This is the API documentation for
[email protected]
, check here for the docs of version 7.x.
Looking for migration guides? See migration guide for details.
In this documentation, we are using Scrollbar
(in capitalized) to represent the constructor and scrollbar
(in lowercase) for the instance object.
- Static Methods
- Instance Properties and Methods
- scrollbar.containerEl
- scrollbar.contentEl
- scrollbar.options
- scrollbar.size
- scrollbar.offset
- scrollbar.limit
- scrollbar.scrollLeft
- scrollbar.scrollTop
- scrollbar.track
- scrollbar.getSize()
- scrollbar.update()
- scrollbar.setPosition()
- scrollbar.scrollTo()
- scrollbar.scrollIntoView()
- scrollbar.isVisible()
- scrollbar.addMomentum()
- scrollbar.setMomentum()
- scrollbar.updatePluginOptions()
- scrollbar.addListener()
- scrollbar.removeListener()
- scrollbar.destroy()
Scrollbar.init(elem, options?): Scrollbar
Param | Type | Description |
elem |
Element | The DOM element that you want to initialize scrollbar to. |
options |
object , optional |
Initial options, see Available Options for Scrollbar section above. |
Initializes a scrollbar on the given element and returns scrollbar instance:
const scrollbar = Scrollbar.init(document.body, {
damping: 0.2,
Scrollbar.init(options?): Scrollbar[]
Param | Type | Description |
options |
object , optional |
Initial options, see Available Options for Scrollbar section above. |
Automatically init scrollbar on all elements base on the selector [data-scrollbar]
, returns an array of scrollbars:
<div data-scrollbar> ... </div>
<article data-scrollbar> ... </article>
Scrollbar.initAll(); // [ SmoothScrollbar, SmoothScrollbar ]
Scrollbar.has(elem): boolean
Param | Type | Description |
elem |
HTMLElement |
The DOM element that you want to check. |
Checks if there is a scrollbar on given element:
Scrollbar.has(document.body); // true
Scrollbar.get(elem): Scrollbar
Param | Type | Description |
elem |
HTMLElement |
The DOM element that you want to check. |
Gets scrollbar on the given element. If no scrollbar instance exsits, returns undefined
const scrollbar = Scrollbar.init(document.body);
Scrollbar.get(document.body) === scrollbar; // true
Scrollbar.get(document.documentElement); // undefined
Scrollbar.getAll(): SmoothScrollbar[]
Returns an array that contains all scrollbar instances:
Scrollbar.getAll(); // [ SmoothScrollbar, SmoothScrollbar, ... ]
Scrollbar.destroy(elem): void
Param | Type | Description |
elem |
HTMLElement |
The DOM element that scrollbar is initialized to. |
Removes scrollbar on the given element:
Scrollbar.has(document.body); // true
Scrollbar.has(document.body); // false
Scrollbar.destroyAll(): void
Removes all scrollbar instances from current document.
Scrollbar.use(...Plugins: ScrollbarPluginClass[]): void
Param | Type | Description |
Plugin |
ScrollbarPluginClass |
Scrollbar plugin class. |
Attaches plugins to scrollbars. See Plugin System;
import Scrollbar, { ScrollbarPlugin } from 'smooth-scrollbar';
import OverscrollPlugin from 'smooth-scrollbar/plugin/overscroll';
class MyPlugin extends ScrollbarPlugin {
Scrollbar.use(MyPlugin, OverscrollPlugin);
Attaches default style sheets to current document. You don't need to call this method manually unless you removed the default styles via Scrollbar.detachStyle()
Removes default styles from current document. Use this method when you want to use your own css for scrollbars.
