- Update: Quality of certificates' PDF files improved
- Update: A clear all filter button on the course filter page added
- Update: Monetization activation issue while deactivating WooCommerce plugin
- Fix: Course lesson and assignment auto-draft issue in course builder
- Fix: PDF certificate not downloading on Firefox web browser
- Fix: Wrong course eligibility status on Paid Membership Pro plugin activation
- Fix: Conjunction sign "&" not working issue in the assignments description section
- Fix: Courses in draft status showing issue while showing category lists from the archives
- Fix: CSS issue while selecting quiz time limit.
- New: More options to control button colors in login, registration, and enrolment
- Update: Enhanced security features in gradebook and other necessary places. Thanks Wordfence!
- Update: Translation support for several of static strings added
- Fix: Fatal error on course archive and shortcode page for misconfigured monetization settings
- Fix: Auto-save email notification issue on frontend course builder
- Fix: Lesson preview access issue for admin
- New: Added translation support on email notification templates.
- Update: Q&A timestamp is now aligned with WordPress timezone settings.
- Update: Student notification emails now utilise the BCC field for better privacy.
- Fix: Instructor profile is now responsive on all devices.
- Fix: Backslashes issue in quiz module.
- New: Introducing customizable shortcode to showcase your instructors in a list
- New: Upload a cover photo for the public profile of a user
- New: Public Profile is getting a brand new design
- Update: Withdrawal and Phone number fields now accept numbers only.
- Update: {site_url} and {site_name} attributes added to all Tutor Email addon emails.
- Update: Added certificate view page, template override option.
- Fix: Add to Cart option still showed after adding the product in the Course Details Page
- Fix: Showed wrong information for multiple pages for the Students list in the Dashboard →Report →Courses →Course Details section.
- Fix: Student's name didn't show up when downloading the certificate as a PDF.
- Fix: Grammatical corrections in the enrolment section of the course page.
- Fix: The course was displaying free even when it was part of a membership package.
- Fix: Course dependent on Paid Membership plugin got canceled after a user enrolled in it.
- Fix: Backslashes issue in quiz question answer title multiple type question answer titles
- Fix: Conflict issue with BuddyPress, BuddyBoss that showed 404 page
- New: 4 new email notifications for withdrawal requests.
- New: 3 new email notifications for content drip published lessons, quizzes and assignments.
- New: 3 new email notification for instructor registration management system.
- New: Filter hook to modify sub nav menu of settings page in frontend dashboard.
- New: Assignment evaluation status column in the frontend dashboard.
- New: You can now enable or disable specific course filter options.
- Update: Show 'Continue Course' instead of 'Add to Cart' (if already purchased) on the course archive page
- Update: Added 'course_filter' and 'column_per_row' attributes in 'tutor_course' shortcode
- Update: Withdrawal page design improvement
- Fix: Course URL not showing after course completion in BuddyPress post.
- Fix: Compatibility issue with Divi Builder.
- Update: Added option to turn on course archive filters
- New: Course filter option in Course Archive page
- New: Public Course/Private course option
- New: Now student will get email notification after his enrollment
- Update: Hide Become Instructor button if someone’s already applied
- Update: Enable/disable Video source and choose default video source option
- Update: Email Notification after instructor sign-up (Now admin will receive mail notification)
- Update: Assignment page with new deadline notice, expired message and more.
