, cast(o_orderdate as date) as y
+ |from orderLineItemPartSupplierBase
+ |where cast(o_orderdate as date) = cast('1994-06-30' as Date)
+ |and (l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01')
+ |group by o_orderstatus, cast(o_orderdate as date)
+ |order by x, y
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ cTest("dateGTLTEq1",
+ """
+ |select o_orderstatus as x, cast(o_orderdate as date) as y
+ |from orderLineItemPartSupplier
+ |where (cast(o_orderdate as date) <= cast('1993-12-12' as Date))
+ | and (cast(o_orderdate as date) >= cast('1993-10-12' as Date))
+ | and (l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01')
+ |group by o_orderstatus, cast(o_orderdate as date)
+ |order by x, y
+ """.stripMargin,
+ """
+ |select o_orderstatus as x, cast(o_orderdate as date) as y
+ |from orderLineItemPartSupplierBase
+ |where (cast(o_orderdate as date) <= cast('1993-12-12' as Date))
+ | and (cast(o_orderdate as date) >= cast('1993-10-12' as Date))
+ | and (l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01')
+ |group by o_orderstatus, cast(o_orderdate as date)
+ |order by x, y
+ """.stripMargin)
+ cTest("tsGTLTEq1",
+ """
+ |select o_orderstatus as x, cast(o_orderdate as date) as y
+ |from orderLineItemPartSupplier
+ |where (cast(l_shipdate as timestamp) <= cast('1993-12-12 00:00:00' as timestamp))
+ | and (cast(l_shipdate as timestamp) >= cast('1993-10-12 00:00:00' as timestamp))
+ | and (l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01')
+ |group by o_orderstatus, cast(o_orderdate as date)
+ |order by x, y
+ """.stripMargin,
+ """
+ |select o_orderstatus as x, cast(o_orderdate as date) as y
+ |from orderLineItemPartSupplierBase
+ |where (cast(l_shipdate as timestamp) <= cast('1993-12-12 00:00:00' as timestamp))
+ | and (cast(l_shipdate as timestamp) >= cast('1993-10-12 00:00:00' as timestamp))
+ | and (l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01')
+ |group by o_orderstatus, cast(o_orderdate as date)
+ |order by x, y
+ """.stripMargin)
+ cTest("inclause-insetTest1",
+ s"""select c_name, sum(c_acctbal) as bal
+ from orderLineItemPartSupplier
+ where to_Date(o_orderdate) >= cast('1993-01-01' as date) and to_Date(o_orderdate) <= cast('1997-12-31' as date)
+ and cast(order_year as int) in (1985,1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1991,1992,
+ 1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000, null) and (l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01')
+ group by c_name
+ order by c_name, bal""".stripMargin,
+ s"""select c_name, sum(c_acctbal) as bal
+ from orderLineItemPartSupplierBase
+ where to_Date(o_orderdate) >= cast('1993-01-01' as date) and to_Date(o_orderdate) <= cast('1997-12-31' as date)
+ and cast(order_year as int) in (1985,1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1991,1992,
+ 1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000, null) and (l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01')
+ group by c_name
+ order by c_name, bal""".stripMargin
+ )
+ cTest("inclause-inTest1",
+ s"""select c_name, sum(c_acctbal) as bal
+ from orderLineItemPartSupplier
+ where to_Date(o_orderdate) >= cast('1993-01-01' as date) and to_Date(o_orderdate) <= cast('1997-12-31' as date)
+ and cast(order_year as int) in (1993,1994,1995, null) and (l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01')
+ group by c_name
+ order by c_name, bal""".stripMargin,
+ s"""select c_name, sum(c_acctbal) as bal
+ from orderLineItemPartSupplierBase
+ where to_Date(o_orderdate) >= cast('1993-01-01' as date) and to_Date(o_orderdate) <= cast('1997-12-31' as date)
+ and cast(order_year as int) in (1993,1994,1995, null) and (l_shipdate >= '1994-01-01' and l_shipdate <= '1997-01-01')
+ group by c_name
+ order by c_name, bal""".stripMargin
+ )