diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index 004ef34..6d3a87a 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -1,96 +1,6 @@
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/syntax/start/tagbar"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/syntax/start/tagbar
- url = git@github.com:majutsushi/tagbar.git
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/fzf"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/fzf
- url = git@github.com:junegunn/fzf.vim.git
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/ctrlsf"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/ctrlsf
- url = git@github.com:dyng/ctrlsf.vim.git
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/ack"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/ack
- url = git@github.com:mileszs/ack.vim.git
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/syntax/start/anyjump"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/syntax/start/anyjump
- url = git@github.com:pechorin/any-jump.vim.git
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/gutentags"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/gutentags
- url = git@github.com:ludovicchabant/vim-gutentags.git
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/vistavim"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/vistavim
- url = git@github.com:liuchengxu/vista.vim.git
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/fugitive"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/fugitive
- url = git@github.com:tpope/vim-fugitive.git
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/smoothie"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/smoothie
- url = git@github.com:psliwka/vim-smoothie.git
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/syntax/start/ale"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/syntax/start/ale
- url = git@github.com:dense-analysis/ale.git
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/syntax/start/auto-pairs"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/syntax/start/auto-pairs
- url = git@github.com:jiangmiao/auto-pairs.git
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/syntax/start/python-pep8-indent"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/syntax/start/python-pep8-indent
- url = git@github.com:Vimjas/vim-python-pep8-indent.git
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/syntax/start/vimcommentary"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/syntax/start/vimcommentary
- url = git@github.com:tpope/vim-commentary.git
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/syntax/start/vim-sandwich"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/syntax/start/vim-sandwich
- url = git@github.com:machakann/vim-sandwich.git
[submodule "tmux/.tmux/plugins/tmux-resurrect"]
path = tmux/.tmux/plugins/tmux-resurrect
url = git@github.com:tmux-plugins/tmux-resurrect.git
[submodule "tmux/.tmux/plugins/tpm"]
path = tmux/.tmux/plugins/tpm
url = git@github.com:tmux-plugins/tpm.git
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/easy-motion"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/easy-motion
- url = git@github.com:easymotion/vim-easymotion.git
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/nnn"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/nnn
- url = git@github.com:mcchrish/nnn.vim.git
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/colors/start/tender"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/colors/start/tender
- url = git@github.com:jacoborus/tender.vim.git
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/vimwiki"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/vimwiki
- url = git@github.com:vimwiki/vimwiki.git
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/colors/start/ayu"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/colors/start/ayu
- url = git@github.com:ayu-theme/ayu-vim.git
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/colors/start/gruvcom"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/colors/start/gruvcom
- url = git@github.com:gruvbox-community/gruvbox.git
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/airline"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/airline
- url = git@github.com:vim-airline/vim-airline.git
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/vimilluminate"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/vimilluminate
- url = git@github.com:RRethy/vim-illuminate.git
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/vimsignify"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/vimsignify
- url = git@github.com:mhinz/vim-signify.git
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/minimap"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/minimap
- url = git@github.com:wfxr/minimap.vim.git
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/fuzzysearch"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/fuzzysearch
- url = git@github.com:ggVGc/vim-fuzzysearch.git
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/undotree"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/undotree
- url = git@github.com:mbbill/undotree.git
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/vimagriculture"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/vimagriculture
- url = git@github.com:jesseleite/vim-agriculture.git
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/syntax/start/vimdoge"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/syntax/start/vimdoge
- url = git@github.com:kkoomen/vim-doge.git
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/dadbod"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/dadbod
- url = git@github.com:tpope/vim-dadbod.git
-[submodule "vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/dadbodui"]
- path = vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/dadbodui
- url = git@github.com:kristijanhusak/vim-dadbod-ui.git
diff --git a/vim/.vim/pack/.gitmodules b/vim/.vim/pack/.gitmodules
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e289cf..0000000
--- a/vim/.vim/pack/.gitmodules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-[submodule "plugins/start/ctrlp"]
- path = plugins/start/ctrlp
- url = git@github.com:ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim.git
-[submodule "syntax/start/ale"]
- path = syntax/start/ale
- url = https://github.com/dense-analysis/ale.git
-[submodule "plugins/start/airline"]
- path = plugins/start/airline
- url = https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline
-[submodule "syntax/start/python-pep8-indent"]
- path = syntax/start/python-pep8-indent
- url = git@github.com:Vimjas/vim-python-pep8-indent.git
-[submodule "syntax/start/auto-pairs"]
- path = syntax/start/auto-pairs
- url = git@github.com:jiangmiao/auto-pairs.git
diff --git a/vim/.vim/pack/README.md b/vim/.vim/pack/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index ccf4b0b..0000000
--- a/vim/.vim/pack/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# vim-packs
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vim/.vim/pack/colors/start/ayu b/vim/.vim/pack/colors/start/ayu
deleted file mode 160000
index 0745635..0000000
--- a/vim/.vim/pack/colors/start/ayu
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 0745635421688ce777f663d13531996cb4da6514
diff --git a/vim/.vim/pack/colors/start/gruvcom b/vim/.vim/pack/colors/start/gruvcom
deleted file mode 160000
index 2636a03..0000000
--- a/vim/.vim/pack/colors/start/gruvcom
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 2636a0344d3fbacc62d9d914a456fcfdba8ca4cb
diff --git a/vim/.vim/pack/colors/start/tender b/vim/.vim/pack/colors/start/tender
deleted file mode 160000
index 25924cb..0000000
--- a/vim/.vim/pack/colors/start/tender
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 25924cb8b29a5158e56fb896a2540c70691c7a28
diff --git a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/ack b/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/ack
deleted file mode 160000
index 36e40f9..0000000
--- a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/ack
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 36e40f9ec91bdbf6f1adf408522a73a6925c3042
diff --git a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/airline b/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/airline
deleted file mode 160000
index 06117a6..0000000
--- a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/airline
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 06117a61e1218b2a866451d2ac4d8ddcd82c8543
diff --git a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/.github/FUNDING.yml b/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/.github/FUNDING.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index bc74b9d..0000000
--- a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/.github/FUNDING.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-# These are supported funding model platforms
-open_collective: cocnvim
-patreon: chemzqm
diff --git a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md b/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b0eaeb..0000000
--- a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-name: Bug report
-about: Create a report to help us improve
-## Result from CocInfo
-## Describe the bug
-A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
-## Reproduce the bug
-**We will close your issue when you don't provide minimal vimrc and we can't
-reproduce it**
-- Create file `mini.vim` with:
- ```vim
- set nocompatible
- set runtimepath^=/path/to/coc.nvim
- filetype plugin indent on
- syntax on
- set hidden
- ```
-- Start (neo)vim with command: `vim -u mini.vim`
-- Operate vim.
-## Screenshots (optional)
-If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
diff --git a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md b/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 066b2d9..0000000
--- a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-name: Feature request
-about: Suggest an idea for this project
-**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
-A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]
-**Describe the solution you'd like**
-A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.
-**Describe alternatives you've considered**
-A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.
-**Additional context**
-Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.
diff --git a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/.github/workflows/ci.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8be307c..0000000
--- a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/.github/workflows/ci.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-name: coc.nvim CI
- push:
- branches:
- - master
- pull_request:
- branches:
- - master
- test:
- runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- strategy:
- fail-fast: false
- matrix:
- os: [ubuntu-latest]
- node-version: [10, 14]
- env:
- NODE_ENV: test
- steps:
- - name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }}
- uses: actions/setup-node@v1
- with:
- node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }}
- - name: Install yarn
- run: |
- curl --compressed -o- -L https://yarnpkg.com/install.sh | bash
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
- - name: yarn install
- run: |
- yarn global add typescript
- yarn
- - name: yarn lint
- run: yarn lint
- - if: matrix.os == 'macos-latest'
- name: yarn test on macOS
- run: |
- curl -LO https://github.com/neovim/neovim/releases/download/nightly/nvim-macos.tar.gz
- tar xzf nvim-macos.tar.gz
- export PATH="${PATH}:node_modules/.bin:$(pwd)/nvim-osx64/bin"
- nvim --version
- yarn test
- - if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
- name: yarn test on Ubuntu
- run: |
- curl -LO https://github.com/neovim/neovim/releases/download/nightly/nvim-linux64.tar.gz
- tar xzf nvim-linux64.tar.gz
- export PATH="${PATH}:node_modules/.bin:$(pwd)/nvim-linux64/bin"
- nvim --version
- yarn test
- env:
- NODE_ENV: test
diff --git a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/.gitignore b/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index f9ec5e3..0000000
--- a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/LICENSE.md b/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/LICENSE.md
deleted file mode 100644
index bee2bf1..0000000
--- a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/LICENSE.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2018-2018 by Qiming Zhao aaa
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/Readme.md b/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/Readme.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d4037e..0000000
--- a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/Readme.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
Make your Vim/Neovim as smart as VSCode.
-_True snippet and additional text editing support_
-## Why?
-- 🚀 **Fast**: [instant increment completion](https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim/wiki/Completion-with-sources), increment buffer sync using buffer update events.
-- 💎 **Reliable**: typed language, tested with CI.
-- 🌟 **Featured**: [full LSP support](https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim/wiki/Language-servers#supported-features)
-- ❤️ **Flexible**: [configured like VSCode](https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim/wiki/Using-the-configuration-file), [extensions work like in VSCode](https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim/wiki/Using-coc-extensions)
-## Quick Start
-Install [nodejs](https://nodejs.org/en/download/) >= 10.12:
-curl -sL install-node.now.sh/lts | bash
-For [vim-plug](https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug) users:
-" Use release branch (recommend)
-Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'}
-" Or build from source code by using yarn: https://yarnpkg.com
-Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'master', 'do': 'yarn install --frozen-lockfile'}
-in your `.vimrc` or `init.vim`, then restart Vim and run `:PlugInstall`.
-Checkout [Install
-coc.nvim](https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim/wiki/Install-coc.nvim) for
-more info.
-You **have to** install coc extension or configure language servers for
-LSP support.
-Install extensions like:
- :CocInstall coc-json coc-tsserver
-Or configure language server in `coc-settings.json` opened by
-`:CocConfig`, like:
- "languageserver": {
- "go": {
- "command": "gopls",
- "rootPatterns": ["go.mod"],
- "trace.server": "verbose",
- "filetypes": ["go"]
- }
- }
-Checkout wiki for more details:
-- [Completion with sources](https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim/wiki/Completion-with-sources)
-- [Using the configuration file](https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim/wiki/Using-the-configuration-file)
-- [Using coc extensions](https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim/wiki/Using-coc-extensions)
-- [Configure language servers](https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim/wiki/Language-servers)
-- [F.A.Q](https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim/wiki/F.A.Q)
-Checkout `:h coc-nvim` for vim interface.
-## Example vim configuration
-Configuration is required to make coc.nvim easier to work with, since it
-doesn't change your key-mappings or Vim options. This is done as much as
-possible to avoid conflict with your other plugins.
-**❗️Important**: Some Vim plugins could change key mappings. Please use
-`:verbose imap ` to make sure that your keymap has taken effect.
-" Set internal encoding of vim, not needed on neovim, since coc.nvim using some
-" unicode characters in the file autoload/float.vim
-set encoding=utf-8
-" TextEdit might fail if hidden is not set.
-set hidden
-" Some servers have issues with backup files, see #649.
-set nobackup
-set nowritebackup
-" Give more space for displaying messages.
-set cmdheight=2
-" Having longer updatetime (default is 4000 ms = 4 s) leads to noticeable
-" delays and poor user experience.
-set updatetime=300
-" Don't pass messages to |ins-completion-menu|.
-set shortmess+=c
-" Always show the signcolumn, otherwise it would shift the text each time
-" diagnostics appear/become resolved.
-if has("patch-8.1.1564")
- " Recently vim can merge signcolumn and number column into one
- set signcolumn=number
- set signcolumn=yes
-" Use tab for trigger completion with characters ahead and navigate.
-" NOTE: Use command ':verbose imap ' to make sure tab is not mapped by
-" other plugin before putting this into your config.
- \ pumvisible() ? "\" :
- \ check_back_space() ? "\" :
- \ coc#refresh()
-inoremap pumvisible() ? "\" : "\"
-function! s:check_back_space() abort
- let col = col('.') - 1
- return !col || getline('.')[col - 1] =~# '\s'
-" Use to trigger completion.
-if has('nvim')
- inoremap coc#refresh()
- inoremap coc#refresh()
-" Make auto-select the first completion item and notify coc.nvim to
-" format on enter, could be remapped by other vim plugin
-inoremap pumvisible() ? coc#_select_confirm()
- \: "\u\\=coc#on_enter()\"
-" Use `[g` and `]g` to navigate diagnostics
-" Use `:CocDiagnostics` to get all diagnostics of current buffer in location list.
-nmap [g (coc-diagnostic-prev)
-nmap ]g (coc-diagnostic-next)
-" GoTo code navigation.
-nmap gd (coc-definition)
-nmap gy (coc-type-definition)
-nmap gi (coc-implementation)
-nmap gr (coc-references)
-" Use K to show documentation in preview window.
-nnoremap K :call show_documentation()
-function! s:show_documentation()
- if (index(['vim','help'], &filetype) >= 0)
- execute 'h '.expand('')
- elseif (coc#rpc#ready())
- call CocActionAsync('doHover')
- else
- execute '!' . &keywordprg . " " . expand('')
- endif
-" Highlight the symbol and its references when holding the cursor.
-autocmd CursorHold * silent call CocActionAsync('highlight')
-" Symbol renaming.
-nmap rn (coc-rename)
-" Formatting selected code.
-xmap f (coc-format-selected)
-nmap f (coc-format-selected)
-augroup mygroup
- autocmd!
- " Setup formatexpr specified filetype(s).
- autocmd FileType typescript,json setl formatexpr=CocAction('formatSelected')
- " Update signature help on jump placeholder.
- autocmd User CocJumpPlaceholder call CocActionAsync('showSignatureHelp')
-augroup end
-" Applying codeAction to the selected region.
-" Example: `aap` for current paragraph
-xmap a (coc-codeaction-selected)
-nmap a (coc-codeaction-selected)
-" Remap keys for applying codeAction to the current buffer.
-nmap ac (coc-codeaction)
-" Apply AutoFix to problem on the current line.
-nmap qf (coc-fix-current)
-" Map function and class text objects
-" NOTE: Requires 'textDocument.documentSymbol' support from the language server.
-xmap if (coc-funcobj-i)
-omap if (coc-funcobj-i)
-xmap af (coc-funcobj-a)
-omap af (coc-funcobj-a)
-xmap ic (coc-classobj-i)
-omap ic (coc-classobj-i)
-xmap ac (coc-classobj-a)
-omap ac (coc-classobj-a)
-" Remap and for scroll float windows/popups.
-if has('nvim-0.4.0') || has('patch-8.2.0750')
- nnoremap coc#float#has_scroll() ? coc#float#scroll(1) : "\"
- nnoremap coc#float#has_scroll() ? coc#float#scroll(0) : "\"
- inoremap coc#float#has_scroll() ? "\=coc#float#scroll(1)\" : "\"
- inoremap coc#float#has_scroll() ? "\=coc#float#scroll(0)\" : "\"
- vnoremap coc#float#has_scroll() ? coc#float#scroll(1) : "\"
- vnoremap coc#float#has_scroll() ? coc#float#scroll(0) : "\"
-" Use CTRL-S for selections ranges.
-" Requires 'textDocument/selectionRange' support of language server.
-nmap (coc-range-select)
-xmap (coc-range-select)
-" Add `:Format` command to format current buffer.
-command! -nargs=0 Format :call CocAction('format')
-" Add `:Fold` command to fold current buffer.
-command! -nargs=? Fold :call CocAction('fold', )
-" Add `:OR` command for organize imports of the current buffer.
-command! -nargs=0 OR :call CocAction('runCommand', 'editor.action.organizeImport')
-" Add (Neo)Vim's native statusline support.
-" NOTE: Please see `:h coc-status` for integrations with external plugins that
-" provide custom statusline: lightline.vim, vim-airline.
-set statusline^=%{coc#status()}%{get(b:,'coc_current_function','')}
-" Mappings for CoCList
-" Show all diagnostics.
-nnoremap a :CocList diagnostics
-" Manage extensions.
-nnoremap e :CocList extensions
-" Show commands.
-nnoremap c :CocList commands
-" Find symbol of current document.
-nnoremap o :CocList outline
-" Search workspace symbols.
-nnoremap s :CocList -I symbols
-" Do default action for next item.
-nnoremap j :CocNext
-" Do default action for previous item.
-nnoremap k :CocPrev
-" Resume latest coc list.
-nnoremap p :CocListResume
-## Articles
-- [coc.nvim 插件体系介绍](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/65524706)
-- [CocList 入坑指南](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/71846145)
-- [Create coc.nvim extension to improve Vim experience](https://medium.com/@chemzqm/create-coc-nvim-extension-to-improve-vim-experience-4461df269173)
-- [How to write a coc.nvim extension (and why)](https://samroeca.com/coc-plugin.html)
-## Trouble shooting
-Try these steps when you have problem with coc.nvim.
-- Make sure your Vim version >= 8.0 by command `:version`.
-- If service failed to start, use command `:CocInfo` or `:checkhealth` on Neovim.
-- Checkout the log of coc.nvim by command `:CocOpenLog`.
-- When you have issues with the language server, it's recommended to [checkout
- the output](https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim/wiki/Debug-language-server#using-output-channel).
-## Feedback
-- If you think Coc is useful, consider giving it a star.
-- If you have a question, [ask on gitter](https://gitter.im/neoclide/coc.nvim)
-- 中文用户请到 [中文 gitter](https://gitter.im/neoclide/coc-cn) 讨论
-- If something is not working, [create an
- issue](https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim/issues/new).
-## Backers
-[Become a backer](https://opencollective.com/cocnvim#backer) and get your image on our README on Github with a link to your site.
