git checkout -b mybranch origin/myremotebranch
Best practice would be to name mybranch exactly the same as myremotebranch, unless there is a good reason to do otherwise.
git push -u origin mybranch
This is a preferred practice for bringing the latest changes from master instead of using merge because it leaves a cleaner history.
Be very careful about rebasing public branches. Since it gets rid of some commits, it can cause problems for other developers doing work on the branch.
# in your local branch MYBRANCH
git add STUFF
git commit -m 'NOTE'
# repeat as desired
# IN THE MEANWHILE… the remote master branch (origin/master) has had
# some changes.
# grab the latest stuff from origin/master to update your
# local master branch
git checkout master
git pull origin master
# go back to MYBRANCH and now rebase with the changes in your
# local master branch
git checkout MYBRANCH
git rebase master
# if you encounter merge conflicts… edit each affected file, then
# git add that file. Then: git rebase --continue
# commit your updated branch to origin. May require a -ff to force.
git push origin MYBRANCH
The effect of squashing is so that when the branch is merged, it's one commit rather than a series of little commits. We want to keep the commit log of master clean and readable.
git commit --squash
gives you a chance to compose a single commit message, so you'll want to think ahead about what that message should be. It should describe what changes this commit entails.
Here is a recommended series of steps to follow:
# review the last several commits on this branch
git log
# let's say you did that and you determined that you want to
# squash together the last 12 commits.
# Reset the current branch to the commit just BEFORE the last 12 (or other number):
git reset --hard HEAD~12
# Alternatively, you could have identified the commit hash of the last commit BEFORE the
# changes you want to squash. That would look like:
# git reset --hard a7b5c7302c22fb967bba50e55a5fcc7bd2d26cf0
# Next: HEAD@{1} is where the branch was just before the previous command.
# This next command sets the state of the index to be as it would just
# after a merge from that commit:
git merge --squash HEAD@{1}
# Commit those squashed changes. The commit message will be
# prepopulated with a concatenation of the commit messages of all
# the squashed commits.
# You will be placed in the editor, where you can compose one
# unified commit annotation.
# Recommend that you delete the prepopulated string of commit
# messages, and compose one clean message describing the changes
# in the branch.
git commit
# push the branch to the remote repo.
# Seems to require -ff to force it.
git push -ff origin MYBRANCH
git show HEAD^
# Commits in experiment, but not master
git log master..experiment
# Opposite
git log experiment..master
git add -i
Save the dirty state of your working directory and return to a clean state. State can be re-applied to same or a different branch.
git stash save mychanges
git checkout anotherbranch
git stash pop
Useful flags for git stash
: Don't stash staged files.-u
: Stash untracked files as well.
git clean -f -d
Useful flags for git clean
: Also clean ignored files.-i
: Interactive clean.
git grep -n somfunct
git log -Ssomefunct --oneline
git log -L