Cisco Spark integration with SigFox button
- / Sigfox button as trigger
- Cisco Spark as Space for human and data
- Local DB for historical and data post processing treatment... analytics ready :)
When the Button is pushed Cisco Spark space is created and people are added.
If escalation word is enter an escalation process is launch and additionnal member is added.
- Flask (Python)
- (can provide simulator or physical button)
- Cisco Spark (for free)
- Escalation: add new member when keyword 'escalation' or 'escalade' is enter
- Close: close spacer when keyword 'close' is enter
- Search: search in the room history the previous message and print the list with web url to click on and jump in the original space.
- Display: print welcome and tips messages (to configure in the file)
- Tips: random tips when people post new message
Configuration is provided for Apache and WSGI server. But you can also get only the python with another web server, container...
- Apache2: to provide HTTP server
- MySQL: to record locally event as connector availability...
- python (2.7): development language
- Flask
- MySQLdb
Have fun ;)