-## License
diff --git a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc.vim b/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index d7a8832..0000000
--- a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-let g:coc#_context = {'start': 0, 'preselect': -1,'candidates': []}
-let g:coc_user_config = get(g:, 'coc_user_config', {})
-let g:coc_global_extensions = get(g:, 'coc_global_extensions', [])
-let g:coc_selected_text = ''
-let g:coc_vim_commands = []
-let s:watched_keys = []
-let s:is_vim = !has('nvim')
-let s:error_sign = get(g:, 'coc_status_error_sign', has('mac') ? '❌ ' : 'E')
-let s:warning_sign = get(g:, 'coc_status_warning_sign', has('mac') ? '⚠️ ' : 'W')
-let s:select_api = exists('*nvim_select_popupmenu_item')
-let s:callbacks = {}
-function! coc#expandable() abort
- return coc#rpc#request('snippetCheck', [1, 0])
-function! coc#jumpable() abort
- return coc#rpc#request('snippetCheck', [0, 1])
-function! coc#expandableOrJumpable() abort
- return coc#rpc#request('snippetCheck', [1, 1])
-" add vim command to CocCommand list
-function! coc#add_command(id, cmd, ...)
- let config = {'id':a:id, 'cmd':a:cmd, 'title': get(a:,1,'')}
- call add(g:coc_vim_commands, config)
- if !coc#rpc#ready() | return | endif
- call coc#rpc#notify('addCommand', [config])
-function! coc#refresh() abort
- return "\=coc#start()\"
-function! coc#on_enter()
- call coc#rpc#notify('CocAutocmd', ['Enter', bufnr('%')])
- return ''
-function! coc#_insert_key(method, key, ...) abort
- if get(a:, 1, 1)
- call coc#_cancel()
- endif
- return "\=coc#rpc#".a:method."('doKeymap', ['".a:key."'])\"
-function! coc#_complete() abort
- let items = get(g:coc#_context, 'candidates', [])
- let preselect = get(g:coc#_context, 'preselect', -1)
- call complete(
- \ g:coc#_context.start + 1,
- \ items)
- if s:select_api && len(items) && preselect != -1
- call nvim_select_popupmenu_item(preselect, v:false, v:false, {})
- endif
- return ''
-function! coc#_do_complete(start, items, preselect)
- let g:coc#_context = {
- \ 'start': a:start,
- \ 'candidates': a:items,
- \ 'preselect': a:preselect
- \}
- if mode() =~# 'i' && &paste != 1
- call feedkeys("\CocRefresh", 'i')
- endif
-function! coc#_select_confirm() abort
- if !exists('*complete_info')
- throw 'coc#_select_confirm requires complete_info function to work'
- endif
- let selected = complete_info()['selected']
- if selected != -1
- return "\"
- elseif pumvisible()
- return "\\"
- endif
- return ''
-function! coc#_selected()
- if !pumvisible() | return 0 | endif
- return coc#rpc#request('hasSelected', [])
-function! coc#_hide() abort
- if !pumvisible() | return | endif
- call feedkeys("\", 'in')
-function! coc#_cancel()
- " hack for close pum
- if pumvisible()
- let g:coc#_context = {'start': 0, 'preselect': -1,'candidates': []}
- call feedkeys("\CocRefresh", 'i')
- call coc#rpc#notify('stopCompletion', [])
- endif
-function! coc#_select() abort
- if !pumvisible() | return | endif
- call feedkeys("\", 'in')
-function! coc#start(...)
- let opt = coc#util#get_complete_option()
- call CocActionAsync('startCompletion', extend(opt, get(a:, 1, {})))
- return ''
-" used for statusline
-function! coc#status()
- let info = get(b:, 'coc_diagnostic_info', {})
- let msgs = []
- if get(info, 'error', 0)
- call add(msgs, s:error_sign . info['error'])
- endif
- if get(info, 'warning', 0)
- call add(msgs, s:warning_sign . info['warning'])
- endif
- return s:trim(join(msgs, ' ') . ' ' . get(g:, 'coc_status', ''))
-function! s:trim(str)
- if exists('*trim')
- return trim(a:str)
- endif
- return substitute(a:str, '\s\+$', '', '')
-function! coc#config(section, value)
- let g:coc_user_config[a:section] = a:value
- call coc#rpc#notify('updateConfig', [a:section, a:value])
-function! coc#add_extension(...)
- if a:0 == 0 | return | endif
- call extend(g:coc_global_extensions, a:000)
-function! coc#_watch(key)
- if s:is_vim | return | endif
- if index(s:watched_keys, a:key) == -1
- call add(s:watched_keys, a:key)
- call dictwatcheradd(g:, a:key, function('s:GlobalChange'))
- endif
-function! coc#_unwatch(key)
- if s:is_vim | return | endif
- let idx = index(s:watched_keys, a:key)
- if idx != -1
- call remove(s:watched_keys, idx)
- call dictwatcherdel(g:, a:key, function('s:GlobalChange'))
- endif
-function! s:GlobalChange(dict, key, val)
- call coc#rpc#notify('GlobalChange', [a:key, get(a:val, 'old', v:null), get(a:val, 'new', v:null)])
-function! coc#_map()
- if !s:select_api | return | endif
- for i in range(1, 9)
- exe 'inoremap '.i.' call nvim_select_popupmenu_item('.(i - 1).', v:true, v:true, {})'
- endfor
-function! coc#_unmap()
- if !s:select_api | return | endif
- for i in range(1, 9)
- exe 'silent! iunmap '.i
- endfor
-function! coc#on_notify(id, method, Cb)
- let key = a:id. '-'.a:method
- let s:callbacks[key] = a:Cb
- call coc#rpc#notify('registNotification', [a:id, a:method])
-function! coc#do_notify(id, method, result)
- let key = a:id. '-'.a:method
- let Fn = s:callbacks[key]
- if !empty(Fn)
- call Fn(a:result)
- endif
diff --git a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc/api.vim b/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc/api.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 43b350a..0000000
--- a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc/api.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,586 +0,0 @@
-" ============================================================================
-" Description: Client api used by vim8
-" Author: Qiming Zhao
-" Licence: MIT licence
-" Last Modified: Nov 11, 2020
-" ============================================================================
-if has('nvim') | finish | endif
-let s:funcs = {}
-let s:prop_offset = get(g:, 'coc_text_prop_offset', 1000)
-let s:namespace_id = 1
-let s:namespace_cache = {}
-" helper {{
-function! s:buf_line_count(bufnr) abort
- if bufnr('%') == a:bufnr
- return line('$')
- endif
- if exists('*getbufline')
- let lines = getbufline(a:bufnr, 1, '$')
- return len(lines)
- endif
- let curr = bufnr('%')
- execute 'buffer '.a:bufnr
- let n = line('$')
- execute 'buffer '.curr
- return n
-function! s:execute(cmd)
- if a:cmd =~# '^echo'
- execute a:cmd
- else
- silent! execute a:cmd
- endif
-" }}"
-" nvim client methods {{
-function! s:funcs.set_current_dir(dir) abort
- execute 'cd '.a:dir
-function! s:funcs.set_var(name, value) abort
- execute 'let g:'.a:name.'= a:value'
-function! s:funcs.del_var(name) abort
- execute 'unlet g:'.a:name
-function! s:funcs.set_option(name, value) abort
- execute 'let &'.a:name.' = a:value'
-function! s:funcs.set_current_buf(bufnr) abort
- if !bufexists(a:bufnr) | return | endif
- execute 'buffer '.a:bufnr
-function! s:funcs.set_current_win(win_id) abort
- let [tabnr, winnr] = win_id2tabwin(a:win_id)
- if tabnr == 0 | return | endif
- execute 'normal! '.tabnr.'gt'
- execute winnr.' wincmd w'
-function! s:funcs.set_current_tabpage(tabnr) abort
- execute 'normal! '.a:tabnr.'gt'
-function! s:funcs.list_wins() abort
- return map(getwininfo(), 'v:val["winid"]')
-function! s:funcs.call_atomic(calls)
- let res = []
- for [key, arglist] in a:calls
- let name = key[5:]
- try
- call add(res, call(s:funcs[name], arglist))
- catch /.*/
- return [res, v:exception]
- endtry
- endfor
- return [res, v:null]
-function! s:funcs.set_client_info(...) abort
-function! s:funcs.subscribe(...) abort
-function! s:funcs.unsubscribe(...) abort
-function! s:funcs.call_function(method, args) abort
- return call(a:method, a:args)
-function! s:funcs.call_dict_function(dict, method, args) abort
- return call(a:method, a:args, a:dict)
-function! s:funcs.command(command) abort
- " command that could cause cursor vanish
- if a:command =~# '^echo' || a:command =~# '^redraw' || a:command =~# '^sign place'
- call timer_start(0, {-> s:execute(a:command)})
- else
- execute a:command
- endif
-function! s:funcs.eval(expr) abort
- return eval(a:expr)
-function! s:funcs.get_api_info()
- let names = coc#api#func_names()
- return [1, {'functions': map(names, '{"name": "nvim_".v:val}')}]
-function! s:funcs.list_bufs()
- return map(getbufinfo({'bufloaded': 1}), 'v:val["bufnr"]')
-function! s:funcs.feedkeys(keys, mode, escape_csi)
- call feedkeys(a:keys, a:mode)
-function! s:funcs.list_runtime_paths()
- return split(&runtimepath, ',')
-function! s:funcs.command_output(cmd)
- return execute(a:cmd)
-function! s:funcs.get_current_line()
- return getline('.')
-function! s:funcs.set_current_line(line)
- call setline('.', a:line)
-function! s:funcs.del_current_line(line)
- execute 'normal! dd'
-function! s:funcs.get_var(var)
- return get(g:, a:var, v:null)
-function! s:funcs.get_vvar(var)
- return get(v:, a:var, v:null)
-function! s:funcs.get_option(name)
- return eval('&'.a:name)
-function! s:funcs.get_current_buf()
- return bufnr('%')
-function! s:funcs.get_current_win()
- return win_getid()
-function! s:funcs.get_current_tabpage()
- return tabpagenr()
-function! s:funcs.list_tabpages()
- return range(1, tabpagenr('$'))
-function! s:funcs.get_mode()
- return {'blocking': v:false, 'mode': mode()}
-function! s:funcs.strwidth(str)
- return strwidth(a:str)
-function! s:funcs.out_write(str)
- echon a:str
-function! s:funcs.err_write(str)
- echoerr a:str
-function! s:funcs.err_writeln(str)
- echoerr a:str
-function! s:funcs.create_namespace(name) abort
- if empty(a:name)
- let id = s:namespace_id
- let s:namespace_id = s:namespace_id + 1
- return id
- endif
- let id = get(s:namespace_cache, a:name, 0)
- if !id
- let id = s:namespace_id
- let s:namespace_id = s:namespace_id + 1
- let s:namespace_cache[a:name] = id
- endif
- return id
-" }}
-" buffer methods {{
-function! s:funcs.buf_set_option(bufnr, name, val)
- let val = a:val
- if val is v:true
- let val = 1
- elseif val is v:false
- let val = 0
- endif
- return setbufvar(a:bufnr, '&'.a:name, val)
-function! s:funcs.buf_get_changedtick(bufnr)
- return getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'changedtick')
-function! s:funcs.buf_is_valid(bufnr)
- return bufloaded(a:bufnr) ? v:true : v:false
-function! s:funcs.buf_get_mark(bufnr, name)
- let nr = bufnr('%')
- if a:bufnr != 0 || a:bufnr != nr
- throw 'buf_get_mark support current buffer only'
- endif
- return [line("'" . a:name), col("'" . a:name)]
-function! s:funcs.buf_add_highlight(bufnr, srcId, hlGroup, line, colStart, colEnd) abort
- if !has('textprop') || !has('patch-8.1.1719')
- return
- endif
- let bufnr = a:bufnr == 0 ? bufnr('%') : a:bufnr
- let type = 'CocHighlight'.a:hlGroup
- if empty(prop_type_get(type))
- call prop_type_add(type, {'highlight': a:hlGroup, 'combine': 1})
- endif
- let total = strlen(getbufline(bufnr, a:line + 1)[0])
- let end = a:colEnd
- if end == -1
- let end = total
- else
- let end = min([end, total])
- endif
- if end <= a:colStart
- return
- endif
- let srcId = a:srcId
- if srcId == 0
- while v:true
- let srcId = srcId + 1
- if empty(prop_find({'id': s:prop_offset + srcId, 'lnum' : 1}))
- break
- endif
- endwhile
- " generate srcId
- endif
- let id = srcId == -1 ? 0 : s:prop_offset + srcId
- try
- call prop_add(a:line + 1, a:colStart + 1, {'length': end - a:colStart, 'bufnr': bufnr, 'type': type, 'id': id})
- catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E967/
- " ignore 967
- endtry
- let g:i = srcId
- if a:srcId == 0
- " return generated srcId
- return srcId
- endif
-function! s:funcs.buf_clear_namespace(bufnr, srcId, startLine, endLine) abort
- if !has('textprop') || !has('patch-8.1.1719')
- return
- endif
- let bufnr = a:bufnr == 0 ? bufnr('%') : a:bufnr
- let start = a:startLine + 1
- let end = a:endLine == -1 ? len(getbufline(bufnr, 1, '$')) : a:endLine + 1
- if a:srcId == -1
- call prop_clear(start, end, {'bufnr' : bufnr})
- else
- try
- call prop_remove({'bufnr': bufnr, 'all': 1, 'id': s:prop_offset + a:srcId}, start, end)
- catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E968/
- " ignore 968
- endtry
- endif
-function! s:funcs.buf_line_count(bufnr) abort
- return s:buf_line_count(a:bufnr)
-function! s:funcs.buf_attach(...)
- " not supported
- return 1
-function! s:funcs.buf_detach()
- " not supported
- return 1
-function! s:funcs.buf_get_lines(bufnr, start, end, strict) abort
- let lines = getbufline(a:bufnr, 1, '$')
- let start = a:start < 0 ? a:start + 1 : a:start
- let end = a:end < 0 ? a:end + 1 : a:end
- if a:strict && end > len(lines)
- throw 'line number out of range: '. end
- endif
- return lines[start : end - 1]
-function! s:funcs.buf_set_lines(bufnr, start, end, strict, ...) abort
- if !bufloaded(a:bufnr)
- return
- endif
- let replacement = get(a:, 1, [])
- let lineCount = s:buf_line_count(a:bufnr)
- let startLnum = a:start >= 0 ? a:start + 1 : lineCount + a:start + 1
- let end = a:end >= 0 ? a:end : lineCount + a:end + 1
- if end == lineCount + 1
- let end = lineCount
- endif
- let delCount = end - (startLnum - 1)
- let changeBuffer = 0
- let curr = bufnr('%')
- if a:bufnr != curr && !exists('*setbufline')
- let changeBuffer = 1
- exe 'buffer '.a:bufnr
- endif
- if a:bufnr == curr || changeBuffer
- " replace
- let storeView = winsaveview()
- if delCount == len(replacement)
- call setline(startLnum, replacement)
- else
- if len(replacement)
- call append(startLnum - 1, replacement)
- endif
- if delCount
- let start = startLnum + len(replacement)
- let saved_reg = @"
- silent execute start . ','.(start + delCount - 1).'d'
- let @" = saved_reg
- endif
- endif
- call winrestview(storeView)
- if changeBuffer
- exe 'buffer '.curr
- endif
- elseif exists('*setbufline')
- " replace
- if delCount == len(replacement)
- " 8.0.1039
- call setbufline(a:bufnr, startLnum, replacement)
- else
- if len(replacement)
- " 8.10037
- call appendbufline(a:bufnr, startLnum - 1, replacement)
- endif
- if delCount
- let start = startLnum + len(replacement)
- "8.1.0039
- call deletebufline(a:bufnr, start, start + delCount - 1)
- endif
- endif
- endif
-function! s:funcs.buf_set_name(bufnr, name) abort
- let nr = bufnr('%')
- if a:bufnr != nr
- throw 'buf_set_name support current buffer only'
- else
- execute '0f'
- execute 'file '.fnameescape(a:name)
- endif
-function! s:funcs.buf_get_var(bufnr, name)
- return getbufvar(a:bufnr, a:name)
-function! s:funcs.buf_set_var(bufnr, name, val)
- if !bufloaded(a:bufnr) | return | endif
- call setbufvar(a:bufnr, a:name, a:val)
-function! s:funcs.buf_del_var(bufnr, name)
- call setbufvar(a:bufnr, a:name, v:null)
-function! s:funcs.buf_get_option(bufnr, name)
- return getbufvar(a:bufnr, '&'.a:name)
-function! s:funcs.buf_get_name(bufnr)
- return bufname(a:bufnr)
-" }}
-" window methods {{
-function! s:funcs.win_get_buf(winid)
- return winbufnr(a:winid)
-function! s:funcs.win_get_position(win_id) abort
- let [row, col] = win_screenpos(a:win_id)
- if row == 0 && col == 0
- throw 'Invalid window '.a:win_id
- endif
- return [row - 1, col - 1]
-function! s:funcs.win_get_height(win_id) abort
- return winheight(a:win_id)
-function! s:funcs.win_get_width(win_id) abort
- return winwidth(a:win_id)
-if exists('*win_execute')
- function! s:win_execute(win_id, cmd, ...) abort
- let ref = get(a:000, 0, v:null)
- let cmd = ref is v:null ? a:cmd : 'let ref["out"] = ' . a:cmd
- call win_execute(a:win_id, cmd)
- endfunction
- function! s:win_execute(win_id, cmd, ...) abort
- let ref = get(a:000, 0, v:null)
- let cmd = ref is v:null ? a:cmd : 'let ref["out"] = ' . a:cmd
- let winid = win_getid()
- if winid == a:win_id
- execute cmd
- else
- let goto_status = win_gotoid(a:win_id)
- if !goto_status
- return
- endif
- execute cmd
- call win_gotoid(winid)
- endif
- endfunction
-function! s:funcs.win_get_cursor(win_id) abort
- let ref = {}
- call s:win_execute(a:win_id, "[line('.'), col('.')-1]", ref)
- return ref['out']
-function! s:funcs.win_get_var(win_id, name) abort
- return gettabwinvar(0, a:win_id, a:name)
-function! s:funcs.win_set_width(win_id, width) abort
- return s:win_execute(a:win_id, 'vertical resize '.a:width)
-function! s:funcs.win_set_buf(win_id, buf_id) abort
- return s:win_execute(a:win_id, 'buffer '.a:buf_id)
-function! s:funcs.win_get_option(win_id, name) abort
- return gettabwinvar(0, a:win_id, '&'.a:name)
-function! s:funcs.win_set_height(win_id, height) abort
- return s:win_execute(a:win_id, 'resize '.a:height)
-function! s:funcs.win_set_option(win_id, name, value) abort
- let val = a:value
- if val is v:true
- let val = 1
- elseif val is v:false
- let val = 0
- endif
- call setwinvar(a:win_id, '&'.a:name, val)
-function! s:funcs.win_set_var(win_id, name, value) abort
- call setwinvar(a:win_id, a:name, a:value)
-function! s:funcs.win_del_var(win_id, name) abort
- call settabwinvar(0, a:win_id, a:name, v:null)
-function! s:funcs.win_is_valid(win_id) abort
- let info = getwininfo(a:win_id)
- return !empty(info)
-function! s:funcs.win_get_number(win_id) abort
- let info = getwininfo(a:win_id)
- if empty(info)
- throw 'Invalid window id '.a:win_id
- endif
- return info[0]['winnr']
-function! s:funcs.win_set_cursor(win_id, pos) abort
- let [line, col] = a:pos
- call s:win_execute(a:win_id, 'call cursor('.line.','.(col + 1).')')