- Update: Instructor Request page with new prompts
- Fix: Quiz submission email recipients
- Fix: Enrolment email notification issue
- Fix: Assignment submission email recipients
- Fix: Canceling order does not update the student count on instructor dashboard
- Fix: Fatal Error in the Sales tab of Reports Addon
- Fix: RTL layout issue in Add-on list
- Fix: Color settings
- Fix: Minor text issues
- New: Zoom Integration
- New: Google Classroom Integration
- New: 3rd Party Google reCaptcha plugin support
- Fix: Compatibility issue with WCFM
- Fix: Quiz attempt review issue
- Fix: Course duplication issue
- Fix: Assignment search issue
- New: Set commission per instructor
- New: Instructor signature on the certificate
- New: Duplicate any course from the Tutor LMS course list
- New: Settings to disable certificate in a single course
- New: Settings to disable Q&A on a specific course
- New: Force download for course attachment
- New: Compatibility with the GeneratePress theme
- Fix: Review issue for answers regarding Open Ended/Essay questions
- Fix: Wrong percentage was showing on quiz results
- Fix: Course got published automatically
- Fix: Deprecated unparenthesized method
- New: 13 new email notification
- New: Added 6 new action hooks
do_action('tutor_after_student_signup', $user_id);
do_action('tutor_enrollment/after/cancel', $enrol_id);
do_action('tutor_enrollment/after/delete', $enrol_id);
do_action('tutor_enrollment/after/complete', $enrol_id);
do_action('tutor_announcements/after/save', $announcement_id);
do_action('tutor_quiz/attempt/submitted/feedback', $attempt_id);
- New: Added helper method
to get enrollment details by enrolid - New: Added helper method
to get array list of enrolled user emails - Update: User can disable Tutor LMS native login system
- Update: ImageMagick dependency removed from certificate generator
- Update: Option added to control course content access for instructors and administrators
- Update: Topic Summary toggle option added in course page
- Fix: Certificate Unicode fonts issue
- Fix: Certificate image generation issues
- Fix: Issue with deleting reviews from Reports addon
- Fix: Lesson page access issue for administrator
- Fix: CSS issue in back-end course builder
- Fix: SQL syntax error on course page
- Fix: WooCommerce enrollment issue
- Update: Admins/instructors can view their course content from the front-end
- Update: Add dynamic template support for Course Prerequisites
- Update: Add action hook "tutor_after_review_update" in Ajax class
- Fix: Enrollment issue while updating EDD payment status
- Fix: Enrollment issue in WooCommerce manual order
- Fix: Certificates translation issue
- Fix: Login redirect issue
- New: Student/instructor profile completion
- Update: Delete all related course data when permanently deleting a course
- Update: Course status Publish to Published in instructor's my course panel
- Update: Server-side validation in the Q&A tab
- Update: WordPress date format support in certificates
- Update: Improved Dashboard sidebar menu
- Fix: Quiz restart issue after completion when Quiz Auto Start is enabled
- Fix: Maximum Students limit wasn’t working for manual enrollment
- Fix: Quick edit vanishes course metadata (Intro video, Benefits, Requirements, Targeted Audience, Materials Included)
- Fix: Incorrect quiz result issue for randomized multiple choice question answers
- Fix: Tutor Instructor user role update issue
- Fix: Unanswered question count issue
- New: Sales & Students report for the Report Add-on(Pro)
- Update: New student column in quiz attempt on frontend dashboard
- Remove: 'Mr.' text removed from the content of all email notifications
- Fix: Quiz retry and reveal mode error for certain types of quizzes
- Fix: Resource issue from the course page
- Fix: Logo image size issue for frontend course builder
- Fix: Couldn't stop loading certain tutor CSS/JS
- Fix: Blank attachment & prerequisites while updating course using quick edit
- Fix: EDD purchase history in frontend dashboard
- Fix: Quiz import file size limit increased
- Fix: CSV quiz import issue for Windows OS
- New: Quiz Feedback system
- New: Now instructor can manage Q&A from the frontend dashboard
- Update: Quiz attempt and my quiz attempt icon
- Update: Quiz attempt re-designed
- Remove: Unnecessary css file from certificate addon
- Fix: {enroll_time} parameter issue in Q&A email notification template
- Fix: Special Character & Content issue in Q&A email notification template
- Fix: Maximum Number of students for Course Enrolment
- New: Now students can answer Q&A from the frontend
- New: Set answer word limit for Open-Ended and Essay type questions
- New: Replace the login error message for an incorrect password with your own custom message
- Fix: Randomize feature not working for answering options
- Fix: Close login popup without show any error message.
