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hasherezade edited this page Nov 5, 2022 · 25 revisions

PE-sieve (DLL version) exposes a small API.
In order to use it in your projects you need to include the following headers:

Currently, 3 elements are exported:

PE-sieve DLL exports

Their definitions are in the header pe-sieve/include/pe_sieve_api.h:

#define PESIEVE_API_FUNC  __cdecl


void PESIEVE_API_FUNC PESieve_help(void);
PEsieve_report PESIEVE_API_FUNC PESieve_scan(PEsieve_params args);

📚 A complete, up-to date documentation is available here



extern const DWORD PESIEVE_API PESieve_version;

role : information



void PESIEVE_API_FUNC PESieve_help(void);

role: information

  • Shows a MessageBox with the informations about PE-sieve.



PEsieve_report PESIEVE_API_FUNC PESieve_scan(const PEsieve_params args);

role : scan

  • Performs a PE-sieve scan with a supplied set of parameters (defined as a structure PEsieve_params -> t_params).
  • Returns a summary of the scan in a variable of type PEsieve_report -> t_report.



PEsieve_report PESIEVE_API_FUNC PESieve_scan_ex(IN const PEsieve_params args, IN const PEsieve_rtype rtype, OUT char* json_buf, IN size_t json_buf_size, OUT size_t *buf_needed_size);

role : scan

  • PESieve_scan_ex is an enriched version of PESieve_scan, allowing to retrieve scan and dump JSON reports directly into the supplied memory buffer.
  • Performs a PE-sieve scan with a supplied set of parameters (defined as a structure PEsieve_params -> t_params).
  • The JSON report (of the type defined by: PEsieve_rtype -> t_report_type ) will be filled into the supplied buffer json_buf. The maximal size of the buffer must be supplied in json_buf_size. The size that was actually needed to fit in the complete report will be returned in buf_needed_size. If the whole report was not possible to fit in to the supplied buffer, it will be truncated.
  • Returns a summary of the scan in a variable of type PEsieve_report -> t_report.

A basic demo:

#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>

#include <pe_sieve_api.h>

int main()
	// Load PE-sieve.dll, and retrieve the function:
	HMODULE dll = LoadLibraryA("pe-sieve.dll");
	FARPROC proc = GetProcAddress(dll, "PESieve_scan_ex");
	if (!proc) {
		std::cout << "Loading function failed!\n";
		return -1;
	auto _PESieve_scan_ex = reinterpret_cast<decltype(&PESieve_scan_ex)>(proc);

	// Set up the scan parameters
	PEsieve_params pp = { 0 }; = GetCurrentProcessId(); // scan current process
	pp.threads = true;
	pp.shellcode = true;
	pp.quiet = true;

	const PEsieve_rtype rtype = pesieve::REPORT_ALL;

	// Prepare the buffer for the output report
	const size_t buf_size = 0x1000;
	char json_buf[buf_size] = { 0 };
	size_t needed_size = 0;

	// Perform the scan:
	PEsieve_report report = _PESieve_scan_ex(pp, rtype, json_buf, buf_size, &needed_size);
	if (needed_size > buf_size) {
		std::cout << "Couldn't retrieve the full buffer. Needed size: " << std::hex << needed_size << std::endl;

	// Print the obtained report:
	std::cout << json_buf << "\n";
	return 0;