A scrollbar instance is what you get from Scrollbar.init()
const scrollbar = Scrollbar.init(elem);
- Type:
The element that you initialized scrollbar to:
const scrollbar = Scrollbar.init(elem);
console.log(scrollbar.containerEl === elem); // true
- Type:
The wrapper element that contains your contents:
const scrollbar = Scrollbar.init(elem);
console.log(scrollbar.contentEl.className); // 'scroll-content'
- Type:
Options for current scrollbar instance:
type ScrollbarOptions = {
damping: number,
thumbMinSize: number,
renderByPixels: boolean,
alwaysShowTracks: boolean,
continuousScrolling: boolean,
wheelEventTarget: EventTarget | null,
plugins: any,
- Type:
Geometry infomation for current scrollbar instance:
type ScrollbarSize = {
container: {
width: number,
height: number,
content: {
width: number,
height: number,
- Type:
{ x: number, y: number }
Current scrolling offsets:
console.log(scrollbar.offset); // { x: 123, y: 456 }
- Type:
{ x: number, y: number }
Max-allowed scrolling offsets:
console.log(scrollbar.limit); // { x: 1000, y: 1000 }
- Type:
Gets or sets scrollbar.offset.x
console.log(scrollbar.scrollLeft); // 123
console.log(scrollbar.scrollLeft === scrollbar.offset.x); // true
scrollbar.scrollLeft = 1024; // setPosition(1024, offset.y);
console.log(scrollbar.offset.x); // 1024
- Type:
Gets or sets scrollbar.offset.y
console.log(scrollbar.scrollTop); // 456
console.log(scrollbar.scrollTop === scrollbar.offset.y); // true
scrollbar.scrollTop = 2048; // setPosition(offset.x, 2048);
console.log(scrollbar.offset.y); // 2048
- Type:
interface TrackController {
readonly xAxis: ScrollbarTrack;
readonly yAxis: ScrollbarTrack;
* Updates track appearance
update(): void;
* Automatically hide tracks when scrollbar is in idle state
autoHideOnIdle(): void;
interface ScrollbarTrack {
* Track element
readonly element: HTMLElement;
readonly thumb: ScrollbarThumb;
* Show track immediately
show(): void;
* Hide track immediately
hide(): void;
interface ScrollbarThumb {
* Thumb element
readonly element: HTMLElement;
* Display size of the thumb
* will always be greater than `scrollbar.options.thumbMinSize`
displaySize: number;
* Actual size of the thumb
realSize: number;
* Thumb offset to the top
offset: number;
scrollbar.getSize(): ScrollbarSize
Returns the size of the scrollbar container element and the content wrapper element, it may be something like this:
container: {
width: 600,
height: 400
content: {
width: 1000,
height: 3000
scrollbar.update(): void
Forces scrollbar to update geometry infomation.
By default, scrollbars are automatically updated with 100ms
debounce (or MutationObserver
fires). You can call this method to force an update when you modified contents:
// append some contents to the scrollbar element...
// force an update
scrollbar.setPosition(x, y, options?): void
Param | Type | Description |
x |
number |
Scrolling offset in x-axis. |
y |
number |
Scrolling offset in y-axis. |
options | SetPositionOptions , optional |
See details below. |
type SetPositionOptions = {
* Disable callback functions temporarily.
* When set to `true`, scrolling listener will not be invoked this time
withoutCallbacks: boolean,
Likes the window.scrollTo()
method, you can use this method to set the scrollbar to the given offset without easing:
// limit = { x: 500, y: 500 }
scrollbar.setPosition(100, 100);
console.log(scrollbar.offset); // { x: 100, y: 100 }
If the offset is out of limitation, it will be clamped:
// scroll.limit = { x: 0, y: 100 }
scrollbar.setPosition(1024, 1024);
console.log(scrollbar.offset); // { x: 0, y: 100 }
scrollbar.scrollTo(x, y, duration?, options?): void
Param | Type | Description |
x |
number |
Scrolling offset in x-axis. |
y |
number |
Scrolling offset in y-axis. |
duration |
number , optional |
Easing duration, default is 0 (non-easing). |
options |
ScrollToOptions , optional |
See details below. |
type ScrollToOptions = {
* Callback function that will be invoked when easing animaiton is done
callback: (this: Scrollbar) => void,
* Custom easing function, default is `easeOutCubic`.