- Fix: Password/username validation messages and UX
- Fix: Social share content issue.
- Fix: Course duration and video playback time validation.
- Added: Display Name preference on the certificate, added settings to Dashboard > Settings > Profile
- Added: Custom HTML support for quiz question description
- Added: Quiz status pending if contains open ended and short questions.
- Fixed: Tutor LMS > Enrollments is showing same date for all items
- Fixed: Does not show 11th course on Dashboard
- Fixed: Check file extension while uploading the video
- FIxed: Wrong link in withdraw preference in dashboard
- FIxed: What Will I Learn section is hidden for enrolled students
- Fixed: Missing translations in dashboard
- Update: Course status 'Publish' to 'Published' in dashboard
- Added: Course Completion Process. Flexible and Strict mode. in strict mode, students have to complete all lessons and pass all quizzes in order to complete any course.
- Added: Quiz question validation, all type of quiz are now under validation except quiz ordering type
- Added: hook,
- Added: utils method,
; - Added utils method,
course_enrol_status_change($enrol_id = false, $new_status = '')
; - Improved: curriculum content add button group design, now it's link style button.
- Improved: course completion progress bar, is now counting quiz attempts and assignment. It will show 100% progress when you done all lessons, quiz, and assignments.
- Fixed: Tutor is sending the Course Enrollment email to the instructor without completing the payment
- Fixed: quiz question description div print even if the description is not exist
- New: Quiz Export/Import add-on (Pro)
- Added: Method
- Added: Function
- Added: Action hook
do_action('tutor_new_instructor_after', $user_id);
at register instructor and apply as an instructor - Added: action hook
do_action(“tutor_course_builder_before_quiz_btn_action”, $quiz_id);
- Improved: Certificate generator PDF compatibility with PHP 7.3
- Removed: Options from the _tutorobject JavaScript Variable
- Fixed: Email notification showing raw variable {instructor_username}
- Fixed: Paid Membership Pro expiration issue
- Fixed: ability to empty and deleting empty additional meta fields from the post_meta.
- Fixed: Earning option enable if the marketplace was selected during the setup wizard
- Fixed: Dashboard > Earning > Statements link fixed from Earning page
- Fixed: Course author flag, the flag will be only author name besides.
- Fixed: Instructor search options
- Fixed: Capability to add more than 10 Instructors
- Fixed: Fill the gap quiz option is not accepting capital letters
- Fixed: Perfect report showing from starting day to ending day, scenario: Last Month, This Month, Last Week, This Week, Date Range.
- Fixed: Allow Publishing Course option is not working in Gutenberg editor backend
- Fixed: Quiz image matching question image covering the matching words issue
- Fixed: Withdrawal timezone issue
- Fixed: One instructor can view others withdrawal amount
- Fixed: (Oxygen Builder Integration) Student getting Instructor dashboard
- Fixed: few spelling issue
- Updated: Wishlist will now show Tutor LMS popup login form to non-logged users
- Update: No more course price in a single course if the course already enrolled.
- Fix: Set value 0 to show default value in option panel
- Fix: Auto-assign Admin while approving pending course at Gutenberg editor
- Fix: Admin added as an instructor by default in courses
- Fix: Disable review option working properly, disabled course review form
- Fix: Quiz Attempts end time
- Fix: Quiz Attempts answers order
- Fix: Wrong calculation when enabled fees deduction before instructor and admin share divide.
- Deprecated: tutor_archive_course_add_to_cart() from v.1.5.8
- Removed: "tutor_archive_course_add_to_cart()" from the "plugins/tutor/templates/archive-course.php". Please update if you had overridden this file to your theme.
