diff --git a/pySecDec/algebra.py b/pySecDec/algebra.py
index f73e4c72..a620f827 100644
--- a/pySecDec/algebra.py
+++ b/pySecDec/algebra.py
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ def derive(self, index):
         :param index:
-            The index of the paramater to derive by.
+            The index of the parameter to derive by.
         derivative = self.derivatives[index]
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ def derive(self, index):
         :param index:
-            The index of the paramater to derive by.
+            The index of the parameter to derive by.
         # derivative by ``x`` --> have ``x`` coded in ``expolist`` and can have ``x`` in coeffs
@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ def _sub_or_add(self, other, sub):
         if  type(other) is Polynomial:
-            assert self.number_of_variables == other.number_of_variables, 'Number of varibales must be equal for both polynomials in +'
+            assert self.number_of_variables == other.number_of_variables, 'Number of variables must be equal for both polynomials in +'
             sum_expolist = np.vstack([self.expolist, other.expolist])
             sum_coeffs = np.hstack([self.coeffs, -other.coeffs if sub else other.coeffs])
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ def _sub_or_add(self, other, sub):
     def __mul__(self, other):
         'multiplication operator'
         if  type(other) is Polynomial:
-            assert self.number_of_variables == other.number_of_variables, 'Number of varibales must be equal for both factors in *'
+            assert self.number_of_variables == other.number_of_variables, 'Number of variables must be equal for both factors in *'
             product_expolist = np.vstack([other.expolist + term for term in self.expolist])
             product_coeffs = np.hstack([other.coeffs * term for term in self.coeffs])
@@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ def derive(self, index):
         :param index:
-            The index of the paramater to derive by.
+            The index of the parameter to derive by.
         # derive an expression of the form "poly**exponent"
@@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@ def derive(self, index):
         :param index:
-            The index of the paramater to derive by.
+            The index of the parameter to derive by.
         # derive an expression of the form "log(poly)"
@@ -1161,7 +1161,7 @@ def derive(self, index):
         :param index:
-            The index of the paramater to derive by.
+            The index of the parameter to derive by.
         # derivative(p1 + p2 + ...) = derivative(p1) + derivative(p2) + ...
@@ -1283,7 +1283,7 @@ def derive(self, index):
         :param index:
-            The index of the paramater to derive by.
+            The index of the parameter to derive by.
         return ProductRule(*self.factors, copy=False).derive(index)
@@ -1362,7 +1362,7 @@ def __init__(self, *expressions, **kwargs):
             # The `factorlist` is a 3 dimensional array. Its first
             # index denotes the terms of the sum :math:`i`. The
             # second index denotes the factor :math:`j`. The last
-            # index denotes the varible to take the derivative with
+            # index denotes the variable to take the derivative with
             # respect to. The value of ``factorlist[i,j,k]`` denotes
             # how many derivatives :math:`n_{ijk}` are to be taken.
             # If not given, a product of the `expressions` without
@@ -1403,7 +1403,7 @@ def derive(self, index):
         :param index:
-            The index of the paramater to derive by.
+            The index of the parameter to derive by.
         # product rule: derivative(<coeff> * x**k) = <coeff> * k * x**(k-1) + derivative(<coeff>) * x**k
@@ -1431,7 +1431,7 @@ def derive(self, index):
                     lower_derivative_multiindex = tuple(lower_derivative_multiindex)
                     lower_derivative = expression[lower_derivative_multiindex]
                     expression[derivative_multiindex] = lower_derivative.derive(index).simplify() # automatically simplify cache
-                # set the coefficent to zero if the derivative is zero, so that it doesn't get outputted in str()
+                # set the coefficient to zero if the derivative is zero, so that it doesn't get outputted in str()
                 if new_coeffs[n] != 0 and isinstance(expression[derivative_multiindex], Polynomial) and not np.any(expression[derivative_multiindex].expolist):
                     if sympify_expression(expression[derivative_multiindex]).simplify() == 0:
                         new_coeffs[n] = 0
@@ -1606,7 +1606,7 @@ def derive(self, index):
         :param index:
-            The index of the paramater to derive by.
+            The index of the parameter to derive by.
         # derive an expression of the form "base**exponent"
@@ -1697,7 +1697,7 @@ def derive(self, index):
         :param index:
-            The index of the paramater to derive by.
+            The index of the parameter to derive by.
