This file contains differences between the "Core" Archivesspace distribution and Havard's local instantiation.
To allow indexing to actually work:
Make sure that AppConfig[:omniauthCas] is defined.
We use external solr.
must be pointing to the external instance SHARD (not the ELB), andAppConfig[:enable_solr] = false
AppConfig[:solr_backup_schedule] = "0 0 * * 1"
AppConfig[:indexer_records_per_thread] = 25
AppConfig[:indexer_thread_count] = 2
AppConfig[:indexer_solr_timeout_seconds] = 600
- OAI:
AppConfig[:oai_ead_options] = {
:include_daos => true,
:use_numbered_c_tags => false
- Record inheritance:
AppConfig[:record_inheritance] = {
:archival_object => {
:inherited_fields => [
:property => 'title',
:inherit_directly => true
:property => 'component_id',
:inherit_directly => false
:property => 'language',
:inherit_directly => true
:property => 'dates',
:inherit_directly => true
:property => 'extents',
:inherit_directly => true
:property => 'linked_agents',
:inherit_if => proc {|json| {|j| j['role'] == 'creator'} },
:inherit_directly => false
:property => 'notes',
:inherit_if => proc {|json| {|j| j['type'] == 'accessrestrict'} },
:inherit_directly => false
:property => 'notes',
:inherit_if => proc {|json| {|j| j['type'] == 'scopecontent'} },
:inherit_directly => false
:property => 'notes',
:inherit_if => proc {|json| {|j| j['type'] == 'langmaterial'} },
:inherit_directly => false
:property => 'notes',
:inherit_if => proc {|json| {|j| j['type'] == 'physloc'} },
:inherit_directly => false
- Changing the composite identifier delimiter:
AppConfig[:record_inheritance][:archival_object][:composite_identifiers] = {
:include_level => false,
:identifier_delimiter => ', '
- PUI configurations: many PUI configuration keys are overridden directly in the aspace-hvd-pui plugin; here are some that aren't:
AppConfig[:pui_enable_staff_link] = false # aspace-hvd-pui
AppConfig[:pui_feedback_link] = ""
AppConfig[:pui_help_link] = ""
## PUI email settings (logs emails when disabled) aspace-hvd-
AppConfig[:pui_email_enabled] = true
AppConfig[:pui_email_delivery_method] = :sendmail
AppConfig[:pui_email_sendmail_settings] = {
location: '/usr/sbin/sendmail',
arguments: '-i'
AppConfig[:pui_email_perform_deliveries] = true
AppConfig[:pui_email_raise_delivery_errors] = true
AppConfig[:pui_perma] = "http://{whatever id.lib host is appropriate"
AppConfig[:pui_pdf_timeout] = 0
AppConfig[:pui_stored_pdfs_url] = "https://{s3 path"
- Ref id rule:
AppConfig[:refid_rule] = "<%= eadid %>c<%= paddedseq %>"
We are using the following plugins:
- refid_rules
- aspace-omniauth-cas
- aspace-import-excel
- aspace-hvd-pui
- aspace-ead-xform
- nla_accession_reports
- aspace-event-cleanup
- archivesspace_export_service #TODO: MV
- aspace-jsonmodel-from-format #TODO: MV
- request_list
- harvard_request_list_customizations
We are using ArchivesSnake with our [aspace-pyscripts] ( repository. Mostly this is used for generating PDFs based on a cron job.
There are two *yml files that need to be stored outside of the aspace_pyscripts directory in case a new version of this repository is installed.
The s3.yml file contains the credentials for the S3 store in which the PDFs are kept.
The pdf_store.yml file includes links to the Solr URL and Solr Collection; if either of these change, make sure you change the values in this file
There is a cron job that runs every 15 minutes from 7:15 am to 7pm, Monday through Friday, that generates PDF files from newly created/updated collections.
Here is its current command line:
python3 /home/aspace/aspace_pyscripts/ -f [email protected] -t [email protected]
Use of the -f
, -t
qualifiers causes a brief email to be sent on the status of the job. For example:
From: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2018 10:11 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Batch Processing of ArchivesSpace PDFs Completed
2018-11-30 10:05:02 Beginning PDF storing run: all is False, repo_code is None , from is
'[email protected]', to is '[email protected]'
Logfile is at /home/aspace/aspace_pyscripts/logs/pdf_storer_20181130.log
2018-11-30 10:11:02 Completed. Processed 33 repositories, 7861 resources: 2 pdfs created, 0 pdfs deleted, 0 errors
If an error is encountered, the Subject line will read:
Batch Processing of ArchivesSpace PDFs Completed WITH ERROR
Note that, for some reason, the mailer on doesn't like sending to email addresses ending in
This is something that needs to be addressed as the @hulmail server goes away.