-function! s:funcs.win_close(win_id, ...) abort
- call s:win_execute(a:win_id, 'close!')
-function! s:funcs.win_get_tabpage(win_id) abort
- let info = getwininfo(a:win_id)
- if !info
- throw 'Invalid window id '.a:win_id
- endif
- return info[0]['tabnr']
-" }}
-" tabpage methods {{
-function! s:funcs.tabpage_get_number(id)
- return a:id
-function! s:funcs.tabpage_list_wins(tabnr)
- let info = getwininfo()
- return map(filter(info, 'v:val["tabnr"] == a:tabnr'), 'v:val["winid"]')
-function! s:funcs.tabpage_get_var(tabnr, name)
- return gettabvar(a:tabnr, a:name, v:null)
-function! s:funcs.tabpage_set_var(tabnr, name, value)
- call settabvar(a:tabnr, a:name, a:value)
-function! s:funcs.tabpage_del_var(tabnr, name)
- call settabvar(a:tabnr, a:name, v:null)
-function! s:funcs.tabpage_is_valid(tabnr)
- let max = tabpagenr('$')
- return a:tabnr <= max
-function! s:funcs.tabpage_get_win(tabnr)
- let wnr = tabpagewinnr(a:tabnr)
- return win_getid(wnr, a:tabnr)
-" }}
-function! coc#api#func_names() abort
- return keys(s:funcs)
-function! coc#api#call(method, args) abort
- let err = v:null
- let res = v:null
- try
- let res = call(s:funcs[a:method], a:args)
- catch /.*/
- let err = v:exception
- endtry
- return [err, res]
-function! coc#api#notify(method, args) abort
- call call(s:funcs[a:method], a:args)
-" vim: set sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 et tw=78 foldmarker={{,}} foldmethod=marker foldlevel=0:
diff --git a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc/client.vim b/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc/client.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index e337435..0000000
--- a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc/client.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
-let s:root = expand(':h:h:h')
-let s:is_vim = !has('nvim')
-let s:is_win = has("win32") || has("win64")
-let s:clients = {}
-if get(g:, 'node_client_debug', 0)
- let $NODE_CLIENT_LOG_LEVEL = 'debug'
- if exists('$NODE_CLIENT_LOG_FILE')
- let s:logfile = resolve($NODE_CLIENT_LOG_FILE)
- else
- let s:logfile = tempname()
- let $NODE_CLIENT_LOG_FILE = s:logfile
- endif
-" create a client
-function! coc#client#create(name, command)
- let client = {}
- let client['command'] = a:command
- let client['name'] = a:name
- let client['running'] = 0
- let client['async_req_id'] = 1
- let client['async_callbacks'] = {}
- " vim only
- let client['channel'] = v:null
- " neovim only
- let client['chan_id'] = 0
- let client['start'] = function('s:start', [], client)
- let client['request'] = function('s:request', [], client)
- let client['notify'] = function('s:notify', [], client)
- let client['request_async'] = function('s:request_async', [], client)
- let client['on_async_response'] = function('s:on_async_response', [], client)
- let s:clients[a:name] = client
- return client
-function! s:start() dict
- if self.running | return | endif
- if !isdirectory(getcwd())
- echohl Error | echon '[coc.nvim] Current cwd is not a valid directory.' | echohl None
- return
- endif
- let timeout = string(get(g:, 'coc_channel_timeout', 30))
- let disable_warning = string(get(g:, 'coc_disable_startup_warning', 0))
- let tmpdir = fnamemodify(tempname(), ':p:h')
- if s:is_vim
- let options = {
- \ 'in_mode': 'json',
- \ 'out_mode': 'json',
- \ 'err_mode': 'nl',
- \ 'err_cb': {channel, message -> s:on_stderr(self.name, split(message, "\n"))},
- \ 'exit_cb': {channel, code -> s:on_exit(self.name, code)},
- \ 'env': {
- \ 'NODE_NO_WARNINGS': '1',
- \ 'VIM_NODE_RPC': '1',
- \ 'COC_NVIM': '1',
- \ 'COC_CHANNEL_TIMEOUT': timeout,
- \ 'COC_NO_WARNINGS': disable_warning,
- \ 'TMPDIR': tmpdir,
- \ }
- \}
- if has("patch-8.1.350")
- let options['noblock'] = 1
- endif
- let job = job_start(self.command, options)
- let status = job_status(job)
- if status !=# 'run'
- let self.running = 0
- echohl Error | echom 'Failed to start '.self.name.' service' | echohl None
- return
- endif
- let self['running'] = 1
- let self['channel'] = job_getchannel(job)
- else
- let original = {'tmpdir': $TMPDIR}
- " env option not work on neovim
- if exists('*setenv')
- let original = {
- \ 'TMPDIR': getenv('TMPDIR'),
- \ }
- call setenv('NODE_NO_WARNINGS', '1')
- call setenv('COC_CHANNEL_TIMEOUT', timeout)
- call setenv('COC_NO_WARNINGS', disable_warning)
- call setenv('TMPDIR', tmpdir)
- else
- let $COC_NO_WARNINGS = disable_warning
- let $TMPDIR = tmpdir
- endif
- let chan_id = jobstart(self.command, {
- \ 'rpc': 1,
- \ 'on_stderr': {channel, msgs -> s:on_stderr(self.name, msgs)},
- \ 'on_exit': {channel, code -> s:on_exit(self.name, code)},
- \})
- if exists('*setenv')
- for key in keys(original)
- call setenv(key, original[key])
- endfor
- else
- let $TMPDIR = original['tmpdir']
- endif
- if chan_id <= 0
- echohl Error | echom 'Failed to start '.self.name.' service' | echohl None
- return
- endif
- let self['chan_id'] = chan_id
- let self['running'] = 1
- endif
-function! s:on_stderr(name, msgs)
- if get(g:, 'coc_vim_leaving', 0) | return | endif
- if get(g:, 'coc_disable_uncaught_error', 0) | return | endif
- let data = filter(copy(a:msgs), '!empty(v:val)')
- if empty(data) | return | endif
- let client = a:name ==# 'coc' ? '[coc.nvim]' : '['.a:name.']'
- let data[0] = client.': '.data[0]
- call coc#util#echo_messages('Error', data)
-function! s:on_exit(name, code) abort
- if get(g:, 'coc_vim_leaving', 0) | return | endif
- let client = get(s:clients, a:name, v:null)
- if empty(client) | return | endif
- if client['running'] != 1 | return | endif
- let client['running'] = 0
- let client['chan_id'] = 0
- let client['channel'] = v:null
- let client['async_req_id'] = 1
- if a:code != 0 && a:code != 143
- " could be syntax error
- if a:code == 1
- call s:check_node()
- endif
- echohl Error | echom 'client '.a:name. ' abnormal exit with: '.a:code | echohl None
- endif
-function! coc#client#get_client(name) abort
- return get(s:clients, a:name, v:null)
-function! coc#client#get_channel(client)
- if s:is_vim
- return a:client['channel']
- endif
- return a:client['chan_id']
-function! s:request(method, args) dict
- let channel = coc#client#get_channel(self)
- if empty(channel) | return '' | endif
- try
- if s:is_vim
- let res = ch_evalexpr(channel, [a:method, a:args], {'timeout': 60 * 1000})
- if type(res) == 1 && res ==# ''
- throw 'request '.a:method. ' '.string(a:args).' timeout after 60s'
- endif
- let [l:errmsg, res] = res
- if !empty(l:errmsg)
- throw l:errmsg
- else
- return res
- endif
- else
- return call('rpcrequest', [channel, a:method] + a:args)
- endif
- catch /.*/
- if v:exception =~# 'E475'
- if get(g:, 'coc_vim_leaving', 0) | return | endif
- echohl Error | echom '['.self.name.'] server connection lost' | echohl None
- let name = self.name
- call s:on_exit(name, 0)
- execute 'silent do User ConnectionLost'.toupper(name[0]).name[1:]
- elseif v:exception =~# 'E12'
- " neovim's bug, ignore it
- else
- echohl Error | echo 'Error on request ('.a:method.'): '.v:exception | echohl None
- endif
- endtry
-function! s:notify(method, args) dict
- let channel = coc#client#get_channel(self)
- if empty(channel)
- return ''
- endif
- try
- if s:is_vim
- call ch_sendraw(channel, json_encode([0, [a:method, a:args]])."\n")
- else
- call call('rpcnotify', [channel, a:method] + a:args)
- endif
- catch /.*/
- if v:exception =~# 'E475'
- if get(g:, 'coc_vim_leaving', 0)
- return
- endif
- echohl Error | echom '['.self.name.'] server connection lost' | echohl None
- let name = self.name
- call s:on_exit(name, 0)
- execute 'silent do User ConnectionLost'.toupper(name[0]).name[1:]
- elseif v:exception =~# 'E12'
- " neovim's bug, ignore it
- else
- echohl Error | echo 'Error on notify ('.a:method.'): '.v:exception | echohl None
- endif
- endtry
-function! s:request_async(method, args, cb) dict
- let channel = coc#client#get_channel(self)
- if empty(channel) | return '' | endif
- if type(a:cb) != 2
- echohl Error | echom '['.self['name'].'] Callback should be function' | echohl None
- return
- endif
- let id = self.async_req_id
- let self.async_req_id = id + 1
- let self.async_callbacks[id] = a:cb
- call self['notify']('nvim_async_request_event', [id, a:method, a:args])
-function! s:on_async_response(id, resp, isErr) dict
- let Callback = get(self.async_callbacks, a:id, v:null)
- if empty(Callback)
- " should not happen
- echohl Error | echom 'callback not found' | echohl None
- return
- endif
- call remove(self.async_callbacks, a:id)
- if a:isErr
- call call(Callback, [a:resp, v:null])
- else
- call call(Callback, [v:null, a:resp])
- endif
-function! coc#client#is_running(name) abort
- let client = get(s:clients, a:name, v:null)
- if empty(client) | return 0 | endif
- if !client['running'] | return 0 | endif
- if s:is_vim
- let status = job_status(ch_getjob(client['channel']))
- return status ==# 'run'
- else
- let chan_id = client['chan_id']
- let [code] = jobwait([chan_id], 10)
- return code == -1
- endif
-function! coc#client#stop(name) abort
- let client = get(s:clients, a:name, v:null)
- if empty(client) | return 1 | endif
- let running = coc#client#is_running(a:name)
- if !running
- echohl WarningMsg | echom 'client '.a:name. ' not running.' | echohl None
- return 1
- endif
- if s:is_vim
- call job_stop(ch_getjob(client['channel']), 'term')
- else
- call jobstop(client['chan_id'])
- endif
- sleep 200m
- if coc#client#is_running(a:name)
- echohl Error | echom 'client '.a:name. ' stop failed.' | echohl None
- return 0
- endif
- call s:on_exit(a:name, 0)
- echohl MoreMsg | echom 'client '.a:name.' stopped!' | echohl None
- return 1
-function! coc#client#request(name, method, args)
- let client = get(s:clients, a:name, v:null)
- if !empty(client)
- return client['request'](a:method, a:args)
- endif
-function! coc#client#notify(name, method, args)
- let client = get(s:clients, a:name, v:null)
- if !empty(client)
- call client['notify'](a:method, a:args)
- endif
-function! coc#client#request_async(name, method, args, cb)
- let client = get(s:clients, a:name, v:null)
- if !empty(client)
- call client['request_async'](a:method, a:args, a:cb)
- endif
-function! coc#client#on_response(name, id, resp, isErr)
- let client = get(s:clients, a:name, v:null)
- if !empty(client)
- call client['on_async_response'](a:id, a:resp, a:isErr)
- endif
-function! coc#client#restart(name) abort
- let stopped = coc#client#stop(a:name)
- if !stopped | return | endif
- let client = get(s:clients, a:name, v:null)
- if !empty(client)
- call client['start']()
- endif
-function! coc#client#restart_all()
- for key in keys(s:clients)
- call coc#client#restart(key)
- endfor
-function! coc#client#open_log()
- if !get(g:, 'node_client_debug', 0)
- echohl Error | echon '[coc.nvim] use let g:node_client_debug = 1 in your vimrc to enabled debug mode.' | echohl None
- return
- endif
- execute 'vs '.s:logfile
-function! s:check_node() abort
- let node = get(g:, 'coc_node_path', $COC_NODE_PATH == '' ? 'node' : $COC_NODE_PATH)
- let output = trim(system(node . ' --version'))
- let ms = matchlist(output, 'v\(\d\+\).\(\d\+\).\(\d\+\)')
- if empty(ms) || str2nr(ms[1]) < 10 || (str2nr(ms[1]) == 10 && str2nr(ms[2]) < 12)
- echohl Error
- echon '[coc.nvim] Node version '.output.' < 10.12.0, please upgrade node.js or use g:coc_node_path variable.'
- echohl None
- endif
diff --git a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc/color.vim b/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc/color.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index d6b04cf..0000000
--- a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc/color.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-" Returns an approximate grey index for the given grey level
-fun! s:grey_number(x)
- if &t_Co == 88
- if a:x < 23
- return 0
- elseif a:x < 69
- return 1
- elseif a:x < 103
- return 2
- elseif a:x < 127
- return 3
- elseif a:x < 150
- return 4
- elseif a:x < 173
- return 5
- elseif a:x < 196
- return 6
- elseif a:x < 219
- return 7
- elseif a:x < 243
- return 8
- else
- return 9
- endif
- else
- if a:x < 14
- return 0
- else
- let l:n = (a:x - 8) / 10
- let l:m = (a:x - 8) % 10
- if l:m < 5
- return l:n
- else
- return l:n + 1
- endif
- endif
- endif
-" Returns the actual grey level represented by the grey index
-fun! s:grey_level(n)
- if &t_Co == 88
- if a:n == 0
- return 0
- elseif a:n == 1
- return 46
- elseif a:n == 2
- return 92
- elseif a:n == 3
- return 115
- elseif a:n == 4
- return 139
- elseif a:n == 5
- return 162
- elseif a:n == 6
- return 185
- elseif a:n == 7
- return 208
- elseif a:n == 8
- return 231
- else
- return 255
- endif
- else
- if a:n == 0
- return 0
- else
- return 8 + (a:n * 10)
- endif
- endif
-" Returns the palette index for the given grey index
-fun! s:grey_colour(n)
- if &t_Co == 88
- if a:n == 0
- return 16
- elseif a:n == 9
- return 79
- else
- return 79 + a:n
- endif
- else
- if a:n == 0
- return 16
- elseif a:n == 25
- return 231
- else
- return 231 + a:n
- endif
- endif
-" Returns an approximate colour index for the given colour level
-fun! s:rgb_number(x)
- if &t_Co == 88
- if a:x < 69
- return 0
- elseif a:x < 172
- return 1
- elseif a:x < 230
- return 2
- else
- return 3
- endif
- else
- if a:x < 75
- return 0
- else
- let l:n = (a:x - 55) / 40
- let l:m = (a:x - 55) % 40
- if l:m < 20
- return l:n
- else
- return l:n + 1
- endif
- endif
- endif
-" Returns the palette index for the given R/G/B colour indices
-fun! s:rgb_colour(x, y, z)
- if &t_Co == 88
- return 16 + (a:x * 16) + (a:y * 4) + a:z
- else
- return 16 + (a:x * 36) + (a:y * 6) + a:z
- endif
-" Returns the actual colour level for the given colour index
-fun! s:rgb_level(n)
- if &t_Co == 88
- if a:n == 0
- return 0
- elseif a:n == 1
- return 139
- elseif a:n == 2
- return 205
- else
- return 255
- endif
- else
- if a:n == 0
- return 0
- else
- return 55 + (a:n * 40)
- endif
- endif
-" Returns the palette index to approximate the given R/G/B colour levels
-fun! s:colour(r, g, b)
- " Get the closest grey
- let l:gx = s:grey_number(a:r)
- let l:gy = s:grey_number(a:g)
- let l:gz = s:grey_number(a:b)
- " Get the closest colour
- let l:x = s:rgb_number(a:r)
- let l:y = s:rgb_number(a:g)
- let l:z = s:rgb_number(a:b)
- if l:gx == l:gy && l:gy == l:gz
- " There are two possibilities
- let l:dgr = s:grey_level(l:gx) - a:r
- let l:dgg = s:grey_level(l:gy) - a:g
- let l:dgb = s:grey_level(l:gz) - a:b
- let l:dgrey = (l:dgr * l:dgr) + (l:dgg * l:dgg) + (l:dgb * l:dgb)
- let l:dr = s:rgb_level(l:gx) - a:r
- let l:dg = s:rgb_level(l:gy) - a:g
- let l:db = s:rgb_level(l:gz) - a:b
- let l:drgb = (l:dr * l:dr) + (l:dg * l:dg) + (l:db * l:db)
- if l:dgrey < l:drgb
- " Use the grey
- return s:grey_colour(l:gx)
- else
- " Use the colour
- return s:rgb_colour(l:x, l:y, l:z)
- endif
- else
- " Only one possibility
- return s:rgb_colour(l:x, l:y, l:z)
- endif
-function! coc#color#rgb2term(rgb)
- let l:r = ("0x" . strpart(a:rgb, 0, 2)) + 0
- let l:g = ("0x" . strpart(a:rgb, 2, 2)) + 0
- let l:b = ("0x" . strpart(a:rgb, 4, 2)) + 0
- return s:colour(l:r, l:g, l:b)
diff --git a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc/compat.vim b/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc/compat.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 824f3dc..0000000
--- a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc/compat.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-let s:is_vim = !has('nvim')
-" first window id for bufnr
-" builtin bufwinid returns window of current tab only
-function! coc#compat#buf_win_id(bufnr) abort
- let info = filter(getwininfo(), 'v:val["bufnr"] =='.a:bufnr)
- if empty(info)
- return -1
- endif
- return info[0]['winid']
-function! coc#compat#win_is_valid(winid) abort
- if exists('*nvim_win_is_valid')
- return nvim_win_is_valid(a:winid)
- endif
- return !empty(getwininfo(a:winid))
-" clear matches by window id, not throw on none exists window.
