How to process marmoset video data on midway3 computing cluster. See last section for troubleshooting tips.
Access midway3 via ThinLinc or ssh
Check that jpg files are extracted to the correct locations in your scratch space:
Goal-directed: /SCRATCH_DIR/kinematics_jpgs/GOAL_DIRECTED_EXP_NAME/YYYY_MM_DD Spontaneous: /SCRATCH_DIR/kinematics_jpgs/FREE_EXP_NAME/YYYY_MM_DD If necessary, extract archived files with: tar -xf YYYY_MM_DD.tar
Check that neural data folder containing ns6 and nev files is stored at:
If this is the first time processing data for this marmoset, prepare metadata and prb files create subject-specific job scripts.
Open files below in your text editor of choice:
/DATA_PROCESSING_DIR/subject_specific_files/MARM/MARM_apparatus_video_processing.sbatch /DATA_PROCESSING_DIR/subject_specific_files/MARM/MARM_enclosure_video_processing.sbatch
(For sleep experiments, use
) -
Edit the SBATCH job parameters as necessary
Edit the parameters in the first section, denoted:
#------------params that may change for each dataset/experiment---------------#
Check that parameters in the next section are correct:
#----------------------params that rarely change------------------------------#
Run the jobs:
sbatch /DATA_PROCESSING_DIR/subject_specific_files/MARM/MARM_apparatus_video_processing.sbatch sbatch /DATA_PROCESSING_DIR/subject_specific_files/MARM/MARM_enclosure_video_processing.sbatch
Check status of jobs with:
squeue --me vi /path/to/job_log_files/JOB_LABEL_jobNum.out vi /path/to/job_log_files/JOB_LABEL_jobNum.err
Look through the video folders in
. Start withunfiltered_videos
, thenbright_uncompressed_avi_videos
, thenavi_videos
, which contains the final output. The file count should be equal to N_cameras * N_video_events. Check that all videos have reasonable data sizes (shouldn't be 0 or 1 kB). -
Check that the acquisition.nwb file was created correctly by exploring it with nwbwidget:
sinteractive --partition=caslake --mem=64G --time=5:00:00 --account=pi-nicho module load python/anaconda-2022.05 source activate /project/nicho/environments/spyder cd /DATA_PROCESSING_DIR/nwb_tools jupyter notebook
and use it to look thru neural data, stored video timestamp data, and metadata. -
If you are unsure whether the data is complete/accurate, you should inspect some intermediate processing files located in
. There should be two files located here, which can be opened in any python IDE (iPython, spyder, etc):with open('/DATA_DIR/kinematics_videos/EXP_NAME/MARM/YYYY_MM_DD/metadata_from_kinematics_processing/YYYYMMDD_experiment_event_and_frame_time_info.pkl', 'rb') as f: metadata = dill.load(f)
Once you are confident that the videos and NWB file have been created correctly,
delete the unfiltered_videos
and bright_uncompressed_avi_videos
You will also need to delete the jpg files and archived folders from your scratch space.
If you are not completely sure the videos are completely converted, make sure you have a backup of the jpg file archives elsewhere!
The first step of troubleshooting: identify the code and line number at which the error occurred and inspect the code at that point. If the problem is addressed below, you'll need to understand the error source before you can identify the solution! If you have discovered a new error, you will have to investigate further and this is the best place to start.
- The most common problems involve misnamed files or incorrect parameter choices. If the jobs fail immediately (within a few minutes of starting), that probably indicates an incorrect filename or path. Look carefully at the printed filepaths in the .out and .err files. These problems are often typos, so look closely!
- Another filename issue can occur after videos are created during the processing of analog signals. Apparatus and enclosure video folders and files should be named differently (e.g. moths and moths_free) during acquisition. If this is not the case, you will have to write a python or bash script to rename the files.
- You may occasionally observe the correct number of files in
but have missing files in the other video folders. This can happen if some of the job array tasks were delayed multiple hours by resource availability on the computing partition, particularly for the apparatus jobs with 20 tasks in the array. If you can't identify any other obvious error, you can reduce the total jobs (maybe 1 to 5 total jobs), comment out the call to in the sbatch script, and rerun it.
Note: sometimes the final error will occur when creating the NWB file. However, this almost always means some information was lost in the preceding steps (video creation or analog signal processing). Look further up in the .err file to identify any errors from previous steps.
If a CPU bottleneck occurred during data acquisition, you may find that there are mismatched event counts and start times for the individual video events. If this is persistent throughout the entire session, the data may not be salvageable. Intermittent bottlenecks are fixed prior to, but heavily corrupted event tracking is not correctible. This can indicate you need to reduce the camera frame rates during acquisition, or perhaps the data SSDs on the acquisition computers need to be reformatted to factory defaults (completely wiped), or in the worst case replaced.
If the jumbled event counts happen near the end of either the apparatus or enclosure recordings, you may find it easiest to delete events after the corruption began.
For example, enclosure recordings should contain only 1 video event in a session. A recent recording had very short over 1000 very short events at the end of the session. I deleted the corrupted events at the end using the following command:
find /path/to/jpgs/ -type f -not -name *event_001* -delete
Future users should add to this record as new problems are solved!