- New: Setup Wizard for faster and smoother launch
- New: get_tutor_all_withdrawal_methods() function to get all available withdrawal methods
- Update: Optimized database query on get_course_first_lesson() on Utils
- Update: Show/hide withdrawal requests and Instructors menu from Tutor Admin Menu based on enable/disable course marketplace
- Fix: Timezone issue at quiz start and the remaining time
- Fix: Few text domains added for translation support
- Fix: Continue to Lesson button issue when 100% of the course is complete
- New: Feature image support for lessons
- Fix: Courses per page issue on course archives in Divi Builder
- Fix: Search issue on custom course archive pages
- Fix: Redirect to next lesson issue after completing lessons (headers sent)
- New: Custom links now supported in Dashboard menu
- New: Dashboard headers added in shortcode/oxygen dashboard template
- Update: All purchase history items now sorted by descending order
- Fix: Create new account translate issue. templates/global/login.php line number 79
- Fix: Dashboard page load and logout issue by Shortcode
- Fix: Guest add to cart issue on course archive page for both WooCommerce and EDD
- Fix: Course Settings single tab toggle click hide issue fix
- Fix: Active links with page in the dashboard for shortcode/oxygen
- Fix: E-Mail to Students on Quiz Completed is now working (Pro)
- Fix: An infinite loop in frontend course builder for SEO related plugin activation:
line number53
- Fix: Maintenance mode override for wp-login.php page
- Improvement: Frontend dashboard performance
- Added: Go auto next after finish lesson (When no video)
- Added: Nonce field at add instructor form to determine that request comes from the dedicated page.
- Updated: Instructor approved/blocked by ajax request in post method with the nonce check (Security Update)
- Tutor LMS plugin is now running under 'plugins_loaded' hook (Architectural update)
- Added: hide frontend admin bar based on the option check
- Updated: Preview lesson got the full view with unenrolled behavior (Pro)
- FIxed docs links in edit quiz modal in the quiz builder
- Fixed: reviews database query reviews now query with or without user ID
- Fixed: wishlist query, added where post type = courses and post_status = publish
- Fixed: ask the question from assignments and quiz page.
- Fixed: permission issue for auto-installation tutor plugin
- Fixed an update during lesson content from modal
- Certificate verification public URL (Pro)
- Added: filter
apply_filters('tutor_courses_base_slug', $course_post_type)
- Added: fitler
apply_filters('tutor_lesson_base_slug', $lesson_post_type)
- Fixed: lesson editor content post issue, some content sometime not saved before.
- Fixed: file system issue after update option hook, while create maintance mode file.
- Added: BuddyPress Integration (TutorLMS Pro)
- Added: Go next lesson after ending video lesson
- Added: Hide course-product from shop page.
- Added: action hook
do_action('tutor_quiz/start/before', $quiz_id, $user_id);
- Added: action hook
do_action('tutor_quiz/start/after', $quiz_id, $user_id, $attempt_id);
- Added: filter
apply_filters('is_completed_course', $is_completed, $course_id, $user_id)
- Added: Restrict Content Pro Integration (TutorLMS Pro)
- Added: Course Details Page elements enable / disable
- Added: action hook
do_action( "tutor_save_course_after", $post_ID, $post);
- Added: action hook
do_action('tutor/course/started', $course_id);
- Added: action hook
do_action('tutor/lesson/created', $lesson_id);
- Fixed: implode parameter in utils
- Added: Next Previous Lesson|quiz|assignments
- Added: User Profile Update From Backend and Frontend Dashboard is now synced, no matters it's from media or browser file input.
- Added: Quiz description implementation
- Added:
to get quiz description within Standard Loop
- Added: Maintenance Mode
- Added: Frontend course edit link from Course Edit Page Admin bar LINK
- Fixed: bug during add topic in course builder
- Fixed: certificate download fatal error related microtime() in tutor-pro version
- Added: Disable Course Review option
- Updated: removed media uploader on dashboard profile photo upload added native file upload system.
- Updated: Time GMT from WordPress settings
- Fixed: course start and continue to lesson order fixed
- Fixed: quiz question sortable sorting item
- Improved: quiz draggable answer drop accessibility
- Fixed: prevented fatal error in single quiz question with no option and trying to finish quiz.