-" may not work on vim < 8.1.1084 & neovim < 0.4.0
-function! coc#compat#clear_matches(winid) abort
- if !coc#compat#win_is_valid(a:winid)
- return
- endif
- let curr = win_getid()
- if curr == a:winid
- call clearmatches()
- return
- endif
- if s:is_vim
- if has('patch-8.1.1084')
- call clearmatches(a:winid)
- endif
- else
- if exists('*nvim_set_current_win')
- noa call nvim_set_current_win(a:winid)
- call clearmatches()
- noa call nvim_set_current_win(curr)
- endif
- endif
-function! coc#compat#matchaddpos(group, pos, priority, winid) abort
- let curr = win_getid()
- if curr == a:winid
- call matchaddpos(a:group, a:pos, a:priority, -1)
- else
- if s:is_vim
- if has('patch-8.1.0218')
- call matchaddpos(a:group, a:pos, a:priority, -1, {'window': a:winid})
- endif
- else
- if has('nvim-0.4.0')
- call matchaddpos(a:group, a:pos, a:priority, -1, {'window': a:winid})
- elseif exists('*nvim_set_current_win')
- noa call nvim_set_current_win(a:winid)
- call matchaddpos(a:group, a:pos, a:priority, -1)
- noa call nvim_set_current_win(curr)
- endif
- endif
- endif
-" hlGroup, pos, priority
-function! coc#compat#matchaddgroups(winid, groups) abort
- " add by winid
- if s:is_vim && has('patch-8.1.0218') || has('nvim-0.4.0')
- for group in a:groups
- call matchaddpos(group['hlGroup'], [group['pos']], group['priority'], -1, {'window': a:winid})
- endfor
- endif
- let curr = win_getid()
- if curr == a:winid
- for group in a:groups
- call matchaddpos(group['hlGroup'], [group['pos']], group['priority'], -1)
- endfor
- elseif exists('*nvim_set_current_win')
- noa call nvim_set_current_win(a:winid)
- for group in a:groups
- call matchaddpos(group['hlGroup'], [group['pos']], group['priority'], -1)
- endfor
- noa call nvim_set_current_win(curr)
- endif
-" remove keymap for specfic buffer
-function! coc#compat#buf_del_keymap(bufnr, mode, lhs) abort
- if !bufloaded(a:bufnr)
- return
- endif
- if exists('*nvim_buf_del_keymap')
- try
- call nvim_buf_del_keymap(a:bufnr, a:mode, a:lhs)
- catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E5555/
- " ignore keymap not exists.
- endtry
- return
- endif
- if bufnr == a:bufnr
- execute 'silent! '.a:mode.'unmap '.a:lhs
- return
- endif
- if exists('*win_execute')
- let winid = coc#compat#buf_win_id(a:bufnr)
- if winid != -1
- call win_execute(winid, 'silent! '.a:mode.'unmap '.a:lhs)
- endif
- endif
-" execute command or list of commands in window
-function! coc#compat#execute(winid, command) abort
- if s:is_vim
- if !exists('*win_execute')
- throw 'win_execute function not exists, please upgrade your vim.'
- endif
- if type(a:command) == v:t_string
- keepalt call win_execute(a:winid, a:command)
- elseif type(a:command) == v:t_list
- keepalt call win_execute(a:winid, join(a:command, "\n"))
- endif
- else
- let curr = nvim_get_current_win()
- noa keepalt call nvim_set_current_win(a:winid)
- if type(a:command) == v:t_string
- exec a:command
- elseif type(a:command) == v:t_list
- exec join(a:command, "\n")
- endif
- noa keepalt call nvim_set_current_win(curr)
- endif
diff --git a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc/float.vim b/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc/float.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 45a6f73..0000000
--- a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc/float.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1744 +0,0 @@
-" Related to float window create
-let s:is_vim = !has('nvim')
-let s:root = expand(':h:h:h')
-let s:progresschars = get(g:, 'coc_progress_chars', ['░', '▇'])
-let s:borderchars = get(g:, 'coc_borderchars', ['─', '│', '─', '│', '┌', '┐', '┘', '└'])
-let s:borderjoinchars = get(g:, 'coc_border_joinchars', ['┬', '┤', '┴', '├'])
-let s:prompt_win_width = get(g:, 'coc_prompt_win_width', 32)
-let s:prompt_win_bufnr = 0
-let s:float_supported = exists('*nvim_open_win') || has('patch-8.1.1719')
-" winvar: border array of numbers, button boolean
-" detect if there's float window/popup created by coc.nvim
-function! coc#float#has_float() abort
- if s:is_vim
- if !exists('*popup_list')
- return 0
- endif
- let arr = filter(popup_list(), 'getwinvar(v:val,"float",0)&&popup_getpos(v:val)["visible"]')
- return !empty(arr)
- endif
- for i in range(1, winnr('$'))
- if getwinvar(i, 'float')
- return 1
- endif
- endfor
- return 0
-function! coc#float#close_all() abort
- if !has('nvim') && exists('*popup_clear')
- call popup_clear()
- return
- endif
- let winids = coc#float#get_float_win_list()
- for id in winids
- call coc#float#close(id)
- endfor
-function! coc#float#jump() abort
- if s:is_vim
- return
- endif
- let winids = coc#float#get_float_win_list()
- if !empty(winids)
- call win_gotoid(winids[0])
- endif
-" create or config float window, returns [winid, bufnr], config including:
-" - relative: could be 'editor' 'cursor'
-" - row: line count relative to editor/cursor, nagetive number means abover cursor.
-" - col: column count relative to editor/cursor, nagetive number means left of cursor.
-" - width: content width without border and title.
-" - height: content height without border and title.
-" - lines: (optional) lines to insert, default to v:null.
-" - title: (optional) title.
-" - border: (optional) border as number list, like [1, 1, 1 ,1].
-" - cursorline: (optional) enable cursorline when is 1.
-" - autohide: (optional) window should be closed on CursorMoved when is 1.
-" - highlight: (optional) highlight of window, default to 'CocFloating'
-" - borderhighlight: (optional) should be array for border highlights,
-" highlight all borders with first value.
-" - close: (optional) show close button when is 1.
-" - buttons: (optional) array of button text for create buttons at bottom.
-function! coc#float#create_float_win(winid, bufnr, config) abort
- let lines = get(a:config, 'lines', v:null)
- let bufnr = coc#float#create_buf(a:bufnr, lines, 'hide')
- " use exists
- if a:winid && coc#float#valid(a:winid)
- if s:is_vim
- let [line, col] = s:popup_position(a:config)
- let opts = {
- \ 'firstline': 1,
- \ 'line': line,
- \ 'col': col,
- \ 'minwidth': a:config['width'],
- \ 'minheight': a:config['height'],
- \ 'maxwidth': a:config['width'],
- \ 'maxheight': a:config['height'],
- \ 'cursorline': get(a:config, 'cursorline', 0),
- \ 'title': get(a:config, 'title', ''),
- \ }
- if !s:empty_border(get(a:config, 'border', []))
- let opts['border'] = a:config['border']
- endif
- call popup_setoptions(a:winid, opts)
- call coc#float#vim_buttons(a:winid, a:config)
- return [a:winid, winbufnr(a:winid)]
- else
- let config = s:convert_config_nvim(a:config)
- call nvim_win_set_buf(a:winid, bufnr)
- call nvim_win_set_config(a:winid, config)
- call nvim_win_set_cursor(a:winid, [1, 0])
- call coc#float#nvim_create_related(a:winid, config, a:config)
- return [a:winid, bufnr]
- endif
- endif
- let winid = 0
- if s:is_vim
- let [line, col] = s:popup_position(a:config)
- let title = get(a:config, 'title', '')
- let buttons = get(a:config, 'buttons', [])
- let hlgroup = get(a:config, 'highlight', 'CocFloating')
- let opts = {
- \ 'title': title,
- \ 'line': line,
- \ 'col': col,
- \ 'fixed': 1,
- \ 'padding': empty(title) ? [0, 1, 0, 1] : [0, 0, 0, 0],
- \ 'borderchars': s:borderchars,
- \ 'highlight': hlgroup,
- \ 'cursorline': get(a:config, 'cursorline', 0),
- \ 'minwidth': a:config['width'],
- \ 'minheight': a:config['height'],
- \ 'maxwidth': a:config['width'],
- \ 'maxheight': a:config['height']
- \ }
- if get(a:config, 'close', 0)
- let opts['close'] = 'button'
- endif
- if !empty(get(a:config, 'borderhighlight', []))
- let opts['borderhighlight'] = map(a:config['borderhighlight'], 'coc#highlight#compose_hlgroup(v:val,"'.hlgroup.'")')
- endif
- if !s:empty_border(get(a:config, 'border', []))
- let opts['border'] = a:config['border']
- endif
- let winid = popup_create(bufnr, opts)
- if winid == 0
- return []
- endif
- call coc#float#vim_buttons(winid, a:config)
- if has("patch-8.1.2281")
- call setwinvar(winid, '&showbreak', 'NONE')
- endif
- else
- let config = s:convert_config_nvim(a:config)
- let winid = nvim_open_win(bufnr, 0, config)
- if winid == 0
- return []
- endif
- let hlgroup = get(a:config, 'highlight', 'CocFloating')
- call setwinvar(winid, '&winhl', 'Normal:'.hlgroup.',NormalNC:'.hlgroup.',FoldColumn:'.hlgroup)
- call setwinvar(winid, '&signcolumn', 'no')
- " cursorline highlight not work on old neovim
- call setwinvar(winid, '&cursorline', 0)
- call setwinvar(winid, 'border', get(a:config, 'border', []))
- " no left border
- if s:empty_border(get(a:config, 'border', [])) || a:config['border'][3] == 0
- call setwinvar(winid, '&foldcolumn', 1)
- endif
- call nvim_win_set_cursor(winid, [1, 0])
- call coc#float#nvim_create_related(winid, config, a:config)
- endif
- if get(a:config, 'autohide', 0)
- call setwinvar(winid, 'autohide', 1)
- endif
- if s:is_vim || has('nvim-0.5.0')
- call setwinvar(winid, '&scrolloff', 0)
- endif
- call setwinvar(winid, 'float', 1)
- call setwinvar(winid, '&list', 0)
- call setwinvar(winid, '&number', 0)
- call setwinvar(winid, '&relativenumber', 0)
- call setwinvar(winid, '&cursorcolumn', 0)
- call setwinvar(winid, '&colorcolumn', 0)
- call setwinvar(winid, '&wrap', 1)
- call setwinvar(winid, '&linebreak', 1)
- call setwinvar(winid, '&conceallevel', 2)
- let g:coc_last_float_win = winid
- call coc#util#do_autocmd('CocOpenFloat')
- return [winid, bufnr]
-function! coc#float#valid(winid) abort
- if a:winid <= 0
- return 0
- endif
- if has('nvim')
- return nvim_win_is_valid(a:winid) ? 1 : 0
- endif
- return s:popup_visible(a:winid)
-function! coc#float#nvim_create_related(winid, config, opts) abort
- let related = getwinvar(a:winid, 'related', [])
- let exists = !empty(related)
- let border = get(a:opts, 'border', [])
- let highlights = get(a:opts, 'borderhighlight', [])
- let hlgroup = get(a:opts, 'highlight', 'CocFloating')
- let borderhighlight = type(highlights) == 1 ? highlights : get(highlights, 0, 'CocFloating')
- let borderhighlight = coc#highlight#compose_hlgroup(borderhighlight, hlgroup)
- let title = get(a:opts, 'title', '')
- let buttons = get(a:opts, 'buttons', [])
- let pad = empty(border) || get(border, 1, 0) == 0
- if get(a:opts, 'close', 0)
- call coc#float#nvim_close_btn(a:config, a:winid, border, borderhighlight, related)
- elseif exists
- call coc#float#close_related(a:winid, 'close')
- endif
- if !empty(buttons)
- call coc#float#nvim_buttons(a:config, a:winid, buttons, get(border, 2, 0), pad, hlgroup, borderhighlight, related)
- elseif exists
- call coc#float#close_related(a:winid, 'buttons')
- endif
- if !s:empty_border(border)
- call coc#float#nvim_border_win(a:config, a:winid, border, title, !empty(buttons), borderhighlight, related)
- elseif exists
- call coc#float#close_related(a:winid, 'border')
- endif
- " Check right border
- if pad
- call coc#float#nvim_right_pad(a:config, a:winid, hlgroup, related)
- elseif exists
- call coc#float#close_related(a:winid, 'pad')
- endif
- call setwinvar(a:winid, 'related', filter(related, 'nvim_win_is_valid(v:val)'))
-" border window for neovim, content config with border
-function! coc#float#nvim_border_win(config, winid, border, title, hasbtn, hlgroup, related) abort
- let winid = coc#float#get_related(a:winid, 'border')
- let row = a:border[0] ? a:config['row'] - 1 : a:config['row']
- let col = a:border[3] ? a:config['col'] - 1 : a:config['col']
- let width = a:config['width'] + a:border[1] + a:border[3]
- let height = a:config['height'] + a:border[0] + a:border[2] + (a:hasbtn ? 2 : 0)
- let lines = coc#float#create_border_lines(a:border, a:title, a:config['width'], a:config['height'], a:hasbtn)
- let bufnr = winid ? winbufnr(winid) : 0
- let bufnr = coc#float#create_buf(bufnr, lines)
- let opt = {
- \ 'relative': a:config['relative'],
- \ 'width': width,
- \ 'height': height,
- \ 'row': row,
- \ 'col': col,
- \ 'focusable': v:false,
- \ 'style': 'minimal',
- \ }
- if winid
- call nvim_win_set_config(winid, opt)
- call setwinvar(winid, '&winhl', 'Normal:'.a:hlgroup.',NormalNC:'.a:hlgroup)
- else
- let winid = nvim_open_win(bufnr, 0, opt)
- if winid
- call setwinvar(winid, '&winhl', 'Normal:'.a:hlgroup.',NormalNC:'.a:hlgroup)
- call setwinvar(winid, 'target_winid', a:winid)
- call setwinvar(winid, 'kind', 'border')
- call add(a:related, winid)
- endif
- endif
-" neovim only
-function! coc#float#nvim_close_btn(config, winid, border, hlgroup, related) abort
- let winid = coc#float#get_related(a:winid, 'close')
- let config = {
- \ 'relative': a:config['relative'],
- \ 'width': 1,
- \ 'height': 1,
- \ 'row': get(a:border, 0, 0) ? a:config['row'] - 1 : a:config['row'],
- \ 'col': a:config['col'] + a:config['width'],
- \ 'focusable': v:true,
- \ 'style': 'minimal',
- \ }
- if winid
- call nvim_win_set_config(winid, config)
- else
- let bufnr = coc#float#create_buf(0, ['X'])
- let winid = nvim_open_win(bufnr, 0, config)
- if winid
- call setwinvar(winid, '&winhl', 'Normal:'.a:hlgroup.',NormalNC:'.a:hlgroup)
- call setwinvar(winid, 'target_winid', a:winid)
- call setwinvar(winid, 'kind', 'close')
- call add(a:related, winid)
- endif
- call s:nvim_create_keymap(winid)
- endif
-" Create padding window by config of current window & border config
-function! coc#float#nvim_right_pad(config, winid, hlgroup, related) abort
- let winid = coc#float#get_related(a:winid, 'pad')
- let config = {
- \ 'relative': a:config['relative'],
- \ 'width': 1,
- \ 'height': a:config['height'],
- \ 'row': a:config['row'],
- \ 'col': a:config['col'] + a:config['width'],
- \ 'focusable': v:false,
- \ 'style': 'minimal',
- \ }
- if winid
- noa call nvim_win_close(winid, 1)
- endif
- let bufnr = coc#float#create_buf(0, repeat([''], a:config['height']))
- let winid = nvim_open_win(bufnr, 0, config)
- if winid
- " neovim'bug: the content shown in window could be wired.
