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This repository was archived by the owner on Jun 21, 2023. It is now read-only.


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hamster is a blockchain-based blockchain infrastructure service. Any computing device can easily access the Hamster network.

Project Guidelines

1. Basic Introduction

1.1 Project Introduction

frontend is the web UI of hamster-shared,it is based on vue and uses Ant Design Vue UI framework, it can interact with hamster chain nodes.

1.2 Contributing Guide

Hi! Thank you for choosing Hamster.

Hamster is a blockchain that providers infrastructure service.

We are excited that you are interested in contributing to Hamster. Before submitting your contribution though, please make sure to take a moment and read through the following guidelines.

1.2.1 Issue Guidelines

  • Issues are exclusively for bug reports, feature requests and design-related topics. Other questions may be closed directly.

  • Before submitting an issue, please check if similar problems have already been issued.

1.2.2 Pull Request Guidelines

  • Fork this repository to your own account. Do not create branches here.

  • Commit info should be formatted as [File Name]: Info about commit. (e.g. Fix xxx bug)

  • If your PR fixes a bug, please provide a description about the related bug.

  • Merging a PR takes two maintainers: one approves the changes after reviewing, and then the other reviews and merges.

1.3 Version list

  • main: 1.0.0 code, for prod
  • develop: 2.0.0 dev code, for test

2. Getting started

- node version    14.16.1
- npm  version    6.14.12
- yarn version >= 1.22.10 

2.1 Project setup and startup

With yarn or npm

  • Install dependencies
yarn install
npm install
  • Compiles and hot-reloads for development
yarn serve
npm run serve  
  • Compiles and minifies for production
yarn run build
npm run build    
  • Lints and fixes files
yarn run lint
npm run lint  
  • Customize Vue configuration

See Configuration Reference.

3. Technical selection

4.Project Structure

├── babel.config.js                                            # babel-loader configuration
├── default.conf                                               # nginx configuration file
├── Dockerfile                                                 # Dockerfile configuration file
├── LICENSE                                                    # Apache License
├── package.json                                               # package.json dependencies
├── public                                                     # static resources
│   ├── favicon.ico                                      # favicon icon
│   ├── images                                           # images
│   │   ├── logo-ct-black.png                      # logo icon on black background
│   │   └── logo-ct-white.png                      # logo icon on white background
│   └── index.html                                       # html template
├── src                                                        # source code
│   ├── api                                              # all requests
│   │   ├── index.js                               # polkadot api
│   │   └── types.js                               # polkadot types
│   ├── App.vue                                          # entry page
│   ├── common                                           # Internationalized language configuration
│   ├── components                                       # global component
│   ├── layouts                                          # global layout
│   ├── main.js                                          # entry file
│   ├── plugins                                          # plugins
│   ├── router                                           # routing configuration
│   ├── scss                                             # global style
│   ├── store                                            # global vuex store
│   ├── utils                                            # global method
│   └── views                                            # all pages
└── vue.config.js                                              # vue-cli configuration


frontend mainly includes the following functions:

 - Connect polkat wallet
 - Computing resource market
    - List of resources available for purchase
    - Conditional query resource information
    - Buy resources
 - My shared resources
    - List of resources I rent
    - Conditional query my rental resource information list
    - Modify the unit price of rental resources
    - Increase rental time
    - Rent again
    - Pledge amount
    - Get back the pledge amount
    - Pledge information display
    - List of resource agreements I rent
    - Receive benefits
 - Resources I use
    - List of resources I purchased
    - Purchase Resource Renewal
    - Receive penalty amount
    - Order List
    - Cancel order

6. Knowledge base

6.1 Team blog

7. Contributors

Thank you for considering your contribution to hamster!

8. Commercial considerations

If you use this project for commercial purposes, please comply with the Apache2.0 agreement and retain the author's technical support statement.