- Added: Reset Password, Tutor LMS native login system
- Added: re-generate tutor pages, create new page if any issue on those page.
- Added: Added quiz attempt view by student (TutorLMS Pro)
- Added: function
to generate tutor action field within form - Added: Instructor can delete submitted assignment.
- Added:
Redirect to back or a specific URL and terminate the script. - Added:
tutor_get_template_html( $template_name, $variables = array() );
function, it will return view as HTML code, usefull for E-Mail - Added: Frontend Course Builder Page Logo Upload Option, Settings > General > Tutor LMS Pro Settings
- Updated: Options is now expandable, pass additional options params to filter
- Updated: User Login controlling by Tutor
- Updated: media upload field improved with media delete option
- Deleted: Quiz Deprecated code.
- Fixed: Touch supports for quiz Sortable / draggable items
- Fixed: Quiz matching question type repeated issue
- Fixed: Admin gets automatically added when review course
- Fixed: Instructor total course does not update after deleting a course
- Fixed: Updated time to tutor_time() to get WordPress UTC time
- Added: Greadbook Addons in the Tutor LMS Pro version
- Added: action hook after quiz attempt end,
do_action('tutor_quiz/attempt_ended', $attempt);
,do_action('tutor_quiz/attempt_analysing/before', $attempt);
- Added: Assignment submmiting / submitted flag to lesson sidebar in lesson single page
- Added: Template support from Tutor Pro
- Added: action hook after addon enable disable, do_action('tutor_addon_before_enable_disable'); do_action('tutor_addon_before_enable', $addonFieldName); do_action('tutor_addon_after_enable', $addonFieldName); do_action('tutor_addon_before_disable', $addonFieldName); do_action('tutor_addon_after_disable', $addonFieldName); do_action('tutor_addon_after_enable_disable');
- Updated: Tutor Settings page URL is now updating when change settings page
- Fixed: Rating placing issue, sometime it missed rating value, but it will never hapen again.
- Fixed:
toggle during lesson single sidebar show hide - Updated: Addon icons
- Added: utils method
get_course_settings($course_id = 0, $key = null, $default = false)
- Added:
get_tutor_course_settings($course_id = 0, $key = null, $default = false);
- Added: Content Drip Addon (Pro)
- Added: Course settings with developer support
- Added: tutor_alert() function to print various type of alert, warning, success, danger
- Added: Page builder support on the lesson.
- Added: Enrollments list on in admin area, admin can now cancel, approve enrolment or delete. (Pro)
- Added: Manually enrollment student to a course (Pro)
- Added: students quiz attempts on the frontend
- Added: Sticky lesson sidebar on the spotlight mode
- Added: Course permalink on the dashboard Most Popular Courses
- Added: Quiz Questions Order settings, Student answer to quiz questions as per order. 4 types of order, (random, sorting, asc, desc)
- Added: Redirect to the current course page after register.
- Added: Review update from dashboard > review > Given
- Added: Received reviews on all courses in dashboard
- Added: Assignment submission validation for the answer.
- Added: Quiz question options validation and correct answer validation
- Fixed: save and continue to click on question edit modal, open question lists immediately under a quiz.
- Fixed: text formatting issue in the quiz, some of the single or double quote comes with a slash. used
- Fixed: some default value issue on the quiz.
- Fixed: quiz page spotlight mode.
- Fixed: Multiples text translation issues
- Fixed: Chart-js Initiate in the pro version
- Fixed: Report Datepicker css/js in the frontend dashboard
- Fixed: Rating delete issues, it was actually report.js loading issues
- Fixed: Multiple E-Mail template loading issue
- Updated: Turned off reload the page while tutor settings save.
- Fixed: Resetting Paid Membership Pro plugins settings when saving tutor settings.
- Fixed: quiz question issue when no settings saved.
- Fixed: Complete lesson button responsive issue
- Fixed:
function, it's now checking template from child-theme also, if template not found in the child theme, then it will look from the parent theme. - Fixed: Show/Hide browse Q&A based on settings.