- call setwinvar(winid, '&foldcolumn', 1)
- call setwinvar(winid, '&winhl', 'FoldColumn:'.a:hlgroup)
- call setwinvar(winid, 'target_winid', a:winid)
- call setwinvar(winid, 'kind', 'pad')
- call add(a:related, winid)
- endif
-" draw buttons window for window with config
-function! coc#float#nvim_buttons(config, winid, buttons, borderbottom, pad, hlgroup, borderhighlight, related) abort
- let winid = coc#float#get_related(a:winid, 'buttons')
- let width = a:config['width'] + (a:pad ? 1 : 0)
- let config = {
- \ 'row': a:config['row'] + a:config['height'],
- \ 'col': a:config['col'],
- \ 'width': width,
- \ 'height': 2 + (a:borderbottom ? 1 : 0),
- \ 'relative': a:config['relative'],
- \ 'focusable': 1,
- \ 'style': 'minimal',
- \ }
- if winid
- let bufnr = winbufnr(winid)
- call s:create_btns_buffer(bufnr, width, a:buttons, a:borderbottom)
- call nvim_win_set_config(winid, config)
- else
- let bufnr = s:create_btns_buffer(0, width, a:buttons, a:borderbottom)
- let winid = nvim_open_win(bufnr, 0, config)
- if winid
- call setwinvar(winid, '&winhl', 'Normal:'.a:hlgroup.',NormalNC:'.a:hlgroup)
- call setwinvar(winid, 'target_winid', a:winid)
- call setwinvar(winid, 'kind', 'buttons')
- call add(a:related, winid)
- call s:nvim_create_keymap(winid)
- endif
- endif
- if bufnr && a:hlgroup != a:borderhighlight
- call nvim_buf_clear_namespace(bufnr, -1, 0, -1)
- call nvim_buf_add_highlight(bufnr, 1, a:borderhighlight, 0, 0, -1)
- if a:borderbottom
- call nvim_buf_add_highlight(bufnr, 1, a:borderhighlight, 2, 0, -1)
- endif
- let vcols = getbufvar(bufnr, 'vcols', [])
- " TODO need change vol to col
- for col in vcols
- call nvim_buf_add_highlight(bufnr, 1, a:borderhighlight, 1, col, col + 3)
- endfor
- endif
-" Create or refresh scrollbar for winid
-" Need called on create, config, buffer change, scrolled
-function! coc#float#nvim_scrollbar(winid) abort
- if !has('nvim-0.4.0') || !coc#float#valid(a:winid) || getwinvar(a:winid, 'target_winid', 0)
- return
- endif
- let config = nvim_win_get_config(a:winid)
- let [row, column] = nvim_win_get_position(a:winid)
- let width = nvim_win_get_width(a:winid)
- let height = nvim_win_get_height(a:winid)
- let bufnr = winbufnr(a:winid)
- let cw = getwinvar(a:winid, '&foldcolumn', 0) ? width - 1 : width
- let ch = coc#float#content_height(bufnr, cw, getwinvar(a:winid, '&wrap'))
- let closewin = coc#float#get_related(a:winid, 'close')
- let border = getwinvar(a:winid, 'border', [])
- let move_down = closewin && !get(border, 0, 0)
- if move_down
- let height = height - 1
- endif
- let id = coc#float#get_related(a:winid, 'scrollbar')
- if ch <= height || height <= 0
- " no scrollbar, remove exists
- if id
- call s:close_win(id)
- endif
- return
- endif
- call coc#float#close_related(a:winid, 'pad')
- let sbuf = id ? winbufnr(id) : 0
- let sbuf = coc#float#create_buf(sbuf, repeat([' '], height))
- let opts = {
- \ 'row': move_down ? row + 1 : row,
- \ 'col': column + width,
- \ 'relative': 'editor',
- \ 'width': 1,
- \ 'height': height,
- \ 'focusable': v:false,
- \ 'style': 'minimal',
- \ }
- if id
- call nvim_win_set_config(id, opts)
- else
- let id = nvim_open_win(sbuf, 0 , opts)
- if id == 0
- return
- endif
- call setwinvar(id, 'kind', 'scrollbar')
- call setwinvar(id, 'target_winid', a:winid)
- endif
- let thumb_height = max([1, float2nr(floor(height * (height + 0.0)/ch))])
- let wininfo = getwininfo(a:winid)[0]
- let start = 0
- if wininfo['topline'] != 1
- " needed for correct getwininfo
- let firstline = wininfo['topline']
- let lastline = s:nvim_get_botline(firstline, height, cw, bufnr)
- let linecount = nvim_buf_line_count(winbufnr(a:winid))
- if lastline >= linecount
- let start = height - thumb_height
- else
- let start = max([1, float2nr(round((height - thumb_height + 0.0)*(firstline - 1.0)/(ch - height)))])
- endif
- endif
- " add highlights
- call nvim_buf_clear_namespace(sbuf, -1, 0, -1)
- for idx in range(0, height - 1)
- if idx >= start && idx < start + thumb_height
- call nvim_buf_add_highlight(sbuf, -1, 'PmenuThumb', idx, 0, 1)
- else
- call nvim_buf_add_highlight(sbuf, -1, 'PmenuSbar', idx, 0, 1)
- endif
- endfor
- call s:add_related(id, a:winid)
-function! coc#float#create_border_lines(border, title, width, height, hasbtn) abort
- let list = []
- if a:border[0]
- let top = (a:border[3] ? s:borderchars[4]: '')
- \.repeat(s:borderchars[0], a:width)
- \.(a:border[1] ? s:borderchars[5] : '')
- if !empty(a:title)
- let top = coc#helper#str_compose(top, 1, a:title.' ')
- endif
- call add(list, top)
- endif
- let mid = (a:border[3] ? s:borderchars[3]: '')
- \.repeat(' ', a:width)
- \.(a:border[1] ? s:borderchars[1] : '')
- call extend(list, repeat([mid], a:height + (a:hasbtn ? 2 : 0)))
- if a:hasbtn
- let list[len(list) - 2] = (a:border[3] ? s:borderjoinchars[3]: '')
- \.repeat(' ', a:width)
- \.(a:border[1] ? s:borderjoinchars[1] : '')
- endif
- if a:border[2]
- let bot = (a:border[3] ? s:borderchars[7]: '')
- \.repeat(s:borderchars[2], a:width)
- \.(a:border[1] ? s:borderchars[6] : '')
- call add(list, bot)
- endif
- return list
-" Get config, convert lines, create window, add highlights
-function! coc#float#create_cursor_float(winid, bufnr, lines, config) abort
- if !s:float_supported
- return v:null
- endif
- if s:is_blocking()
- return v:null
- endif
- let pumAlignTop = get(a:config, 'pumAlignTop', 0)
- let modes = get(a:config, 'modes', ['n', 'i', 'ic', 's'])
- let mode = mode()
- let currbuf = bufnr('%')
- let pos = [line('.'), col('.')]
- if index(modes, mode) == -1
- return v:null
- endif
- if has('nvim') && mode ==# 'i'
- " helps to fix undo issue, don't know why.
- call feedkeys("\u", 'n')
- endif
- let dimension = coc#float#get_config_cursor(a:lines, a:config)
- if empty(dimension)
- return v:null
- endif
- if pumvisible() && ((pumAlignTop && dimension['row'] <0)|| (!pumAlignTop && dimension['row'] > 0))
- return v:null
- endif
- let width = dimension['width']
- let lines = map(a:lines, {_, s -> s =~# '^—' ? repeat('—', width) : s})
- let config = extend({'lines': lines, 'relative': 'cursor'}, a:config)
- let config = extend(config, dimension)
- call coc#float#close_auto_hide_wins(a:winid)
- let res = coc#float#create_float_win(a:winid, a:bufnr, config)
- if empty(res)
- return v:null
- endif
- let winid = res[0]
- let bufnr = res[1]
- call coc#highlight#add_highlights(winid, get(a:config, 'codes', []), get(a:config, 'highlights', []))
- redraw
- if has('nvim')
- call coc#float#nvim_scrollbar(winid)
- endif
- return [currbuf, pos, winid, bufnr]
-" Create float window for input, neovim only since vim doesn't support focus
-function! coc#float#create_prompt_win(title, default, opts) abort
- call coc#float#close_auto_hide_wins()
- " Calculate col
- let curr = win_screenpos(winnr())[1] + wincol() - 2
- let width = coc#helper#min(max([strdisplaywidth(a:title) + 2, s:prompt_win_width]), &columns - 2)
- if width == &columns - 2
- let col = 0 - curr
- else
- let col = curr + width <= &columns - 2 ? 0 : &columns - s:prompt_win_width
- endif
- let [lineIdx, colIdx] = coc#util#cursor_pos()
- let bufnr = 0
- if has('nvim')
- let bufnr = s:prompt_win_bufnr
- else
- execute 'hi link CocPopupTerminal '.get(a:opts, 'highlight', 'CocFloating')
- let node = expand(get(g:, 'coc_node_path', 'node'))
- let bufnr = term_start([node, s:root . '/bin/prompt.js', a:default], {
- \ 'term_highlight': 'CocPopupTerminal',
- \ 'hidden': 1,
- \ 'term_finish': 'close'
- \ })
- call term_setapi(bufnr, "Coc")
- endif
- let res = coc#float#create_float_win(0, bufnr, {
- \ 'relative': 'cursor',
- \ 'row': lineIdx == 0 ? 1 : 0,
- \ 'col': colIdx == 0 ? 0 : col - 1,
- \ 'width': width,
- \ 'height': 1,
- \ 'style': 'minimal',
- \ 'border': [1,1,1,1],
- \ 'prompt': 1,
- \ 'title': a:title,
- \ 'lines': [a:default],
- \ 'highlight': get(a:opts, 'highlight', 'CocFloating'),
- \ 'borderhighlight': [get(a:opts, 'borderhighlight', 'CocFloating')],
- \ })
- if empty(res) || res[0] == 0
- return
- endif
- let winid = res[0]
- let bufnr = res[1]
- if has('nvim')
- let s:prompt_win_bufnr = res[1]
- execute 'sign unplace 6 buffer='.s:prompt_win_bufnr
- call nvim_set_current_win(winid)
- inoremap
- inoremap pumvisible() ? "\" : "\"
- exe 'inoremap =coc#float#close_i('.winid.')'
- exe 'nnoremap :call coc#float#close('.winid.')'
- exe 'inoremap "\=coc#float#prompt_insert(getline(''.''))\\"'
- call feedkeys('A', 'in')
- else
- call setbufvar(bufnr, '&termwinkey', '')
- endif
- return [bufnr, winid]
-function! coc#float#close_i(winid) abort
- call coc#float#close(a:winid)
- return ''
-function! coc#float#prompt_insert(text) abort
- call coc#rpc#notify('PromptInsert', [a:text])
- return ''
-" Close float window by id
-function! coc#float#close(winid) abort
- if !coc#float#valid(a:winid)
- return 0
- endif
- call coc#float#close_related(a:winid)
- call s:close_win(a:winid)
- return 1
-" Float window id on current tab.
-" return 0 if not found
-function! coc#float#get_float_win() abort
- if has('nvim')
- for i in range(1, winnr('$'))
- let id = win_getid(i)
- let config = nvim_win_get_config(id)
- if (!empty(config) && config['focusable'] == v:true && !empty(config['relative']))
- if !getwinvar(id, 'button', 0)
- return id
- endif
- endif
- endfor
- elseif exists('*popup_list')
- let arr = filter(popup_list(), 'popup_getpos(v:val)["visible"]')
- if !empty(arr)
- return arr[0]
- endif
- endif
- return 0
-function! coc#float#get_float_win_list() abort
- if s:is_vim && exists('*popup_list')
- return filter(popup_list(), 'popup_getpos(v:val)["visible"]')
- elseif has('nvim') && exists('*nvim_win_get_config')
- let res = []
- for i in range(1, winnr('$'))
- let id = win_getid(i)
- let config = nvim_win_get_config(id)
- " ignore border & button window
- if (!empty(config) && !empty(config['relative']) && !getwinvar(id, 'target_winid', 0))
- call add(res, id)
- endif
- endfor
- return res
- endif
- return []
-" Check if a float window is scrollable
-function! coc#float#scrollable(winid) abort
- let bufnr = winbufnr(a:winid)
- if bufnr == -1
- return 0
- endif
- if s:is_vim
- let pos = popup_getpos(a:winid)
- if get(popup_getoptions(a:winid), 'scrollbar', 0)
- return get(pos, 'scrollbar', 0)
- endif
- let ch = coc#float#content_height(bufnr, pos['core_width'], getwinvar(a:winid, '&wrap'))
- return ch > pos['core_height']
- else
- let height = nvim_win_get_height(a:winid)
- let width = nvim_win_get_width(a:winid)
- if width > 1 && getwinvar(a:winid, '&foldcolumn', 0)
- " since we use foldcolumn for left pading
- let width = width - 1
- endif
- let ch = coc#float#content_height(bufnr, width, getwinvar(a:winid, '&wrap'))
- return ch > height
- endif
-function! coc#float#has_scroll() abort
- let win_ids = filter(coc#float#get_float_win_list(), 'coc#float#scrollable(v:val)')
- return !empty(win_ids)
-function! coc#float#scroll(forward, ...)
- if !has('nvim-0.4.0') && !has('patch-8.2.0750')
- throw 'coc#float#scroll() requires nvim >= 0.4.0 or vim >= 8.2.0750'
- endif
- let amount = get(a:, 1, 0)
- let winids = filter(coc#float#get_float_win_list(), 'coc#float#scrollable(v:val)')
- if empty(winids)
- return ''
- endif
- for winid in winids
- if s:is_vim
- call coc#float#scroll_win(winid, a:forward, amount)
- else
- call timer_start(0, { -> coc#float#scroll_win(winid, a:forward, amount)})
- endif
- endfor
- return mode() =~ '^i' || mode() ==# 'v' ? "" : "\"
-function! coc#float#scroll_win(winid, forward, amount) abort
- let opts = s:get_options(a:winid)
- let lines = getbufline(winbufnr(a:winid), 1, '$')
- let maxfirst = s:max_firstline(lines, opts['height'], opts['width'])
- let topline = opts['topline']
- let height = opts['height']
- let width = opts['width']
- let scrolloff = getwinvar(a:winid, '&scrolloff', 0)
- if a:forward && topline >= maxfirst
- return
- endif
- if !a:forward && topline == 1
- return
- endif
- if a:amount == 0
- let topline = s:get_topline(opts['topline'], lines, a:forward, height, width)
- else
- let topline = topline + (a:forward ? a:amount : - a:amount)
- endif
- let topline = a:forward ? min([maxfirst, topline]) : max([1, topline])
- let lnum = s:get_cursorline(topline, lines, scrolloff, width, height)
- call s:win_setview(a:winid, topline, lnum)
- let top = s:get_options(a:winid)['topline']
- " not changed
- if top == opts['topline']
- if a:forward
- call s:win_setview(a:winid, topline + 1, lnum + 1)
- else
- call s:win_setview(a:winid, topline - 1, lnum - 1)
- endif
- endif
-function! s:popup_visible(id) abort
- let pos = popup_getpos(a:id)
- if !empty(pos) && get(pos, 'visible', 0)
- return 1
- endif
- return 0
-function! s:convert_config_nvim(config) abort
- let valids = ['relative', 'win', 'anchor', 'width', 'height', 'bufpos', 'col', 'row', 'focusable', 'style']
- let result = coc#helper#dict_pick(a:config, valids)
- let border = get(a:config, 'border', [])
- if !s:empty_border(border)
- if result['relative'] ==# 'cursor' && result['row'] < 0
- " move top when has bottom border
- if get(border, 2, 0)
- let result['row'] = result['row'] - 1
- endif
- else
- " move down when has top border
- if get(border, 0, 0) && !get(a:config, 'prompt', 0)
- let result['row'] = result['row'] + 1
- endif
- endif
- " move right when has left border
- if get(border, 3, 0)
- let result['col'] = result['col'] + 1
- endif
- let result['width'] = float2nr(result['width'] + 1 - get(border,3, 0))
- else
- let result['width'] = float2nr(result['width'] + 1)
- endif
- let result['height'] = float2nr(result['height'])
- return result
-" Close windows that could auto hide
-function! coc#float#close_auto_hide_wins(...) abort
- let winids = coc#float#get_float_win_list()
- let except = get(a:, 1, 0)
- for id in winids
- if except && id == except
- continue
- endif
- if getwinvar(id, 'autohide', 0)
- call coc#float#close(id)
- endif
- endfor
-function! coc#float#content_height(bufnr, width, wrap) abort
- if !bufloaded(a:bufnr)
- return 0
- endif
- if !a:wrap
- return has('nvim') ? nvim_buf_line_count(a:bufnr) : len(getbufline(a:bufnr, 1, '$'))
- endif
- let lines = has('nvim') ? nvim_buf_get_lines(a:bufnr, 0, -1, 0) : getbufline(a:bufnr, 1, '$')
- let total = 0
- for line in lines
- let dw = max([1, strdisplaywidth(line)])
- let total += float2nr(ceil(str2float(string(dw))/a:width))
- endfor
- return total
-function! coc#float#nvim_refresh_scrollbar(winid) abort
- let id = coc#float#get_related(a:winid, 'scrollbar')
- if id && nvim_win_is_valid(id)
- call coc#float#nvim_scrollbar(a:winid)
- endif
-" Close related windows, or specific kind
-function! coc#float#close_related(winid, ...) abort
- if !coc#float#valid(a:winid)
- return
- endif
- let timer = getwinvar(a:winid, 'timer', 0)
- if timer
- call timer_stop(timer)
- endif
- let kind = get(a:, 1, '')
- let winids = getwinvar(a:winid, 'related', [])
- for id in winids
- if s:is_vim
- " vim doesn't throw
- call popup_close(id)
- elseif nvim_win_is_valid(id)
- if empty(kind) || getwinvar(id, 'kind', '') ==# kind
- noa call nvim_win_close(id, 1)
- endif
- endif
- endfor
-" Close related windows if target window is not visible.
-function! coc#float#check_related() abort
- let invalids = []
- if s:is_vim
- if !exists('*popup_list')
- return
- endif
- for id in popup_list()
- let target = getwinvar(id, 'target_winid', 0)
- if (target && !s:popup_visible(target)) || getwinvar(id, 'kind', '') == 'pum'
- call add(invalids, id)
- endif
- endfor
- else
- for i in range(1, winnr('$'))
- let target = getwinvar(i, 'target_winid', 0)
- if target && !nvim_win_is_valid(target)
- call add(invalids, win_getid(i))
- elseif getwinvar(i, 'kind', '') == 'pum'
- call add(invalids, win_getid(i))
- endif
- endfor
- endif
- for id in invalids
- call coc#float#close(id)
- endfor
-" Scroll float in any mode (neovim only)
-" Only really useful for visual mode scroll, where coc#float#scroll
-" is not yet implemented
-function! coc#float#nvim_scroll(forward, ...)
