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Setting up OpenWebRX on a Raspberry Pi 2

András Retzler edited this page Oct 17, 2015 · 36 revisions

OpenWebRX should work out-of-the-box on your RPi, if you set it up by going through this guide.

You will need a Raspberry Pi 2.

Raspberry Pi 1 won't work as its CPU just doesn't have enough processing capability to make it.

(csdr can make use of both NEON and the multiple cores on the RPi2).

Common problems on the RPi 2

Compromise between performance and the maximum number of clients

The Raspberry Pi 2 should be able to handle about 10 clients simultaneously at the sampling rate of 250 ksps.

It is quite good from an embedded ARM board like that, but your PC would do of course better than that.

I'm constantly doing optimizations to get OpenWebRX faster on the Pi (in the dev branch there are some manual assembly optimizations for NEON).

You will have to set the max_clients and the samp_rate correctly. If you allow too much clients to connect, audio will lag for all of them (will get audio underruns), as the CPU just can't make it.

The higher the sampling rate is:

  • the higher bandwidth will be seen on the waterfall diagram,
  • the higher the CPU usage gets (per client as well),
  • the less clients can connect without lags.

You should try to open many browser windows and see at how many clients will the audio start to lag.

Some general advice to increase reliability and security

Use a firewall and put sshd away from TCP port 22


Avoid possible file system corruption on power-off

If you just pull the plug from your Raspberry without properly shutting it down, it may or may not boot the next time.

1. Shutdown the RPi with halt every time

Use the proper command to halt the operating system:

sudo halt

You will see one of the LEDs blinking at a given time interval, and then both LEDs switch off.

2. Start your system in read-only mode, and switch to read-write only if required.

In my article about pi-rw you will find advice on doing that.

3. What if my file system has already corrupted?

fsck is a Linux tool meant for repairing corrupted file systems.

You can:

  • Run fsck from a laptop running Linux, having the SD card attached.
  • Run fsck from a Ubuntu Live CD.
  • Run fsck from the shell over the RPi serial port (but you will need a serial adapter).
  • Run fsck with a keyboard and HDMI screen attached.

You cannot however run fsck from ssh remotely, as the OS hasn't booted properly yet.

First take a look at which device corresponds to your SD card. You can list the block devices with lsblk:

ha7ilm@pc ~ $ lsblk
sda           8:0    0 123,4G  0 disk 
├─sda1        8:1    0 120,0G  0 part /
└─sda2        8:2    0   3,4G  0 part [SWAP]
mmcblk0     179:0    0   7,4G  0 disk 
├─mmcblk0p1 179:1    0    56M  0 part /media/ha7ilm/boot
└─mmcblk0p2 179:2    0   7,4G  0 part /media/ha7ilm/18b2d310-8421-01f9-a0e0-1001b0d00173

Over here, the corresponding device is mmcblk0p2. To run fsck on it:

fsck /dev/mmcblk0p2
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