         # derivative(log(arg)) = 1/arg * derivative(arg) = arg**-1 * derivative(arg)
@@ -1765,7 +1765,7 @@ def derive(self, index):
         :param index:
-            The index of the paramater to derive by.
+            The index of the parameter to derive by.
         return Product(self, self.arg.derive(index), copy=False)
diff --git a/pySecDec/code_writer/make_package.py b/pySecDec/code_writer/make_package.py
index ed29b707..b4bd948e 100644
--- a/pySecDec/code_writer/make_package.py
+++ b/pySecDec/code_writer/make_package.py
@@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ def super_derive(self, index):
             :param index:
-                The index of the paramater to derive by.
+                The index of the parameter to derive by.
             derivative = self.derivatives[index]
@@ -1135,7 +1135,7 @@ def is_constant(poly):
     for item in after_ibp:
         subtracted.extend(  integrate_pole_part(item, *integration_variable_indices)  )
-    # intialize expansion
+    # initialize expansion
     pole_parts = [s.factors[1].simplify() for s in subtracted]
     regular_parts = [Product( *([s.factors[0]] + s.factors[2:]), copy=False ) for s in subtracted]
@@ -1348,7 +1348,7 @@ def update_derivatives(basename, derivative_tracker, full_expression, derivative
         for name in ordered_decomposed_derivative_names
-    # generate list over all occuring orders in the regulators
+    # generate list over all occurring orders in the regulators
     regulator_powers = list( rangecomb(np.zeros_like(required_orders), required_orders + highest_poles_current_sector) )
     number_of_orders = len(regulator_powers)
@@ -1456,13 +1456,13 @@ def make_package(name, integration_variables, regulators, requested_orders,
     :param name:
-        The name of the c++ namepace and the output
+        The name of the c++ namespace and the output
     :param integration_variables:
         iterable of strings or sympy symbols;
         The variables that are to be integrated. The
-        intgration region depends on the chosen
+        integration region depends on the chosen
     :param regulators:
@@ -1534,7 +1534,7 @@ def make_package(name, integration_variables, regulators, requested_orders,
     :param functions:
         iterable of strings or sympy symbols, optional;
-        Function symbols occuring in `remainder_expression`,
+        Function symbols occurring in `remainder_expression`,
         .. note::
@@ -1818,7 +1818,7 @@ def make_package(name, integration_variables, regulators, requested_orders,
     # make a copy of the `integration_variables` for later reference
     all_integration_variables = list(integration_variables)
-    # intialize the c++ declarations of the `functions`
+    # initialize the c++ declarations of the `functions`
     function_declarations = set()
     have_dummy_functions = True if functions else False
diff --git a/pySecDec/code_writer/sum_package.py b/pySecDec/code_writer/sum_package.py
index 13e4bded..210d1c67 100644
--- a/pySecDec/code_writer/sum_package.py
+++ b/pySecDec/code_writer/sum_package.py
@@ -184,14 +184,14 @@ def sum_package(name, package_generators, regulators, requested_orders,
     .. math::
         \sum_j c_{ij} \ \int f_j
-    Generate a c++ package with an optmized algorithm to
+    Generate a c++ package with an optimized algorithm to
     evaluate the integrals numerically. It writes the names
     of the integrals in the file `"integral_names.txt"`.
     For the format of the file see :class:`~pySecDec.amplitude_interface.Parser`.
     :param name:
-        The name of the c++ namepace and the output
+        The name of the c++ namespace and the output
     :param package_generators:
diff --git a/pySecDec/code_writer/templates/make_package/codegen/sector.h b/pySecDec/code_writer/templates/make_package/codegen/sector.h
index 975c18a2..c54507f7 100644
--- a/pySecDec/code_writer/templates/make_package/codegen/sector.h
+++ b/pySecDec/code_writer/templates/make_package/codegen/sector.h
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ CFunctions log, exp, SecDecInternalPow, SecDecInternalDenominator;
 AutoDeclare Symbols SecDecInternalLabel;
 * The integrand may be longer than FORM can read in one go.
-* We use python to split the the expression if neccessary.
+* We use python to split the the expression if necessary.