- echohl WarningMsg | echon 'coc#float#nvim_scroll is removed, use coc#float#scroll instead' | echohl None
- return ''
-" Dimension of window with lines relative to cursor
-" Width & height excludes border & padding
-function! coc#float#get_config_cursor(lines, config) abort
- let preferTop = get(a:config, 'preferTop', 0)
- let title = get(a:config, 'title', '')
- let border = get(a:config, 'border', [0, 0, 0, 0])
- if s:empty_border(border) && len(title)
- let border = [1, 1, 1, 1]
- endif
- let bh = get(border, 0, 0) + get(border, 2, 0)
- let vh = &lines - &cmdheight - 1
- if vh <= 0
- return v:null
- endif
- let maxWidth = coc#helper#min(get(a:config, 'maxWidth', &columns - 1), &columns - 1)
- if maxWidth < 3
- return v:null
- endif
- let maxHeight = coc#helper#min(get(a:config, 'maxHeight', vh), vh)
- let ch = 0
- let width = coc#helper#min(40, strdisplaywidth(title)) + 3
- for line in a:lines
- let dw = max([1, strdisplaywidth(line)])
- let width = max([width, dw + 2])
- let ch += float2nr(ceil(str2float(string(dw))/(maxWidth - 2)))
- endfor
- let width = coc#helper#min(maxWidth, width)
- let [lineIdx, colIdx] = coc#util#cursor_pos()
- " How much we should move left
- let offsetX = coc#helper#min(get(a:config, 'offsetX', 0), colIdx)
- let showTop = 0
- let hb = vh - lineIdx -1
- if lineIdx > bh + 2 && (preferTop || (lineIdx > hb && hb < ch + bh))
- let showTop = 1
- endif
- let height = coc#helper#min(maxHeight, ch + bh, showTop ? lineIdx - 1 : hb)
- if height <= bh
- return v:null
- endif
- let col = - max([offsetX, colIdx - (&columns - 1 - width)])
- let row = showTop ? - height + bh : 1
- return {
- \ 'row': row,
- \ 'col': col,
- \ 'width': width - 2,
- \ 'height': height - bh
- \ }
-function! coc#float#create_pum_float(winid, bufnr, lines, config) abort
- if !pumvisible() || !s:float_supported
- return v:null
- endif
- let pumbounding = a:config['pumbounding']
- let pw = pumbounding['width'] + get(pumbounding, 'scrollbar', 0)
- let rp = &columns - pumbounding['col'] - pw
- let showRight = pumbounding['col'] > rp ? 0 : 1
- let maxWidth = showRight ? coc#helper#min(rp - 1, a:config['maxWidth']) : coc#helper#min(pumbounding['col'] - 1, a:config['maxWidth'])
- let maxHeight = &lines - pumbounding['row'] - &cmdheight - 1
- if maxWidth <= 2 || maxHeight < 1
- return v:null
- endif
- let ch = 0
- let width = 0
- for line in a:lines
- let dw = max([1, strdisplaywidth(line)])
- let width = max([width, dw + 2])
- let ch += float2nr(ceil(str2float(string(dw))/(maxWidth - 2)))
- endfor
- let width = float2nr(coc#helper#min(maxWidth, width))
- let height = float2nr(coc#helper#min(maxHeight, ch))
- let lines = map(a:lines, {_, s -> s =~# '^—' ? repeat('—', width - 2 + (s:is_vim && ch > height ? -1 : 0)) : s})
- let opts = {
- \ 'lines': lines,
- \ 'relative': 'editor',
- \ 'col': showRight ? pumbounding['col'] + pw : pumbounding['col'] - width - 1,
- \ 'row': pumbounding['row'],
- \ 'height': height,
- \ 'width': width - 2 + (s:is_vim && ch > height ? -1 : 0),
- \ }
- call coc#float#close_auto_hide_wins(a:winid)
- let res = coc#float#create_float_win(a:winid, a:bufnr, opts)
- if empty(res)
- return v:null
- endif
- call coc#highlight#add_highlights(res[0], a:config['codes'], a:config['highlights'])
- call setwinvar(res[0], 'kind', 'pum')
- redraw
- if has('nvim')
- call coc#float#nvim_scrollbar(res[0])
- endif
- return res
-function! s:empty_border(border) abort
- if empty(a:border)
- return 1
- endif
- if a:border[0] == 0 && a:border[1] == 0 && a:border[2] == 0 && a:border[3] == 0
- return 1
- endif
- return 0
-" Show float window/popup for user confirm.
-function! coc#float#prompt_confirm(title, cb) abort
- if s:is_vim && exists('*popup_dialog')
- try
- call popup_dialog(a:title. ' (y/n)?', {
- \ 'highlight': 'Normal',
- \ 'filter': 'popup_filter_yesno',
- \ 'callback': {id, res -> a:cb(v:null, res)},
- \ 'borderchars': s:borderchars,
- \ 'borderhighlight': ['MoreMsg']
- \ })
- catch /.*/
- call a:cb(v:exception)
- endtry
- return
- endif
- if has('nvim-0.4.0')
- let text = ' '. a:title . ' (y/n)? '
- let maxWidth = coc#helper#min(78, &columns - 2)
- let width = coc#helper#min(maxWidth, strdisplaywidth(text))
- let maxHeight = &lines - &cmdheight - 1
- let height = coc#helper#min(maxHeight, float2nr(ceil(str2float(string(strdisplaywidth(text)))/width)))
- call coc#float#close_auto_hide_wins()
- let arr = coc#float#create_float_win(0, s:prompt_win_bufnr, {
- \ 'col': &columns/2 - width/2 - 1,
- \ 'row': maxHeight/2 - height/2 - 1,
- \ 'width': width,
- \ 'height': height,
- \ 'border': [1,1,1,1],
- \ 'focusable': v:false,
- \ 'relative': 'editor',
- \ 'highlight': 'Normal',
- \ 'borderhighlight': ['MoreMsg'],
- \ 'style': 'minimal',
- \ 'lines': [text],
- \ })
- if empty(arr)
- call a:cb('Window create failed!')
- return
- endif
- let winid = arr[0]
- let s:prompt_win_bufnr = arr[1]
- let res = 0
- redraw
- " same result as vim
- while 1
- let key = nr2char(getchar())
- if key == "\"
- let res = -1
- break
- elseif key == "\" || key == 'n' || key == 'N'
- let res = 0
- break
- elseif key == 'y' || key == 'Y'
- let res = 1
- break
- endif
- endw
- call coc#float#close(winid)
- call a:cb(v:null, res)
- " use relative editor since neovim doesn't support center position
- elseif exists('*confirm')
- let choice = confirm(a:title, "&Yes\n&No")
- call a:cb(v:null, choice == 1)
- else
- echohl MoreMsg
- echom a:title.' (y/n)'
- echohl None
- let confirm = nr2char(getchar())
- redraw!
- if !(confirm ==? "y" || confirm ==? "\r")
- echohl Moremsg | echo 'Cancelled.' | echohl None
- return 0
- call a:cb(v:null, 0)
- end
- call a:cb(v:null, 1)
- endif
-" Create buttons popup on vim
-function! coc#float#vim_buttons(winid, config) abort
- if !has('patch-8.2.0750')
- return
- endif
- let related = getwinvar(a:winid, 'related', [])
- let winid = coc#float#get_related(a:winid, 'buttons')
- let btns = get(a:config, 'buttons', [])
- if empty(btns)
- if winid
- call s:close_win(winid)
- " fix padding
- let opts = popup_getoptions(a:winid)
- let padding = get(opts, 'padding', v:null)
- if !empty(padding)
- let padding[2] = padding[2] - 2
- endif
- call popup_setoptions(a:winid, {'padding': padding})
- endif
- return
- endif
- let border = get(a:config, 'border', v:null)
- if !winid
- " adjusting popup padding
- let opts = popup_getoptions(a:winid)
- let padding = get(opts, 'padding', v:null)
- if type(padding) == 7
- let padding = [0, 0, 2, 0]
- elseif len(padding) == 0
- let padding = [1, 1, 3, 1]
- else
- let padding[2] = padding[2] + 2
- endif
- call popup_setoptions(a:winid, {'padding': padding})
- endif
- let borderhighlight = get(get(a:config, 'borderhighlight', []), 0, '')
- let pos = popup_getpos(a:winid)
- let bw = empty(border) ? 0 : get(border, 1, 0) + get(border, 3, 0)
- let borderbottom = empty(border) ? 0 : get(border, 2, 0)
- let borderleft = empty(border) ? 0 : get(border, 3, 0)
- let width = pos['width'] - bw + get(pos, 'scrollbar', 0)
- let bufnr = s:create_btns_buffer(winid ? winbufnr(winid): 0,width, btns, borderbottom)
- let height = 2 + (borderbottom ? 1 : 0)
- let keys = s:gen_filter_keys(getbufline(bufnr, 2)[0])
- let options = {
- \ 'filter': {id, key -> coc#float#vim_filter(id, key, keys[1])},
- \ 'highlight': get(opts, 'highlight', 'CocFloating')
- \ }
- let config = {
- \ 'line': pos['line'] + pos['height'] - height,
- \ 'col': pos['col'] + borderleft,
- \ 'minwidth': width,
- \ 'minheight': height,
- \ 'maxwidth': width,
- \ 'maxheight': height,
- \ }
- if winid != 0
- call popup_move(winid, config)
- call popup_setoptions(winid, options)
- call win_execute(winid, 'call clearmatches()')
- else
- let options = extend({
- \ 'filtermode': 'nvi',
- \ 'padding': [0, 0, 0, 0],
- \ 'fixed': 1,
- \ 'zindex': 99,
- \ }, options)
- call extend(options, config)
- let winid = popup_create(bufnr, options)
- endif
- if winid != 0
- if !empty(borderhighlight)
- call coc#highlight#add_highlight(bufnr, -1, borderhighlight, 0, 0, -1)
- call coc#highlight#add_highlight(bufnr, -1, borderhighlight, 2, 0, -1)
- call win_execute(winid, 'call matchadd("'.borderhighlight.'", "'.s:borderchars[1].'")')
- endif
- call setwinvar(winid, 'kind', 'buttons')
- call setwinvar(winid, 'target_winid', a:winid)
- call add(related, winid)
- call setwinvar(a:winid, 'related', related)
- call matchaddpos('MoreMsg', map(keys[0], "[2,v:val]"), 99, -1, {'window': winid})
- endif
-function! coc#float#nvim_float_click() abort
- let kind = getwinvar(win_getid(), 'kind', '')
- if kind == 'buttons'
- if line('.') != 2
- return
- endif
- let vw = strdisplaywidth(strpart(getline('.'), 0, col('.') - 1))
- let vcols = getbufvar(bufnr('%'), 'vcols', [])
- if index(vcols, vw) >= 0
- return
- endif
- let idx = 0
- if !empty(vcols)
- let filtered = filter(vcols, 'v:val < vw')
- let idx = idx + len(filtered)
- endif
- let winid = win_getid()
- let target = getwinvar(winid, 'target_winid', 0)
- if target
- call coc#rpc#notify('FloatBtnClick', [winbufnr(target), idx])
- call coc#float#close(target)
- endif
- elseif kind == 'close'
- let target = getwinvar(win_getid(), 'target_winid', 0)
- call coc#float#close(target)
- endif
-" Add mapping if necessary
-function! coc#float#nvim_win_enter(winid) abort
- let kind = getwinvar(a:winid, 'kind', '')
- if kind == 'buttons' || kind == 'close'
- if empty(maparg('', 'n'))
- nnoremap :call coc#float#nvim_float_click()
- endif
- endif
-function! coc#float#vim_filter(winid, key, keys) abort
- let key = tolower(a:key)
- let idx = index(a:keys, key)
- let target = getwinvar(a:winid, 'target_winid', 0)
- if target && idx >= 0
- call coc#rpc#notify('FloatBtnClick', [winbufnr(target), idx])
- call coc#float#close(target)
- return 1
- endif
- return 0
-" Create dialog at center
-function! coc#float#create_dialog(lines, config) abort
- " dialog always have borders
- let title = get(a:config, 'title', '')
- let buttons = get(a:config, 'buttons', [])
- let highlight = get(a:config, 'highlight', 'CocFloating')
- let borderhighlight = get(a:config, 'borderhighlight', [highlight])
- let maxheight = coc#helper#min(get(a:config, 'maxHeight', 78), &lines - &cmdheight - 6)
- let maxwidth = coc#helper#min(get(a:config, 'maxWidth', 78), &columns - 2)
- let close = get(a:config, 'close', 1)
- let minwidth = s:min_btns_width(buttons)
- if maxheight <= 0 || maxwidth <= 0 || minwidth > maxwidth
- throw 'Not enough spaces for dialog'
- endif
- let ch = 0
- let width = coc#helper#min(strdisplaywidth(title) + 1, maxwidth)
- for line in a:lines
- let dw = max([1, strdisplaywidth(line)])
- if dw < maxwidth && dw > width
- let width = dw
- elseif dw > maxwidth
- let width = maxwidth
- endif
- let ch += float2nr(ceil(str2float(string(dw))/maxwidth))
- endfor
- let width = max([minwidth, width])
- let height = coc#helper#min(ch ,maxheight)
- let opts = {
- \ 'relative': 'editor',
- \ 'col': &columns/2 - (width + 2)/2,
- \ 'row': &lines/2 - (height + 4)/2,
- \ 'width': width,
- \ 'height': height,
- \ 'border': [1,1,1,1],
- \ 'title': title,
- \ 'close': close,
- \ 'highlight': highlight,
- \ 'buttons': buttons,
- \ 'borderhighlight': borderhighlight,
- \ }
- if get(a:config, 'cursorline', 0)
- let opts['cursorline'] = 1
- endif
- let bufnr = coc#float#create_buf(0, a:lines)
- call coc#float#close_auto_hide_wins()
- let res = coc#float#create_float_win(0, bufnr, opts)
- if empty(res)
- return
- endif
- if has('nvim')
- if get(a:config, 'cursorline', 0)
- execute 'sign place 6 line=1 name=CocCurrentLine buffer='.bufnr
- endif
- redraw
- call coc#float#nvim_scrollbar(res[0])
- endif
- return res
-function! coc#float#get_related(winid, kind) abort
- for winid in getwinvar(a:winid, 'related', [])
- if getwinvar(winid, 'kind', '') ==# a:kind
- return winid
- endif
- endfor
- return 0
-" Create temporarily buffer with optional lines and &bufhidden
-function! coc#float#create_buf(bufnr, ...) abort
- if a:bufnr > 0 && bufloaded(a:bufnr)
- let bufnr = a:bufnr
- else
- if s:is_vim
- noa let bufnr = bufadd('')
- noa call bufload(bufnr)
- call setbufvar(bufnr, '&buflisted', 0)
- else
- noa let bufnr = nvim_create_buf(v:false, v:true)
- endif
- let bufhidden = get(a:, 2, 'wipe')
- call setbufvar(bufnr, '&buftype', 'nofile')
- call setbufvar(bufnr, '&bufhidden', bufhidden)
- call setbufvar(bufnr, '&swapfile', 0)
- call setbufvar(bufnr, '&undolevels', -1)
- " neovim's bug
- call setbufvar(bufnr, '&modifiable', 1)
- endif
- let lines = get(a:, 1, v:null)
- if type(lines) != 7
- if has('nvim')
- call nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, v:false, lines)
- else
- call deletebufline(bufnr, 1, '$')
- call setbufline(bufnr, 1, lines)
- endif
- endif
- return bufnr
-function! coc#float#create_menu(lines, config) abort
- let highlight = get(a:config, 'highlight', 'CocFloating')
- let borderhighlight = get(a:config, 'borderhighlight', [highlight])
- let opts = {
- \ 'lines': a:lines,
- \ 'highlight': highlight,
- \ 'title': get(a:config, 'title', ''),
- \ 'borderhighlight': borderhighlight,
- \ 'maxWidth': get(a:config, 'maxWidth', 80),
- \ 'maxHeight': get(a:config, 'maxHeight', 80),
- \ 'border': [1, 1, 1, 1],
- \ 'relative': 'cursor',
- \ }
- if s:is_vim
- let opts['cursorline'] = 1
- endif
- let dimension = coc#float#get_config_cursor(a:lines, opts)
- call extend(opts, dimension)
- call coc#float#close_auto_hide_wins()
- let res = coc#float#create_float_win(0, s:prompt_win_bufnr, opts)
- if empty(res)
- return
- endif
- let s:prompt_win_bufnr = res[1]
- redraw
- if has('nvim')
- call coc#float#nvim_scrollbar(res[0])
- execute 'sign unplace 6 buffer='.s:prompt_win_bufnr
- execute 'sign place 6 line=1 name=CocCurrentLine buffer='.s:prompt_win_bufnr
- endif
- return res
-" Notification always have border
-" config including:
-" - title: optional title.
-" - close: default to 1
-" - borderhighlight: highlight group string
-" - timeout: timeout in miniseconds
-" - buttons: array of button text for create buttons at bottom.
-" - top: default to 1
-" - right: default to 1
-" - maxHeight: default to 10
-" - maxWidth: default to 60
-" - highlight: highlight of window, default to 'CocFloating'
-function! coc#float#create_notification(lines, config) abort
- let close = get(a:config, 'close', 1)
- let timeout = get(a:config, 'timeout', 0)
- let borderhighlight = get(a:config, 'borderhighlight', 'CocFloating')
- let highlight = get(a:config, 'highlight', 'CocFloating')
- let title = get(a:config, 'title', '')
- let top = get(a:config, 'top', 1)
- let right = get(a:config, 'right', 1)
- let buttons = get(a:config, 'buttons', [])
- let maxHeight = get(a:config, 'maxHeight', 10)
- let maxWidth = min([&columns - right - 10, get(a:config, 'maxWidth', 60)])
- let progress = get(a:config, 'progress', 0)
- let minWidth = get(a:config, 'minWidth', 1)
- let minWidth = max([minWidth, s:min_btns_width(buttons)])
- if &columns < right + 10 || minWidth > maxWidth
- throw 'no enough spaces for notification'
- endif
- let width = min([maxWidth, max(map(a:lines + [title + ' '], "strdisplaywidth(v:val)"))])
- let width = max([minWidth, width])
- let height = 0
- for line in a:lines
- let w = max([1, strdisplaywidth(line)])
- let height += float2nr(ceil(str2float(string(w))/width))
- endfor
- let height = min([maxHeight, height, &lines - &cmdheight - 1])
- let col = &columns - right - width - 2
- let opts = {
- \ 'row': top,
- \ 'col': col,
- \ 'lines': a:lines,
- \ 'relative': 'editor',
- \ 'width': width,
- \ 'height': height,
- \ 'highlight': highlight,
- \ 'borderhighlight': [borderhighlight],
- \ 'border': [1, 1, 1, 1],
- \ 'title': title,
- \ 'close': close,
- \ 'buttons': buttons,
- \ }
- call coc#float#reflow(top + height + 2 + (empty(buttons) ? 0 : 2))
- let res = coc#float#create_float_win(0, 0, opts)
- if empty(res)
- return
- endif
- let [winid, bufnr] = res
- call setwinvar(winid, 'kind', 'notification')
- redraw
- if has('nvim')
- call coc#float#nvim_scrollbar(winid)
- endif
- if timeout
- call timer_start(timeout, { -> coc#float#close(winid)})
- endif
- if progress
- let start = reltime()
- let timer = timer_start(16, { -> s:update_progress(bufnr, width, reltimefloat(reltime(start)))}, {
- \ 'repeat': -1
- \ })
- call setwinvar(winid, 'timer', timer)
- endif
- return res
-" adjust position for notification windows
-function! coc#float#reflow(top) abort
- let winids = coc#float#get_float_win_list()
- let optlist = []
- for winid in winids
- if getwinvar(winid, 'kind', '') !=# 'notification'
- continue
- endif
- call add(optlist, s:get_win_opts(winid))
- endfor
- call sort(optlist, {a, b -> a['row'] - b['row']})
- "echo optlist
- let top = a:top
- for opts in optlist
- if opts['row'] <= top
- let changed = top + 1 - opts['row']
- let opts['row'] = top + 1
- call s:adjust_win_row(opts['winid'], changed)
- endif
- " adjust top
- let top = opts['row'] + opts['height']
- endfor
-" float/popup relative to current cursor position
-function! coc#float#cursor_relative(winid) abort
- if !coc#float#valid(a:winid)
- return v:null
- endif
- let winid = win_getid()
- if winid == a:winid
- return v:null
- endif
- let [cursorLine, cursorCol] = coc#util#cursor_pos()
- if has('nvim')
- let [row, col] = nvim_win_get_position(a:winid)
- return {'row' : row - cursorLine, 'col' : col - cursorCol}
- endif
- let pos = popup_getpos(a:winid)
- return {'row' : pos['line'] - cursorLine - 1, 'col' : pos['col'] - cursorCol - 1}
-" move winid include relative windows.
