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Quick Start

In this tutorial, we will show you how to build a graph learning model based on the low-level GL APIs and deep learning framework backend like TensorFlow. We take GCN, one of the most popular graph neural network models, as an example to show details.

In the Model Programming tutorial, we have introduced some fundamental concepts of GL, such as EgoGraph and EgoTensor. We highly recommend you to go through it before continuing.

How to build a learning based model

Generally, you need to implement the following four steps

  • Sampling: Sample sub-graphs (which is named EgoGraph) using build-in sample functions.

    We have abstracted four basic functions including sample_seed, positive_sample, negative_sample and receptive_fn. sample_seed used to generate seed Nodes or Edges(a batch of nodes or edges), and then positve_sample take them as input to generate positive sample Edges. The negative_sample function samples negative Nodes or Edges for unsupervised models. GNNs need to aggregate neighbors' information of nodes(edges) to update nodes(edges) embeddings, so we provide receptive_fn to sample neighbors. The seed Nodes/Edges and sampled neighbors are organized as EgoGraph.

  • Graph flow: Use EgoFlow to convert EgoGraph to EgoTensor according to different backends.

    GL models ard built on top of deep learning framework such as TensorFlow. So sampled EgoGraphs needs to be converted into tensor format EgoTensor. We wrapped EgoFlow for this conversion. EgoFlow also generates an iterator used for batch training and pipeline.

  • Define encoders: Use EgoGraph encoders and feature encoders to encode EgoTensor.

    After getting EgoTensor, we need to define the transformation routine from raw data to embeddings. For GNN models, this step is to aggregate neighbors and combing it with self nodes/edges.

  • Define loss function and training: Feed encoded embeddings to loss function and training.

    GL has built-in several common loss functions and optimizers, and you can also customize yours. Local and distributed training is supported as well.

We will detail these four steps and show you how to implement a GCN model.


We use the Cora dataset as an example, and we have provided a transform script to transform text files to GL specific format. After running this script, you will get five files: node_table, edge_table_with_self_loop, train_table, val_table and test_table, respectively. The first two files record the nodes and edges, and the last three files indicate nodes' roles.

The following code will load this graph into the machine memory:

g = gl.Graph()\
      .node(dataset_folder + "node_table", node_type=node_type,
                               attr_types=["float"] * (config['features_num']),
      .edge(dataset_folder + "edge_table_with_self_loop", 
            edge_type=(node_type, node_type, edge_type),
            decoder=gl.Decoder(weighted=True), directed=False)\
      .node(dataset_folder + "train_table", node_type="train",
      .node(dataset_folder + "val_table", node_type="val",
      .node(dataset_folder + "test_table", node_type="test",

Returned g is a GL Graph object.

GCN inherits from LearningBasedModel class, which encapsulates many common routines and facilitate the programming process.

import graphlearn as gl
class GCN(gl.LearningBasedModel):
  def __init__(self,
  self.graph = graph
  self.batch_size = batch_size

We need to choose seed nodes and then provide the sampler strategy to form EgoGraph for these seed nodes. All of these are member functions of LearningBaseModel classes to be overwritten.

class GCN(gl.LearningBasedModel):
  # ...
  def _sample_seed(self):
      return self.graph.V('train').batch(self.batch_size).values()

  def _positive_sample(self, t):
      return gl.Edges(t.ids, self.node_type,
                      t.ids, self.node_type,
                      self.edge_type, graph=self.graph)

  def _receptive_fn(self, nodes):
      return self.graph.V(nodes.type, feed=nodes).alias('v') \
        .outV(self.edge_type).sample().by('full').alias('v1') \
        .outV(self.edge_type).sample().by('full').alias('v2') \
        .emit(lambda x: gl.EgoGraph(x['v'], [ag.Layer(nodes=x['v1']), ag.Layer(nodes=x['v2'])]))

The first two functions are used to provide seed nodes for training. _receptive_fn is used to form EgoGraph, and its parameter nodes are a batch of seed nodes returned from _sample_seed function. outV returns seed nodes' one-hop neighbor. We can perform sampling using different sampling strategies, here we use 'full' to return all 1-hop nodes. outV is repeated again to get 2-hop neighbors of seed nodes. Lastly, seed nodes, as well as its neighbor nodes, are formed as EgoGraph.

Graph flow

The EgoGraph are returned in NumPy format. To use it in a deep learning framework backend such as TensorFlow, we provide a transformation routine to convert these data into the corresponding tensor format. We call this transformation routine EgoFlow and it is defined in the build function:

class GCN(gl.LearningBasedModel):
  def build(self):
    ego_flow = gl.EgoFlow(self._sample_seed,
    iterator = ego_flow.iterator
    pos_src_ego_tensor = ego_flow.pos_src_ego_tensor
    # ...

You can get EgoTensors from EgoFlow corresponding to the former EgoGraphs.

Define encoders.

The next step is to define the encoders of EgoTensor to encode Tensors to embeddings. Basically, there are two kinds of encoders, feature encoder is used to transform raw input features to numerical embeddings, and graph encoders is used to aggregate neighbor nodes' embeddings to seed nodes (egos). All the encoders are implemented in the member function _encoders:

class GCN(gl.LearningBasedModel):
  def _encoders(self):
    depth = self.hops_num
    feature_encoders = [gl.encoders.IdentityEncoder()] * (depth + 1)
    conv_layers = []
    for i in range(depth):
      dim = self.output_dim if i == depth - 1 else self.hidden_dim
      act = None if (i == depth - 1 and depth != 1) else tf.nn.relu
      conv_layers.append(gl.layers.GCNConv(dim, act))
    encoder = gl.encoders.SparseEgoGraphEncoder(feature_encoders,
    return {"src": encoder, "edge": None, "dst": None}

For Cora dataset, we do not need to do any transformation for raw feature data, because they are already numerical. Then we define the graph encoder by stacking convolutional layers. We predefined a lot of convolutional layers, including GCNConv, GATConv, etc.

Define loss function and training

Given defined encoders, now let's back to the build function to compute the loss.

class GCN(gl.LearningBasedModel):
  # ...
  def _supervised_loss(self, emb, label):
    return tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(emb, label))

  def build(self):
    ego_flow = gl.EgoFlow(self._sample_seed,
    iterator = ego_flow.iterator
    pos_src_ego_tensor = ego_flow.pos_src_ego_tensor
    src_emb = self.encoders['src'].encode(pos_src_ego_tensor)
    labels = pos_src_ego_tensor.src.labels
    loss = self._supervised_loss(src_emb, labels)

    return loss, iterator

The loss and iterator will be used in the following training process. We wrapped some TensorFlow loss functions and optimizers for convenience. Local and distributed training is also provided by trainers like LocalTFTrainer.

# gcn/
from gcn import GCN
def train(config, graph)
  def model_fn():
    return GCN(graph, ...)
  trainer = gl.LocalTFTrainer(model_fn, epoch=200)

def main():
  config = {...}
  g = load_graph(config)
  g.init(server_id=0, server_count=1, tracker='../../data/')
  train(config, g)

Here we have provided a general idea on how to build a GCN model from scratch. For the full code, please check the examples/GCN folder.

We also implement common model examples including GCN, GAT, GraphSage, DeepWalk, LINE, TransE, Bipartite GraphSage, sample-based GCN and GAT. The best place to start is with these examples.