- Fixed: create_certificate under init hook from Tutor Certificate Addon (Pro)
- Added: WooCommerce Subscriptions Addon in the pro version
- Added action hook
do_action('tutor_is_enrolled_before', $course_id, $user_id);
and filter hookapply_filters('tutor_is_enrolled', $getEnrolledInfo, $course_id, $user_id);
- Added: user social links ability from frontend dashboard
- Fixed: Quiz attempt allowed 0 issue has been fixed. Strictly checking if it's zero, then it will be no limit
- Fixed: Tutor LMS Pro addon loading issue on the windows machine
- Fixed: query public profile user by user_nicename instead of user_login
- Fixed: touch event on click Lessn and Q&A navigation in mobile
- Updated: student public profile design updated
- Added: Centralized course monetization partner system, it's moved to under monetization tab in the settings. A centralized system to select course selling platform
- Added: Tutor Assignments on the free versions add-on lists to notify users
- Added: a function
get_tutor_option($key = null, $default = false)
to get tutor option, an alies oftutils()->get_option($key, $default);
- Added: a function
update_tutor_option($key = null, $value = false)
to update tutor option, an alies oftutils()->update_option($key, $value);
- Added: Paid Membership Pro for subscription plan (Pro)
- Fixed: WC Notice print when adding to cart course
- Fixed: Single course template loading issue
- Added: Direct publish course from frontend course builder if the current user is an administrator
- Added: a helper method to get course type
- Added: course type (free or paid) to the course editor from
- Added: Filter to change template path apply_filters('tutor_get_template_path', $template_location, $template)
- Updated:
is now checking if there is any course type. if it free, then it will return false under 'is_course_paid' filter - Fixed: add to wishlists, it didn't work on multiple courses wishlists
- Fixed: duplicate entry for the topic in the course builder
- Added: Frontend Drag and Drop Course Builder with quiz builder and assignment creation options
- Added: Lifetime deal license checking and validation to get regular update and pro features in the pro version.
- Added: add new instructor action hook and filter hook,
,do_action('tutor_add_new_instructor_after', $user_id);
,apply_filters('add_new_instructor_data', $userdata)
- Added: Dashboard subpage and dashboard menu item load permission basis
- Added: Topic toggle in lesson single page and information about toggle icon added
- Added: Course content is now linkable on the enrolled course page
- Added: Filter
apply_filters('get_tutor_load_template_variables', $variables);
function Added: action hookdo_action('tutor_load_template_before', $template, $variables);
,do_action('tutor_load_template_before_after', $template, $variables);
function - Added: create and attached product with course while creating a course from frontend
- Added: Full-Screen Mode, students now can learn the lesson in full-screen mode without any inturruption.
- Added: Enable disable settings for YouTube and Vimeo Video default player
- Added: a new helper functions called
, it's alies oftutor_utils()
- Fixed: complete lesson button from mobile view.
- Updated: Tutor frontend dashboard menu title now could be string or array with the
key in thearray()
, show_ui key will be true or false to show it in the menu item visible or not. - Fixed: Total Enrolled count in course details page
- Fixed: Course content looping count, lesson exact count by course content in the lesson.
- Fixed: some addon loading issue, tutor pro classes autoloading issue"
- Fixed: Delete video meta when select none from the video source in the course and lesson option.
- Added: Tutor Assignment Addon in the pro version
- Added: Upgrade to pro text in plugin action links if Tutor Pro LMS does not exist or not installed
- Added: tutor_assignments course post type
- Added:
course content filter - Rename: categories to course categories
- Updated: some template hook modified
- Fixed: tutor pro function checking
- Fixed:
in Assets class frontend frontend_scripts method conflict issue with divi builder
- Added: centralized tutor version upgrading system by a dedicated class called
- Added: add to cart guest mode in WooCommerce integration based on Tutor LMS > settings > woocommerce
- Added: Gutenberg support on course edit page based on settings
- Added: Automatic free plugin install from pro when the pro version is activated but the free plugin does not exist (pro)
- Added: nice notice bar for install or activate free version from pro (pro)
- Added: Pro text in the tutor LMS dashboard menu when Tutor Pro plugin installed and activated
- Updated: a design for course listing, removed hover and moved it to straight course gird footer
- Fixed: a Gutenberg bug related post author on course post type, usually post_author column saved 0 if course edit with Gutenberg, we fixed this issue.