 * Define a procedure that defines the "integrand" expression
 #procedure defineExpansion
   Global expansion = SecDecInternalsDUMMYIntegrand;
diff --git a/pySecDec/code_writer/templates/make_package/pylink/pylink.cpp b/pySecDec/code_writer/templates/make_package/pylink/pylink.cpp
index 9501f6d3..86cc4487 100644
--- a/pySecDec/code_writer/templates/make_package/pylink/pylink.cpp
+++ b/pySecDec/code_writer/templates/make_package/pylink/pylink.cpp
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 #include <secdecutil/pylink.hpp> // The python-C binding is general and therefore contained in the util
 #include <secdecutil/pylink_integral.hpp>
-// delegate some template instatiations to separate translation units
+// delegate some template instantiations to separate translation units
         extern template class secdecutil::integrators::Qmc< \
diff --git a/pySecDec/decomposition/common.py b/pySecDec/decomposition/common.py
index 2724a1d5..74515a81 100644
--- a/pySecDec/decomposition/common.py
+++ b/pySecDec/decomposition/common.py
@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ def squash_symmetry_redundant_sectors_sort(sectors, sort_function, indices=None)
     If two sectors only differ by a permutation of the
     polysymbols (to be interpreted as integration
-    variables over some inteval), then the two sectors
+    variables over some interval), then the two sectors
     integrate to the same value. Thus we can drop one
     of them and count the other twice. The multiple
     counting of a sector is accounted for by increasing
diff --git a/pySecDec/decomposition/geometric.py b/pySecDec/decomposition/geometric.py
index 2890ff21..7ecbb5a9 100644
--- a/pySecDec/decomposition/geometric.py
+++ b/pySecDec/decomposition/geometric.py
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ def generate_fan(*polynomials):
     :param polynomials:
-        abritrarily many instances of :class:`.Polynomial` where
+        arbitrarily many instances of :class:`.Polynomial` where
         all of these have an equal number of variables;
         The polynomials to calculate the fan for.
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ def make_sector(cone_indices, cone):
     for cone_indices in incidence_lists.values():
         cone = transformation[:,cone_indices].T
-        # triangluate where neccessary
+        # triangulate where necessary
         if len(cone_indices) != dim:
             # assert len(cone) > dim # --> this check is done by `triangulate`
             triangular_cones = triangulate(cone, normaliz, workdir)
diff --git a/pySecDec/decomposition/iterative.py b/pySecDec/decomposition/iterative.py
index e43ca3f4..d6f918ee 100644
--- a/pySecDec/decomposition/iterative.py
+++ b/pySecDec/decomposition/iterative.py
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ def remap_parameters(singular_parameters, Jacobian, *polynomials):
         The Jacobian determinant is multiplied to this polynomial.
     :param polynomials:
-        abritrarily many instances of :class:`.algebra.Polynomial`
+        arbitrarily many instances of :class:`.algebra.Polynomial`
         where all of these have an equal number of variables;
         The polynomials of Feynman parameters to be remapped. These
         are typically :math:`F` and :math:`U`.
diff --git a/pySecDec/decomposition/splitting.py b/pySecDec/decomposition/splitting.py
index c6b230d5..4b53b546 100644
--- a/pySecDec/decomposition/splitting.py
+++ b/pySecDec/decomposition/splitting.py
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ def split_recursively(sector, indices, splitting_point):
             yield sector.copy()
-        # We call this function recusively and pop the first index/splitting_value in each iteration
+        # We call this function recursively and pop the first index/splitting_value in each iteration
         index = indices[0]
         remaining_indices = indices[1:]
         splitting_value = splitting_point[0]
diff --git a/pySecDec/disteval.py b/pySecDec/disteval.py
index c860858d..be688d6c 100644
--- a/pySecDec/disteval.py
+++ b/pySecDec/disteval.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
     --epsabs=X              stop if this absolute precision is reached (default: 1e-10)
     --epsrel=X              stop if this relative precision is reached (default: 1e-4)
-    --timeout=X             stop after at most this many seconds (defaul: inf)
+    --timeout=X             stop after at most this many seconds (default: inf)
     --points=X              begin integration with this lattice size (default: 1e4)
     --presamples=X          use this many points for presampling (default: 1e4)
     --shifts=X              use this many lattice shifts per integral (default: 32)
diff --git a/pySecDec/integral_interface.py b/pySecDec/integral_interface.py
index 62e0f5d6..31d8b32a 100644
--- a/pySecDec/integral_interface.py
+++ b/pySecDec/integral_interface.py
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 def _parse_series_coefficient(text):
     Parse a textual representation of a single coefficient
-    in a series. Retrun a float, a complex number, a tuple
+    in a series. Return a float, a complex number, a tuple
     consisting of the mean and the standard deviation if it
     is given, or a tuple of three elements (via _parse_series)
     if the coefficient is a nested series.