-function! s:adjust_win_row(winid, changed) abort
- let ids = getwinvar(a:winid, 'related', [])
- if s:is_vim
- let pos = popup_getpos(a:winid)
- if pos['line'] - 1 + a:changed + pos['height'] > &lines - &cmdheight
- call coc#float#close(a:winid)
- return
- endif
- call popup_move(a:winid, {
- \ 'line': pos['line'] + a:changed
- \ })
- for winid in ids
- let winpos = popup_getpos(winid)
- call popup_move(winid, {
- \ 'line': winpos['line'] + a:changed
- \ })
- endfor
- else
- let ids = [a:winid] + ids
- " close it if it's fully shown
- let borderwin = coc#float#get_related(a:winid, 'border')
- let winid = borderwin == 0 ? a:winid : borderwin
- let height = nvim_win_get_height(winid)
- let pos = nvim_win_get_position(winid)
- if pos[0] + a:changed + height > &lines - &cmdheight
- call coc#float#close(a:winid)
- return
- endif
- for winid in ids
- let [row, col] = nvim_win_get_position(winid)
- call nvim_win_set_config(winid, {
- \ 'relative': 'editor',
- \ 'row': row + a:changed,
- \ 'col': col,
- \ })
- endfor
- endif
-" winid, width, height, row, col (0 based).
-" works on vim & neovim, check relative window
-function! s:get_win_opts(winid) abort
- if s:is_vim
- let pos = popup_getpos(a:winid)
- return {
- \ 'winid': a:winid,
- \ 'row': pos['line'] - 1,
- \ 'col': pos['col'] - 1,
- \ 'width': pos['width'],
- \ 'height': pos['height'],
- \ }
- else
- let borderwin = coc#float#get_related(a:winid, 'border')
- let winid = borderwin == 0 ? a:winid : borderwin
- let [row, col] = nvim_win_get_position(winid)
- return {
- \ 'winid': a:winid,
- \ 'row': row,
- \ 'col': col,
- \ 'width': nvim_win_get_width(winid),
- \ 'height': nvim_win_get_height(winid)
- \ }
- endif
-function! s:create_btns_buffer(bufnr, width, buttons, borderbottom) abort
- let n = len(a:buttons)
- let spaces = a:width - n + 1
- let tw = 0
- for txt in a:buttons
- let tw += strdisplaywidth(txt)
- endfor
- if spaces < tw
- throw 'window is too small for buttons.'
- endif
- let ds = (spaces - tw)/n
- let dl = ds/2
- let dr = ds%2 == 0 ? ds/2 : ds/2 + 1
- let btnline = ''
- let idxes = []
- for idx in range(0, n - 1)
- let txt = toupper(a:buttons[idx][0]).a:buttons[idx][1:]
- let btnline .= repeat(' ', dl).txt.repeat(' ', dr)
- if idx != n - 1
- call add(idxes, strdisplaywidth(btnline))
- let btnline .= s:borderchars[1]
- endif
- endfor
- let lines = [repeat(s:borderchars[0], a:width), btnline]
- if a:borderbottom
- call add(lines, repeat(s:borderchars[0], a:width))
- endif
- for idx in idxes
- let lines[0] = strcharpart(lines[0], 0, idx).s:borderjoinchars[0].strcharpart(lines[0], idx + 1)
- if a:borderbottom
- let lines[2] = strcharpart(lines[0], 0, idx).s:borderjoinchars[2].strcharpart(lines[0], idx + 1)
- endif
- endfor
- let bufnr = coc#float#create_buf(a:bufnr, lines)
- call setbufvar(bufnr, 'vcols', idxes)
- return bufnr
-function! s:gen_filter_keys(line) abort
- let cols = []
- let used = []
- let next = 1
- for idx in range(0, strchars(a:line) - 1)
- let ch = strcharpart(a:line, idx, 1)
- let nr = char2nr(ch)
- if next
- if (nr >= 65 && nr <= 90) || (nr >= 97 && nr <= 122)
- let lc = tolower(ch)
- if index(used, lc) < 0 && empty(maparg(lc, 'n'))
- let col = len(strcharpart(a:line, 0, idx)) + 1
- call add(used, lc)
- call add(cols, col)
- let next = 0
- endif
- endif
- else
- if ch == s:borderchars[1]
- let next = 1
- endif
- endif
- endfor
- return [cols, used]
-function! s:close_win(winid) abort
- if a:winid == 0
- return
- endif
- " vim not throw for none exists winid
- if s:is_vim
- call popup_close(a:winid)
- else
- if nvim_win_is_valid(a:winid)
- call nvim_win_close(a:winid, 1)
- endif
- endif
-function! s:nvim_create_keymap(winid) abort
- if a:winid == 0
- return
- endif
- let curr = win_getid()
- " nvim should support win_execute so we don't break visual mode.
- let m = mode()
- if m == 'n' || m == 'i' || m == 'ic'
- noa call win_gotoid(a:winid)
- nnoremap :call coc#float#nvim_float_click()
- noa call win_gotoid(curr)
- endif
-" getwininfo is buggy on neovim, use topline, width & height should for content
-function! s:nvim_get_botline(topline, height, width, bufnr) abort
- let lines = getbufline(a:bufnr, a:topline, a:topline + a:height - 1)
- let botline = a:topline
- let count = 0
- for i in range(0, len(lines) - 1)
- let w = coc#helper#max(1, strdisplaywidth(lines[i]))
- let lh = float2nr(ceil(str2float(string(w))/a:width))
- let count = count + lh
- let botline = a:topline + i
- if count >= a:height
- break
- endif
- endfor
- return botline
-" get popup position for vim8 based on config of neovim float window
-function! s:popup_position(config) abort
- let relative = get(a:config, 'relative', 'editor')
- if relative ==# 'cursor'
- return [s:popup_cursor(a:config['row']), s:popup_cursor(a:config['col'])]
- endif
- return [a:config['row'] + 1, a:config['col'] + 1]
-function! s:add_related(winid, target) abort
- let arr = getwinvar(a:target, 'related', [])
- if index(arr, a:winid) >= 0
- return
- endif
- call add(arr, a:winid)
- call setwinvar(a:target, 'related', arr)
-function! s:popup_cursor(n) abort
- if a:n == 0
- return 'cursor'
- endif
- if a:n < 0
- return 'cursor'.a:n
- endif
- return 'cursor+'.a:n
-function! s:is_blocking() abort
- if coc#prompt#activated()
- return 1
- endif
- return 0
-" max firstline of lines, height > 0, width > 0
-function! s:max_firstline(lines, height, width) abort
- let max = len(a:lines)
- let remain = a:height
- for line in reverse(copy(a:lines))
- let w = max([1, strdisplaywidth(line)])
- let dh = float2nr(ceil(str2float(string(w))/a:width))
- if remain - dh < 0
- break
- endif
- let remain = remain - dh
- let max = max - 1
- endfor
- return min([len(a:lines), max + 1])
-" Get best lnum by topline
-function! s:get_cursorline(topline, lines, scrolloff, width, height) abort
- let lastline = len(a:lines)
- if a:topline == lastline
- return lastline
- endif
- let bottomline = a:topline
- let used = 0
- for lnum in range(a:topline, lastline)
- let w = max([1, strdisplaywidth(a:lines[lnum - 1])])
- let dh = float2nr(ceil(str2float(string(w))/a:width))
- if used + dh >= a:height || lnum == lastline
- let bottomline = lnum
- break
- endif
- let used += dh
- endfor
- let cursorline = a:topline + a:scrolloff
- if cursorline + a:scrolloff > bottomline
- " unable to satisfy scrolloff
- let cursorline = (a:topline + bottomline)/2
- endif
- return cursorline
-" Get firstline for full scroll
-function! s:get_topline(topline, lines, forward, height, width) abort
- let used = 0
- let lnums = a:forward ? range(a:topline, len(a:lines)) : reverse(range(1, a:topline))
- let topline = a:forward ? len(a:lines) : 1
- for lnum in lnums
- let w = max([1, strdisplaywidth(a:lines[lnum - 1])])
- let dh = float2nr(ceil(str2float(string(w))/a:width))
- if used + dh >= a:height
- let topline = lnum
- break
- endif
- let used += dh
- endfor
- if topline == a:topline
- if a:forward
- let topline = min([len(a:lines), topline + 1])
- else
- let topline = max([1, topline - 1])
- endif
- endif
- return topline
-" topline content_height content_width
-function! s:get_options(winid) abort
- if has('nvim')
- let width = nvim_win_get_width(a:winid)
- if getwinvar(a:winid, '&foldcolumn', 0)
- let width = width - 1
- endif
- let info = getwininfo(a:winid)[0]
- return {
- \ 'topline': info['topline'],
- \ 'height': nvim_win_get_height(a:winid),
- \ 'width': width
- \ }
- else
- let pos = popup_getpos(a:winid)
- return {
- \ 'topline': pos['firstline'],
- \ 'width': pos['core_width'],
- \ 'height': pos['core_height']
- \ }
- endif
-function! s:win_setview(winid, topline, lnum) abort
- if has('nvim')
- call coc#compat#execute(a:winid, 'call winrestview({"lnum":'.a:lnum.',"topline":'.a:topline.'})')
- call timer_start(10, { -> coc#float#nvim_refresh_scrollbar(a:winid) })
- else
- call coc#compat#execute(a:winid, 'exe '.a:lnum)
- call popup_setoptions(a:winid, {
- \ 'firstline': a:topline,
- \ })
- endif
-function! s:min_btns_width(buttons) abort
- if empty(a:buttons)
- return 0
- endif
- let minwidth = len(a:buttons)*3 - 1
- for txt in a:buttons
- let minwidth = minwidth + strdisplaywidth(txt)
- endfor
- return minwidth
-function! s:update_progress(bufnr, width, ts) abort
- let duration = 5000
- " count of blocks
- let width = float2nr((a:width + 0.0)/4)
- let percent = (float2nr(a:ts*1000)%duration + 0.0)/duration
- let line = repeat(s:progresschars[0], a:width)
- let startIdx = float2nr(round(a:width * percent))
- let endIdx = startIdx + width
- let delta = a:width - endIdx
- if delta > 0
- let line = s:str_compose(line, startIdx, repeat(s:progresschars[1], width))
- else
- let inserted = repeat(s:progresschars[1], width + delta)
- let line = s:str_compose(line, startIdx, inserted)
- let line = s:str_compose(line, 0, repeat(s:progresschars[1], - delta))
- endif
- call setbufline(a:bufnr, 1, line)
-function! s:str_compose(line, idx, text) abort
- let first = strcharpart(a:line, 0, a:idx)
- return first.a:text.strcharpart(a:line, a:idx + strwidth(a:text))
diff --git a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc/helper.vim b/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc/helper.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 08cb5ec..0000000
--- a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc/helper.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-" Helper methods for viml
-" insert inserted to line at position, use ... when result is too long
-" line should only contains character has strwidth equals 1
-function! coc#helper#str_compose(line, position, inserted) abort
- let width = strwidth(a:line)
- let text = a:inserted
- let res = a:line
- let need_truncate = a:position + strwidth(text) + 1 > width
- if need_truncate
- let remain = width - a:position - 3
- if remain < 2
- " use text for full line, use first & end of a:line, ignore position
- let res = strcharpart(a:line, 0, 1)
- let w = strwidth(res)
- for i in range(strchars(text))
- let c = strcharpart(text, i, 1)
- let a = strwidth(c)
- if w + a <= width - 1
- let w = w + a
- let res = res.c
- endif
- endfor
- let res = res.strcharpart(a:line, w)
- else
- let res = strcharpart(a:line, 0, a:position)
- let w = strwidth(res)
- for i in range(strchars(text))
- let c = strcharpart(text, i, 1)
- let a = strwidth(c)
- if w + a <= width - 3
- let w = w + a
- let res = res.c
- endif
- endfor
- let res = res.'..'
- let w = w + 2
- let res = res.strcharpart(a:line, w)
- endif
- else
- let first = strcharpart(a:line, 0, a:position)
- let res = first.text.strcharpart(a:line, a:position + strwidth(text))
- endif
- return res
-" Return new dict with keys removed
-function! coc#helper#dict_omit(dict, keys) abort
- let res = {}
- for key in keys(a:dict)
- if index(a:keys, key) == -1
- let res[key] = a:dict[key]
- endif
- endfor
- return res
-" Return new dict with keys only
-function! coc#helper#dict_pick(dict, keys) abort
- let res = {}
- for key in keys(a:dict)
- if index(a:keys, key) != -1
- let res[key] = a:dict[key]
- endif
- endfor
- return res
-" support for float values
-function! coc#helper#min(first, ...) abort
- let val = a:first
- for i in range(0, len(a:000) - 1)
- if a:000[i] < val
- let val = a:000[i]
- endif
- endfor
- return val
-" support for float values
-function! coc#helper#max(first, ...) abort
- let val = a:first
- for i in range(0, len(a:000) - 1)
- if a:000[i] > val
- let val = a:000[i]
- endif
- endfor
- return val
diff --git a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc/highlight.vim b/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc/highlight.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index e646a8d..0000000
--- a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc/highlight.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-let s:is_vim = !has('nvim')
-let s:clear_match_by_window = has('nvim-0.5.0') || has('patch-8.1.1084')
-let s:namespace_map = {}
-let s:ns_id = 1
-if has('nvim-0.5.0')
- try
- call getmatches(0)
- catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E118/
- let s:clear_match_by_window = 0
- endtry
-" highlight LSP range,
-function! coc#highlight#ranges(bufnr, key, hlGroup, ranges) abort
- let bufnr = a:bufnr == 0 ? bufnr('%') : a:bufnr
- if !bufloaded(bufnr) || !exists('*getbufline')
- return
- endif
- let srcId = s:create_namespace(a:key)
- for range in a:ranges
- let start = range['start']
- let end = range['end']
- for lnum in range(start['line'] + 1, end['line'] + 1)
- let arr = getbufline(bufnr, lnum)
- let line = empty(arr) ? '' : arr[0]
- if empty(line)
- continue
- endif
- " TODO don't know how to count UTF16 code point, should work most cases.
- let colStart = lnum == start['line'] + 1 ? strlen(strcharpart(line, 0, start['character'])) : 0
- let colEnd = lnum == end['line'] + 1 ? strlen(strcharpart(line, 0, end['character'])) : -1
- if colStart == colEnd
- continue
- endif
- call coc#highlight#add_highlight(bufnr, srcId, a:hlGroup, lnum - 1, colStart, colEnd)
- endfor
- endfor
-function! coc#highlight#add_highlight(bufnr, src_id, hl_group, line, col_start, col_end) abort
- if has('nvim')
- call nvim_buf_add_highlight(a:bufnr, a:src_id, a:hl_group, a:line, a:col_start, a:col_end)
- else
- call coc#api#call('buf_add_highlight', [a:bufnr, a:src_id, a:hl_group, a:line, a:col_start, a:col_end])
- endif
-function! coc#highlight#clear_highlight(bufnr, key, start_line, end_line) abort
- let bufnr = a:bufnr == 0 ? bufnr('%') : a:bufnr
- if !bufloaded(bufnr)
- return
- endif
- let src_id = s:create_namespace(a:key)
- if has('nvim')
- call nvim_buf_clear_namespace(a:bufnr, src_id, a:start_line, a:end_line)
- else
- call coc#api#call('buf_clear_namespace', [a:bufnr, src_id, a:start_line, a:end_line])
- endif
-" highlight buffer in winid with CodeBlock &HighlightItems
-" export interface HighlightItem {
-" lnum: number // 0 based
-" hlGroup: string
-" colStart: number // 0 based
-" colEnd: number
-" }
-" export interface CodeBlock {
-" filetype?: string
-" hlGroup?: string
-" startLine: number // 0 based
-" endLine: number
-" }
-function! coc#highlight#add_highlights(winid, codes, highlights) abort
- " clear highlights
- call coc#compat#execute(a:winid, 'syntax clear')
- let bufnr = winbufnr(a:winid)
- call coc#highlight#clear_highlight(bufnr, -1, 0, -1)
- if !empty(a:codes)
- call coc#highlight#highlight_lines(a:winid, a:codes)
- endif
- if !empty(a:highlights)
- for item in a:highlights
- call coc#highlight#add_highlight(bufnr, -1, item['hlGroup'], item['lnum'], item['colStart'], item['colEnd'])
- endfor
- endif
-" Add highlights to line groups of winid, support hlGroup and filetype
-" config should have startLine, endLine (1 based, end excluded) and filetype or hlGroup
-" endLine should > startLine and endLine is excluded
-" export interface CodeBlock {
-" filetype?: string
-" hlGroup?: string
-" startLine: number // 0 based
-" endLine: number
-" }
-function! coc#highlight#highlight_lines(winid, blocks) abort
- let currwin = win_getid()
- let switch = has('nvim') && currwin != a:winid
- if switch
- noa call nvim_set_current_win(a:winid)
- endif
- let defined = []
- let region_id = 1
- for config in a:blocks
- let start = config['startLine'] + 1
- let end = config['endLine'] == -1 ? len(getbufline(winbufnr(a:winid), 1, '$')) + 1 : config['endLine'] + 1
- let filetype = get(config, 'filetype', '')
- let hlGroup = get(config, 'hlGroup', '')
- if !empty(hlGroup)
- call s:execute(a:winid, 'syntax region '.hlGroup.' start=/\%'.start.'l/ end=/\%'.end.'l/')
- else
- let filetype = matchstr(filetype, '\v^\w+')
- if empty(filetype) || filetype == 'txt' || index(get(g:, 'coc_markdown_disabled_languages', []), filetype) != -1
- continue
- endif
- if index(defined, filetype) == -1
- call s:execute(a:winid, 'syntax include @'.toupper(filetype).' syntax/'.filetype.'.vim')
- if has('nvim')
- unlet! b:current_syntax
- elseif exists('*win_execute')
- call win_execute(a:winid, 'unlet! b:current_syntax')
- endif
- call add(defined, filetype)
- endif
- call s:execute(a:winid, 'syntax region CodeBlock'.region_id.' start=/\%'.start.'l/ end=/\%'.end.'l/ contains=@'.toupper(filetype))
- let region_id = region_id + 1
- endif
- endfor
- if switch
- noa call nvim_set_current_win(currwin)
- endif
-" Copmpose hlGroups with foreground and background colors.
