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GSC questionnaire for Online Classes at Aoyama Gakuin University

The purpose of this survey is to improve our online courses. We would appreciate it if you could please tell us your opinions and thoughts concerning our online courses at this stage. This survey is open only to GSC students.

As this is an anonymous survey, your identity will not be made known. Only the collected data, without identifying individual students, may be disclosed under CC BY 4.0.

© GSC, Aoyama Gakuin Univ., CC BY 4.0, Thank you for your kind cooperation.

Survey length : About 20 minutes GSC faculty members

0. Secret password

GSC students have been provided with a secret password for this questionnaire.

1. Questions about yourself

This survey is designed to be anonymous. The collected data will be analyzed in a way that ensures no individual respondents will be identified.

1-1. Please select what year you are currently in for the 2020 academic year.

  • Freshman / First Year
  • Sophomore / Second Year
  • Junior / Third Year
  • Senior / Fourth Year
  • International Student

1-2. Sex

  • Male
  • Female
  • Non-binary
  • Prefer not to say

1-3. Type of secondary school

  • National/Public
  • Private
  • Aoyama Gakuin High School
  • School affiliated with Aoyama Gakuin
  • Other

1-4. Secondary school location

If your secondary school was abroad, please select “other” and enter the country name.

1-5. If you selected “other (abroad),” please indicate the country name. 

1-6. Location of current residence

※ If your current residence is abroad, please select “Other” and indicate the country name.

1-7. If you selected “other (abroad),” please indicate the country name.

1-8. Current living circumstances

  • Parents’(or guardian’s) residence
  • Living alone
  • Shared residence
  • Other

1-9. Type of residence

  • House
  • Apartment building
  • Shared residence
  • Other

1-10. Where in your residence do you usually participate in online lectures?

  • Living room
  • Private room
  • Common room
  • Other

1-11. Networking environment in your residence

※ Communication speed refers to speed indicated by communications carrier provider.

  • Optical Line (CATV higher than 1 Gbps)
  • Fixed broadband line other than optical line (ADSL, etc.; communication speed slower than 1 Gbps)
  • Mobile WiFi (WiMax/4G/5G, etc.)
  • Mobile phone (including Tethering)
  • Other broadband line
  • Narrowband line (ISDN, etc.; communication speed less than 128 Kbps)
  • No network
  • Not sure
  • Other

1-12. Do you have communication restrictions in the networking environment in your residence?

  • Yes, there are communication restrictions
  • No, there are no communication restrictions
  • Not sure

2. Questions about online courses

These questions pertain to your overall evaluation of the online courses started from the first term of academic year 2020.

2-1. Are you satisfied with online courses in general?

Not satisfied 1 2 3 4 5 Satisfied

2-2. Can you communicate with the instructors via diverse communication media?

Yes 1 2 3 4 5 No

2-3. Do you think that online courses are better than in-person courses?

Not better 1 2 3 4 5 Better

2-4. When do you want lecture materials to be shared with (or sent to)the members of an online course?

  • The day of the lecture
  • One day before the lecture date
  • A few days before the lecture date
  • Up to a week before the lecture date
  • All materials had better be shared at the start of the course
  • Other

3. Questions about CoursePower

CoursePower is the name of the Learning Management System (Fujitsu) used at Aoyama Gakuin University.

3-1. Have you had any “technical” problems with using CoursePower, from the beginning of online classes to the present?

Lots of problems 1 2 3 4 5 No problems at all

3-2. Please select any issue(s) that you have experienced with CoursePower from the list below. You can choose multiple issues. If you have not experienced any problems thus far, please choose “nothing in particular.”

  • Acquiring the URL for real-time class
  • Message transmission of feedback (comments, questions, etc.) to the instructor in CoursePower.
  • Submission of homework
  • Nothing in particular
  • Other

3-3. Aside from access, please let us know if you have experienced any difficulties using CoursePower. You can choose multiple issues. If you have not experienced any problems thus far, please choose “nothing in particular.”

  • Slow speed
  • Concern about attendance record
  • Inconvenience in submission of homework
  • Restrictions on upload file size
  • Nothing in particular
  • Other

3-4. Please let us know what other platforms, aside from CoursePower, that you have used for sharing course materials. You can choose multiple answers.

  • Only CoursePower
  • Google Classroom
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Online Storage (GoogleDrive, OneDrive,Dropbox,iCloud,Box, etc.)
  • SNS/Chat (Facebook、Twitter、LINE、Slack、Discord, etc.)
  • Bulletin board system
  • Other blog content sharing services (note、Medium、AmeBlo (Ameba), Hatena Blog, etc.)
  • Self-designed website
  • Other

3-5. Please let us know how convenient each of the following platforms is for sharing course materials. For those item(s) you have not used, please choose “have not used.”(Abbreviations: Classroom=Google Classroom、MS Teams=Microsoft Teams)

1.Difficult to use 2. 3.Fair 4. 5. Easy to Use 6. Have not used

  • CoursePower
  • Google Classroom
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Online storage
  • SNS/chat
  • Bulletin board system
  • Blog
  • Self-designed website

3-6. Please explain the reason(s) why you think that the platform(s) you chose is/are convenient. Please specify which tool(s) you are referring to in your explanation.

4. Questions about real-time courses

A real-time course is an interactive distance education style in which both the instructor and the students are online simultaneously

4-1. *Do you take any real-time course(s)?