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ class MultiIntegrator(CPPIntegrator):
     .. warning::
         The `integral_library` passed to the integrators must be the
         same for all of them. Furthermore, an integrator can only be
-        used to integrate the `integral_library` it has beeen
+        used to integrate the `integral_library` it has been
         constructed with.
     .. warning::
@@ -1344,7 +1344,7 @@ def __call__(
         integration_thread.daemon = True # daemonize worker to have it killed when the main thread is killed
         while integration_thread.is_alive(): # keep joining worker until it is finished
-            integration_thread.join(5) # call `join` with `timeout` to keep the main thread interruptable
+            integration_thread.join(5) # call `join` with `timeout` to keep the main thread interruptible
         return_value = return_value_queue.get()
         if return_value != 0:
             raise RuntimeError("Integration failed, see error message above.")
@@ -1438,7 +1438,7 @@ def _call_implementation(
         if compute_integral_return_value != 0:
-        # convert c++ stings to python strings or bytes (depending on whether we use python2 or python3)
+        # convert c++ strings to python strings or bytes (depending on whether we use python2 or python3)
         str_integral_without_prefactor = self.c_lib.string2charptr(cpp_str_integral_without_prefactor)
         str_prefactor = self.c_lib.string2charptr(cpp_str_prefactor)
         str_integral_with_prefactor = self.c_lib.string2charptr(cpp_str_integral_with_prefactor)
diff --git a/pySecDec/make_package.py b/pySecDec/make_package.py
index 57b8e1d0..597380e4 100644
--- a/pySecDec/make_package.py
+++ b/pySecDec/make_package.py
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ def make_package(name, integration_variables, regulators, requested_orders,
     :param name:
-        The name of the c++ namepace and the output
+        The name of the c++ namespace and the output
     :param integration_variables:
         iterable of strings or sympy symbols;
         The variables that are to be integrated. The
-        intgration region depends on the chosen
+        integration region depends on the chosen
     :param regulators:
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ def make_package(name, integration_variables, regulators, requested_orders,
     :param functions:
         iterable of strings or sympy symbols, optional;
-        Function symbols occuring in `remainder_expression`,
+        Function symbols occurring in `remainder_expression`,
         .. note::
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ def make_package(name, integration_variables, regulators, requested_orders,
     :param form_executable:
         string or None, optional;
-        The path to the form exectuable. The argument is passed
+        The path to the form executable. The argument is passed
         to :meth:`.Coefficient.process`. If ``None``, then either
         ``$FORM``, ``$SECDEC_CONTRIB/bin/form``, or just ``form``
         is used, depending on which environment variable is set.
diff --git a/pySecDec/make_regions.py b/pySecDec/make_regions.py
index 1a04607c..82912452 100644
--- a/pySecDec/make_regions.py
+++ b/pySecDec/make_regions.py
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ def make_regions(name, integration_variables, regulators, requested_orders, smal
     :param name:
-        The name of the c++ namepace and the output
+        The name of the c++ namespace and the output
     :param integration_variables:
diff --git a/pySecDec/matrix_sort.py b/pySecDec/matrix_sort.py
index a5e4d55f..614b9598 100644
--- a/pySecDec/matrix_sort.py
+++ b/pySecDec/matrix_sort.py
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ def iterative_sort(matrix):
     # keep sorting the 2D matrix (in place) along both dimensions
     # until it no longer changes
-    # initilize sort keys such that we enter the while loop at least once
+    # initialize sort keys such that we enter the while loop at least once
     sort_key_axis_0 = None
     sort_key_axis_1 = None
diff --git a/pySecDec/misc.py b/pySecDec/misc.py
index ab0605f7..c8b4455e 100644
--- a/pySecDec/misc.py
+++ b/pySecDec/misc.py
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ def powerset(iterable, min_length=0, stride=1):
 def rangecomb(low, high):
-    Return an iterator over the occuring orders in a
+    Return an iterator over the occurring orders in a
     multivariate series expansion between `low` and
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ def sub_indices(i):
         return sub_indices
-    # resolve the first row of the matix
+    # resolve the first row of the matrix
     sub_Ms = (M[[[k] for k in range(1,D)],sub_indices(i)] for i in range(D))
     sub_dets = pool.imap(det, sub_Ms)
     result = 0
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ def sub_indices(i):
         return sub_indices
-    # resolve the first row of the matix
+    # resolve the first row of the matrix
     for i in range(D):
         sub_M = M[[[k] for k in range(1,D)],sub_indices(i)]
         term = M[0,i] * det(sub_M) # recursion
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ def argsort_2D_array(array):
     The idea is to bring identical rows together.