- Fixed: a template condition in the course description
- Removed: license restriction for features, it required now for auto-update (pro)
- Fixed: Response design all issue fixed
- Fixed: array count check and return issue in utils
- Fixed: a bug in dashboard/settings, withdraw menu removed from subscriber/users dashboard, and only shown in the instructor's dashboard.
- Added: status in the purchase history list
- Added: Shortcode for the coruse query, full shortcode
[tutor_course id="20,64" exclude_ids="567,332" category="18,19" order="desc" count="3"]
- Added: a simple shortcode builder to build [tutor_course] Shortcode from classic editor
- Added: Tutor course widget to display course to sidebar
- Added:
, it will be return to your regular price and sale price as object - Added: Course page edit by Pagebuilder integration which supports frontend editing
- Added:
$size = 'post-thumbnail',
Arguments at functionget_tutor_course_thumbnail()
- Fixed: Hide zero rating count in the course loop grid
- Fixed: some translation issue
- Changed: a template the_content(), reordered position in course single page
- Upgraded: course url upgrade to plural format, courses
- Added: Flash Msg ability to show flash msg in a different view or different action
- Added: Styling, change default color scheme
- Added: return at tutor_course_loop_thumbnail() based on $echo condition
- Added: Purchase history from the dashboard
- Added: Become Instructor Button on student dashboard based on settings
- Added: Enable Disable Course Market place, default Tutor LMS will be single instructor format.
- Fixed: a template div closing/return issue in dashboard > reviews menu
- Fixed: Tutor course content export-import in WordPress way
- Fixed: Some responsive issue in course details and lesson page
- Reduced: Instructor and Student Registration form field. removed phone number and profile bio filed from the registration page.
- Moved: tutor icon CSS file from tutor-front.css file to individually
- Added: Reset Password from Tutor dashboard
- Added: Course Category Image
- Added: my course delete / trash from the dashboard
- Added: profile photo upload from dashboard profile edit page
- Added: Profile Edit from settings page
- Fixed: a default value issue in option checkbox
- Fixed: a permission issue for administrator while attempt to edit other authors course
- Fixed: course post type in rewrite URL, if it changes via the filter
- Removed: Gutenburg Addon for tutor dashboard as it's not necessary, now dashboard comes with settings > selected dashboard page.