-function! coc#highlight#compose_hlgroup(fgGroup, bgGroup) abort
- let hlGroup = 'Fg'.a:fgGroup.'Bg'.a:bgGroup
- if a:fgGroup == a:bgGroup
- return a:fgGroup
- endif
- if hlexists(hlGroup)
- return hlGroup
- endif
- let fg = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:fgGroup)), 'fg', 'gui')
- let bg = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:bgGroup)), 'bg', 'gui')
- if fg =~# '^#' || bg =~# '^#'
- call s:create_gui_hlgroup(hlGroup, fg, bg, '')
- else
- let fg = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:fgGroup)), 'fg', 'cterm')
- let bg = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:bgGroup)), 'bg', 'cterm')
- call s:create_cterm_hlgroup(hlGroup, fg, bg, '')
- endif
- return hlGroup
-" add matches for winid, use 0 for current window.
-function! coc#highlight#match_ranges(winid, bufnr, ranges, hlGroup, priority) abort
- let winid = a:winid == 0 ? win_getid() : a:winid
- let bufnr = a:bufnr == 0 ? winbufnr(winid) : a:bufnr
- if empty(getwininfo(winid)) || (a:bufnr != 0 && winbufnr(a:winid) != a:bufnr)
- " not valid
- return []
- endif
- if !s:clear_match_by_window
- let curr = win_getid()
- if has('nvim')
- noa call nvim_set_current_win(winid)
- else
- noa call win_gotoid(winid)
- endif
- endif
- let ids = []
- for range in a:ranges
- let list = []
- let start = range['start']
- let end = range['end']
- for lnum in range(start['line'] + 1, end['line'] + 1)
- let arr = getbufline(bufnr, lnum)
- let line = empty(arr) ? '' : arr[0]
- if empty(line)
- continue
- endif
- let colStart = lnum == start['line'] + 1 ? strlen(strcharpart(line, 0, start['character'])) + 1 : 1
- let colEnd = lnum == end['line'] + 1 ? strlen(strcharpart(line, 0, end['character'])) + 1 : strlen(line) + 1
- if colStart == colEnd
- continue
- endif
- call add(list, [lnum, colStart, colEnd - colStart])
- endfor
- if !empty(list)
- let opts = s:clear_match_by_window ? {'window': a:winid} : {}
- let id = matchaddpos(a:hlGroup, list, a:priority, -1, opts)
- call add(ids, id)
- endif
- endfor
- if !s:clear_match_by_window
- if has('nvim')
- noa call nvim_set_current_win(curr)
- else
- noa call win_gotoid(curr)
- endif
- endif
- return ids
-" Clear matches by hlGroup regexp.
-function! coc#highlight#clear_match_group(winid, match) abort
- let winid = a:winid == 0 ? win_getid() : a:winid
- if empty(getwininfo(winid))
- " not valid
- return
- endif
- if s:clear_match_by_window
- let arr = filter(getmatches(winid), 'v:val["group"] =~# "'.a:match.'"')
- for item in arr
- call matchdelete(item['id'], winid)
- endfor
- else
- let curr = win_getid()
- let switch = exists('*nvim_set_current_win') && curr != winid
- if switch
- noa call nvim_set_current_win(a:winid)
- endif
- if win_getid() == winid
- let arr = filter(getmatches(), 'v:val["group"] =~# "'.a:match.'"')
- for item in arr
- call matchdelete(item['id'])
- endfor
- endif
- if switch
- noa call nvim_set_current_win(curr)
- endif
- endif
-" Clear matches by match ids, use 0 for current win.
-function! coc#highlight#clear_matches(winid, ids)
- let winid = a:winid == 0 ? win_getid() : a:winid
- if empty(getwininfo(winid))
- " not valid
- return
- endif
- if s:clear_match_by_window
- for id in a:ids
- try
- call matchdelete(id, winid)
- catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E803/
- " ignore
- endtry
- endfor
- else
- let curr = win_getid()
- let switch = exists('*nvim_set_current_win') && curr != winid
- if switch
- noa call nvim_set_current_win(a:winid)
- endif
- if win_getid() == winid
- for id in a:ids
- try
- call matchdelete(id)
- catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E803/
- " ignore
- endtry
- endfor
- endif
- if switch
- noa call nvim_set_current_win(curr)
- endif
- endif
-" Sets the highlighting for the given group
-function! s:create_gui_hlgroup(group, fg, bg, attr)
- if a:fg != ""
- exec "silent hi " . a:group . " guifg=" . a:fg . " ctermfg=" . coc#color#rgb2term(strpart(a:fg, 1))
- endif
- if a:bg != ""
- exec "silent hi " . a:group . " guibg=" . a:bg . " ctermbg=" . coc#color#rgb2term(strpart(a:bg, 1))
- endif
- if a:attr != ""
- exec "silent hi " . a:group . " gui=" . a:attr . " cterm=" . a:attr
- endif
-function! s:create_cterm_hlgroup(group, fg, bg, attr) abort
- if a:fg != ""
- exec "silent hi " . a:group . " ctermfg=" . a:fg
- endif
- if a:bg != ""
- exec "silent hi " . a:group . " ctermbg=" . a:bg
- endif
- if a:attr != ""
- exec "silent hi " . a:group . " cterm=" . a:attr
- endif
-function! s:execute(winid, cmd) abort
- if has('nvim')
- execute 'silent! ' a:cmd
- else
- call win_execute(a:winid, a:cmd, 'silent!')
- endif
-function! s:create_namespace(key) abort
- if type(a:key) == 0
- return a:key
- endif
- if has('nvim')
- return nvim_create_namespace('coc-'.a:key)
- endif
- if !has_key(s:namespace_map, a:key)
- let s:namespace_map[a:key] = s:ns_id
- let s:ns_id = s:ns_id + 1
- endif
- return s:namespace_map[a:key]
diff --git a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc/list.vim b/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc/list.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 985c26e..0000000
--- a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc/list.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-let s:is_vim = !has('nvim')
-let s:prefix = '[List Preview]'
-" filetype detect could be slow.
-let s:filetype_map = {
- \ 'vim': 'vim',
- \ 'ts': 'typescript',
- \ 'js': 'javascript',
- \ 'html': 'html',
- \ 'css': 'css'
- \ }
-function! coc#list#getchar() abort
- return coc#prompt#getchar()
-function! coc#list#setlines(bufnr, lines, append)
- if a:append
- silent call appendbufline(a:bufnr, '$', a:lines)
- else
- if exists('*deletebufline')
- call deletebufline(a:bufnr, len(a:lines) + 1, '$')
- else
- let n = len(a:lines) + 1
- let saved_reg = @"
- silent execute n.',$d'
- let @" = saved_reg
- endif
- silent call setbufline(a:bufnr, 1, a:lines)
- endif
-function! coc#list#options(...)
- let list = ['--top', '--tab', '--normal', '--no-sort', '--input', '--strict',
- \ '--regex', '--interactive', '--number-select', '--auto-preview',
- \ '--ignore-case', '--no-quit', '--first']
- if get(g:, 'coc_enabled', 0)
- let names = coc#rpc#request('listNames', [])
- call extend(list, names)
- endif
- return join(list, "\n")
-function! coc#list#names(...) abort
- let names = coc#rpc#request('listNames', [])
- return join(names, "\n")
-function! coc#list#status(name)
- if !exists('b:list_status') | return '' | endif
- return get(b:list_status, a:name, '')
-function! coc#list#create(position, height, name, numberSelect)
- if a:position ==# 'tab'
- execute 'silent tabe list:///'.a:name
- else
- execute 'silent keepalt '.(a:position ==# 'top' ? '' : 'botright').a:height.'sp list:///'.a:name
- execute 'resize '.a:height
- endif
- if a:numberSelect
- setl norelativenumber
- setl number
- else
- setl nonumber
- setl norelativenumber
- setl signcolumn=yes
- endif
- return [bufnr('%'), win_getid()]
-" close list windows
-function! coc#list#clean_up() abort
- for i in range(1, winnr('$'))
- let bufname = bufname(winbufnr(i))
- if bufname =~# 'list://'
- execute i.'close!'
- endif
- endfor
-function! coc#list#setup(source)
- let b:list_status = {}
- setl buftype=nofile nobuflisted nofen nowrap
- setl norelativenumber bufhidden=wipe cursorline winfixheight
- setl tabstop=1 nolist nocursorcolumn undolevels=-1
- setl signcolumn=auto
- if has('nvim-0.5.0') || has('patch-8.1.0864')
- setl scrolloff=0
- endif
- if exists('&cursorlineopt')
- setl cursorlineopt=both
- endif
- setl filetype=list
- syntax case ignore
- let source = a:source[8:]
- let name = toupper(source[0]).source[1:]
- execute 'syntax match Coc'.name.'Line /\v^.*$/'
- nnoremap c
-" Check if previewwindow exists on current tab.
-function! coc#list#has_preview()
- for i in range(1, winnr('$'))
- let preview = getwinvar(i, 'previewwindow', getwinvar(i, '&previewwindow', 0))
- if preview
- return i
- endif
- endfor
- return 0
-" Get previewwindow from tabnr, use 0 for current tab
-function! coc#list#get_preview(...) abort
- let tabnr = get(a:, 1, 0) == 0 ? tabpagenr() : a:1
- let info = gettabinfo(tabnr)
- if !empty(info)
- for win in info[0]['windows']
- if getwinvar(win, 'previewwindow', 0)
- return win
- endif
- endfor
- endif
- return -1
-function! coc#list#scroll_preview(dir) abort
- let winnr = coc#list#has_preview()
- if !winnr
- return
- endif
- let winid = win_getid(winnr)
- if exists('*win_execute')
- call win_execute(winid, "normal! ".(a:dir ==# 'up' ? "\" : "\"))
- else
- let id = win_getid()
- noa call win_gotoid(winid)
- execute "normal! ".(a:dir ==# 'up' ? "\" : "\")
- noa call win_gotoid(id)
- endif
-function! coc#list#restore(winid, height)
- if has('nvim')
- if nvim_win_is_valid(a:winid)
- call nvim_win_set_height(a:winid, a:height)
- endif
- else
- if exists('win_execute')
- call win_execute(a:winid, 'noa resize '.a:height, 'silent!')
- redraw
- endif
- endif
-function! coc#list#set_height(height) abort
- if winnr('$') == 1| return | endif
- execute 'resize '.a:height
-function! coc#list#hide(original, height, winid) abort
- let arr = win_id2tabwin(a:winid)
- " close preview window
- if !empty(arr) && arr[0] != 0
- silent! pclose!
- let previewwin = coc#list#get_preview(arr[0])
- call s:close_win(previewwin)
- endif
- if !empty(getwininfo(a:original))
- call win_gotoid(a:original)
- endif
- if a:winid
- call s:close_win(a:winid)
- endif
- if !empty(a:height) && win_getid() == a:original
- if exists('*nvim_win_set_height')
- call nvim_win_set_height(a:original, a:height)
- elseif win_getid() == a:original
- execute 'resize '.a:height
- endif
- endif
-function! s:close_win(winid) abort
- if empty(a:winid) || a:winid == -1 || empty(getwininfo(a:winid))
- return
- endif
- if s:is_vim
- if exists('*win_execute')
- noa call win_execute(a:winid, 'close!', 'silent!')
- else
- if win_getid() == a:winid
- noa silent! close!
- else
- let winid = win_getid()
- let res = win_gotoid(winid)
- if res
- noa silent! close!
- noa wincmd p
- endif
- endif
- endif
- else
- if nvim_win_is_valid(a:winid)
- silent! noa call nvim_win_close(a:winid, 1)
- endif
- endif
-" Improve preview performance by reused window & buffer.
-" lines - list of lines
-" config.position - could be 'below' 'top' 'tab'.
-" config.winid - id of original window.
-" config.name - (optional )name of preview buffer.
-" config.splitRight - (optional) split to right when 1.
-" config.lnum - (optional) current line number
-" config.filetype - (optional) filetype of lines.
-" config.hlGroup - (optional) highlight group.
-" config.maxHeight - (optional) max height of window, valid for 'below' & 'top' position.
-function! coc#list#preview(lines, config) abort
- if s:is_vim && !exists('*win_execute')
- throw 'win_execute function required for preview, please upgrade your vim.'
- return
- endif
- let name = fnamemodify(get(a:config, 'name', ''), ':.')
- let lines = a:lines
- if empty(lines)
- if get(a:config, 'scheme', 'file') != 'file'
- let bufnr = s:load_buffer(name)
- if bufnr != 0
- let lines = getbufline(bufnr, 1, '$')
- else
- let lines = ['']
- endif
- else
- " Show empty lines so not close window.
- let lines = ['']
- endif
- endif
- let winid = coc#list#get_preview(0)
- let bufnr = winid == -1 ? 0 : winbufnr(winid)
- " Try reuse buffer & window
- let bufnr = coc#float#create_buf(bufnr, lines)
- if bufnr == 0
- return
- endif
- call setbufvar(bufnr, '&synmaxcol', 500)
- let filetype = get(a:config, 'filetype', '')
- let extname = matchstr(name, '\.\zs[^.]\+$')
- if empty(filetype) && !empty(extname)
- let filetype = get(s:filetype_map, extname, '')
- endif
- let range = get(a:config, 'range', v:null)
- let hlGroup = get(a:config, 'hlGroup', 'Search')
- let lnum = get(a:config, 'lnum', 1)
- let position = get(a:config, 'position', 'below')
- let original = get(a:config, 'winid', -1)
- if winid == -1
- let change = position != 'tab' && get(a:config, 'splitRight', 0)
- let curr = win_getid()
- if change
- if original && win_id2win(original)
- noa call win_gotoid(original)
- else
- noa wincmd t
- endif
- execute 'noa belowright vert sb '.bufnr
- let winid = win_getid()
- elseif position == 'tab' || get(a:config, 'splitRight', 0)
- execute 'noa belowright vert sb '.bufnr
- let winid = win_getid()
- else
- let mod = position == 'top' ? 'below' : 'above'
- let height = s:get_height(lines, a:config)
- execute 'noa '.mod.' sb +resize\ '.height.' '.bufnr
- let winid = win_getid()
- endif
- noa call winrestview({"lnum": lnum ,"topline":max([1, lnum - 3])})
- call setwinvar(winid, '&signcolumn', 'no')
- call setwinvar(winid, '&number', 1)
- call setwinvar(winid, '&cursorline', 0)
- call setwinvar(winid, '&relativenumber', 0)
- call setwinvar(winid, 'previewwindow', 1)
- noa call win_gotoid(curr)
- else
- let height = s:get_height(lines, a:config)
- if height > 0
- if s:is_vim
- let curr = win_getid()
- noa call win_gotoid(winid)
- execute 'silent! noa resize '.height
- noa call win_gotoid(curr)
- else
- call nvim_win_set_height(winid, height)
- endif
- endif
- call coc#compat#execute(winid, ['syntax clear', 'noa call winrestview({"lnum":'.lnum.',"topline":'.max([1, lnum - 3]).'})'])
- endif
- if s:prefix.' '.name != bufname(bufnr)
- if s:is_vim
- call win_execute(winid, 'noa file '.fnameescape(s:prefix.' '.name), 'silent!')
- else
- silent! noa call nvim_buf_set_name(bufnr, s:prefix.' '.name)
- endif
- endif
- " highlights
- if !empty(filetype)
- let start = max([0, lnum - 300])
- let end = min([len(lines), lnum + 300])
- call coc#highlight#highlight_lines(winid, [{'filetype': filetype, 'startLine': start, 'endLine': end}])
- call coc#compat#execute(winid, 'syn sync fromstart')
- else
- call coc#compat#execute(winid, 'filetype detect')
- let ft = getbufvar(bufnr, '&filetype', '')
- if !empty(extname) && !empty(ft)
- let s:filetype_map[extname] = ft
- endif
- endif
- call sign_unplace('coc', {'buffer': bufnr})
- call coc#compat#execute(winid, 'call clearmatches()')
- if !empty(range)
- call sign_place(1, 'coc', 'CocCurrentLine', bufnr, {'lnum': lnum})
- call coc#highlight#match_ranges(winid, bufnr, [range], hlGroup, 10)
- endif
- redraw
-function! s:get_height(lines, config) abort
- if get(a:config, 'splitRight', 0) || get(a:config, 'position', 'below') == 'tab'
- return 0
- endif
- let height = min([get(a:config, 'maxHeight', 10), len(a:lines), &lines - &cmdheight - 2])
- return height
-function! s:load_buffer(name) abort
- if exists('*bufadd') && exists('*bufload')
- let bufnr = bufadd(a:name)
- call bufload(bufnr)
- return bufnr
- endif
- return 0
diff --git a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc/prompt.vim b/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc/prompt.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 48a315b..0000000
--- a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim-release/autoload/coc/prompt.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-let s:is_vim = !has('nvim')
-let s:activated = 0
-let s:session_names = []
-let s:saved_ve = &t_ve
-let s:saved_cursor = &guicursor
-let s:gui = has('gui_running') || has('nvim')
-let s:char_map = {
- \ "\": '',
- \ "\": '',
- \ "\": '',
- \ "\": '',
- \ "\": '',
- \ "\": '',
- \ "\": '',
- \ "\": '',
- \ "\": '',
- \ "\": '',
- \ "\": '',
- \ "\": '',
- \ "\":'' ,
- \ "\":'' ,
- \ "\":'' ,
- \ "\": '',
- \ "\