     .. seealso::
-        If your array is not two dimesional
+        If your array is not two dimensional
         use :func:`.argsort_ND_array`.
@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ def lowest_order(expression, variable):
         The variable in which to expand.
-    # convert to sympy if neccessary
+    # convert to sympy if necessary
     variable = sympify_symbols([variable], '`variable` must be a symbol')[0]
     if not isinstance(expression, sp.Expr):
         expression = sympify_expression(expression)
diff --git a/pySecDec/polytope.py b/pySecDec/polytope.py
index d473ea25..952fda1a 100644
--- a/pySecDec/polytope.py
+++ b/pySecDec/polytope.py
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ def convex_hull(*polynomials):
     of the product of all input polynomials.
     :param polynomials:
-        abritrarily many instances of :class:`.Polynomial` where
+        arbitrarily many instances of :class:`.Polynomial` where
         all of these have an equal number of variables;
         The polynomials to calculate the convex hull for.
@@ -346,8 +346,8 @@ def complete_representation(self, normaliz=None, workdir='normaliz_tmp', keep_wo
     def vertex_incidence_lists(self):
         Return for each vertex the list of facets it
-        lies in (as dictonary). The keys of the output
-        dictonary are the vertices while the values
+        lies in (as dictionary). The keys of the output
+        dictionary are the vertices while the values
         are the indices of the facets in ``self.facets``.
diff --git a/pySecDec/subtraction.py b/pySecDec/subtraction.py
index 25700250..8eabf3b1 100644
--- a/pySecDec/subtraction.py
+++ b/pySecDec/subtraction.py
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ def integrate_pole_part(polyprod, *indices):
         :class:`.algebra.Product` of the
         form ``<product of <monomial>**(a_j + ...)> *
         <regulator poles of cal_I> * <cal_I>``;
-        The input product as decribed above.
+        The input product as described above.
         The <product of <monomial>**(a_j + ...)> should be
         a :class:`pySecDec.algebra.Product` of
         <monomial>**(a_j + ...).
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ def integrate_by_parts(polyprod, power_goals, indices):
         :class:`.algebra.Product` of the
         form ``<product of <monomial>**(a_j + ...)> *
         <regulator poles of cal_I> * <cal_I>``;
-        The input product as decribed above.
+        The input product as described above.
         The <product of <monomial>**(a_j + ...)> should be
         a :class:`pySecDec.algebra.Product` of
         <monomial>**(a_j + ...).
diff --git a/pySecDec/test_algebra.py b/pySecDec/test_algebra.py
index b8a1df99..9be6789d 100644
--- a/pySecDec/test_algebra.py
+++ b/pySecDec/test_algebra.py
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ def test_simplify(self):
         assert polynomial.expolist.shape == (5,2)
     def test_mul(self):
-        with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match=r'Number of varibales must be equal for both factors in *'):
+        with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match=r'Number of variables must be equal for both factors in *'):
             self.p0 * Polynomial([(0,0,3)],[4])
         poly = Polynomial([(0,2),(1,0)],[1,'C'])
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ def test_mul(self):
         np.testing.assert_array_equal(sorted_prod_coeffs, sorted_target_prod_coeffs)
     def test_add(self):
-        with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match=r'Number of varibales must be equal for both polynomials in +'):
+        with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match=r'Number of variables must be equal for both polynomials in +'):
             self.p0 + Polynomial([(0,0,3)],[4])
         assert str(10 + Polynomial([(1,0)],[1])) == ' + (10) + (1)*x0'
diff --git a/pySecDec/test_misc.py b/pySecDec/test_misc.py
index e5eb7794..8f74de2f 100644
--- a/pySecDec/test_misc.py
+++ b/pySecDec/test_misc.py
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ def test_lowest_order_one_variable_constant(self):
                             / pi / 2 * (-1) * eps * 2**(-4*eps) * 4**(1+eps) * 64
         expression_lowest_eps_order = lowest_order(expression, 'eps')
-        assert expression_lowest_eps_order == 0 # no pole, expasion starts at constant order
+        assert expression_lowest_eps_order == 0 # no pole, expansion starts at constant order
     def test_lowest_order_one_variable_simple_pole(self):