A real-time course is an interactive distance education style in which both the instructor and the students are online simultaneously.

  • Yes
  • No

4-2. What kind of terminal do you usually use for real-time courses?

※ Terminal here refers to not a tethering terminal but the terminal through which you watch the video.

  • Desktop computer
  • Laptop computer
  • Smart phone
  • Feature phone
  • Tablet
  • Other

4-3. Please let us know how convenient it is to use Webex for real-time courses.

Webex is a TV conference system by Cisco, recommended by the Information Media Center at Aoyama Gakuin University

Difficult to listen to lectures 1 2 3 4 5 Easy to listen to lectures

4-4. Why do you think it is difficult to listen to lectures on Webex?

4-5. Why do you think it is easy to listen to lectures on Webex?

4-6. Please tell us if you have used any platform(s) other than Webex in real-time course(s). 

  • Zoom Zoom
  • Google Meet(formerly Hangouts Meet)
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Skype Skype
  • Spatial.Chat
  • Other:

4-7. Please let us know how convenient each of the following platforms is to use.

  1. Difficult to use 2. 3. Fair 4. 5. Easy to Use Have not Used
  • Webex
  • Zoom
  • Google Meet(formerly Hangouts Meet)
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Skype
  • Spatial.Chat

4-8. Please explain the reason(s) for your choice of 4 or 5(easy to use) in Question 4-7 above, for each tool you evaluated as either 4 or 5.

4-9. In real-time courses, have you ever experienced group discussions among a small number of members? (e.g., Zoom’s breakout sessions, Remo, Google Meets divided into multiple tabs, Spatial.Chat, etc.)

  • Yes
  • No

4-10. To what extent do you think that online group discussion tools are convenient to use?

If your answer to 4-9 was “No,” you can skip this question.

Difficult to use 1 2 3 4 5 Easy to use

4-11. Please indicate the merit(s) of real-time online courses, if any.

4-12. Please indicate the demerit(s) of real-time online courses, if any.

5. Questions about on-demand courses

An on-demand course is one in which students watch videos prepared by the instructor in advance. Real-time courses conducted via Zoom and so forth are not categorized as on-demand courses.

5-1. Do you take any on-demand courses?

  • Yes
  • No

5-2. What kind of terminal do you usually use for on-demand courses?

  • Desktop computer
  • Laptop computer
  • Smart phone
  • Feature phone
  • Tablet
  • Other

5-3. What kind of style(s) do the on-demand courses you currently take have?

  • Video
  • Audio
  • Slides/handout materials
  • Other

5-4. What length is appropriate for a video lecture for each class? (One class is 90 minutes in total)

Duration: 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 40 minutes, 50 minutes, 60 minutes, 70 mintes, 80 minutes, 90 minutes

5-5. How do you evaluate the convenience of on-demand courses?

Difficult to take 1 2 3 4 5  Easy to take

5-6. Please indicate the merits of on-demand courses, if any.

5-7. Please indicate the demerits of on-demand courses, if any.

6. Questions about self-study courses

In a self-study course, students study on their own based on course materials prepared and uploaded by the instructor in advance. There is no particular video for explanation of the course materials by the instructor

6-1. Do you take any self-study courses?

In a self-study course, students study on their own based on course materials prepared and uploaded by the instructor in advance. There is no particular video for explanation of the course materials by the instructor

  • Yes
  • No

6-2. Please indicate the merit(s) of self-study courses, if any.

6-3. Please indicate the demerit(s) of self-study courses, if any.

7. GSC G Suite※ について Questions about GSC G Suite

※ G Suite for Education service by Google was distributed to all GSC students and staff/faculty members in mid-May 2020

7-1. Do you currently use the GSC G Suite account prepared and tested by GSC?

  • I am already using it.
  • I set the initial password but have not used it yet.
  • I have not set the login/password yet.
  • I do not know what GSC G Suite is.

7-2. How do you evaluate the convenience of using GSC G Suite?

Inconvenient 1 2 3 4 5 Convenient 

7-3. Please indicate the merits of using GSC G Suite, if any.

7-4. Please indicate the demerits of using GSC G Suite, if any.

8. Questions about your ideal course style

Please let us know your opinion about what the ideal course style would be in the post-Covid-19 era.

8-1. After the end of the Covid-19 pandemic, courses will revert to being taught in person. What role do you think online courses should have when that happens?

If you have a particular idea of your own, please explain it in the “other” section

  • a) All courses should be taught in person
  • b) There should be some options for online courses (each instructor decides if his/her course should be taught online or in person)
  • c) In-person classes and online classes should be combined in a course (under the assumption that some students can participate online in an in-person class)
  • Other

8-2. If you chose b) or c) as your answer to Question 8-1 above, which type of combination is the most ideal online style? (you can choose multiple answers)

  • Real-time class
  • On-demand class
  • Self-study class
  • Other

9. Your honest opinion

9-1. Please let us know what expectations you have for online courses. 

9-2 Please let us know about any concerns you may have about online courses. 

Message to respondents

Thank you for your participation! Your responses are valuable assets enabling the staff and faculty members to better discuss how to improve and evolve education at GSC, as well as higher education in general. The GSC staff and faculty will do their utmost to deal with the emergency under Covid-19 and endeavor to prepare more meaningful education for all our students.

Please feel free to convey your opinions to the GSC G Suite Help Center Chapel via Facebook.

Let’s work together to make GSC better than ever!