This API uses MongoDB which is a NoSQL Database. In this section, we will discuss the collections in our votingdb and the document data within. The collections are:
The document data for this collection shall include:
- the output from the ausbills.Bill().data object
- the ID of the results document in the results collection
The document data for this collection shall include:
- Issue details; Title, question, description, answers?
- the ID of the results document in the results collection
This data is what same across both bills and issues and will form the basis for the ballotspec. The document data for this collection shall include:
- id
- short_title
- question
- description
- start_date
- chamber
- Sponsor
- ballotspec hash
The document data for this collection shall include:
- id
- vote: yes/no
- Users public key
- Time
- Constituency
The document data for this collection shall include:
- id
- Constituency
- Yes count
- No count
The document data for this collection shall include:
- Users password encrypted private key (For recovery)
- Users personal details
- AEC verification status
- AEC data: constituent etc
The document data for this collection shall include:
- Bill/Issue ID
- vote: yes/no
- Users (password encrypted) public key
- Time
- Constituent
Should we include age and sex for post analysis?