- Renamed: Gutenberg blocks label
- Added: Instructor role to the administrator during plugin activation
- Fixed: Course Permission options settings, it was shown always log-in page
- Fixed: Enable students to show reviews wrote on their profile from settings
- Fixed: Show completed course settings
- Added: Synced role with tutor instructor role when changing it from WP User Edit page
- Added: Flatpro theme compatibility
- Fixed: Some design issue in quiz builder
- Fixed: WooCommerce price error when WC is not exists
- Removed: Edit Icon on true/false type question in the quiz builder
- Added: few action hooks at the quiz
- Added: a filter hook to support pro version more perfectly
- Added: email field type at withdrawals methods form generator
- Added: addon lists added to regular version when the pro is not exists
- Fixed: Some design issue in quiz builder
- Fixed: Paypal E-Mail field name, physical address field name at e-check method
- Added: Earning calculation, report, statements at front dashboard
- Added: multiple withdraw method with development support, withdraw confirmation, approved, reject from admin
- Added: database table ,
- Added: RTL CSS support
- Added: Footer text only on Tutor LMS pages in admin dashboard
- Added: a default parameter of $instructor_id = 0 on
- Added: second parameter
$post_status = 'publish'
,$post_status = 'any'
will be return any type of course belongs with current or given user id - Fixed: Storefront theme compatibility container width
- Fixed: Available Instructors Display on the Course edit page
- Fixed: muiltiple course order issue by WooCommerce
- Fixed: Another author post edit prevented by Tutor
- Changed: Student dashboard to Tutor Dashboard, shortcode, templates, url
- Fixed: quiz builder init sortable question types on load quiz via $.ajax();
- Added: Storefront Theme compatibility
- Fixed: Multiple Instructor, search feature working when pro is not exists
- Fixed: an issue in time update when time limit 0 in quiz attempt, it was return in front-js middle point, so rest of js not worked
- Limit: Quiz Question 5 types
- Updated: course saving message to course related words
- Fixed: is course complete check an issue if user not logged in return false
- Fixed: an issue: in WooCommerce discount coupon for course
- Fixed: Lesson slug will be updated instantly right after update lesson content and title
- Changed: Some text, spelling
- Added: WooCommerce and EDD support to sell courses
- Added: Radio input type at options panel
- Added: required indication for required fields in add new instructor page from admin panel
- Updated: Moved some option select to radio
- Updated: Attempts allowed field slider to number field
- Updated: Removed zero decimal value from the course complete progress bar
- Fixed: redirect back to the quiz after quiz attempt submit
- Fixed: No time limit quiz attempt finishing instantly, it should be no time limit
- Fixed: video poster field show hide based on video source at the course, lesson
- Added: Drop tutor LMS related database table while uninstalling
- Updated: option tab design
- Fixed: Fix a condition of adding autoload class
- Updated Rating and review, added individual 5 stars, 4 stars, 3 stars, 2 stars, 1 star rating count with the meter
- Added: Social share
- Added: course author should be the auto instructor
- Updated: Show login form in enrolment box when the user in guest mode and trying to purchase/enroll a course
- Fixed: Question and answer query for instructor which course only belongs with him.
- Fixed: rating and review placing issue, some time it was stuck
- Added: translation pot file and languages directory
- Fixed: Few known bugs
- Added: onclick topic title slide topic body in course builder
- Added: Add new instructor from instructors > add new instructor, in the dashboard
- Removed: some commented unused code
- Removed: Save and exit button in quiz builder
- Removed: some console.log() at javascript files
- Updated: course level input select to radio
- Updated: Moved question type in the top in quiz builder question
- Updated: Course builder lesson and quiz design
- Updated: Quiz attempt view for the instructor
- Updated: quiz attempts query for instructor and removed attempts which are not submitted yet.
- Fixed: Frontend Template compatible, .tutor-container class CSS
- Fixed: Perfectly topic toggle arrow down up, on click in course builder
- Fixed: some buttons hover CSS in the quiz, course builder
- Fixed: When Tutor Pro does not exist, get enroll button will be in course loop with the free price
- Fixed: Ability to check multiple answers instant right after add question in quiz question type multiple_choice
- Fixed: Image answering question type result in the quiz
- Fixed: a bug in quiz attempt review, it was multi-time decrease when mark as incorrect, not actually marked.
- Fixed: Few known bugs
- Added: button save, save and closed in quiz modal
- Added: Registering user and redirect to Dashboard URL
- Added: questions sorting in quiz builder
- Added: question specific class in quiz answer options
- Update: Quiz attempt design with questions
- Update: some text, typo
- Fixed: instructor database query in instructor lists
- Fixed: query randomized questions limit by quiz
- Fixed: Starting quiz for first time return 0, it should redirect to the quiz page
- Added a course_column in attempts table
- Showed his courses attempts on instructors panel
- Added v.1, added v.1.0.0 compatibility
- Showed full courses comment in guest/public view of single course
- Renamed tags to skills
- Fixed few bugs, improved performance
- Added Quiz, quiz builder, course builder
- Fixed huge bugs from alpha version
- Stable Release
- Alpha Release