* You can find more easing function on <>
easing: (percent: number) => number;
Scrolls to given position with easing function:
import easing from 'easing-js';
scrollbar.scrollTo(0, 100, 600);
scrollbar.scrollTo(0, 100, 600, {
callback: () => console.log('done!'),
easing: easing.easeOutBack,
scrollbar.scrollIntoView(elem, options?): void
Param | Type | Description |
elem |
HTMLElement |
Target element. |
options |
object , optional |
See details below. |
type ScrollIntoViewOptions = {
* Whether to align to the top or the bottom edge of container.
alignToTop: boolean = true,
* Set to true to prevent scrolling when target element is visible.
onlyScrollIfNeeded: boolean = false,
* Offset to left edge of container.
offsetLeft: number = 0,
* Offset to top edge of container (used only if `alignToTop=true`)
offsetTop: number = 0,
* Offset to bottom edge of container (used only if `alignToTop=false`).
offsetBottom: number = 0,
Scrolls the target element into visible area of scrollbar, likes DOM method element.scrollIntoView()
. This method will be helpful when you want to create some anchors.
scrollbar.scrollIntoView(document.querySelector('#anchor'), {
offsetLeft: 34,
offsetBottom: 12,
alignToTop: false,
onlyScrollIfNeeded: true,
scrollbar.isVisible(elem): boolean
Param | Type | Description |
elem |
HTMLElement |
Target element. |
Checks if an element is visible in the current view area.
scrollbar.addMomentum(x, y): void
Param | Type | Description |
x |
number |
Momentum in x-axis. |
y |
number |
Momentum in y-axis. |
Increases scrollbar's momentum. This method will NOT fire plugin.trasformDelta()
scrollbar.addMomentum(100, 100);
scrollbar.setMomentum(x, y): void
Param | Type | Description |
x |
number |
Momentum in x-axis. |
y |
number |
Momentum in y-axis. |
Sets scrollbar's momentum to given value. This method will NOT fire plugin.trasformDelta()
scrollbar.setMomentum(100, 100);
This method is available since
scrollbar.updatePluginOptions(pluginName, options): void
Param | Type | Description |
pluginName |
string |
Name of the plugin. |
options |
object |
An object includes the properties that you want to update. |
Updates options for specific plugin.
scrollbar.updatePluginOptions('overscroll', {
effect: 'glow',
scrollbar.addListener(listener): void
Param | Type | Description |
listener |
ScrollListener |
Scrolling event listener, see details below. |
interface ScrollListener {
(this: Scrollbar, status: ScrollStatus): void;
type ScrollStatus = {
// equal to `scrollbar.offset`
offset: {
x: number,
y: number,
// equal to `scrollbar.limit`
limit: {
x: number,
y: number,
Since scrollbars will not fire a native scroll
event, we need to registers scrolling listeners through scrollbar.addListener()
Notice: the callback functions will be invoked in every small scrolling, so be careful not to add time-consuming listeners which will slow down scrolling.
scrollbar.addListener((status) => {
scrollbar.removeListener(listener): void
Param | Type | Description |
listener |
ScrollListener |
The registered listener function. |
Removes listener previously registered with scrollbar.addListener()
, just likes the DOM method EventTarget.removeEventListener()
function listener(status) {
// ...
scrollbar.destroy(): void
Removes this scrollbar instance and restores DOM:
<section data-scrollbar style="overflow: hidden">
<div class="scroll-content">
<div class="scrollbar-track scrollbar-track-x">
<div class="scrollbar-thumb scrollbar-thumb-x"></div>
<div class="scrollbar-track scrollbar-track-y">
<div class="scrollbar-thumb scrollbar-thumb-y"></div>
<section data-scrollbar>